PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-07-31 NOTE = "Documents accompanying Stardust-NExT CIDA Data Archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END CIDA documentation ================== The documents in this /DOCUMENT/ directory, along with the files in the /CATALOG/ directory, contain the essentials required to view and understand the data in this data set. The CIDA data product Software Interface Specification (SIS) document describes all CIDA data formats included on this volume and is provided in the CIDASIS.ASC file in ASCII text format. ONLABELS.TXT describes the keywords and values found in the data product PDS labels. AAAREADME.TXT is the "Read me first file" for the entire data set; it is meant to serve as a Table of Contents for the data set, to provide an overview of the contents of the data set, and to aid the user in quickly determining whether this data set satisfies their immediate interest. This file is a duplicate of the top-level AAREADME.TXT file for this data set. ACROABBR.TXT lists acronyms and abbreviations used in this data set. The CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE*.* files provide an example of calibrating CIDA time-of-flight spectrum data contained in CIDA Spectrum EDF files. As described in CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.LBL, this document is present in two formats that are effectively three: a complete PDF and a dual ASCII+HTML format with separate PNG images. The /SAMPLES/ subdirectory contains time-of-flight spectral plots of selected data from this data set. The purpose is to provide products derived from this data set which the user can duplicate to ensure they are properly interpreting the data files. See the file SAMPINFO.TXT for details of the files in the /SAMPLES/ subdirectory. /DOCUMENT/ directory layout =========================== /DOCUMENT/ | +-- AAAREADME.TXT Data set "Read me first file" | +-- DOCINFO.TXT This file | +-- CIDASIS.LBL CIDA data product SIS +-- CIDASIS.ASC - ASCII format | +-- ONLABELS.TXT PDS data label documentation | +-- ACROABBR.TXT Acronyms and abbreviations | +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.LBL CIDA calibration example +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.HTM - dual ASCII+HTML format +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE_FIG01.PNG - Figure to go with .HTM file +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE_FIG02.PNG - Figure to go with .HTM file +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE_FIG03.PNG - Figure to go with .HTM file +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE_FIG04.PNG - Figure to go with .HTM file +-- CIDA_CAL_EXAMPLE.PDF - Portable Document Format | +--SAMPLES/ Directory containing sample files derived from | | the data in this data set, as an aid to users | | to confirm they are correctly interpreting the | | data files. See SAMPLES/SAMPINFO.TXT for | | more information. | +--SAMPINFO.TXT File describing contents of SAMPLES/ | +--*.LBL PDS labels for the sample files; the DESCRIPTION | | keyword will have more information about the | | individual sample files. | +--*.* Sample files pointed to by the labels. | +--OLDDOC/ Directory containing copies of selected files | from the Stardust Prime mission data set | documentation for information and comparison. | See OLDDOC/ODOCINFO.TXT for more information. +--ODOCINFO.TXT File describing contents of OLDDOC/ +--*.LBL PDS Labels for files; the DESCRIPTION keyword | will have more information about the individual | document files. +--*.* Document files pointed to by the labels. +--*/ Optional subdirectories.