PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM DATA_SET_ID = "RO-X-HK-3-TCS-V1.0" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-11-30 NOTE = "Description of the BROWSE directory contents for Rosetta TCS Housekeeping data deliveries" END_OBJECT = TEXT END BROWSE Directory Contents The BROWSE directory contains PNG thumbnail files for browsing the data provided in the DATA directory. Each file comes with a detached PDS label. Note that there is *not* a one to one correspondence between the DATA products and the BROWSE products. Instead, BROWSE products are provided either as quarterly or monthly overviews. BROWSE products are also only provided for a selected set of parameters (RPC Boom) in the data sets, chosen to highlight the benefits of their use. For further details of the BROWSE product implementation, please see the USER_GUIDE.PDF and the EAICD_HK.PDF documents in the DOCUMENT directory. The BROWSE file naming convention is defined to match with the part of the directory structure defined in the /DATA directories, i.e. _. where: is the housekeeping parameter presented is the year shown in the thumbnail is either PNG for the browse file or LBL for the corresponding PDS label file