VEGA 1/2 MISCHA CD Version 1.1 Date 12. Aug. 1997 IWF Graz Magda Delva ============================================================================== Offset determination for the VEGA-1 and VEGA-2 mission IWF, Graz, 4 July 1996 Magda Delva **************************************************************** A detailed description of the calibration is given in IWF 9003 "Comet Halley remote plasma tail observations and in-situ solar wind properties: Vega 1/2 IMF-plasma observations and ground-based optical observations from 1 Dec. 85 to 1 May 1986." 1990, M. Delva. K. Schwingenschuh, M.B. Niedner, K.I.Gringauz, W. Riedler, C.T. Russell The ASCII files B01offset.dat B02offset.dat contain a list of time intervals and the associated offsets values (Ox, Oy, Oz, Ou) to be subtracted from the MISCHA magnetic field SC data. Offsets were determinated through a correlation technique (Hedgecock,...) or through a set of linear equations (C.T. Russell's method). The actual method used is given through a nr. after the actual offset value: example: 22 dec 84 13 34 22 -> begin of time interval 23 dec 84 08 17 00 -> end " " " 5.5 0.0 0.5 9.5 -> offset values Ox,Oy,Oz,Ou 0 -> identification of method used 0. -> flag to be set (0.= NO problems) These ASCII files have the format used by the MASTERFILE program to make the offset correction for the masterfile. More explanation is found in the Masterfile-program description.