KPL/FK FILE: This file was created by PINPOINT. PINPOINT Version 3.0.0 --- March 26, 2009 PINPOINT RUN DATE/TIME: 2013-01-02T22:21:43 PINPOINT DEFINITIONS FILE: PINPOINT PCK FILE: PINPOINT SPK FILE: malargue.bsp The input definitions file is appended to this file as a comment block. Body-name mapping follows: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += 'MALARGUE' NAIF_BODY_CODE += 398958 \begintext Reference frame specifications follow: Topocentric frame MALARGUE_TOPO The Z axis of this frame points toward the zenith. The X axis of this frame points North. Topocentric frame MALARGUE_TOPO is centered at the site MALARGUE which at the epoch 2003 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 TDB has Cartesian coordinates X (km): 0.1823343363400E+04 Y (km): -0.4850457990300E+04 Z (km): -0.3708971815400E+04 and planetodetic coordinates Longitude (deg): -69.3981777208571 Latitude (deg): -35.7759705203630 Altitude (km): 0.1572505010896E+01 These planetodetic coordinates are expressed relative to a reference spheroid having the dimensions Equatorial radius (km): 6.3781363000000E+03 Polar radius (km): 6.3567516010000E+03 All of the above coordinates are relative to the frame ITRF93. \begindata FRAME_MALARGUE_TOPO = 1398958 FRAME_1398958_NAME = 'MALARGUE_TOPO' FRAME_1398958_CLASS = 4 FRAME_1398958_CLASS_ID = 1398958 FRAME_1398958_CENTER = 398958 OBJECT_398958_FRAME = 'MALARGUE_TOPO' TKFRAME_1398958_RELATIVE = 'ITRF93' TKFRAME_1398958_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_1398958_UNITS = 'DEGREES' TKFRAME_1398958_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_1398958_ANGLES = ( -290.6018222791429, -125.7759705203630, 180.0000000000000 ) \begintext Definitions file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original file name: File creation date: 02-JAN-2013 Author: N. Bachman (JPL/NAIF) Description ----------- This PINPOINT input file contains geocentric position and velocity data for the ESA 35m station at Malargue. Station position and velocity data were provided by Dr. William Folkner (via email dated 02-JAN-2013). The SPICE integer code for this station is 398958. Earth radii used to define the zenith direction for the topocentric reference frame associated with this station are those used for the FK Reference Spheroid ------------------ The reference bi-axial spheroid is defined by an equatorial and a polar radius. Calling these Re and Rp respectively, the flattening factor f is defined as f = ( Re - Rp ) / Re For the reference spheroid used by this file, the equatorial radius Re and inverse flattening factor 1/f are Re = 6378136.3 m 1/f = 298.257 begindata BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.1363 6378.1363 6356.751601 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'MALARGUE' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 398958 ) SITES = ( 'MALARGUE' ) MALARGUE_CENTER = 399 MALARGUE_FRAME = 'ITRF93' MALARGUE_IDCODE = 398958 MALARGUE_XYZ = ( 1823.3433634 -4850.4579903 -3708.9718154 ) MALARGUE_DXYZ = ( -0.0262 -0.0177 0.0122 ) MALARGUE_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-1 MALARGUE_TOPO_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-1 MALARGUE_UP = 'Z' MALARGUE_NORTH = 'X' MALARGUE_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-1, @2050-JAN-1 ) begintext begintext [End of definitions file]