SDU-C/CAL-NAVCAM-3-NEXT-TEMPEL1-V1.0 ==================================== Result: Certified; accepted pending lien resolution. Liens ===== o Please add acronym list to documentation. o catalog/ - Says wavelengths in the filter table are in nanometers, but most of them appear to be in Angstroms. The notation is generally confusing for "blocking" and needs to be explained. (Transmission curves elsewhere may contain better, or better-formatted, information and could be referenced.) - line 53, change ";" to "," - line 230 "hold" -> "held" - line 753 Define E (encounter time). Please standardize the usage between documents (T is used elsewhere, e.g., in next.txt). - line 778 "E-3d" -> "E-3 days" o Add the corrected compression table to the data set. o catalog/ - Has gaps in the mission phase table. These should be explained, preferably by documenting the idle interstitial days in the phase table. Also check the "Spacecraft Operations Type" values in this table; and it would probably be a good idea to proof everything in the table. - One version ahead of the other datasets'. - line 30 "15.February" -> "15 February" - line 89 "200X" -> "2006" - line 122 "CIDA on" -> "CIDA was on" - line 123 "data taken" -> "data were taken" - line 126 "Performed navigation maneuvers" -> "Navigation maneuvers were performed" - line 142 T is used here for the time of encounter, but E was used in Please standardize this usage. Also, please define T (or E). - line 166, remove "." after 15 - line 189 "26.March" -> "25 March" - line 192: "earth" -> "Earth" o catalog/ - Doesn't mention the "Approach" and "Encounter" phases mentioned in the mission catalog. The mapping from these names to the abbreviations used in file names should be mentioned in the mission catalog. - "Data product type and overview" and "Parameters" sections, there are paragraphs for both the raw and calibrated data, but only the relevant ones should be retained. - lines 132 and 133: 8-s and 6s, make the wording consistent, and consistent with 15s in line 142 - line 200: insrument -> instrument - line 343, move coma from after "not" to after "scale" - line 367 "on on" -> "on" - line 426 Consider adding a phrase like this for clarification: "These reasons for missing images are explained below." - Has host ID of "SDU", but this is "N/A" in the instrument file. This discrepancy needs to be resolved. o Change "decalibration" to terminology less likely to confuse users. o If possible, please provide a table of X, Y position (or RA, Dec) of the comet in each image. Tony Farnham says he can supply this table. o VOLDESC.CAT is missing RECORD_TYPE. o The document/samples directory needs to be either filled or removed. If possible, please add a browse facility with thumbnails for at least the encounter images. o catalog/ - BROWNLEEETAL2003 is missing author F. Horz - After first author, initials precede last name, e.g. for "BELTONETAL2011": REFERENCE_DESC = "Belton, M.J.S., Meech, K.J., Chesley, S., ..." should be REFERENCE_DESC = "Belton, M.J.S., K.J. Meech, S. Chesley, ..." - DUXBURYETAL2004 should be DUXBURYETAL2004B - missing references from other datasets' (which may be desired): SEMENOVETAL2004B, ECONOMOUETAL2011, GREENETAL2004, TUZZOLINO1994 o aareadme.txt - line 23 "considered and integral" -> "considered an integral" [in all three aareadme.txt files] o calib/navcam_activity_log.lbl - line 70 "the the" -> "to the" - line 240 "irrlevant" -> "irrelevant" o catalog/ - line 134 "15.February" -> "15 February" o aareadme.txt - line 23 "considered and integral" -> "considered an integral" [in all three aareadme.txt files] o calib/navcam_activity_log.lbl - line 70 "the the" -> "to the" - line 240 "irrlevant" -> "irrelevant" o document/docinfo.txt - Lines 48 and 49 are duplicates with one word different. Delete one of these lines o document/nc_fits_sis.htm - lines 29 and 1031 "Pypeline" -> "Pipeline" o For the calibrated data only: Calibration does not remove the striping in the images. Removing the stripes would be a non-reversible process. The presence of these stripes should be mentioned relatively high up in the data set description of the calibrated data set catalog file. o Note that there is a reference in the next, preflight data set that should be added to the reference list for these data sets. o data/*fit and *lbl - Add a quality map and a signal-to-noise map as FITS image extensions to the calibrated data products as discussed in the NExT calibration paper. This will not effect the original, primary image. This lien was imposed internally by the NExT team with approval of SBN on 10 Jan 2012. - Compute and add the Sun azimuth and elevation, where possible, to the FITS headers and PDS labels. Include definitions of those terms in the documentation. This lien was imposed internally by the NExT team with the approval of SBN on 10 Jan 2012.