SDDFMI_0002 =========== - When SPICE is used to generate geometry values in labels, the DATA_SET_ID should be referenced in the data label and the specific kernels used should be identified by filename. In cases where non-archived kernels were used, the kernel files themselves should be included in the data set archive. aareadme.txt ------------ - Change the string '*.LBL' to '*.FMT' in the following line: DATA: | +-- *.LBL DFMI EDR table column format definition file(s). - Since there is only one of each of these formats in the data directory, should the actual name of each file be given? errata.txt ---------- - This file is not necessary. ----------- - Catalog file names are not the same as the names of the files in the catalog directory (data set and instrument). - Syntax error line 56: Comma following the DATA_SET_CATALOG value. catalog/ -------- - Missing ABSTRACT_DESC and CITATION_DESC - Under the "Ancillary Data" heading, we should add the DATA_SET_ID of the Stardust SPICE data set for completeness and for user convenience. - Under 'Processing' section, "striped" should be "stripped" - Need an attribution for the description section. data/ ----- - In the Acoustic Sensor values, particularly the high & low bumpers, the values around close approach do not seem reasonable - the "cumulative count" increases and decreases a number of times, but there is no documented instrument problem or rollover that might explain this. An explanation is needed. - Column heading definitions do not contain units. The appropriate units (or modified column headings) should be added. - In the .fmt file, column 9, et al. descriptions should say that it is a low/high mass threshold, not just a low/high threshold. - .fmt file: Column 12 description says "low" where it should be "high" and "sensor 1" where it should be "sensor 2". - fmt file: Columns 13-16, description should be reworded to refer to the lowest, second lowest, etc. - omitting the "large sensor threshold" terminology which is confusing. Propagate elsewhere in the file as appropriate. - PVCF: Highest mass threshhold of small area detector has zero counts. Is this a reasonable result given results on large area detector? Acoustic sensor - not clear whether cumulative counts or count rates. One bumper microphone drops way down - is this a reset? Is it saturation? Is it rollover? - Is there a temperature in the telemetry for the power supply? If so, put it in the table. - Documents say acoustic time resol = 1 sec and PVCF resol = 0.1 sec. What is the meaning of the millisec resolution in the table? - Need good calibration data for impact sensors (density dependence, etc.). Provide guidance on which calibration to use and how much uncertainty there is in the calibration. (paper quoted uncertainty of factor 3!) *.lbl - I thought the HEADER_TYPE for CSV tables was going to be "COLUMN_LABELS" or something like that. Is "CSV" the right terminology? (Isn't that a table type that may or may not have a header?) - Column headings - clarify high and low what (and fix wrong ones). document/ --------- - The Small Sensor reported no impacts at the m4 threshold, but there is no mention of this in the documentation. The lack of results should be noted and explained. dfmical.asc and dfmical.pdf - Was this published someplace? If so, and assuming we have permission to reprint it, we should credit the publication in the label at least. If it was written for us (PDS), the label should contain a CITATION_DESC. - In tables 1 and 4, the "byte" references don't actually refer to the data file presented here, but rather the telemetry stream as it came down. This should be made clear. - The times recorded in the data file need some additional documentation. Specifically, we need to know the relationship between the reported time and the point of measurement. - Provide some additional explanation and guidance on how and when to apply the two different calibration constants. Add a discussion of the uncertainty in the calibration. - If the dfmical.pdf file is re-created, place the figures in-line if possible. - dfmical.asc: The word mirco is misspelled on line 24. - Should capture the figures in the pdf version and convert to png? Also copy the captions for the figures to the ascii version - Need to update reference to Tuzzolino paper -- change it to the 2003 reference in the REFERENCE.CAT file index/*lbl ---------- - Need formats on each entry.