PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-04-06 NOTE = "Explanation of PDS labels for STARDUST CIDA Spectrum and HK EDF files" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Example label -- Spectrum EDF File ================================== Example label -- HK EDF file ============================ Note that this example label is for an HK EDF file containing housekeeping parameters; the labels for HK EDF with other types of data -- configuration parameters, calibration parameters, global variables, and interrupt variables -- have identical structure and set of identification keywords. They differ only by the second container sub-object of the table object, defining the trailing columns of the table according to the type of HK EDF. PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 /* File characteristic keywords */ RECORD_TYPE = STREAM /* Identification data elements */ DATA_SET_ID = "SDU-C/D-CIDA-2/3-NEXT-TEMPEL1-V1.0" PRODUCT_ID = "HK_T19800101_T20030506.TAB" PRODUCT_TYPE = HOUSEKEEPING INSTRUMENT_NAME = "COMETARY AND INTERSTELLAR DUST ANALYZER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "CIDA" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "STARDUST" TARGET_NAME = "N/A" START_TIME = 1980-01-01T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2003-05-05T14:08:57 SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = " 0" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = " 736625568" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2003-05-07T13:30:12 /* Descriptive data elements */ DESCRIPTION = "CIDA housekeeping data" /* Pointers to data objects */ ^TABLE = 1744 OBJECT = TABLE NAME = CIDA_HOUSEKEEPING INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROW_BYTES = 463 ROWS = 27792 COLUMNS = 83 OBJECT = CONTAINER NAME = CIDA_HEADER_DATA START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 250 REPETITIONS = 1 DESCRIPTION = "CIDA header" ^STRUCTURE = "CIDA_HEADER.FMT" END_OBJECT = CONTAINER OBJECT = CONTAINER NAME = CIDA_HOUSEKEEPING_DATA START_BYTE = 251 BYTES = 211 REPETITIONS = 1 DESCRIPTION = "CIDA housekeeping channels data" ^STRUCTURE = "CIDA_HK.FMT" END_OBJECT = CONTAINER END_OBJECT = TABLE END General notes regarding label ============================= * Strings appear in quotes. * Integers and PDS times do not take quotes. * Lists are enclosed within {} type brackets. * If a field is unknown, "UNK" may be entered. * If a field is not applicable to this file, "N/A" can be used. * Fields can spill freely, with or without white space, onto following lines. Definition of Keywords/Values for SPICE Kernels: ================================================ PDS version identification keyword(s): PDS_VERSION_ID The version of the present PDS standards document -- PDS3 File characteristics keyword(s): RECORD_TYPE Record format of the file; STREAM for all CIDA EDF files because they are variable line length ASCII text files. Product identification keyword(s): DATA_SET_ID "SDU-C/D-CIDA-2/3-NEXT-TEMPEL1-V1.0" in all CIDA product labels. The fields of this data set ID mean: 'SDU' for Stardust spacecraft; 'C/D' for mission's targets comet Tempel-1 and interstellar dust; 'CIDA' for CIDA data identifier; '2/3' for the CODMAC processing level; 'NEXT' for data type identifier; and 'V1.0' for the data set version number. PRODUCT_ID Actual file name. In the example labels, is "T20030424181205A.TAB" and "HK_T19800101_T20030506.TAB". PRODUCT_TYPE Type of EDF product: SPECTRUM, HOUSEKEEPING, FDAQ_CALIBRATION, GLOBAL_VARIABLES, INTERRUPT_VARIABLES, or CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS. INSTRUMENT_NAME "COMETARY AND INTERSTELLAR DUST ANALYZER" in all CIDA product labels. INSTRUMENT_ID "CIDA" in all CIDA product labels. INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME "STARDUST" in all CIDA product labels. TARGET_NAME In Spectrum EDF files, set to observation target -- "9PTEMPEL 1 (1867 G1)" or "INTERSTELLAR PARTICLES" -- or "NON SCIENCE" for EDFs containing test frames, calibration spectra, or other non-scientific data. In HK EDF files, set to "N/A". START_TIME Data start time in PDS time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss). No quotes are needed. STOP_TIME Data stop time in PDS time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss). SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT Data start time as spacecraft clock. This is treated as a string, and is contained in quotes. Format is "XXXXXXXXX", where XXXXXXXXX are on-board clock integer seconds. SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT Data stop time as spacecraft clock in the same format as the start spacecraft clock. PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME Time when the file was created, in PDS time format, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. Additional descriptive keywords: INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID "POSITIVE ION MODE" or "NEGATIVE ION MODE" for Spectrum EDF files. Not present in HK EDF file labels. DESCRIPTION Brief description of the data in the file. DATA_QUALITY_ID 0 for the all the spectra, as no human checked calibration is given. Could be 1, when the mass scale is really established by scientific interpretation. DATA_QUALITY_DESC Description of the DATA_QUALITY_ID. Gives the mass calibration factors a and b used, m = pow(t-b/a,2) Object pointer and data object definition keywords: Keywords in this section define TABLE object(s) and their sub-objects and point to the data location within the product. For each of the objects the set of keywords defining it complies with minimum identification requirements.