PDS_VERSION_ID          = PDS3                                                
RECORD_TYPE             = STREAM                                              
OBJECT                  = TEXT                                                
   INTERCHANGE_FORMAT   = ASCII                                               
   PUBLICATION_DATE     = 2011-07-31                                          
   NOTE                 = "Select Stardust prime mission documentation."      
END_OBJECT              = TEXT                                                
Select Stardust prime mission documentation                                   
  The files under this /DOCUMENT/STARDUST/ directory provide documentation    
  for the Stardust PDS data archives.  The sources of these files are         
  one or more Stardust prime mission PDS data sets.                           
  NC_DES_A.* file  (.LBL and .PDF)                                            
    This PDF file is the original NAVCAM Instrument Description Document      
    The original source of these files was the DOCUMENT/ subdirectory under   
    the following URL:                                                        
  CALIBRPT.* file (.LBL and .PDF)                                             
    This PDF file is the original NAVCAM calibration report.                  
    The original source of these files was the DOCUMENT/CALRPT/               
    subdirectory under the following URL:                                     
  SCDESC/ subdirectory - Stardust spacecraft and instrument descriptions      
    The files under /DOCUMENT/STARDUST/SCDESC/ compose a description of the   
    Stardust spacecraft and instruments in HTML format.  The SCDESC/          
    subdirectory contains HTML files along with the corresponding GIF and     
    JPEG image files, and one PDF file.  The HTML file SCDESC/SCDESC.HTM      
    is the top-level HTML file (analogous to INDEX.HTM or INDEX.HTML on       
    simple web servers).  These files were part of Stardust prime mission     
    archives [SEMENOVETAL2008].                                               
    The original source of these files was the scdesc/ subdirectory of this   
    The original description of these files was the following:                
      SCDESC           -- subdirectory containing the spacecraft and          
                          instrument description document, consisting         
                          of a collection of HTML documents and               
                          accompanying images, describing the various         
                          subsystems on the spacecraft as well as a           
                          description of each of the science                  
                          instruments on the spacecraft. The top HTML         
                          file for this document is SCDESC.HTM.               
/DOCUMENT/OLDDOC/ directory layout                                            
 +--OLDDOC/                   This directory                                  
    +--NC_DES_A.LBL           PDS label for old NAVCAM Instrument Description 
    +--NC_DES_A.PDF           Old NAVCAM Instrument Description, PDF          
    +--NAVCAM_CALIBRPT.LBL    PDS label for old NAVCAM calibration report     
    +--NAVCAM_CALIBRPT.PDF    Old NAVCAM calibration report, PDF              
    +--SCDESC/                Subdirectory containing HTML and supporting     
    |  |                      files describing the Stardust spacecraft        
    |  |                                                                      
    |  +--SCDESC.LBL            PDS label for all SCDESC/ files               
    |  +--SCDESC.HTM            Top-level HTML file                           
    |  +--*.HTM                 HTML files                                    
    |  +--*.JPG                 JPEG images                                   
    |  +--*.GIF                 GIF images                                    
    |  +--AEROGEL.PDF           PDF file of aerogel brochure                  
    +--SDOCINFO.TXT           This file