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  • Wikipedia: IHW

The International Halley Watch (IHW) Archive

The original IHW archive consisted of a set of CDROMs and supplementary material including:

IHW Nets

The observations contributed to the archive were divided among several networks, each concentrating on a specific type or source of data. All of these observers were ground-based:

Target Comets

Three different comets were observed by the IHW members:

Usage Notes: These data were prepared when PDS standards were in their earliest stages and the FITS TABLE extension had not yet reached its final state. Expect to encounter unsupported keywords, extensions and formats in any and all files. A restoration effort is underway as a long-term task by personnel at the Small Bodies node, to convert these data into forms and organizations more in line with current PDS and FITS standards and use, starting with the Comet Halley data. While none of the version 2.0 data sets have been officially archived, the development versions have been linked in to the tables below, where they exist, in the last column. All users would be well-advised to seek out any errata in an errata.txt file, which appears in the root directory of the data set. Additional documentation can also be found in the aareadme.txt file in the root directory, and in the files of the document/ subdirectory.

Observations of 27P/Crommelin 1 (1928 W1)

These data sets were submitted for Comet Crommelin. Note that as the first practice target for the IHW members, these data are in very primitive forms. They do not have PDS labels, and come with very little documentation.

IHW NetArchived Data Set
AMSN Visual Magnitude Estimate
ASTR Astrometric Observations
IRSN Infrared Filter Parameters
IRSN Infrared Photometry
LSPN Large-Scale Images
LSPN Attempts at large-scale imaging that failed
NNSN Near-Nucleus Imaged
PPN Photometric Fluxes
PPN Photometric Magnitudes
PPN Polarimetry
RSN Radio Science Continuum Measurements
RSN Attempted Radio Continuum Measurements that returned no data
RSN Radio OH Observations
RSN Attempted radio OH observations that returned no data
RSN Attempted radio spectral line observations that returned no data
SSN Raw 2-D Spectra
SSN Reduced 2-D Spectra
SSN 1-D Spectra

Observations of 21P/Giacobini-Zinner 1 (1900 W1)

Many more members contributed observations to the IHW for this "dry-run" target.

IHW NetArchived Data Set
AMSN Drawings. The drawings are not included, but the circumstances and general observations are supplied in the form of a data header
AMSN Visual Magnitude Estimates
AMSN Analog Photography. The photos are not included, but headers provide circumstances and general observations regarding the images.
ASTR Astrometry
IRSN Infrared Filter Parameters
IRSN Infrared Images
IRSN Attempted IR Imaging that returned no data
IRSN Infrared Photometry
IRSN Infrared Polarimetry
IRSN Infrared Spectra
LSPN Large-Scale Images
LSPN Attempts at large-scale imaging that returned no data
NNSN Near-Nucleus Images
PPN Photometric Fluxes
PPN Photometric Magnitudes
PPN Polarimetry
RSN Attempted radio continuum observations that returned no data
RSN Radio Occultation Observations
RSN Radio OH Observations
RSN Attempted radio spectral line observations that returned no data
SSN 1-D Spectra
SSN Raw 2-D Spectra
SSN Reduced 2-D Spectra

The International Cometary Explorer (ICE, formerly ISEE) also observed Comet Giacobini-Zinner with the instruments listed:

SpacecraftArchived Data Set
ICE Energetic Particle Anisotropy Spectrometer
ICE Ion Composition Instrument
ICE Magnetometer
ICE Plasma Wave Experiment - Electronic Field Measurement
ICE Plasma Wave Experiment - Magnetic Field Measurement
ICE Radio Wave Detector
ICE Solar Wind Plasma Experiment
ICE Ultra-Low Energy Charge Analyzer

Observations of 1P/Halley 1 (1682 Q1)

The IHW members contributed the following observations:

IHW NetArchived Data SetVersion In Preparation
AMSN Drawings. The drawings are not included, but headers supply general circumstances of the observations. None
AMSN Analog Photography. The photographs are not included, but headers supply general circumstances of the observations. None
AMSN Spectra. Headers record when and what sort of observation took place, but results were not submitted. None
AMSN Visual Magnitude Estimates None
ASTR Astrometry Version 2.0
IRSN IR Filter Response Curves Version 2.0
IRSN IR Filter Parameter Tables Version 2.0
IRSN Infrared Images Version 2.0
IRSN Infrared Photometry Version 2.0
IRSN Infrared Photometry - Additional Data None
IRSN Infrared Polarimetry Version 2.0
IRSN Infrared Spectra Version 2.0
IRSN Attempted IR Spectral Observations that resulted in no data None
LSPN Large-Scale Images Version 2.0
LSPN Attempted large-scale imaging that returned no results None
MSN Eta Aquarids - Radar Meteor Counts None
MSN Eta Aquarids - Visual Meteor Counts None
MSN Orionids - Radar Meteor Counts None
MSN Orionids - Visual Meteor Counts None
NNSN International Halley Watch Near Nucleus Images of Comet Halley v2.0
PPN Photometric Fluxes Version 2.0
PPN Photometric Magnitudes Version 2.0
PPN Polarimetry Version 2.0
PPN Polarimetry - Stokes Parameters Version 2.0
RSN Radio Continuum Measurements None
RSN Attempted radio continuum measurements that produced no results None
RSN Radio Occultation Observations None
RSN OH Observations None
RSN Arecibo Radar Observations None
RSN Radio Spectral Line Observations None
RSN Attempted radio spectral line observations that returned no data None
RSN U-V Observations None
SSN Raw 2-D Spectra
SSN Calibrate 2-D Spectra
SSN Calibrated 1-D Spectra

A number of spacecraft, dubbed the "Halley Armada", also observed the comet at the same time as the IHW Net members. The following data sets are included in the IHW archive:

SpacecraftArchived Data Set
Giotto Dust Impact Detector
Giotto Radio Science Experiment
Giotto Radio Science Experiment - Additional Observations
Giotto Halley Multi-Colour Camera Images
Giotto Ion Mass Spectrometer, High Energy Range Observations
Giotto Ion Mass Spectrometer, High Intensity Spectrometer Observations
Giotto Johnstone 3-Dimensional Particle Analyzer Data Merged with Magnetometer Data
Giotto Magnetometer Data
Giotto Photopolarimetry from the Optical Probe Experiment
Giotto Particle Impact Analyzer Data
Sakigake Interplanetary Magnetic Field Experiment Data
Sakigake Solar Wind Instrument Data
Suisei Solar Wind Experiment Data
Vega 1 Dust Particle Counter and Mass Analyzer Results
Vega 1 Infrared Spectrometer, Raw Data
Vega 1 Infrared Spectrometer, Processed Data
Vega 1 Fluxgate Magnetometer Comet Observations
Vega 1 Fluxgate Magnetometer Comet and Solar Wind Data, in its original form
Vega 1 Plasma Energy Analyzer Observations
Vega 1 Dust Impact Mass Analyzer, Raw Data
Vega 1 Dust Impact Mass Analyser, Processed Data
Vega 1 Dust Impact Plasma Detector, Electrode Collector Data
Vega 1 Dust Impact Plasma Detector, Acoustic Sensor Data
Vega 1 Tunde-M Energetic Particle Analyser Data
Vega 1 Television System, Raw Images
Vega 1 Television System, Processed Images
Vega 2 Fluxgate Magnetometer Comet and Solar Wind Data, in its original form
Vega 2 Dust Particle Counter and Mass Analyzer Results
Vega 2 Plasma Energy Analyzer Data
Vega 2 Dust Impact Mass Analyzer, Raw Data
Vega 2 Dust Impact Mass Analyzer, Processed Data
Vega 2 Dust Impact Plasma Detector, Electrode Collector Data
Vega 2 Dust Impact Plasma Detector, Acoustic Sensor Data
Vega 2 Television System, Raw Images
Vega 2 Television System, Processed Images
Vega 2 Television System, Transformed Images

Comet Halley experienced an outburst event in 1988-1992. These ground-based observatories submitted data covering that event:

ObservatoryData Set
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Halley Outburst Images
European Southern Observatory Halley Outburst Images
University of Hawaii Halley Outburst Images

Related Datasets

Use the Small Bodies Data Ferret to find other datasets for this mission/target.