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This bar indicates that you are within the PDS enterprise which includes 6 science discipline nodes and 2 support nodes which are overseen by the Project Management Office at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Each node is led by an expert in the subject discipline, supported by an advisory group of other practitioners of that discipline, and subject to selection and approval under a regular NASA Research Announcement.

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Instructions for Reviewers

PDS/SBN Comet Data Review

This brief guide should give you an idea of what is expected from our reviewers before and during the peer review meeting. If you have any questions, please do contact the SBN review coordinator as soon as possible.

  1. If you are assigned to be Lead Reviewer for a subset of the datasets, you will lead the discussion on these data sets at the review meeting. You are also asked to give special attention to these data sets, and in particular to download each data set (or a sample of it) and attempt to use it to answer one or more scientific questions, as if you were an end-user of the archive.
  2. If you are assigned to be Secondary Reviewer for a subset of the datasets, you will contribute to the discussion on these data sets at the review meeting. You are also asked to give special attention to these data sets, and in particular to download each data set (or a sample of it) and attempt to use it to answer one or more scientific questions, as if you were an end-user of the archive.
  3. You should examine every data set included in the review, including those for which you are not Lead or Secondary Reviewer. The data sets can be browsed from the review web site, or downloaded in whole or in part for further study. When there is a general discussion about a data set, we ultimately want an informed consensus from all reviewers present on the disposition of the data set.
  4. In all cases, please be sure to consult and evaluate the data set documentation.
  5. If you find yourself pressed for time due to unforeseen circumstances, we recommend you give first priority to the data sets for which you are lead reviewer, second priority to those for which you are secondary reviewer, third to other new data sets (Version 1.0), and fourth to data set updates (Version 2.0 or later), if any. However, in normal circumstances we do expect all reviewers to examine all data sets included in the review.
  6. If you find typos, misspellings, or grammatical errors in the datasets, email these to the SBN review coordinator prior to the review meeting, or bring a list to the meeting to submit. We don't generally spend time in the review itemizing typos.
  7. If you have written comments or presentations you would like to submit prior to or during the meeting for posting to the review site, please email (or hand) them to the SBN review coordinator.
  8. If you have any problems browsing or downloading data sets, accessing the review web site, or if you need tools to examine the data, please contact the SBN review coordinator immediately so that the appropriate accommodations can be made.

Thank you for your time and effort. We and our community deeply appreciate the extremely valuable contributions of our reviewers to the quality and stability of the PDS/SBN archives.