PDS_VERSION_ID     = PDS3                                                     
RECORD_TYPE        = STREAM                                                   
DATA_SET_ID        =  "RO-C-RSI-1/2/3-ESC3-0897-V1.0"
PRODUCT_ID         = "TNF_SIS"                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =  2017-10-04T09:52:11.000
OBJECT             = TEXT                                                     
  PUBLICATION_DATE   = 2002-12-15                                             
  NOTE               = "Deep Space Mission System External Interface          
                        Specification for TRK-2-34 radio metric               
                        tracking data delivered to navigation and radio       
                        science.  Document converted to text-only for PDS     
                        archiving by R. Simpson 2003-04-21. Editorial         
                        corrections 2003-05-02."                              
END_OBJECT         = TEXT                                                     
Deep Space Mission System (DSMS)                                              
External Interface Specification                                              
JPL D-16765                                                                   
DSMS Tracking System                                                          
Data Archival Format                                                          
Original Release: April 30, 2000                                              
Revision B: December 15, 2002                                                 
Document Owner:                                                               
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Jeff B. Berner                   Date                                         
Service System Development Engineer,                                          
Telecommunications Services                                                   
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Tomas J. Martin-Mur              Date                                         
Service System Development Engineer,                                          
Tracking & Navigation Services                                                
Approved by:                                                                  
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
L.A. Cangahuala                  Date                                         
Service System Manager,                                                       
Tracking & Navigation Services                                                
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Susan Kurtik                     Date                                         
Service System Manager,                                                       
Telecommunications Services                                                   
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Wallace Tai                      Date                                         
Manager, DSMS Systems Engineering and Standards Office                        
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
J. Stipanuk                      Date                                         
Interface Engineer and Release Authority                                      
Prepared By:                                                                  
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Jeff B. Berner                   Date                                         
Service System Development Engineer,                                          
Telecommunications Services                                                   
Reviewed By:                                                                  
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Dana Flora-Adams                 Date                                         
Tracking Data Delivery Service CDE                                            
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Charles Ruggier                  Date                                         
DSMS System Engineering                                                       
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
V.I. Altunin                     Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
(RADIOASTRON, 70m CoObsI, HALCA)                                              
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
R.D. Benson                      Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
P.E. Beyer                       Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
A.F. Chang                       Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
R.L. Gillette                    Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature on File in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
D.P. Holmes                      Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
K. Moyd                          Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
P.T. Poon                        Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
S. Waldherr                      Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
B.G. Yetter                      Date                                         
Telecommunications & Mission Services Manager                                 
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
David Reece                      Date                                         
DSMS Chief Operations Engineer                                                
Signature on file in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Michael Levesque                 Date                                         
Service System Development Engineer,                                          
Telecommunications Services                                                   
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Jeremy Jones                     Date                                         
Cassini Navigation                                                            
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Pat Esposito                     Date                                         
MSOP Navigation                                                               
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Jordan Ellis                     Date                                         
Multimission Navigation                                                       
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Steve Flanagan                   Date                                         
Project Element Manager (PEM),                                                
Next Generation Navigation Software                                           
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Bobby Williams                   Date                                         
NEAR Navigation                                                               
Signature on file in DSMS Library                                             
______________________________ ________                                       
Sami Asmar                       Date                                         
Radio Science Systems Group                                                   
Signature not available                                                       
______________________________ ________                                       
Michael Connally                 Date                                         
DSN Science Advisor                                                           
|                                 CHANGE LOG                                | 
| Revision|Issue Date|   Pages/   |             Change Summary              | 
|         |          |  Sections  |                                         | 
|         |          |  Affected  |                                         | 
|New issue|04/30/2000|     All    |                                         | 
|    A    |05/31/2002|     All    |Updated data blocks, added/corrected text| 
|         |          |            |  descriptions                           | 
|    B    |12/15/2002|Sections 1, |Corrected typos; added file header       | 
|         |          |2 and 3;    | description (Appendix B)                | 
|         |          |Appendices  |                                         | 
|         |          |A and B     |                                         | 
|         |          |            |                                         | 
|         |          |            |                                         | 
|         |          |            |                                         | 
 Section                                                                 Page 
1            Introduction                                                1- 1 
1.1          Purpose and Scope                                           1- 1 
1.1.1        Applicability of This Release                               1- 1 
1.2          Revision and Control                                        1- 1 
1.3          Relationship to Other DSMS Documents                        1- 1 
1.4          Applicable Documents                                        1- 2 
1.5          Notation and Conventions                                    1- 2 
1.5.1        Terminology                                                 1- 2 
1.5.2        Conventions                                                 1- 4 
1.6          Abbreviations                                               1- 5 
2            Functional Overview                                         2- 1 
2.1          General Description                                         2- 1 
2.2          Operational Concept                                         2- 1 
2.3          Equipment                                                   2- 2 
3            Detailed Interface Description                              3- 1 
3.1          Data Definition                                             3- 1 
3.1.1        Tracking Data SFDU Label                                    3- 2 
3.1.2        Aggregation CHDO Label                                      3- 3 
3.1.3        Primary CHDO                                                3- 4 
3.1.4        Secondary CHDOs                                             3- 5      Secondary CHDO 134 (Derived Data Types)                     3- 6      Secondary CHDO 132 (Uplink Data Types)                      3-10      Secondary CHDO 133 (Downlink Data Types)                    3-13      Secondary CHDO 135 (Interferometric Data Types)             3-17      Secondary CHDO 136 (Filtered Data Types)                    3-20 
3.1.5        Tracking Data CHDOs                                         3-23      Uplink Data CHDOs                                           3-24    Uplink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 0)                     3-25    Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 2)          3-26    Uplink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 4)                  3-29    Ramp CHDO (Data Type 9)                                     3-32      Downlink Data CHDOs                                         3-34    Downlink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 1)                   3-34    Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 3)        3-39    Downlink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 5)                3-44      Derived Data CHDOs                                          3-50    Doppler Count CHDO (Data Type 6)                            3-50    Sequential Range CHDO (Data Type 7)                         3-55    Angle CHDO (Data Type 8)                                    3-59    DRVID CHDO (Data Type 11)                                   3-61    PN Range CHDO (Data Type 14)                                3-62    Tone Range CHDO (Data Type 15)                              3-66    Carrier Frequency Observable CHDO (Data Type 16)            3-67    Total Count Phase Observable CHDO (Data Type 17)            3-69      Interferometric Data CHDOs                                  3-71    VLBI CHDO (Data Type 10)                                    3-71      Filtered Data CHDOs                                         3-72    Smoothed Noise CHDO (Data Type 12)                          3-72    Allan Deviation CHDO (Data Type 13)                         3-74 
3.2          Dependencies                                                3-75 
Appendix A   Notes                                                       A- 1 
Appendix B   File Format                                                 B- 1 
B.1          LVO Structure of Files                                      B- 1 
B.2          Physical Layout of Files                                    B- 1 
B.2.1        Primary SFDU Label                                          B- 3 
B.2.2        K-Header (or K-Object)                                      B- 4 
B.2.2.1      K-Header SFDU Label                                         B- 4 
B.2.3        I-Object SFDU Label                                         B- 7 
B.2.4        Binary Data Object                                          B- 8 
B.2.5        End of File (EOF)                                           B- 8 
  Figure                                                                 Page 
Figure 3-1   LVO Structure of the Tracking Data SFDU                     3- 1 
Figure 3-2   Physical Layout of the Tracking Data SFDU                   3- 2 
Figure B-1   LVO Structure of Files                                      B- 1 
Figure B-2   File Layout                                                 B- 2 
Figure B-3   Sample Header of File                                       B- 3 
   Table                                                                 Page 
Table 3- 1   Tracking SFDU Label Definitions                             3- 2 
Table 3- 2   Aggregation CHDO Label Definitions                          3- 4 
Table 3- 3   Primary CHDO Definitions                                    3- 4 
Table 3- 4   Secondary CHDO 134 Definitions                              3- 6 
Table 3- 5   Secondary CHDO 132 Definitions                              3-10 
Table 3- 6   Secondary CHDO 133 Definitions                              3-13 
Table 3- 7   Secondary CHDO 135 Definitions                              3-17 
Table 3- 8   Secondary CHDO 136 Definitions                              3-20 
Table 3- 9   Uplink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 0) Definitions         3-25 
Table 3-10   Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 2)               
              Definitions                                                3-27 
Table 3-11   Uplink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 4) Definitions      3-29 
Table 3-12   Ramp CHDO (Data Type 9) Definitions                         3-33 
Table 3-13   Downlink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 1) Definitions       3-34 
Table 3-14   Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 3)             
              Definitions                                                3-40 
Table 3-15   Downlink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 5) Definitions    3-44 
Table 3-16   Doppler Count CHDO (Data Type 6) Definitions                3-50 
Table 3-17   Sequential Range CHDO (Data Type 7) Definitions             3-55 
Table 3-18   Angle CHDO (Data Type 8) Definitions                        3-60 
Table 3-19   DRVID CHDO (Data Type 11) Definitions                       3-61 
Table 3-20   PN Range CHDO (Data Type 14) Definitions                    3-62 
Table 3-21   Tone Range CHDO (Data Type 15) Definitions                  3-66 
Table 3-22   Carrier Frequency Observables CHDO (Data Type 16)                
              Definitions                                                3-67 
Table 3-23   Total Count Phase Observable CHDO (Data Type 17)                 
              Definitions                                                3-69 
Table 3-24   VLBI CHDO (Data Type 10) Definitions                        3-71 
Table 3-25   Smoothed Noise CHDO (Data Type 12) Definitions              3-72 
Table 3-26   Allan Deviation CHDO (Data Type 13) Definitions             3-74 
Table B- 1   Primary SFDU Label                                          B- 3 
Table B- 2   K-Header (or K-Object) SFDU Label                           B- 4 
Table B- 3   Catalog Information (Value Field of the K-Object)           B- 5 
Table B- 4   I-Object SFDU Label                                         B- 7 
Section 1                                                                     
1.1 Purpose and Scope                                                         
     This module specifies the format and content of radio metric tracking    
data delivered to navigation and radio science customers from the             
Telecommunications Services. The method of delivery of the data is outside the
scope of this document.                                                       
     TRK-2-34 is essentially a consolidation of the data that are currently   
contained in the TRK-2-15A, TRK-2-18, TRK-2-20, TRK-2-25, and TRK-2-30        
products delivered to customers.                                              
1.1.1 Applicability of This Release                                           
     This module will supersede the TRK-2-15A module, as the MDAs are retired,
and the TRK-2-25 module as the Radio Metric Data Conditioning (RMDC) process  
is retired.                                                                   
     This release corrects typos and adds description of the file header      
     Certain parameters may not be available in initial TRK-2-34 output.      
These parameters will be marked as invalid (using validity flags) in the data 
or not delivered (in the case of certain data types, such as Allan deviation  
and smoothed noise).                                                          
1.2 Revision and Control                                                      
     Revisions or changes to the information herein presented may be initiated
according to the procedure specified in the Introduction to Document 820-013. 
1.3 Relationship to Other DSMS Documents                                      
     Currently, TRK-2-15A is generated by the Metric Data Assembly (MDA) of   
the DSCC Tracking Subsystem (DTK).  In the Network Simplification Project     
(NSP) era, the MDAs will be replaced by the Uplink Tracking and Command       
Subsystem (UPL) and the Downlink Telemetry and Tracking Subsystem (DTT).  As a
result, TRK-2-15A will not be available.  TRK-2-34 replaces TRK-2-25 as the   
archival format.  TRK-2-20 and TRK-2-30 will continue to be available to the  
1.4 Applicable Documents                                                      
[1]  820-062               DSMS Terms and Abbreviations (DSMS internal        
                           document, for reference only.)                     
[2]  813-109, D-17818      Preparation Guidelines and Procedures for Deep     
                           Space Mission System (DSMS) Interface              
                           Specifications (DSMS internal document, for        
                           reference only.)                                   
[3]  820-013, D-16765      DSMS External Interface Specification              
 [3a]  OPS-6-21A           Standard Code Assignments                          
 [3b]  0171-Telecomm-NJPL  SFDU Global Definitions                            
 [3c]  0180-Data_Manage    DSMS DOM Electronic Access for External Users      
 [3d]  0183-Telecomm-TDS   TDS Query Protocol Specification                   
[4]  SFOC-5-SYS-*DU-NJPL   NJPL SFDU Global Definitions (DSMS internal        
                           document, for reference only; to be replaced       
                           by Reference [3b].)                                
[5]  820-013, Module       DSMS External Interface Specification-DSMS Created 
     0172-Telecomm-CHDO    CHDO Structures                                    
[6]  CCSDS 620.0-B-2       CCSDS Recommendation for Space Data System         
                           Standards-Standard Formatted Data Units-Structure  
                           and Construction Rules (Issue 2, May 1992)         
[7]  ANSI T-49-12          ANSI/IEEE STD 754-1985-IEEE Standard for Binary    
                           Floating-Point Arithmetic                          
[8]  ANSI X3.4-1986        Information Systems - Coded Character Sets - 1 Bit 
     (R1997)               American National Standard Code for Information    
                           Interchange (7-Bit ASCII)                          
[9]  ISO/IEC 646-1991      Information Technology - ISO 7-bit Coded Character 
                           Set for Information Interchange                    
[10]  810-047              DSN Antenna and Facility Identifiers (DSMS internal
                           document, for reference only.)                     
1.5 Notation and Conventions                                                  
1.5.1 Terminology                                                             
     Many of the terms used in this module are taken from the literature      
describing the Standard Formatted Data Unit (SFDU) concept (e.g., Reference   
[5] and Reference [6]).  The SFDU concept was developed by the Consultative   
Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) to provide a standardized and        
internationally recognized methodology for information interchange.  Because  
the SFDU concept evolved over time, the meaning of some terms has evolved.    
The definitions provided herein are intended to clarify the use of certain    
terms as they apply to this module:                                           
     a) The term ASCII refers to the American Standard Code for Information   
Interchange, a seven-bit code for representing letters, digits, and symbols   
which has been standardized by the American National Standards Institute      
(Reference [8]). This code has been incorporated into the ISO code of the same
nature (Reference [9]) which includes other symbols and alphabets.  Since the 
ISO code is an eight-bit code, the ASCII code is embedded in an eight-bit     
field in which the most significant bit is set to zero.  In this module, ASCII
always refers to the seven-bit ASCII code embedded, as described, in an eight-
bit field.  When applied to a multi-byte field, it implies that each byte in  
the field contains an ASCII code.                                             
     b) The term restricted ASCII (RA) refers to the subset of ASCII          
consisting of the codes for the twenty-six upper-case letters ('A'-'Z') and   
the ten decimal digits ('0'-'9').  When applied to a multi-byte field, it     
implies that each byte in the field contains an RA code.                      
     c) A label-value-object (LVO) is a data structure that is comprised of a 
label field and a value field.  The label field provides for the data         
structure to be self-identifying and self-delimiting.  The value field        
contains user-defined data in any format.  The LVOs themselves are made up of 
a sequence of bytes.  In this module, LVO is used in a generic sense to refer 
to any data structure with these attributes.                                  
     d) An LVO may be a simple LVO or a compound LVO.  If the value field of  
the LVO contains purely user data, it is a simple LVO.  If the value field of 
the LVO contains purely LVOs, it is a compound LVO.  The value field of a     
compound LVO consists of a sequence of one or more LVOs, each of which can be 
a simple or compound LVO itself.                                              
     e) A standard formatted data unit (SFDU) is an LVO that conforms to a    
defined set of structure and construction rules, namely the specification in  
Reference [5] or the specification in Reference [6].  Unfortunately, the two  
specifications are slightly different, leading to two different definitions of
what an SFDU is.  The term DSN tracking SFDU (or, more simply, tracking SFDU) 
refers to the SFDU defined and controlled by this module.  The DSN tracking   
SFDU conforms to the structure and construction rules specified in Reference  
[5].  It does not strictly conform to the internationally recognized SFDU     
structure and construction rules recommended by CCSDS in Reference [6].       
     f) A compressed header data object (CHDO), as defined in Reference [5],  
is an LVO.  Its design is modeled on the SFDU concept, but a CHDO is not an   
SFDU.  The CHDO derives its name from the fact that the label field of a CHDO 
is considerably shorter than the label field of an SFDU (four bytes instead of
twenty).  The CHDO provides a means of structuring user data with less        
overhead than would be required if an SFDU were used.  However, with respect  
to SFDU structure and construction rules, a CHDO (or a sequence of CHDOs) is  
merely user data contained in the value field of an SFDU.                     
     g) The term type attribute is used to refer to the subfield(s) of an LVO 
label field that affect the self-identifying property of the LVO.  Within the 
applicable domain, the type attribute is a unique reference to a description  
of the format and meaning of the data contained in the value field of the LVO.
     h) All of the LVOs described in this module contain a length attribute in
their label field.  The length attribute is a subfield of the LVO label field;
it contains the length, in bytes, of the value field of the LVO.  When        
interpreted in the context of the structure and construction rules specified  
in Reference [5], the length attribute affects the self-delimiting property of
the LVO.  The use of a length attribute is not the only means by which an LVO 
can be self-delimiting; Reference [6], for example, provides several          
mechanisms that do not rely on an explicit length.                            
     i) The term data type refers to the SFDU format code.  This term is used 
when distinguishing between different data blocks.                            
1.5.2 Conventions                                                             
     The following conventions are used in this module:                       
     a) LVOs are defined as being made up of a sequence of eight-bit bytes, so
data structures in this module are illustrated as a sequence of bytes.  All   
data structures defined in this module must be an even number of bytes in     
length.  Given a data structure that is N bytes in length, the first byte in  
the structure is drawn in the most top justified position and is identified as
"byte 0."  The following byte is identified as "byte 1" and so on, to "byte   
N-1" which is drawn in the most bottom justified position.  Within each byte, 
the most significant bit is drawn in the most left justified position and is  
identified as "bit 1."  The next most significant bit is identified as "bit 2"
and so on, to "bit 8" which is drawn in the most right justified position.    
Any bit in a data structure is uniquely identified by specifying the byte     
within which it occurs and its position within that byte (e.g., "byte 5, bit  
     b) Data structures are divided into fields, where a field is a sequence  
of bits.  Fields are identified by specifying the starting and ending bits of 
the field.  For fields that cross byte boundaries, bit 8 of byte M is more    
significant than, and is immediately followed by, bit 1 of byte M+1.  A field 
may be divided into subfields in a similar manner.                            
     c) Several conventions for expressing the length of a data structure, or 
a part of a data structure, are used in this module.  The length attribute of 
an LVO is always given in bytes and always refers to the length of the value  
field of the LVO (i.e., excluding the label field).                           
     d) In the data structure descriptions in this module, many fields are    
defined to contain a numerical value.  Several different formats for          
expressing numbers are used, as follows:                                      
          1) Unsigned integer.  An integer number is expressed in binary,     
using all bits of the field as necessary.  Negative quantities cannot be      
expressed.  For an n-bit field, the range of values that can be represented is
from 0 to 2n-1.  The number of bytes in the unsigned integer (m) is           
represented by a "-m" after the format statement.                             
          2) Integer.  An integer number is expressed in binary, using two's  
complement notation.  For an n-bit field, the range of values that can be     
represented is from                                                           
-2n-1 to 2n-1-1. The number of bytes in the integer (m) is represented by a   
"-m" after the format statement.                                              
          3) Restricted ASCII.  Each decimal digit of an integer number is    
expressed by its corresponding RA code.  The field must be an integral number 
of bytes in length.  For multi-digit fields, the first byte of the field      
contains the most significant digit, the second byte contains the next most   
significant digit, and so on.  If the number of digits is less than the number
of bytes in the field, leading zeroes are used to fill the field.  Negative   
quantities cannot be expressed.  In an n-byte field, the range of values that 
can be represented is from 0 to 10n-1.  The number of bytes in the Restricted 
ASCII string (m) is represented by a "-m" after the format statement.         
          4) IEEE Single.  A 32-bit, single precision, IEEE floating point-   
format is used to express real numbers.  Single precision floating-point      
numbers are expressed in the ANSI/IEEE standard (Reference [7]) single        
precision format with a sign bit, 8-bit exponent, and 23-bit mantissa.        
          5) IEEE Double.  A 64-bit, double precision, IEEE floating-point    
format is used to express real numbers.  Double precision floating-point      
numbers are expressed in the ANSI/IEEE (Reference [7]) standard double        
precision format with a sign bit, 11-bit exponent, and 52-bit mantissa.       
     e) For fields defined to contain a constant value, the constant value    
will be enclosed in single quotes (e.g., '2') if the information is expressed 
in RA, and not so enclosed (e.g., 2) if the information is expressed in       
     f) Unless explicitly stated otherwise, fields defined as "reserved" are  
to be set to binary zero by the originator, and are to be ignored by the      
     g) Time tags are in UTC, as received from the Frequency and Timing       
Subsystem (FTS) of the DSN:                                                   
          * 00:00:00 is second 0.0.                                           
          * 23:59:59 is second 86399.0.                                       
          * Leap second is 86400.0.                                           
     h) The term "UPL-DTT antenna" refers to antennas that have UPL and DTT   
equipment (currently 34m HEF, 34m BWG, and 70m antennas).  The term "non-UPL- 
DTT antenna" refers to antennas that do not have this equipment (currently 26m
antennas and DSS-27).                                                         
1.6 Abbreviations                                                             
     Abbreviations used in this document are defined with the first textual   
use of the term.  Abbreviations and acronyms approved for use are listed in   
Document 820-062.  Abbreviations appearing in this module are:                
          ADID     Authority and Description Identifier                       
          AMMOS    Advanced Multimission Operations System                    
          ASCII    American Standard Code for Information Exchange            
          ANSI     American Nation Standards Institute                        
          CHDO     Compressed Header Data Object                              
          CCSDS    Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems              
          dB       decibel                                                    
          dBm      decibels above the reference level of 1 milliWatt          
          deg      degrees                                                    
          DOD      Differential One-way Doppler                               
          DOR      Differential One-way Ranging                               
          DRVID    Differenced Range Versus Integrated Doppler                
          DSCC     Deep Space Communications Complex                          
          DSMS     Deep Space Mission System                                  
          DSN      Deep Space Network                                         
          DSS      Deep Space Station                                         
          DTK      DSCC Tracking Subsystem                                    
          DTT      Downlink Telemetry and Tracking Subsystem                  
          EOF      End of File                                                
          FFT      Fast Fourier Transform                                     
          FOM      Figure of Merit                                            
          FSP      Full Spectrum Processing Subsystem                         
          FTS      Frequency and Timing Subsystem                             
          Hz       Hertz                                                      
          ID       Identifier                                                 
          IEEE     Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers          
          IF       Intermediate Frequency                                     
          JPL      Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                  
          K        Kelvin                                                     
          LCP      Left Hand Circular Polarization                            
          LNA      Low Noise Amplifier                                        
          LVO      Label Value Object                                         
          MDA      Metric Data Assembly                                       
          MFR      MultiFunction Receiver                                     
          MPA      Metric Pointing Assembly                                   
          MTA      Metric Tracking Assembly                                   
          N/A      Not Applicable                                             
          NASA     National Aeronautics and Space Administration              
          NOCC     Network Operations Control Center                          
          NSP      Network Simplification Project                             
          NVP      NOCC VLBI Processor Subsystem                              
          PN       Pseudo-Noise                                               
          RA       Restricted ASCII                                           
          RCP      Right Hand Circular Polarization                           
          RF       Radio Frequency                                            
          RMDC     Radio Metric Data Conditioning                             
          RTLT     Round-Trip Light Time                                      
          RU       Range Unit                                                 
          sec      seconds                                                    
          SFDU     Standard Formatted Data Unit                               
          SNT      System Noise Temperature                                   
          UPL      Uplink Tracking and Command Subsystem                      
          UTC      Universal Time Coordinated                                 
          VLBI     Very Long Baseline Interferometry                          
          W        Watts                                                      
Section 2                                                                     
Functional Overview                                                           
2.1 General Description                                                       
     Radio metric data received from the DSCCs will be processed, validated,  
and corrected.  The resulting data will be placed into the TRK-2-34 and       
TRK-2-18 products.  Validated/corrected data are available to (a) remote      
customers as TRK-2-34 files, and (b) JPL AMMOS customers as files, stream-type
or broadcast streams.  The file format is described in Appendix B.  This      
interface does not describe the transfer mechanisms for the delivery of the   
data to the customers; they are described, respectively, in References [3c]   
and [3d].                                                                     
     This processing is done in the AMMOS system.  It includes the software   
tools that are used to perform radio metric data processing, validation,      
correction, and visualization, and to generate the tracking data file         
products. The function of the processing is to process, generate, and deliver 
radio metric data to projects and end users to support spacecraft navigation  
and scientific study.                                                         
     Listed below are the documents and 820-013 interface modules that define 
specific fields in the TRK-2-34 headers:                                      
          Reference [3a]: DSN spacecraft ID, AMMOS mission ID                 
          Reference [10]: station ID                                          
          Reference [4]: originator ID, last modifier ID                      
2.2 Operational Concept                                                       
     Users provide spacecraft configuration data (such as transponder number, 
spacecraft oscillator frequency values, etc.) and light time data.  The user  
also specifies data delivery options (such as data decimation rate).  This    
data, along with the DSN physical data maintained in internal tables, are     
combined with the raw measurements from the DSN to generate the radiometric   
data described by this document.                                              
     TRK-2-15A data will continue to be produced by DSSs until the Metric Data
Assembly (MDA) has been completely retired.  The existing Radio Metric Data   
Conditioning (RMDC) software will continue to be used until the TRK-2-15A data
are no longer produced.                                                       
     Parameters and data types that require predicted values, such as prefit  
residuals and Allan deviation, will not be available if the trajectory data   
for generating the predicted values is not available.  If this happens, the   
parameter status will be marked as invalid (using validity flags) and the data
types will not be generated.                                                  
2.3 Equipment                                                                 
     All equipment used in the measurement or generation of tracking data get 
their frequency and timing references from the Frequency and Timing Subsystem 
(FTS) of the DSN.                                                             
     The non-UPL-DTT antennas have a mixture of tracking equipment.  The 26m  
subnet uses the Metric Pointing Assembly (MPA).  DSS-27, a 34m antenna, uses  
the Metric Tracking Assembly (MTA).                                           
     Arraying at a complex is done with the Full Spectrum Processing Subsytem 
Section 3                                                                     
Detailed Interface Description                                                
3.1 Data Definition                                                           
     Viewed as a compound LVO, the value field of the tracking data SFDU      
contains two LVOs, an aggregation CHDO and a tracking data CHDO.  The         
aggregation CHDO is a compound LVO; its value field contains two simple LVOs, 
a primary CHDO and a secondary CHDO.  The aggregation CHDO exists solely for  
the purpose of allowing the primary and secondary CHDOs to be grouped together
and treated as a single LVO.  The value fields of the primary and secondary   
CHDOs contain annotation data (identification, configuration, status, and     
performance parameters) that pertain to the data in the tracking data SFDU.   
The tracking data CHDO is a simple LVO; its value field contains the actual   
tracking data.                                                                
        L|  Tracking Data SFDU                         |                      
         +-+  +---------------------------------------+|                      
           | L|  Aggregation CHDO                     ||                      
           |  +-+  +---------------------------------+||                      
           |    | L| Primary CHDO                    |||                      
           |    |  +-+                               |||                      
           |    |   V|                               |||                      
           |   V|  +---------------------------------|||                      
           |    | L| Secondary CHDO                  |||                      
           |    |  +-+                               |||                      
          V|    |   V|                               |||                      
           |  +---------------------------------------||                      
           | L|  Tracking Data CHDO                   ||                      
           |  +-+                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
           |   V|                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
           |    |                                     ||                      
             L = label field         V = value field                          
       Figure 3-1.  LVO Structure of the Tracking Data SFDU                   
     Figure 3-2 shows the physical layout of the tracking data SFDU.  It is   
divided into the following sections: the tracking SFDU label, the aggregation 
CHDO label, the primary CHDO, the secondary CHDOs, and the tracking data      
CHDOs.  There are five different types of secondary CHDOs, and 18 types of    
tracking data CHDOs.                                                          
     The following sections present the detailed definition of the tracking   
data SFDU.                                                                    
             |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |                
       BYTE 0|                                               |                
             +-                                             -|                
             ...                  SFDU LABEL                 ...              
             ...                                             ...              
             +-                                             -|                
           18|                                               |                
           20|                                               |                
             +-            AGGREGATION CHDO LABEL           -|                
           22|                                               |                
           24|                                               |                
             +-                                             -|                
             ...                PRIMARY CHDO                 ...              
             ...                                             ...              
             +-                                             -|                
           30|                                               |                
           32|                                               |                
             +-                                             -|                
             ...               SECONDARY CHDO                ...              
             ...                                             ...              
             +-                                             -|                
           xx|                                               |                
           xx|                                               |                
             +-                                             -|                
             ...             TRACKING DATA CHDO             ...               
             ...                                            ...               
             +-                                             -|                
          N-2|                                               |                
             |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |                
              N Depends on Data Type                                          
         Figure 3-2.  Physical Layout of the Tracking Data SFDU               
3.1.1 Tracking Data SFDU Label                                                
     Bytes 0 through 19 of the tracking SFDU contain the SFDU label field.    
The format and content of the SFDU label are defined in Table 3-1.  The       
concatenation of Bytes 0 through 3, and 8 through 11, constitutes the type    
attribute of the SFDU; in CCSDS parlance, this concatenated field is known as 
the Authority and Description Identifier (ADID).  Bytes 12 to 19 constitute   
the length attribute.                                                         
|               Table 3-1.   Tracking SFDU Label Definitions                | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|control_auth_ |    0 |Control authority identifier.| RA-4 |N/A|'NJPL'|     | 
|            id|      |'NJPL' indicates that the    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data description information |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |for this SFDU is maintained  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |and disseminated by NASA/JPL.|      |   |      |     | 
|sfdu_version_ |    4 |SFDU label version ID. '2'   | RA-1 |N/A|  '2' |     | 
|            id|      |indicates that the length    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |attribute field in bytes 12  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |to 19 is formatted as a      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |binary unsigned integer.     |      |   |      |     | 
|sfdu_class_id |    5 |SFDU class ID. 'I' indicates | RA-1 |N/A|  'I' |     | 
|              |      |that this SFDU contains data |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |to be used by an application |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |process.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve2      |    6 |Reserved.  Two bytes.        | RA-2 |N/A| '00' |     | 
|data_         |    8 |Data description identifier. | RA-4 |N/A|'C123'|     | 
|description_id|      |Uniquely identifies the data |      |   |'C124'|     | 
|              |      |description information held |      |   |'C125'|     | 
|              |      |by the control authority     |      |   |'C126'|     | 
|              |      |identified in the 'Control   |      |   |'C127'|     | 
|              |      |authority identifier' item   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |for this type of SFDU.       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |C123 => Uplink types         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |C124 => Downlink types       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |C125 => Derived types        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |C126 => Interferometric types|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |C127 => Filtered types       |      |   |      |     | 
|sfdu_length   |   12 |Length attribute of the      | UI-8 | B |  124 |     | 
|              |      |tracking data SFDU.          |      |   |  160 |     | 
|              |      |Indicates the length of the  |      |   |  162 |     | 
|              |      |data following this element. |      |   |  164 |     | 
|              |      | DT0  => 162                 |      |   |  178 |     | 
|              |      | DT1  => 358                 |      |   |  182 |     | 
|              |      | DT2  => 194                 |      |   |  194 |     | 
|              |      | DT3  => 304                 |      |   |  204 |     | 
|              |      | DT4  => 218                 |      |   |  218 |     | 
|              |      | DT5  => 332                 |      |   |  304 |     | 
|              |      | DT6  => 320                 |      |   |  320 |     | 
|              |      | DT7  => 330                 |      |   |  330 |     | 
|              |      | DT8  => 178                 |      |   |  332 |     | 
|              |      | DT9  => 124                 |      |   |  358 |     | 
|              |      | DT10 => 204                 |      |   |182+  |     | 
|              |      | DT11 => 182                 |      |   |  18*N|     | 
|              |      | DT12 => 164                 |      |   |194+  |     | 
|              |      | DT13 => 160                 |      |   |  22*N|     | 
|              |      | DT14 => 304                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | DT15 => 194                 |      |   | N<100|     | 
|              |      | DT16 => 182 + 18 * num_obs  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | DT17 => 194 + 22 * num_obs  |      |   |      |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
3.1.2 Aggregation CHDO Label                                                  
     Bytes 20 through 23 of the tracking data SFDU contain the aggregation    
CHDO label field, which is defined in Table 3-2.  The value field of the      
aggregation CHDO is composed of the primary CHDO and a secondary CHDO.  The   
primary CHDO is described in Section 3.1.3.  The secondary CHDOs, of which    
there are five types, are described in Section 3.1.4.                         
|             Table 3-2.  Aggregation CHDO Label Definitions                | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|   1  |     | 
|              |      |aggregation CHDO.  A value of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |1 indicates that this CHDO is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |an aggregation of CHDOs      |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   72 |     | 
|              |      |aggregation CHDO.  Indicates |      |   |  100 |     | 
|              |      |the length of the sum of the |      |   |  110 |     | 
|              |      |primary and secondary CHDOs. |      |   |  122 |     | 
|              |      | CHDO 132 =>  78             |      |   |  136 |     | 
|              |      | CHDO 133 => 122             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | CHDO 134 => 136             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | CHDO 135 => 100             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | CHDO 136 => 110             |      |   |      |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
3.1.3 Primary CHDO                                                            
     Bytes 24 through 31 of the tracking SFDU contain the primary CHDO, which 
is  defined in Table 3-3. Bytes 0 through 3 are the label field.  Bytes 4     
through 7 are the value field.  The primary specifies the mission and the data
type of the tracking data contained in the SFDU.                              
|                  Table 3-3.  Primary CHDO Definitions                     | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the primary| UI-2 |N/A|   2  |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.  A value of 2 indicates|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |that this CHDO is a primary  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   4  |     | 
|              |      |primary CHDO.  Indicates the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |length, in bytes, of the     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the primary CHDO.   |      |   |      |     | 
|mjr_data_class|    4 |Major data class.  A value of| UI-1 |N/A|   6  |     | 
|              |      |6 indicates that the data in |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this SFDU is ground station  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |monitor data.                |      |   |      |     | 
|mnr_data_class|    5 |Minor data class.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A|  14  |     | 
|              |      |data is processed tracking   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|mission_id    |    6 |Mission ID.  Per Reference   | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |[3a], Table 3-4.             |      |   |  255 |     | 
|format_code   |    7 |Format code.  Also referred  | UI-1 |N/A| 0-17 |     | 
|              |      |to as the data type.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Uplink Carrier Phase   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Downlink Carrier Phase |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Uplink Sequential      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         Ranging Phase       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Downlink Sequential    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         Ranging Phase       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Uplink PN              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         Ranging Phase       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => Downlink PN            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         Ranging Phase       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 6 => Doppler                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 7 => Sequential Ranging     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 8 => Angles                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 9 => Ramps                  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |10 => VLBI                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |11 => DRVID                  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |12 => Smoothed Noise         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |13 => Allan Deviation        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |14 => PN Ranging             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |15 => Tone Ranging           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |16 => Carrier Observable     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |17 => Total Phase Observable |      |   |      |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
3.1.4 Secondary CHDOs                                                         
     There are five types of secondary CHDOs, all of which start at Byte 32 of
the tracking data SFDU.  The five types are organized as follows (data type is
equivalent to format code):                                                   
        * CHDO 134:  Derived data types - Doppler Count (data type 6),        
          Sequential Range (data type 7), Angles (data type 8), DRVID (data   
          type 11), PN Range (data type 14), Tone Range (data type 15),       
          Carrier Frequency Observable (data type 16), and Total Count Phase  
          Observable (data type 17).                                          
        * CHDO 132:  Uplink data types - Uplink Carrier Phase (data type 0),  
          Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 2), Uplink PN Ranging    
          Phase (data type 4), and Ramps (data type 9).                       
        * CHDO 133:  Downlink data types - Downlink Carrier Phase (data type  
          1), Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 3), and Downlink PN
          Ranging Phase (data type 5).                                        
        * CHDO 135:  Interferometric data types - VLBI (data type 10).        
        * CHDO 136:  Filtered data types - Smoothed Noise (data type 12) and  
          Allan Deviation (data type 13).                                     
     The secondary CHDOs are defined in Tables 3-4 through 3-8.  Bytes 0      
through 3 are the label field.  Bytes 4 through M-1 (M being the length of the
secondary CHDO) comprise the value field.  The secondary CHDO contains        
parameters that a user might want to sort or filter on.                       
                                                                       Secondary CHDO 134 (Derived Data Types)                              
     Secondary CHDO 134 is used for the following derived data types (format  
codes): Doppler Count (data type 6), Sequential Range (data type 7), Angle    
(data type 8), DRVID (data type 11), PN Range (data type 14),  Tone Range     
(data type 15), Carrier Frequency Observable (data type 16), and Total Count  
Phase Observable (data type 17).  Secondary CHDO 134 is defined in Table 3-4. 
|                Table 3-4.  Secondary CHDO 134 Definitions                 | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|  134 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.              |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 |N/A|  124 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.  Indicates   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the length, in bytes, of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the secondary CHDO. |      |   |      |     | 
|orig_id       |    4 |Originator ID.  Indicates    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |where this SFDU was          |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |originated. Per Reference[4].|      |   |      |     | 
|last_modifier_|    5 |Last modifier ID.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|            id|      |where this SFDU was last     |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |modified.  Per Reference [4].|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    6 |Reserved.  For future        | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |      |expansion of scft_id.        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_id       |    7 |Spacecraft number.  Per      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |Reference [3a].              |      |   |  255 |     | 
|rec_seq_num   |    8 |Record sequence number (RSN).| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Begins with zero; increments |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |by one for each successive   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tracking SFDU of the same    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |type; wraps around from      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |2^32-1 to zero. Value is     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reset to zero when software  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is restarted.                |      |   |      |     | 
|year          |   12 |Time tag year.               | UI-2 |N/A| 1958-|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|doy           |   14 |Time tag day of year.        | UI-2 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  366 |     | 
|sec           |   16 |Time tag seconds of day.     | RE-8 | s/| ds1* |   1 | 
|              |      |                             |      |.01|      |     | 
|rct_day       |   24 |Record creation time days.   | UI-2 |day| ds2* |  74 | 
|              |      |Days since 1/1/1958.         |      |   |      |     | 
|rct_msec      |   26 |Record creation time         | UI-4 | ms| ds3* |  74 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_stream_src|   30 |Station stream source.       | UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |     | 
|              |      | 1 => UPL/DTT                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => non-UPL-DTT: TRK-2-30  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => non-UPL-DTT: TRK-2-20  |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band       |   31 |Uplink frequency band.       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |  79 | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown or N/A         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_assembly_  |   32 |Uplink Assembly Number.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  79 | 
|           num|      |Note that this is to allow   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |for potential future cases   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |where there might be more    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |than one uplink of the same  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |band at the same antenna.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown/Not applicable |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-/X-band uplink       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Ka-band uplink         |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_num  |   33 |Transmitter number.  Value   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  79 | 
|              |      |depends on transmitter used. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 means that the  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |number is unknown or not     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |applicable.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_stat |   34 |Transmit Status.             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  79 | 
|              |      | 0 => not transmitting out   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        the horn             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => transmitting out       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        the horn             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid or unknown     |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_mode |   35 |Transmitter mode.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  79 | 
|              |      | 0 => low power              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => high power             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid or unknown     |      |   |      |     | 
|cmd_modul_stat|   36 |Command modulation status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  79 | 
|              |      | 0 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid or unknown     |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_modul_stat|   37 |Ranging modulation status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  79 | 
|              |      | 0 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid or unknown     |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_time_|   38 |Transmit time tag delay.     | RE-8 | s | -1.0,|   2 | 
|     tag_delay|      |Value used to offset uplink  |      | / | 0.0- |  79 | 
|              |      |time tag (e.g., for Goldstone|      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |Beam Waveguide antennas).    |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |A value of -1.0 indicates    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invalid (or not provided).   |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_zheight_   |   46 |Uplink Z-height correction.  | RE-4 | s/|-99.0 |  60 | 
|          corr|      |Value of -99.0 indicates     |      |100|-1. to|  72 | 
|              |      |invalid.                     |      | ps|  +1. |  79 | 
|dl_dss_id     |   50 |Downlink antenna number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |Per Reference [10].          |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   51 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|dl_chan_num   |   52 |Downlink channel number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 0-24 |     | 
|              |      |Value of 0 implies unknown.  |      |   |      |     | 
|prdx_mode     |   53 |Predicts mode.  Predicts     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-4 |     | 
|              |      |subset used by downlink      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |channel.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => No Predicts            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_prdx_stn   |   54 |Uplink station used for      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |predicts.  Valid only if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |prdx_mode is 2 or 3. Per     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Reference [10]. A value of 0 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |means that the number is     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown or not valid (e.g.,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |no uplink).                  |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band_dl    |   55 |Uplink frequency band        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      |assumed by downlink.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Uplink band value used by    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink for turn around     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |computations.                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        applicable           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|array_delay   |   56 |Array delay value.  Time     | RE-8 | s |0. to |   4 | 
|              |      |delay added to path by       |      | / |   1. |     | 
|              |      |arraying equipment.  Obtained|      |100|      |     | 
|              |      | from arraying equipment. Any|      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      | measurements include this   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |delay.  Valid only if Array  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Flag  (array_flag) is        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |non-zero.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|fts_vld_flag  |   64 |Frequency and Timing (FTS)   | UI-1 |N/A|  0,1 |     | 
|              |      |validity.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |0 => Equipment is not synced |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |1 => Equipment is synced     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_lock_stat|   65 |Carrier lock status.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |  83 | 
|              |      | 0 => Off                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Open (using only       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          predicts)          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Acquiring, FFT Search  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Acquiring, Waiting for |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          Lock Decision      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => Out of Lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|array_flag    |   66 |Array flag.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  87 | 
|              |      | 0 => Non-arrayed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Arrayed with FSP #1    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Arrayed with FSP #2    |      |   |      |     | 
|lna_num       |   67 |LNA Number.  Value of 0      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-4 |     | 
|              |      |indicates unknown.           |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_time_tag_ |   68 |Receive time tag delay.      | RE-8 | s | -1.0,|   3 | 
|         delay|      |Value used to offset         |      | / | 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |downlink time tag (e.g., for |      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |Goldstone Beam Waveguide     |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |antennas).  A value of -1.0  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |indicates invalid (or not    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |provided).                   |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_zheight_   |   76 |Downlink Z-height correction.| RE-4 | s/|-99.0,|  60 | 
|          corr|      |Value of -99.0 indicates     |      |100|-1.0- |  72 | 
|              |      |invalid.                     |      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|vld_ul_stn    |   80 |Validated uplink station.    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|  61 | 
|              |      |Per Reference [10].  The     |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |uplink station per the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation process.  A value |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of 0 means that the antenna  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is unknown or not valid.     |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_dop_mode  |   81 |Validated doppler mode.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  61 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |         applicable          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_scft_coh  |   82 |Validated spacecraft         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  79 | 
|              |      | coherency.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         applicable          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Coherent               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Non-coherent           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Transponded,           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          non-coherent       |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_dl_band   |   83 |Validated downlink frequency | UI-1 |N/A|  0-6 |  82 | 
|              |      |band.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 6 => S or X band            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        (26m stations)       |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   84 |Spacecraft transponder lock. | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|          lock|      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Out-of-lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   85 |Spacecraft transponder       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |   5 | 
|           num|      |number.  0 if unknown,       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transponder number otherwise.|      |   |      |     | 
|Reserve2      |   86 |Reserved.  Two bytes.        | UI-2 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|scft_osc_freq |   88 |Spacecraft oscillator        | RE-8 |Hz/|0.0,  |   6 | 
|              |      |frequency. Spacecraft one-way|      |1.0|2.0E9-|     | 
|              |      |frequency.  0.0 if unknown.  |      |mHz|32.3E9|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   96 |Spacecraft transponder delay.| RE-8 | s/| -1.0,|   7 | 
|         delay|      |Coherent ranging delay. Value|      |100| 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid.   |      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |  104 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_num|      |around ratio numerator.      |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 indicates       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown.                     |      |   |      |     | 
scft_transpd_  |  108 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_den|      |around ratio denominator.    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 indicates       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_twnc_stat|  112 |Spacecraft two-way           | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      |non-coherent (TWNC) status.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_osc_type |  113 |Spacecraft oscillator type.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => AUX OSC (auxiliary     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |            oscillator)      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => USO (ultra-stable      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |            oscillator)      |      |   |      |     | 
|mod_day       |  114 |Modification time days.  Days| UI-2 |Day| 0 to |  73 | 
|              |      |since 1/1/1958.  Last        |      |/1 |2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      |day|      |     | 
|mod_msec      |  116 |Modification time            | UI-4 |ms/| ds3* |  73 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | 1 |      |     | 
|              |      |Last modification time.      |      | ms|      |     | 
|cnt_time      |  120 |Count time. Integration time | RE-4 | s/|0.0-  |  88 | 
|              |      |of the counts.  Value of 0   |      |100|3600.0|     | 
|              |      |indicates Not Applicable     |      | ms|      |     | 
|Reserve4      |  124 |Reserved.  Four bytes.       | UI-4 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Secondary CHDO 132 (Uplink Data Types)                               
      Secondary CHDO 132 is used for the following Uplink data types (format  
codes): Uplink Carrier Phase (data type 0), Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase   
(data type 2), Uplink PN Ranging Phase (data type 4), and Ramps (data type 9).
Secondary CHDO 132 is defined in Table 3-5.                                   
|                 Table 3-5.  Secondary CHDO 132 Definitions                | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|  132 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.              |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   66 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.  Indicates   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the length, in bytes, of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the secondary CHDO. |      |   |      |     | 
|orig_id       |    4 |Originator ID.  Indicates    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |where this SFDU was          |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |originated. Per Reference[4].|      |   |      |     | 
|last_modifier |    5 |Last modifier ID.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
| _id          |      |where this SFDU was last     |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |modified.  Per Reference [4].|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    6 |Reserved.  For future        | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |      |expansion of scft_id.        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_id       |    7 |Spacecraft number.  Per      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |Reference [3a].              |      |   |  255 |     | 
|upl_rec_seq_  |    8 |Uplink record sequence number| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|           num|      |(UPL RSN). This is the record|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |sequence number reported by  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the uplink subsystem (UPL)   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |equipment.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|rec_seq_num   |   12 |Record sequence number (RSN).| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Begins with zero; increments |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |by one for each successive   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink tracking SFDU of the  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |same data type; wraps around |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from 2^32-1 to zero. Value is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reset to zero when the data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |processing system software is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |restarted.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|year          |   16 |Time tag year.               | UI-2 |N/A|1958- |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|doy           |   18 |Time tag day of year.        | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|     | 
|sec           |   20 |Time tag seconds of day.     | RE-8 | s/| ds1* |   1 | 
|              |      |                             |      |10 |      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|rct_day       |   28 |Record creation time days.   | UI-2 |day| 0 to |  74 | 
|              |      |Days since 1/1/1958.         |      |/1 |2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |day|      |     | 
|rct_msec      |   30 |Record creation time         | UI-4 |ms/| ds3* |  74 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | 1 |      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|ul_dss_id     |   34 |Uplink antenna number.  Per  | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |Reference [10].              |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band       |   35 |Uplink frequency band.       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_assembly_  |   36 |Uplink Assembly Number.  Note| UI-1 |N/A|  1-2 |     | 
|           num|      |that this is to allow for    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |potential future cases where |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |there might be more than one |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink of the same band at   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the same antenna.            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-/X-band uplink       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Ka-band uplink         |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_num  |   37 |Transmitter number.  Value   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|              |      |depends on transmitter used. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 indicates       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_stat |   38 |Transmit status.             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not transmitting out   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         the horn            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => transmitting out       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         the horn            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_mode |   39 |Transmitter mode.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => low power              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => high power             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|cmd_modul_stat|   40 |Command modulation status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_modul_stat|   41 |Ranging modulation status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|fts_vld_flag  |   42 |Frequency and Timing (FTS)   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |validity.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Equipment is not synced|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          with FTS           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Equipment is synced    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          with FTS           |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   43 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|transmit_time_|   44 |Transmit time tag delay.     | RE-8 | s/| -1.0,|   2 | 
|     tag_delay|      |Value used to offset uplink  |      |100| 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |time tag (e.g., for Goldstone|      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |Beam Waveguide antennas).    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Value of -1.0 indicates      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invalid (or not provided).   |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_zheight_   |   52 |Uplink Z-height correction.  | RE-4 | s/|-99.0,|  60 | 
|          corr|      |Value of -99.0 indicates     |      |100|-1.00-|     | 
|              |      |invalid.                     |      | ps|  1.00|     | 
|mod_day       |   56 |Modification time days.  Days| UI-2 |day| 0 to |  73 | 
|              |      |since 1/1/1958.  Last        |      |/ 1|2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      |day|      |     | 
|mod_msec      |   58 |Modification time            | UI-4 | ms| ds3* |  73 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      |/ 1|      |     | 
|              |      |Last modification time.      |      | ms|      |     | 
|reserve8      |   62 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Secondary CHDO 133 (Downlink Data Types)                             
     Secondary CHDO 133 is used for the following Downlink data types (format 
codes):  Downlink Carrier Phase (data type 1), Downlink Sequential Ranging    
Phase (data type 3), and Downlink PN Ranging Phase (data type 5).  Secondary  
CHDO 133 is defined in Table 3-6.                                             
|                 Table 3-6.  Secondary CHDO 133 Definitions                | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|  133 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.              |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  110 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.  Indicates   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the length, in bytes, of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the secondary CHDO. |      |   |      |     | 
|orig_id       |    4 |Originator ID.  Indicates    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |where this SFDU was          |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |originated. Per Reference[4].|      |   |      |     | 
|last_modifier |    5 |Last modifier ID.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
| _id          |      |where this SFDU was last     |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |modified.  Per Reference [4].|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    6 |Reserved.  For future        | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |      |expansion of scft_id.        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_id       |    7 |Spacecraft number.  Per      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |Reference [3a].              |      |   |  255 |     | 
|dtt_rec_seq_  |    8 |Downlink Record sequence     | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|           num|      |number (DTT RSN). This is the|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |record sequence number       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reported by the downlink     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |subsystem (DTT) equipment.   |      |   |      |     | 
|rec_seq_num   |   12 |Record sequence number (RSN).| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Begins with zero; increments |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |by one for each successive   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink tracking SFDU of the|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |same data type; wraps around |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from 2^32-1 to zero. Value is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reset to zero when the data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |processing system software is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |restarted.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|year          |   16 |Time tag year.               | UI-2 |N/A|1958- |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|doy           |   18 |Time tag day of year.        | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|     | 
|sec           |   20 |Time tag seconds of day.     | RE-8 | s/| ds1* |   1 | 
|              |      |                             |      |10 |      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|rct_day       |   28 |Record creation time days.   | UI-2 |day| 0 to |  74 | 
|              |      |Days since 1/1/1958.         |      |/1 |2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |day|      |     | 
|rct_msec      |   30 |Record creation time         | UI-4 |ms/| ds3* |  74 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | 1 |      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|dl_dss_id     |   34 |Downlink antenna number. Per | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |Reference [10].              |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_band       |   35 |Downlink frequency band.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_chan_num   |   36 |Downlink channel number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |     | 
|prdx_mode     |   37 |Predicts mode.  Predicts     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|              |      |subset used by downlink      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |channel.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => No Predicts            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_prdx_stn   |   38 |Uplink station used for      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |predicts.  Valid only if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |prdx_mode is 2 or 3. Per     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Reference [10]. A value of 0 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |means that the number is     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown or not valid (e.g.,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |no uplink).                  |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band_dl    |   39 |Uplink frequency band assumed| UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      |by downlink.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|array_delay   |   40 |Array delay value. Time delay| RE-8 | s | 0.0- |   4 | 
|              |      |added to path by arraying    |      | / |  1.0 |     | 
|              |      |equipment.  Obtained from    |      |100|      |     | 
|              |      |arraying equipment.  Any     |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |measurements include this    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |delay.  Valid only if Array  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Flag (array_flag) is         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |non-zero.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|fts_vld_flag  |   48 |Frequency and Timing (FTS)   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |validity.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Equipment is not synced|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Equipment is synced    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_lock_stat|   49 |Carrier lock status.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Off                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Open (only using       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        predicts)            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Acquiring, FFT Search  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Acquiring, Waiting     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        for Lock Decision    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => Out of Lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|array_flag    |   50 |Array flag.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  87 | 
|              |      | 0 => Not arrayed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Arrayed with FSP #1    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Arrayed with FSP #2    |      |   |      |     | 
|polarization  |   51 |Polarization.                | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => RCP                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => LCP                    |      |   |      |     | 
|diplxr_stat   |   52 |Diplexer status.             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Low noise              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Diplexed               |      |   |      |     | 
|lna_num       |   53 |LNA Number.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  1-4 |     | 
|rf_if_chan_num|   54 |RF-to-IF Downconverter       | UI-1 |N/A|  1-2 |     | 
|              |      |Channel number.              |      |   |      |     | 
|if_num        |   55 |IF input number. Defines path| UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |     | 
|              |      |into downlink channel.       |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_time_tag_ |   56 |Receive time tag delay. Value| RE-8 | s | -1.0,|   3 | 
|         delay|      |used to offset downlink time |      | / | 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |tag (e.g., for Goldstone Beam|      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |Waveguide antennas).  A value|      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid (or|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |not provided).               |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_zheight_   |   64 |Downlink Z-height correction.| RE-4 | s/|-99.0,|  60 | 
|          corr|      |Value of -99.0 indicates     |      |100|-1.0- |     | 
|              |      |invalid.                     |      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|vld_ul_stn    |   68 |Validated uplink station.    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|  61 | 
|              |      |Per Reference [10].  The     |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |uplink station per the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation process.  A value |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of 0 means that the antenna  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is unknown or not valid.     |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_dop_mode  |   69 |Validated doppler mode.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  61 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |           applicable        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_scft_coh  |   70 |Validated spacecraft         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  79 | 
|              |      |coherency.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        applicable           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Coherent               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Non-coherent           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Transponded,           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         non-coherent        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   71 |Spacecraft transponder lock. | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|          lock|      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Out-of-lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   72 |Spacecraft transponder       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |   5 | 
|           num|      |number.  0 if unknown,       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transponder number otherwise.|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   73 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|scft_osc_freq |   74 |Spacecraft oscillator        | RE-8 |Hz/| 0.0, |   6 | 
|              |      |frequency. Spacecraft one-way|      | 1 |2.0E9-|     | 
|              |      |frequency.  0.0 if unknown.  |      |mHz|32.3E9|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   82 |Spacecraft transponder delay.| RE-8 | s/| -1.0-|   7 | 
|         delay|      |Coherent ranging delay. Value|      |100| 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid.   |      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   90 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_num|      |around ratio numerator.  A   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |value of 0 indicates unknown.|      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   94 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_den|      |around ratio denominator.  A |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |value of 0 indicates unknown.|      |   |      |     | 
|scft_twnc_stat|   98 |Spacecraft two-way           | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      |non-coherent (TWNC) status.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_osc_type |   99 |Spacecraft oscillator type.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => AUX OSC (auxiliary     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        oscillator)          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => USO (ultra-stable      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        oscillator)          |      |   |      |     | 
|mod_day       |  100 |Modification time days.  Days| UI-2 |day| 0 to |  73 | 
|              |      |since 1/1/1958.  Last        |      |/ 1|2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      |day|      |     | 
|mod_msec      |  102 |Modification time            | UI-4 |ms/| ds3* |  73 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.  Last   |      | 1 |      |     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      | ms|      |     | 
|reserve8      |  106 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated values
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Secondary CHDO 135 (Interferometric Data Types)                      
     Secondary CHDO 135 is used for the following Interferometric data type   
(format code): VLBI (data type 10). Secondary CHDO 135 is defined in Table    
|                  Table 3-7.  Secondary CHDO 135 Definitions               | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|  135 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.              |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   88 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.  Indicates   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the length, in bytes, of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the secondary CHDO. |      |   |      |     | 
|orig_id       |    4 |Originator ID.  Indicates    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |where this SFDU was          |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |originated. Per Reference[4].|      |   |      |     | 
|last_modifier_|    5 |Last modifier ID.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|            id|      |where this SFDU was last     |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |modified.  Per Reference [4].|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    6 |Reserved.  For future        | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |      |expansion of scft_id.        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_id       |    7 |Spacecraft number.  Per      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |Reference [3a] (set to 0 if  |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |quasar sample).              |      |   |      |     | 
|rec_seq_num   |    8 |Record sequence number (RSN).| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Begins with zero; increments |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |by one for each successive   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |VLBI tracking SFDU of the    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |same data type; wraps around |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from 2^32-1 to zero.         |      |   |      |     | 
|year          |   12 |Time tag year.               | UI-2 |N/A|1958- |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|doy           |   14 |Time tag day of year.        | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|     | 
|sec           |   16 |Time tag seconds of day.     | RE-8 | s/| ds4* |   1 | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|rct_day       |   24 |Record creation time days.   | UI-2 |day| 0 to |  74 | 
|              |      |Days since 1/1/1958.         |      | /1|2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |day|      |     | 
|rct_msec      |   26 |Record creation time         | UI-4 | ms| ds3* |  74 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | /1|      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|ul_dss_id     |   30 |Primary uplink antenna       | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |number.  Per Reference [10]. |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_dss_id     |   31 |Primary downlink antenna     | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |number.  Per Reference [10]. |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_band       |   32 |Downlink frequency band.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_chan_num   |   33 |Downlink channel number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |     | 
|prdx_mode     |   34 |Predicts mode.  Predicts     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|              |      |subset used by downlink      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |channel.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => No Predicts            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_prdx_stn   |   35 |Uplink station used for      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |predicts.  Valid only if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |prdx_mode is 2 or 3. Per     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Reference [10]. A value of 0 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |means that the number is     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown or not valid (e.g.,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |no uplink).                  |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band_dl    |   36 |Uplink frequency band        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      |assumed by downlink.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|rec_type      |   37 |Record type.                 | UI-1 |N/A| 71-74|     | 
|              |      | 71 => spacecraft DOD        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 72 => quasar DOD            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 73 => spacecraft DOR        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 74 => quasar DOR            |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_time_tag_ |   38 |Receive time tag delay at    | RE-8 | s | -1.0,|     | 
|         delay|      |primary antenna.  Value used |      | / | 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |to offset downlink time tag  |      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |(e.g, for Goldstone Beam     |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |Waveguide antennas).  A value|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid (or|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |not provided).               |      |   |      |     | 
|array_delay   |   46 |Array delay value at primary | RE-8 | s | 0.0- |   4 | 
|              |      |antenna.  Time delay added to|      | / |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |path by arraying equipment.  |      |100|      |     | 
|              |      |Obtained from arraying       |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |equipment.  Any measurements |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |include this delay.  Valid   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |only if Array Flag           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(array_flag) is non-zero.    |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_dss_id_2   |   54 |Secondary downlink antenna   | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |number.  Per Reference [10]. |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   55 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|rcv_time_tag_ |   56 |Receive time tag delay at    | RE-8 | s | -1.0,|     | 
|       delay_2|      |secondary antenna. Value used|      | / | 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |to offset downlink time tag  |      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |(e.g., for Goldstone Beam    |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |Waveguide antennas).  A value|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid (or|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |not provided).               |      |   |      |     | 
|array_delay_2 |   64 |Array delay value at         | RE-8 | s | 0.0- |   4 | 
|              |      |secondary antenna. Time delay|      | / |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |added to path by arraying    |      |100|      |     | 
|              |      |equipment.  Obtained from    |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |arraying equipment.  Any     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |measurements include this    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |delay.  Valid only if        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Secondary Antenna Array Flag |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(array_flag_2) is non-zero.  |      |   |      |     | 
|fts_vld_flag  |   72 |Frequency and Timing (FTS)   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |validity.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Equipment is not synced|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Equipment is synced    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_lock_stat|   73 |Carrier lock status.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Off                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Open                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Acquiring, FFT Search  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Acquiring, Waiting for |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        Lock Decision        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => Out-of-Lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|array_flag    |   74 |Array flag for primary       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  87 | 
|              |      |antenna.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Not arrayed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Arrayed with FSP #1    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Arrayed with FSP #2    |      |   |      |     | 
|source_type   |   75 |VLBI source.                 | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => quasar                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => spacecraft             |      |   |      |     | 
|lna_num       |   76 |LNA Number.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  1-4 |     | 
|array_flag_2  |   77 |Array flag for secondary     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  87 | 
|              |      |antenna.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Not arrayed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Arrayed with FSP #1    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Arrayed with FSP #2    |      |   |      |     | 
|mod_day       |   78 |Modification time days.  Days| UI-2 |day| 0 to |  73 | 
|              |      |since 1/1/1958.  Last        |      | /1|2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      |day|      |     | 
|mod_msec      |   80 |Modification time            | UI-4 | ms| ds3* |  73 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day. Last    |      | /1|      |     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      | ms|      |     | 
|reserve8      |   84 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Secondary CHDO 136 (Filtered Data Types)                             
     Secondary CHDO 136 is used for the following Filtered data types (format 
codes): Smoothed Noise (data type 12) and Allan Deviation (data type 13).     
These data types are only generated for DTT-type antennas.  Secondary CHDO 136
is defined in Table 3-8.                                                      
|                  Table 3-8.  Secondary CHDO 136 Definitions               | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|  136 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.              |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   98 |     | 
|              |      |secondary CHDO.  Indicates   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the length, in bytes, of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field (bytes after this|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item) of the secondary CHDO. |      |   |      |     | 
|orig_id       |    4 |Originator ID.  Indicates    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |where this SFDU was          |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |originated. Per Reference[4].|      |   |      |     | 
|last_modifier_|    5 |Last modifier ID.  Indicates | UI-1 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|            id|      |where this SFDU was last     |      |   |  255 |     | 
|              |      |modified.  Per Reference [4].|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    6 |Reserved.  For future        | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |      |expansion of scft_id.        |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_id       |    7 |Spacecraft number.  Per      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-   |     | 
|              |      |Reference [3a]               |      |   |  255 |     | 
|rec_seq_num   |    8 |Record sequence number (RSN).| UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Begins with zero; increments |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |by one for each successive   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |filtered SFDU of the same    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data type; wraps around from |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |2^32-1 to zero.  Value is    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reset to zero when the data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |processing system software is|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |restarted.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|year          |   12 |Time tag year.               | UI-2 |N/A|1958- |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|doy           |   14 |Time tag day of year.        | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|     | 
|sec           |   16 |Time tag seconds of day.     | RE-8 | s/| ds1* |   1 | 
|              |      |                             |      | 10|      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|rct_day       |   24 |Record creation time days.   | UI-2 |day| 0 to |  74 | 
|              |      |Days since 1/1/1958.         |      | /1|2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |day|      |     | 
|rct_msec      |   26 |Record creation time         | UI-4 | ms| ds3* |  74 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | /1|      |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|dl_dss_id     |   30 |Downlink antenna number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |Per Reference [10].          |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_band       |   31 |Downlink frequency band.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_chan_num   |   32 |Downlink channel number.     | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |     | 
|prdx_mode     |   33 |Predicts mode.               | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => No Predicts            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_prdx_stn   |   34 |Uplink station used for      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |predicts.  Valid only if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |prdx_mode is 2 or 3. Per     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Reference [10]. A value of 0 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |means that the number is     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown or not valid (e.g.,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |no uplink).                  |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_band_dl    |   35 |Uplink frequency band        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      |assumed by downlink.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          applicable         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => S-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => X-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Ka-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Ku-band                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => L-band                 |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_time_tag_ |   36 |Receive time tag delay.      | RE-8 | s | -1.0,|   3 | 
|         delay|      |Value used                   |      | / | 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |to offset downlink time tag  |      |100|   1.0|     | 
|              |      |(e.g, for Goldstone Beam     |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |Waveguide antennas).  A value|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid (or|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |not provided).               |      |   |      |     | 
|array_delay   |   44 |Array delay value.           | RE-8 | s | 0.0- |   4 | 
|              |      |Time delay added to          |      | / |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |path by arraying equipment.  |      |100|      |     | 
|              |      |Obtained from arraying       |      | ps|      |     | 
|              |      |equipment.  Any measurements |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |include this delay.  Valid   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |only if Array Flag           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(array_flag) is non-zero.    |      |   |      |     | 
|fts_vld_flag  |   52 |Frequency and Timing (FTS)   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |validity.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Equipment is not synced|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Equipment is synced    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        with FTS             |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_lock_stat|   53 |Carrier lock status.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Off                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Open (using only       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          predicts)          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Acquiring, FFT Search  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Acquiring, Waiting for |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        Lock Decision        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => Out-of-Lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|array_flag    |   54 |Array flag.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  87 | 
|              |      | 0 => Not arrayed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Arrayed with FSP #1    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Arrayed with FSP #2    |      |   |      |     | 
|lna_num       |   55 |LNA Number.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  1-4 |     | 
|vld_ul_stn    |   56 |Validated uplink station.    | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|  61 | 
|              |      |Per Reference [10].  The     |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |uplink station per the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation process.  A value |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of 0 means that the antenna  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is unknown or not valid.     |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_dop_mode  |   57 |Validated doppler mode.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  61 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |  79 | 
|              |      |         applicable          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => One-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Three-way              |      |   |      |     | 
|vld_scft_coh  |   58 |Validated spacecraft         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |  79 | 
|              |      | coherency.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown or not         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         applicable          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Coherent               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Non-coherent           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Transponded,           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          non-coherent       |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   59 |Spacecraft transponder lock. | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|          lock|      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Out-of-lock            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => In Lock                |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   60 |Spacecraft transponder       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |   5 | 
|           num|      |number.  0 if unknown,       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transponder number otherwise.|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   61 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|scft_osc_freq |   62 |Spacecraft oscillator        | RE-8 |Hz/|0.0,  |   6 | 
|              |      |frequency. Spacecraft one-way|      |1.0|2.0E9-|     | 
|              |      |frequency.  0.0 if unknown.  |      |mHz|32.3E9|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   70 |Spacecraft transponder delay.| RE-8 | s/| -1.0,|   7 | 
|         delay|      |Coherent ranging delay. Value|      |100| 0.0- |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid.   |      | ps|   1.0|     | 
|scft_transpd_ |   78 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_num|      |around ratio numerator.      |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 indicates       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown.                     |      |   |      |     | 
scft_transpd_  |   82 |Spacecraft transponder turn  | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|      turn_den|      |around ratio denominator.    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |A value of 0 indicates       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |unknown.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_twnc_stat|   86 |Spacecraft two-way           | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      |non-coherent (TWNC) status.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => OFF                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => ON                     |      |   |      |     | 
|scft_osc_type |   87 |Spacecraft oscillator type.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |   5 | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => AUX OSC (auxiliary     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |            oscillator)      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => USO (ultra-stable      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |            oscillator)      |      |   |      |     | 
|mod_day       |   88 |Modification time days.  Days| UI-2 |Day| 0 to |  73 | 
|              |      |since 1/1/1958.  Last        |      |/1 |2^16-1|     | 
|              |      |modification time.           |      |day|      |     | 
|mod_msec      |   90 |Modification time            | UI-4 |ms/| ds3* |  73 | 
|              |      |milliseconds of day.         |      | 1 |      |     | 
|              |      |Last modification time.      |      | ms|      |     | 
|Reserve8      |   94 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
3.1.5  Tracking Data CHDOs                                                    
     There are 18 types of Tracking Data CHDOs, split into five categories:   
uplink data, downlink data, derived data, interferometric data, and filtered  
data.  Uplink data are the validated uplink phases from the UPL-DTT antennas  
and the uplink ramps.  Downlink data are the validated downlink phases from   
the UPL-DTT antennas.  Derived data are the data from the non-UPL-DTT         
antennas, and the processed doppler, range and DRVID data from the UPL-DTT    
antennas.  Interferometric data are the VLBI data.  Filtered data are the     
measurements derived from the accumulated downlink carrier phase data         
(smoothed noise and Allan Deviation) and are only available for UPL-DTT       
antennas.  The data types are as follows:                                     
* Uplink Data                                                                 
   * Uplink Carrier Phase (data type 0)                                       
   * Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 2)                            
   * Uplink PN Ranging Phase (data type 4)                                    
   * Ramp (data type 9)                                                       
* Downlink Data                                                               
   * Downlink Carrier Phase (data type 1)                                     
   * Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 3)                          
   * Downlink PN Ranging Phase (data type 5)                                  
* Derived Data                                                                
   * Doppler Count (data type 6)                                              
   * Sequential Range (data type 7)                                           
   * Angle (data type 8)                                                      
   * DRVID (data type 11)                                                     
   * PN Range (data type 14)                                                  
   * Tone Range (data type 15)                                                
   * Carrier Frequency Observable (data type 16)                              
   * Total Count Phase Observable (data type 17)                              
* Interferometric Data                                                        
   * VLBI (data type 10)                                                      
* Filtered Data                                                               
   * Smoothed Noise (data type 12)                                            
   * Allan Deviation (data type 13)                                           
                                                                       Uplink Data CHDOs                                                    
     There are four Uplink Data CHDOs: Uplink Carrier Phase (data type 0),    
Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 2), Uplink PN Ranging Phase (data  
type 4), and Ramp (data type 9).  Their formats and contents are specified in 
sections to                                              
                                                                      Uplink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 0)                             
     The Uplink Carrier Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-9.                   
|      Table 3-9. Uplink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 0) Definitions       | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the uplink | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |carrier phase data CHDO. CHDO|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   76 |     | 
|              |      |uplink carrier phase data    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO value field.  Number of |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |bytes after this item.       |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_hi_phs_    |    4 |High part phase data whole   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |cycles.  Total integer phase |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles divided by 2^32.      |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_lo_phs_    |    8 |Low part phase data whole    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |cycles.  Total integer phase |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |cycles modulo 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_frac_phs_  |   12 |Fractional part phase data   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |cycles.  Fractional phase    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles multiplied by 2^32    |      |   |      |     | 
|ramp_freq     |   16 |Ramp frequency.  Precision   | RE-8 |N&D| 0.0, |     | 
|              |      |varies with band (phase data |      |   |2.0E9-|     | 
|              |      |gives higher precision).  A  |      |   |34.7E9|     | 
|              |      |value of 0.0 indicates an    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invalid or unknown value.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | S-band => 0.5 microHz       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | X-band => 1.6 microHz       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | Ka-band => 7.7 microHz      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Sky level Hz, at least 7.7   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |microHz precision (band      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |dependent)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|ramp_rate     |   24 |Ramp rate.                   | RE-8 |N&D|-3.2E5|     | 
|              |      |Sky level Hz/sec, microHz/sec|      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |precision                    |      |   | 3.2E5|     | 
|transmit_     |   32 |Transmitter switch status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|   switch_stat|      | 0 => antenna                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => water load             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|ramp_type     |   33 |Ramp type.                   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-6 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => snap                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => start of new ramp      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => medial report          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => periodic report        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => end of ramps           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 =>  ramping terminated by |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          operator           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 6 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_op_  |   34 |Transmitter output power.    | RE-4 | W/| 0.0- |     | 
|           pwr|      |                             |      |0.1|  500K|     | 
|              |      |                             |      | W |      |     | 
|sup_data_id   |   38 |Support data ID.  Name of the|  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |frequency predicts set used. |      |   |string|     | 
|sup_data_rev  |   46 |Support data revision.       |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |Revision of the frequency    |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |predicts set used.           |      |   |      |     | 
|prdx_time_    |   54 |Predicts time offset.        | RE-8 | s/| ds5* |  54 | 
|        offset|      |Seconds added to current     |      |0.1|      |     | 
|              |      |time.                        |      | s |      |     | 
|prdx_freq_    |   62 |Predicts frequency offset.   | RE-8 | Hz|-4.8E6|  55 | 
|        offset|      |Hz added to predicted value. |      | /1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz| 4.8E6|     | 
|time_tag_corr_|   70 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |   71 |Type of time tag             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |what type of time tag        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction was made.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |   72 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 2)                 
     The Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-10.       
|Table 3-10. Uplink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 2) Definitions | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the uplink | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |sequential range phase data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.  CHDO contains binary  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  108 |     | 
|              |      |uplink sequential ranging    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase data CHDO value field. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Number of bytes after this   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal       |    4 |Station calibration value.   | RE-8 | RU| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |(Two-way). Value includes the|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |equipment in the path, but   |      |.01| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |not the Z-height correction. |      | RU|      |     | 
|              |      |(0.0 if not measured.)       |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_cal    |   12 |Uplink station calibration   | RE-8 | RU| 0.0  |  10 | 
|              |      |value.  Value includes the   |      | / |  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |uplink equipment in the path,|      |.01| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |but not the Z-height         |      | RU|      |     | 
|              |      |correction. (0.0 if not      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |measured.)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_cal_freq   |   20 |Uplink calibration frequency.| RE-8 |N&D|2.0E9 |     | 
|              |      |Frequency the calibration was|      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |done at.  Sky level Hz at    |      |   |34.4E9|     | 
|              |      |1 mHz precision.             |      |   |      |     | 
|cal_std_dev   |   28 |Standard deviation of station| RE-4 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |calibration value.  For      |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |stn_cal and ul_stn_cal.      |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|cal_pts       |   32 |Calibration points. Number of| UI-2 |N/A| 0-   |     | 
|              |      |measurements made in         |      |   | 65535|     | 
|              |      |computing station calibration|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |values (stn_cal, ul_stn_cal, |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |cal_std_dev).                |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_rng_phs    |   34 |Measured range phase.  Range | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  11 | 
|              |      |phase.                       |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|transmit_     |   42 |Transmitter switch status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|   switch_stat|      | 0 => antenna                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => water load             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|invert        |   43 |Invert.  Polarity of         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  52 | 
|              |      |modulation.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_op_  |   44 |Transmitter output power.    | RE-4 |W/ | 0.0  |     | 
|           pwr|      |                             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | W |  500K|     | 
|template_id   |   48 |Template ID.  Value is the   |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |file name of the ranging     |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |parameter file.              |      |   |      |     | 
|t1            |   56 |T1 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-3600|  12 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t2            |   58 |T2 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  13 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t3            |   60 |T3 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  14 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|first_comp_num|   62 |First component number.      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|last_comp_num |   63 |Last component number.       | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|chop_comp_num |   64 |Chop component number.  This | UI-1 |N/A| 0-10 |  15 | 
|              |      |is the component used to chop|      |   |      |  16 | 
|              |      |the other components.        |      |   |      |     | 
|num_drvid     |   65 |Number of DRVID measurements.| UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|transmit_     |   66 |Transmit In-phase time- year.| UI-2 |N/A|1958- |  75 | 
|   inphs_     |      |Year of the time of zero     |      |   |  3000|     | 
|     time_year|      |phase on uplink range        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |generation.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_     |   68 |Transmit In-phase time - day | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|  75 | 
|    inphs_    |      |of year.  Day of year of the |      |   |      |     | 
|      time_doy|      |time of zero phase on uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |range generation.            |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_     |   70 |Transmit In-phase time -     | RE-8 | S6| ds6* |  75 | 
|    inphs_    |      |seconds of day.  Seconds of  |      |   |      |     | 
|      time_sec|      |day of the time of zero phase|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |on uplink range generation.  |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_sup_rng_ |   78 |Carrier Suppression by       | RE-4 | dB| 0.0  |     | 
|         modul|      |ranging modulation. Reduction|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |in carrier power due to      |      |0.1| -15.0|     | 
|              |      |ranging modulation.          |      | dB|      |     | 
|rng_modul_amp |   82 |Ranging modulation amplitude.| UI-2 |N/A| 0-212|     | 
|              |      |Actual digital modulation    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |amplitude used by the ranging|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |hardware.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|   84 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|   88 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from uplink sky frequency.   |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|   92 |Ranging cycle time.  Time to | RE-8 |s/ | ds7* |  18 | 
|              |      |complete one cycle of the    |      |0.1|      |     | 
|              |      |ranging code.                |      | s |      |     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  100 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  101 |Type of time tag             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |what type of time tag        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction was made.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        correction           |      |   |      |     | 
|clock_waveform|  102 |Clock waveform type.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|chop_start_num|  103 |Chop Start.  The first       | UI-1 |N/A| 0-25 |  16 | 
|              |      |component chopped.           |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |  104 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                      Uplink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 4)                          
     The Uplink PN Ranging Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-11.               
|    Table 3-11. Uplink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 4) Definitions     | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the uplink | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |PN ranging phase data CHDO.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO contains binary data.   |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  132 |     | 
|              |      |uplink PN ranging phase data |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO value field.  Number of |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |bytes after this item.       |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal       |    4 |Station calibration value    | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |(two-way). Value includes the|      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |equipment in the path, but   |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |not the Z-height correction. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(0.0 if not measured.)       |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_cal    |   12 |Uplink station calibration   | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  10 | 
|              |      |value.  Value includes the   |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |uplink equipment in the path,|      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |but not the Z-height         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction. (0.0 if not      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |measured.)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_cal_freq   |   20 |Uplink calibration frequency.| RE-8 |N&D|2.0E9 |     | 
|              |      |Frequency the calibration was|      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |done at.  Sky level Hz at    |      |   |34.4E9|     | 
|              |      |1 mHz precision.             |      |   |      |     | 
|cal_std_dev   |   28 |Standard deviation of station| RE-4 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |calibration value.  For      |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |stn_cal and ul_stn_cal.      |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|cal_pts       |   32 |Calibration points. Number of| UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |measurements made in         |      |   | 65535|     | 
|              |      |computing station calibration|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |values (stn_cal, ul_stn_cal, |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |and cal_std_dev).            |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_rng_phs    |   34 |Measured range phase.  Range | RE-8 |RU/| 0 to |  11 | 
|              |      |phase.                       |      |.01|  230 |  24 | 
|state_seq1    |   42 |Sequence #1 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-7 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq2    |   43 |Sequence #2 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-15 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq3    |   44 |Sequence #3 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-15 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq4    |   45 |Sequence #4 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq5    |   46 |Sequence #5 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq6    |   47 |Sequence #6 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|pn_clk_phs    |   48 |PN chip clock phase. Position| RE-8 |N&D| 0.0  |  19 | 
|              |      |in the chip at the time tag. |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |Cycles at 1 microcycle       |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |precision.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_     |   56 |Transmitter switch status.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|   switch_stat|      | 0 => antenna                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => water load             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => invalid/unknown        |      |   |      |     | 
|invert        |   57 |Invert.  Polarity of         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  52 | 
|              |      |modulation signal.           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_op_  |   58 |Transmitter output power.    | RE-4 |W/ | 0 to |     | 
|           pwr|      |                             |      |0.1|  500K|     | 
|              |      |                             |      | W |      |     | 
|template_id   |   62 |Template ID.  Value is the   |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |file name of the ranging     |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |parameter file.              |      |   |      |     | 
|clk_divider   |   70 |Clock divider.  Value that   | UI-1 |N/A| 1-64 |  20 | 
|              |      |exciter ranging reference    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |frequency is divided by to   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |get PN chip rate.            |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq1      |   71 |Sequence #1 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D|  0-8 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq2      |   72 |Sequence #2 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq3      |   73 |Sequence #3 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq4      |   74 |Sequence #4 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq5      |   75 |Sequence #5 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq6      |   76 |Sequence #6 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at precision 1 chip.   |      |   |      |     | 
|def_seq1      |   77 |Sequence #1 component value. | UI-1 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   | 2^8-1|     | 
|def_seq2      |   78 |Sequence #2 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq3      |   80 |Sequence #3 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq4      |   82 |Sequence #4 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq5      |   86 |Sequence #5 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq6      |   90 |Sequence #6 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|pn_code_length|   94 |Code Length.                 | UI-4 |N&D| 2 to |  22 | 
|              |      |                             |      |   | 1.1E7|     | 
|transmit_     |   98 |Transmit In-phase time- year.| UI-2 |N/A|1958- |  75 | 
|   inphs_     |      |Year of the time of zero     |      |   |  3000|     | 
|     time_year|      |phase on uplink range        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |generation.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_     |  100 |Transmit In-phase time - day | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|  75 | 
|    inphs_    |      |of year.  Day of year of the |      |   |      |     | 
|      time_doy|      |time of zero phase on uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |range generation.            |      |   |      |     | 
|transmit_     |  102 |Transmit In-phase time -     | RE-8 | S6| ds6* |  75 | 
|    inphs_    |      |seconds of day.  Seconds of  |      |   |      |     | 
|      time_sec|      |day of the time of zero phase|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |on uplink range generation.  |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_sup_rng_ |  110 |Carrier Suppression by       | RE-4 | dB|-15.0 |     | 
|         modul|      |ranging modulation. Reduction|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |in carrier power due to      |      |0.1|   0.0|     | 
|              |      |ranging modulation.          |      | dB|      |     | 
|rng_modul_amp |  114 |Ranging modulation amplitude.| UI-2 |N/A| 0-212|     | 
|              |      |Actual digital modulation    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |amplitude used by the ranging|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |hardware.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|  116 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|  120 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from uplink sky frequency.   |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|  124 |Ranging cycle time.  Time to | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  23 | 
|              |      |complete one cycle of the    |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |ranging code.                |      | RU| 1.0E9|     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  132 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempte |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  133 |Type of time tag             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |what type of time tag        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction was made.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        correction           |      |   |      |     | 
|clock_waveform|  134 |Clock waveform type.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |  135 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Ramp CHDO (Data Type 9)                                            
     The Ramp CHDO is generated only when ramp_type equals 0, 1, 4, or 5, and 
is defined in Table 3-12.                                                     
|             Table 3-12.  Ramp CHDO (Data Type 9) Definitions              | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the ramp   | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO contains binary data.   |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the ramp | UI-2 | B |   38 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_hi_phs_    |    4 |High part uplink phase data  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |whole cycles. Phase at time  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag.  Total integer phase    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |cycles divided by 2^32.      |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_lo_phs_    |    8 |Low part uplink phase data   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |whole cycles. Phase at time  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag. Total integer phase     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |cycles modulo 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_frac_phs_  |   12 |Fractional part uplink phase | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        cycles|      |data cycles.  Phase at time  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag. Fractional phase cycles |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|ramp_freq     |   16 |Ramp frequency.  Precision   | RE-8 |N&D| 0.0, |     | 
|              |      |varies with band (phase data |      |   |2.0E9-|     | 
|              |      |gives higher precision).     |      |   |34.7E9|     | 
|              |      |A value of 0.0 indicates an  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invalid or unknown value.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | S-band  => 0.5 microHz      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | X-band  => 1.6 microHz      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | Ka-band => 7.7 microHz      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Sky level Hz, at least 7.7   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |microHz precision (band      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |dependent)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|ramp_rate     |   24 |Ramp rate. Sky level Hz/sec, | RE-8 |N&D|-3.2E5|     | 
|              |      |microHz/sec precision.       |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   | 3.2E5|     | 
|ramp_type     |   32 |Ramp type.                   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => snap                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => start of new ramp      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => end of ramps           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => ramping terminated by  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          operator           |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |   33 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|reserve8      |   34 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Downlink Data CHDOs                                                  
     There are three Downlink Data CHDOs: Downlink Carrier Phase (data type   
1),  Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase (data type 3), and Downlink PN Ranging 
Phase (data type 5).  Their formats and contents are specified in sections to                                                       
                                                                       Downlink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 1)                          
     The Downlink Carrier Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-13.                
|    Table 3-13.  Downlink Carrier Phase CHDO (Data Type 1) Definitions     | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |downlink carrier phase data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.  CHDO contains binary  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  228 |     | 
|              |      |downlink carrier phase data  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO value field.  Number of |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |bytes after this item.       |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_loop_bw  |    4 |Carrier tracking loop        | RE-4 |Hz/| 0.1- |     | 
|              |      |bandwidth.                   |      | 1 |  50.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|      |     | 
|pcn0          |    8 |Pc/N0. Carrier power to noise| RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pcn0_resid    |   12 |Pc/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|pdn0          |   16 |Pd/N0.  Data power to noise  | RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |  25 | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pdn0_resid    |   20 |Pd/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|system_noise_ |   24 |System Noise Temperature.    | RE-4 | K/| 0.1  |     | 
|          temp|      |                             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | K |2000.0|     | 
|phs_hi_0      |   28 |Raw phase sample 0 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.0 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_0      |   32 |Raw phase sample 0 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.0 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_0    |   36 |Raw phase sample 0 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.0 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_1      |   40 |Raw phase sample 1 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.1 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_1      |   44 |Raw phase sample 1 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.1 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_1    |   48 |Raw phase sample 1 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.1 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_2      |   52 |Raw phase sample 2 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.2 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_2      |   56 |Raw phase sample 2 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.2 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_2    |   60 |Raw phase sample 2 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.2 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_3      |   64 |Raw phase sample 3 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.3 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_3      |   68 |Raw phase sample 3 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.3 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_3    |   72 |Raw phase sample 3 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.3 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_4      |   76 |Raw phase sample 4 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.4 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_4      |   80 |Raw phase sample 4 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.4 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_4    |   84 |Raw phase sample 4 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.4 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_5      |   88 |Raw phase sample 5 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.5 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_5      |   92 |Raw phase sample 5 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.5 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_5    |   96 |Raw phase sample 5 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.5 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_6      |  100 |Raw phase sample 6 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.6 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_6      |  104 |Raw phase sample 6 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.6 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_6    |  108 |Raw phase sample 6 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.6 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_7      |  112 |Raw phase sample 7 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.7 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_7      |  116 |Raw phase sample 7 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.7 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_6    |  120 |Raw phase sample 7 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.7 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_8      |  124 |Raw phase sample 8 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.8 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_8      |  128 |Raw phase sample 8 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.8 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_8    |  132 |Raw phase sample 8 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.8 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_9      |  136 |Raw phase sample 9 - High    | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.9 sec)         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_9      |  140 |Raw phase sample 9 - Low part| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles (time|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |tag + 0.9 sec). Total integer|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase cycles modulo 2^32.    |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_9    |  144 |Raw phase sample 9 -         | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles (time tag + 0.9 sec). |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_hi_avg    |  148 |Averaged phase sample - High | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |One-second average, centered |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |around time tag.  Total      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |integer phase cycles divided |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |by 2^32.                     |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_lo_avg    |  152 |Averaged phase sample - Low  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data whole cycles.|      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |One-second average, centered |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |around time tag.  Total      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |integer phase cycles modulo  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |2^32.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|phs_frac_avg  |  156 |Averaged phase sample -      | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |Fractional part phase data   |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |cycles.  One-second average, |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |centered around time tag.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_freq       |  160 |Downlink frequency. Frequency| RE-8 |N&D|2.2E9 |     | 
|              |      |at the time tag. Sky level Hz|      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |at 1 mHz precision.          |      |   |32.3E9|     | 
|dop_resid     |  168 |Doppler residual. Negative of| RE-4 |N&D|-1.0E6|     | 
|              |      |frequency residual. Sky level|      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |Hz at 1 mHz precision.       |      |   | 1.0E6|     | 
|dop_noise     |  172 |Doppler noise.  Averaged over| RE-4 |Hz/| 0.0  |  26 | 
|              |      |10 points in record.         |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|1000.0|     | 
|slipped_cycles|  176 |Slipped cycles.              |  I-4 |N/A| -10  |  31 | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |to  10|     | 
|carr_loop_type|  180 |Carrier loop type.           | UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |  53 | 
|snt_flag      |  181 |SNT measurement flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         predicted value     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         measured value      |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_resid_wt |  182 |Carrier residual weight.     | RE-4 |N/A| 0.0  |  27 | 
|              |      |(Weight value applied to     |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |residual phase error in      |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|              |      |carrier tracking; suppressed |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |carrier weight is 1.0 minus  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this value.)                 |      |   |      |     | 
|sup_data_id   |  186 |Support data ID.  Name of the|  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |frequency predicts set used. |      |   |string|     | 
|sup_data_rev  |  194 |Support data revision.       |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |Revision of the frequency    |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |predicts set used.           |      |   |      |     | 
|prdx_time_    |  202 |Predicts time offset.        | RE-8 | s/|-86400|  54 | 
|        offset|      |Seconds added to current     |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |time.                        |      | ms| 86400|     | 
|prdx_freq_    |  210 |Predicts frequency offset.   | RE-8 |Hz/|-1.0E6|  55 | 
|        offset|      |Hz added to predicted value. |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz| 1.0E6|     | 
|carr_resid_   |  218 |Carrier residual tolerance   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  62 | 
|      tol_flag|      |flag.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  219 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         attempted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  220 |Type of time tag correction  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |flag.  Indicates what type of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |time tag correction was made.|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_mode_corr_|  221 |Doppler mode correction flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates the results of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the doppler    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |mode.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_corr_  |  222 |Uplink station correction    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Indicates the results |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of the validation of the     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       uplink station.       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       validation attempted  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |  223 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|reserve8      |  224 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 3)               
     The Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-14.     
|                                Table 3-14.                                | 
|      Downlink Sequential Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 3) Definitions     | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |downlink sequential ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase data CHDO.  CHDO       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  174 |     | 
|              |      |downlink sequential ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase data CHDO value field. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Number of bytes after this   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal       |    4 |Station calibration value    | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |(two-way). Value includes the|      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |equipment in the path, but   |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |not the Z-height correction. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(0.0 if not measured.)       |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_stn_cal    |   12 |Downlink station calibration | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  10 | 
|              |      |value.  Value includes the   |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |downlink equipment in the    |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |path, but not the Z-height   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction. (0.0 if not      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |measured.)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_cal_freq   |   20 |Downlink calibration         | RE-8 |N&D|2.2E9 |     | 
|              |      |frequency.  Frequency the    |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |calibration was done at.  Sky|      |   |32.3E9|     | 
|              |      |level Hz at 1 mHz precision. |      |   |      |     | 
|cal_std_dev   |   28 |Standard deviation of station| RE-4 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |calibration value.  For      |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |stn_cal and dl_stn_cal.      |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|cal_pts       |   32 |Calibration points. Number of| UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |measurements made in         |      |   | 65535|     | 
|              |      |computing station calibration|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |values (stn_cal, dl_stn_cal, |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |and cal_std_dev).            |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_rng_phs    |   34 |Measured range phase.  Range | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  11 | 
|              |      |phase.                       |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|  230 |     | 
|figure_merit  |   42 |Figure of Merit.  Rating of  | RE-4 |Pct| 0.0  |  28 | 
|              |      |the measured range value.    |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1| 100.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct|      |     | 
|rng_resid     |   46 |Range residual.  Measured    | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  29 | 
|              |      |range minus predicted range. |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|drvid         |   54 |DRVID.  DRVID measured using | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  30 | 
|              |      |phase data from carrier.     |      |.01|  to  |  81 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|rtlt          |   62 |Round trip light time.       | RE-4 | s/| 0.0  |     | 
|              |      |Predicted value.             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | s |86400.|     | 
|pcn0          |   66 |Pc/N0. Carrier power to noise| RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pcn0_resid    |   70 |Pc/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|pdn0          |   74 |Pd/N0.  Data power to noise  | RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |  25 | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pdn0_resid    |   78 |Pd/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|prn0          |   82 |Pr/N0. Ranging power to noise| RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|prn0_resid    |   86 |Pr/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|system_noise_ |   90 |System Noise Temperature.    | RE-4 | K/| 0.1  |     | 
|          temp|      |                             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | K |2000.0|     | 
|carr_loop_type|   94 |Carrier loop type.           | UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |  53 | 
|snt_flag      |   95 |SNT measurement flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         predicted value     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         measured value      |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_resid_wt |   96 |Carrier residual weight.     | RE-4 |N/A| 0.0  |  27 | 
|              |      |(Weight value applied to     |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |residual phase error in      |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|              |      |carrier tracking; suppressed |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |carrier weight is 1.0 minus  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this value.)                 |      |   |      |     | 
|template_id   |  100 |Template ID.  Value is the   |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |file name of the ranging     |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |parameter file.              |      |   |      |     | 
|invert        |  108 |Invert. Inverted implies that| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  52 | 
|              |      |the polarity of the          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation reference is the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invert of what was           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transmitted.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_type   |  109 |Correlation type.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|t1            |  110 |T1 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-3600|  12 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t2            |  112 |T2 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  13 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t3            |  114 |T3 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  14 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|first_comp_num|  116 |First component number.      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|last_comp_num |  117 |Last component number.       | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|chop_comp_num |  118 |Chop component number.  This | UI-1 |N/A| 0-10 |  15 | 
|              |      |is the component used to chop|      |   |      |  16 | 
|              |      |the other components.        |      |   |      |     | 
|num_drvid     |  119 |Number of DRVID measurements.| UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  120 |Receive In-phase time - year.| UI-2 |N/A|1958- |  75 | 
|     time_year|      |Year of the time of zero     |      |   |  3000|     | 
|              |      |phase on downlink range      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |signal correlation.          |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  122 |Receive In-phase time - day  | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|  75 | 
|      time_doy|      |of year.  Day of year of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |time of zero phase on        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink range signal        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  124 |Receive In-phase time -      | RE-8 | S6| ds6* |  75 | 
|      time_sec|      |seconds of day.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Seconds of day of the time of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |zero phase on downlink range |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |signal correlation.          |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|  132 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|  136 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UA-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal from|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink sky frequency.        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|  140 |Ranging cycle time.  Time to | RE-8 | s/| ds7* |  18 | 
|              |      |complete one cycle of the    |      |0.1|      |     | 
|              |      |ranging code.                |      | s |      |     | 
|inphs_correl  |  148 |In phase correlation value.  | RE-4 |N/A|-1.0  |     | 
|              |      |The in phase value of the    |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |clock component correlation. |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|quad_phs_     |  152 |Quadrature phase correlation | RE-4 |N/A|-1.0  |     | 
|        correl|      |value.  The quadrature phase |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of the clock component |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |correlation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|metrics_vld_  |  156 |Metrics validity flag.       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  70 | 
|          flag|      |Validity of the Range        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Residual (rng_resid) and     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |DRVID (drvid) measurements.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid (No uplink data|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         available)          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Invalid (Other reasons)|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_vld_   |  157 |Correlation validity flag.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  56 | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  158 |Range residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  63 | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_flag|  159 |DRVID tolerance flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  64 | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  160 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  65 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_sigma_tol_|  161 |Range sigma tolerance flag.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  66 | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_vld_flag  |  162 |Range validity flag.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  67 | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_config_   |  163 |Range configuration change   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  68 | 
|          flag|      |flag.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Changed                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Unchanged              |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_hw_flag   |  164 |Ranging hardware status flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Bad                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Good                   |      |   |      |     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  165 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  166 |Type of time tag correction  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |flag.  Indicates what type of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |time tag correction was made.|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_mode_corr_|  167 |Doppler mode correction flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates the results of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the doppler    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |mode.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_corr_  |  168 |Uplink station correction    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Indicates the results |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of the validation of the     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink station.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|chop_start_num|  169 |Chop Start.  The first       | UI-1 |N/A| 0-25 |  16 | 
|              |      |component chopped.           |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |  170 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Downlink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 5)                       
     The Downlink PN Ranging Phase CHDO is defined in Table 3-15.             
|    Table 3-15. Downlink PN Ranging Phase CHDO (Data Type 5) Definitions   | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |downlink PN ranging          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |phase data CHDO.  CHDO       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  202 |     | 
|              |      |downlink PN ranging phase    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal       |    4 |Station calibration value    | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |(Two-way). Value includes the|      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |equipment in the path, but   |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |not the Z-height correction. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |(0.0 if not measured.)       |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_stn_cal    |   12 |Downlink station calibration | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  10 | 
|              |      |value.  Value includes the   |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |downlink equipment in the    |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |path, but not the Z-height   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction.  (0.0 if not     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |measured.)                   |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_cal_freq   |   20 |Downlink calibration         | RE-8 |N&D|2.2E9 |     | 
|              |      |frequency.  Frequency the    |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |calibration was done at.  Sky|      |   |32.3E9|     | 
|              |      |level Hz at 1 mHz precision. |      |   |      |     | 
|cal_std_dev   |   28 |Standard deviation of station| RE-4 |RU/| 0.0  |  24 | 
|              |      |calibration value.  For      |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |stn_cal and dl_stn_cal.      |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|cal_pts       |   32 |Calibration points. Number of| UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |measurements made in         |      |   | 65535|     | 
|              |      |computing station calibration|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |values (stn_cal, dl_stn_cal, |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |and cal_std_dev).            |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_rng_phs    |   34 |Measured range phase.  Range | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  11 | 
|              |      |phase.                       |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|figure_merit  |   42 |Figure of Merit.  Rating of  | RE-4 |Pct| 0.0  |  28 | 
|              |      |the measured range value.    |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1| 100.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct|      |     | 
|rng_resid     |   46 |Range residual.  Measured    | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  29 | 
|              |      |range minus predicted range. |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|drvid         |   54 |DRVID.  DRVID measured using | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  30 | 
|              |      |phase data from carrier.     |      |.01|  to  |  81 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|rtlt          |   62 |Round trip light time.       | RE-4 | s/| 0.0  |     | 
|              |      |Predicted value.             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | s |86400.|     | 
|pcn0          |   66 |Pc/N0. Carrier power to noise| RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pcn0_resid    |   70 |Pc/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|pdn0          |   74 |Pd/N0.  Data power to noise  | RE-4 |dBH| 0.0  |  25 | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|pdn0_resid    |   78 |Pd/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|prn0          |   82 |Pr/N0. Ranging power to noise| RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio. Has a|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of -300.0 if no signal.|      |0.1| 90.0,|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|-300.0|     | 
|prn0_resid    |   86 |Pr/N0 residual.  Actual value| RE-4 |dBH|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |minus predicted value.       |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|      |     | 
|system_noise_ |   90 |System Noise Temperature.    | RE-4 | K/| 0.1  |     | 
|          temp|      |                             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | K |2000.0|     | 
|state_seq1    |   94 |Sequence #1 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-7 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq2    |   95 |Sequence #2 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-15 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq3    |   96 |Sequence #3 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-15 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq4    |   97 |Sequence #4 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq5    |   98 |Sequence #5 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|state_seq6    |   99 |Sequence #6 code state.      | UI-1 |N/A| 0-31 |  19 | 
|              |      |Position in the sequence at  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the time tag.                |      |   |      |     | 
|pn_clk_phs    |  100 |PN chip clock phase. Position| RE-8 |N&D| 0.0  |  19 | 
|              |      |in the chip at the time tag. |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |Cycles at 1 microcycle       |      |   | 1.0  |     | 
|              |      |precision.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_loop_type|  108 |Carrier loop type.           | UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |  53 | 
|snt_flag      |  109 |SNT measurement flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         predicted value     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => SNT value is the       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         measured value      |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_resid_wt |  110 |Carrier residual weight.     | RE-4 |N/A| 0.0  |  27 | 
|              |      |(Weight value applied to     |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |residual phase error in      |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|              |      |carrier tracking; suppressed |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |carrier weight is 1.0 minus  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this value.)                 |      |   |      |     | 
|template_id   |  114 |Template ID.  Value is the   |  A-8 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |file name of the ranging     |      |   |string|     | 
|              |      |parameter file.              |      |   |      |     | 
|invert        |  122 |Invert. Inverted implies that| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  52 | 
|              |      |the polarity of the          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation reference is the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invert of what was           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transmitted.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_type   |  123 |Correlation type.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|int_time      |  124 |Integration time. Time, in PN| UI-4 |N&D| 1 to |     | 
|              |      |cycle periods, that the      |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |signal was integrated over.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Number of PN cycle periods at|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |1 period resolution.         |      |   |      |     | 
|clk_divider   |  128 |Clock divider.  Value that   | UI-1 |N/A| 1-64 |  20 | 
|              |      |ranging reference frequency  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is divided by to get chip    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rate.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq1      |  129 |Sequence #1 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D|  0-8 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq2      |  130 |Sequence #2 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq3      |  131 |Sequence #3 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq4      |  132 |Sequence #4 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq5      |  133 |Sequence #5 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq6      |  134 |Sequence #6 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|def_seq1      |  135 |Sequence #1 component value. | UI-1 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   | 2^8-1|     | 
|def_seq2      |  136 |Sequence #2 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq3      |  138 |Sequence #3 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq4      |  140 |Sequence #4 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq5      |  144 |Sequence #5 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq6      |  148 |Sequence #6 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|pn_code_length|  152 |PN Code Length.  PN chips at | UI-4 |N&D| 2 to |  22 | 
|              |      |1 chip precision.            |      |   |  11M |     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  156 |Receive In-phase time - year.| UI-2 |N/A|1958- |  75 | 
|     time_year|      |Year of the time of zero     |      |   |  3000|     | 
|              |      |phase on downlink range      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |signal correlation.          |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  158 |Receive In-phase time - day  | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|  75 | 
|      time_doy|      |of year.  Day of year of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |time of zero phase on        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink range signal        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_    |  160 |Receive In-phase time -      | RE-8 | S6| ds6* |  75 | 
|      time_sec|      |seconds of day.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Seconds of day of the time of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |zero phase on downlink range |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |generation.                  |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|  168 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|  174 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |from uplink sky frequency.   |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|  176 |Ranging cycle time.  Time to | RE-8 |RU/| 0.0  |  23 | 
|              |      |complete one cycle of        |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |ranging code.                |      | RU| 1.0E9|     | 
|inphs_correl  |  184 |In phase correlation value.  | RE-4 |N/A| -1.0 |     | 
|              |      |The in phase value of the    |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |clock component correlation. |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|quad_phs_     |  188 |Quadrature phase correlation | RE-4 |N/A| -1.0 |     | 
|        correl|      |value.  The quadrature phase |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of the clock component |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |correlation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|metrics_vld_  |  192 |Metrics validity flag.       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  70 | 
|          flag|      |Validity of the Range        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Residual (rng_resid) and     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |DRVID (drvid) measurements.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid (No uplink data|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |                   available)|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Invalid (Other reasons)|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_vld_   |  193 |Correlation validity flag.   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  56 | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  194 |Range residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  63 | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_flag|  195 |DRVID tolerance flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  64 | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  196 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  65 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_sigma_    |  197 |Range sigma tolerance flag.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  66 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_vld_flag  |  198 |Range validity flag.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  67 | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_config_   |  199 |Range configuration change   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  68 | 
|          flag|      |flag.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Changed                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Unchanged              |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_hw_flag   |  200 |Ranging hardware status flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Bad                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Good                   |      |   |      |     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  201 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  202 |Type of time tag correction  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |flag.  Indicates what type of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |time tag correction was made.|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |            correction       |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_mode_     |  203 |Doppler mode correction flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |Indicates the results of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the doppler    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |mode.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_corr_  |  204 |Uplink station correction    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Indicates the results |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of the validation of the     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink station.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |  205 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Derived Data CHDOs                                                   
     There are seven derived data CHDOs: Doppler Count (data type 6),         
Sequential Range (data type 7), Angle (data type 8), DRVID (data type 11), PN 
Range (data type 14), Tone Range (data type 15), Carrier Frequency Observable 
(data type 16), and Total Count Phase Observable (data type 17).  Their       
formats and contents are specified in sections to        
                                                                      Doppler Count CHDO (Data Type 6)                                    
     The Doppler Count CHDO is defined in Table 3-16.                         
|          Table 3-16. Doppler Count CHDO (Data Type 6) Definitions         | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the Doppler| UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |count data CHDO.  CHDO       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |  176 |     | 
|              |      |Doppler Count data CHDO value|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |field. Number of bytes after |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this item.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|ref_rcv_type  |    4 |Reference receiver type.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => DTT                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => MFR                    |      |   |      |     | 
|sampl_interval|    5 |Sample interval.             | UI-1 |N/A|  1-4 |  84 | 
|              |      | 1 => 0.1 second             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => 1 second (non-UPL-DTT) |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => 10 seconds             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |           (non-UPL-DTT)     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => 60 seconds             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |           (non-UPL-DTT)     |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |    6 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|carr_vld_flag |    7 |Received carrier validity    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  69 | 
|              |      |indicator.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid Doppler        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid Doppler          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_noise     |    8 |Doppler noise.  Invalid for  | RE-4 |Hz/| -1.0,|  26 | 
|              |      |non-DTT antennas; indicated  |      | 1 |0.0-  |     | 
|              |      |by value of -1.0.            |      |mHz| 1000.|     | 
|slipped_      |   12 |Slipped cycles validity flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|    cycles_   |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|      vld_flag|      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|delta_ff_vld_ |   13 |Delta-f/f validity flag.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|          flag|      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|delta_ff      |   14 |Delta-f/f.  Valid only for   | RE-8 |N/A| -1.0 |  32 | 
|              |      |UPL-DTT antennas.            |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|slipped_cycles|   22 |Slipped cycles.  Number of   |  I-4 |N&D|-10000|  31 | 
|              |      |detected slipped cycles at   |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |time tag.  Valid only for    |      |   | 10000|     | 
|              |      |UPL-DTT antennas. Number of  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |cycles at 1 cycle precision. |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_sig_lvl   |   26 |Received signal level.       | RE-4 |dBm|-300.,|  58 | 
|              |      |Carrier power or data power  |      | / |-190.0|     | 
|              |      |(if suppressed carrier       |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |tracking). (-300.0 if not    |      |dBm| -45.0|     | 
|              |      |valid.)                      |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_freq       |   30 |Uplink frequency.  Uplink    | RE-8 |Hz/|2.0E9 |  34 | 
|              |      |frequency value used in the  |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |Doppler computation at time  |      |mHz|34.7E9|     | 
|              |      |tag.  For UPL-DTT antennas,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |it is determined by the      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink frequency.          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Otherwise, depends on antenna|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |configuration.               |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_bias_ |   38 |Doppler count bias frequency.| RE-8 |Hz/|-2.4E5|  34 | 
|          freq|      |                             |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz| 1.0E7|     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_0  |   46 |Doppler Count 0 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_0  |   50 |Doppler Count 0 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_0|   54 |Doppler Count 0 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt _hi_1 |   58 |Doppler Count 1 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.1 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt _lo_1 |   62 |Doppler Count 1 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.1 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_      |   66 |Doppler Count 1 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        frac_1|      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.1 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_2  |   70 |Doppler Count 2 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.2 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_2  |   74 |Doppler Count 2 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.2 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_2|   78 |Doppler Count 2 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.2 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_3  |   82 |Doppler Count 3 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.3 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_3  |   86 |Doppler Count 3 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.3 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_3|   90 |Doppler Count 3 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.3 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_4  |   94 |Doppler Count 4 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.4 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_4  |   98 |Doppler Count 4 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.4 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_4|  102 |Doppler Count 4 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.4 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_5  |  106 |Doppler Count 5 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.5 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_5  |  110 |Doppler Count 5 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.5 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_5|  114 |Doppler Count 5 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.5 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_6  |  118 |Doppler Count 6 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.6 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_6  |  122 |Doppler Count 6 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.6 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_6|  126 |Doppler Count 6 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.6 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_7  |  130 |Doppler Count 7 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.7 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_7  |  134 |Doppler Count 7 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.7 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_7|  138 |Doppler Count 7 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.7 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_8  |  142 |Doppler Count 8 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.8 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_8  |  146 |Doppler Count 8 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.8 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_8|  150 |Doppler Count 8 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.8 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_hi_9  |  154 |Doppler Count 9 - High part  | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.9 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_lo_9  |  158 |Doppler Count 9 - Low part   | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |phase data whole cycles.     |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.9 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_cnt_frac_9|  162 |Doppler Count 9 - Fractional | UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|              |      |part phase data cycles.      |      |   |2^32-1|  34 | 
|              |      |(time tag + 0.9 sec)         |      |   |      |  85 | 
|              |      |Zero if non-UPL-DTT antenna. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|time_tag_corr_|  166 |Time tag correction flag.    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the block time |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tag.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no validation attempted|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|type_time_    |  167 |Type of time tag             | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|     corr_flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |what type of time tag        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correction was made.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => no correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Year correction        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => DOY correction         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Both Year and DOY      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |         correction          |      |   |      |     | 
|dop_mode_corr_|  168 |Doppler mode correction flag.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |Indicates the results of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the doppler    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |mode.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_corr_  |  169 |Uplink station correction    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Indicates the results |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of the validation of the     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       uplink station.       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       validation attempted  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|dl_band_corr_ |  170 |Downlink frequency band      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|          flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |the results of validation of |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |downlink band for the 26m    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |stations only.               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not applicable or no   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        validation attempted |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |  171 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|reserve8      |  172 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Sequential Range CHDO (Data Type 7)                                
     The Sequential Range CHDO is defined in Table 3-17.                      
|         Table 3-17.  Sequential Range CHDO (Data Type 7) Definitions      | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the range  | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO.  CHDO contains    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |binary data.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the range| UI-2 | B |  186 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_cal    |    4 |Uplink station calibration   | RE-8 | RU|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |value.  Invalid indicated by |      | / | 0.0  |  40 | 
|              |      |value of -1.0.               |      |.01|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|dl_stn_cal    |   12 |Downlink station calibration | RE-8 |RU/| -1.0,|  24 | 
|              |      |value.  Invalid indicated by |      |.01| 0.0  |  41 | 
|              |      |value of -1.0.               |      | RU|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   | 1.8E5|     | 
|meas_rng      |   20 |Measured range value.  Does  | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |not include compensation for |      |.01| 0.0  |  38 | 
|              |      |station calibration and other|      | RU|  to  |     | 
|              |      |adjustments.  Invalid is     |      |   |   230|     | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_obs       |   28 |Range observable.  Includes  | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |all measurement adjustments  |      |.01| 0.0  |  39 | 
|              |      |(station calibration,        |      | RU|  to  |     | 
|              |      |spacecraft delay, and        |      |   |   230|     | 
|              |      |Z-height). Invalid is        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_obs_dl    |   36 |Downlink range observable.   | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |Includes all measurement     |      |.01| 0.0  |  76 | 
|              |      |adjustments (station         |      | RU|  to  |     | 
|              |      |calibration, spacecraft      |      |   |   230|     | 
|              |      |delay, and Z-height). A value|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of -1.0 indicates invalid.   |      |   |      |     | 
|clock_waveform|   44 |Uplink clock waveform type.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => square wave            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sine wave              |      |   |      |     | 
|chop_start_num|   45 |Chop Start.  The first       | UI-1 |N/A| 0-25 |  16 | 
|              |      |component chopped.           |      |   |      |     | 
|figure_merit  |   46 |Figure of Merit.  Rating of  | RE-4 |Pct| 0.0  |  28 | 
|              |      |the measured range value.    |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct| 100.0|     | 
|drvid         |   50 |DRVID. DRVID measured using  | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|              |      |phase data from carrier.     |      |.01|  to  |  30 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|  80 | 
|rtlt          |   58 |Round trip light time.       | RE-4 | s/| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Predicted value.             |      |.1s| 86400|     | 
|prn0          |   62 |Pr/N0. Ranging power to noise| RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio.      |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|  90.0|     | 
|transmit_pwr  |   66 |Transmitter power.           | RE-4 | W/| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |.1W|  500K|     | 
|invert        |   70 |Invert. Inverted implies that| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |the polarity of the          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation reference is the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invert of what was           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transmitted.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_type   |   71 |Correlation type.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|t1            |   72 |T1 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-3600|  12 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t2            |   74 |T2 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  13 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|t3            |   76 |T3 setting.                  | UI-2 | s/|1-1800|  14 | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|first_comp_num|   78 |First component number.      | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|last_comp_num |   79 |Last component number.       | UI-1 |N/A| 1-24 |  15 | 
|chop_comp_num |   80 |Chop component number.  This | UI-1 |N/A| 0-10 |  15 | 
|              |      |is the component used to chop|      |   |      |  16 | 
|              |      |the other components.        |      |   |      |     | 
|num_drvid     |   81 |Number of DRVID measurements.| UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|transmit_     |   82 |Transmit In-phase time.      | RE-4 | s/|-86400|  59 | 
|    inphs_time|      |Offset from time tag of time |      |1 s|  to  |     | 
|              |      |of zero phase on uplink range|      |   | 86400|     | 
|              |      |signal generation.           |      |   |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_time|   86 |Receive In-phase time. Offset| RE-4 | s/|-86400|  59 | 
|              |      |from time tag of time of zero|      |1 s|  to  |     | 
|              |      |phase on downlink range      |      |   | 86400|     | 
|              |      |signal correlation.          |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_sup_rng  |   90 |Carrier suppression by       | RE-4 |dB/|-15.0 |     | 
|        _modul|      |ranging modulation.  Amount  |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |carrier power is reduced by  |      | dB|   0.0|     | 
|              |      |ranging modulation.          |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|   94 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|   98 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal from|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink sky frequency.        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|  102 |Range cycle time.  Time, in  | RE-8 | s/| ds7* |  18 | 
|              |      |seconds, of one complete     |      |.1s|      |     | 
|              |      |cycle of the ranging signal. |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_modulo    |  110 |Range modulo value.  Range   | UI-4 |RU/| 1 to |  37 | 
|              |      |measurement modulo           |      | 1 |   230|     | 
|              |      |(ambiguity).                 |      | RU|      |     | 
|inphs_correl  |  114 |In phase correlation value.  | RE-4 |N/A|-1.0  |     | 
|              |      |The in phase value of the    |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |clock component correlation. |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|quad_phs_     |  118 |Quadrature phase correlation | RE-4 |N/A|-1.0  |     | 
|        correl|      |value.  The quadrature phase |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |value of the clock component |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|              |      |correlation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_freq       |  122 |Uplink frequency.  Uplink    | RE-8 |Hz/| 0.0, |  42 | 
|              |      |frequency at time tag. Set to|      | 1 |2.0E9 |     | 
|              |      |0.0 if unavailable.          |      |mHz|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |34.4E9|     | 
|rng_type      |  130 |Range measurement type.  Type| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |of sequential measurement.   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Ranging measurement    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Calibration            |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |  131 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|rng_noise     |  132 |Range noise.  Invalid        | RE-4 |RU/|-1.0, |  43 | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |.01|0.0 to|     | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|rng_prefit_   |  136 |Range pre-fit residual.      | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         resid|      |Observed range minus         |      |.01|  to  |  29 | 
|              |      |predicted range.             |      | RU|   230|  86 | 
|rng_dl_prefit_|  144 |Downlink range pre-fit       | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         resid|      |residual.  Observed range    |      |.01|  to  |  29 | 
|              |      |minus predicted range.       |      | RU|   230|  86 | 
|rng_prefit_   |  152 |Range pre-fit residual       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
|resid_vld_flag|      |validity indicator.          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_dl_prefit_|  153 |Downlink range pre-fit       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
|resid_vld_flag|      |residual validity indicator. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  154 |Range residual tolerance     | RE-4 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         value|      |value. Value used for setting|      |.01|  to  |  63 | 
|              |      |Range residual tolerance     |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |flag.  Provided by customer. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Applies to both              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_prefit_resid and         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid; not     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |applicable if                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_prefit_resid_vld_flag and|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid_vld_flag |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |are 0.                       |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_    |  158 |DRVID tolerance value.  Value| RE-4 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         value|      |used for setting DRVID       |      |.01|  to  |  64 | 
|              |      |tolerance flag.  Provided by |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |customer.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  162 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     | RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |  65 | 
|     tol_value|      |value. Value used for setting|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     |      |0.1|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |flag.  Provided by customer. |      |dBH|      |     | 
|rng_sigma_tol_|  166 |Range sigma tolerance value. | RE-4 |RU/| 0 to |  43 | 
|         value|      |Value used for setting Range |      |.01|  230 |  66 | 
|              |      |sigma tolerance flag.        |      | RU|      |     | 
|              |      |Provided by customer.  Not   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |applicable if rng_noise is   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |-1.0.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|fom_tol_value |  170 |Figure of Merit tolerance    | RE-4 |Pct|0.0   |  28 | 
|              |      |value. Value used in setting |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |of Range Validity flag.      |      |0.1|  100.|     | 
|              |      |Provided by customer.        |      |Pct|      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  174 |Range residual tolerance     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  63 | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Not applicable if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_prefit_resid_vld_flag and|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid_vld_flag |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |are 0.                       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_flag|  175 |DRVID tolerance flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  64 | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  176 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  65 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_sigma_tol_|  177 |Range sigma tolerance flag.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  66 | 
|          flag|      |Not applicable if rng_noise  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is set to -1.0.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_vld_flag  |  178 |Range validity flag.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  67 | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_config_   |  179 |Range configuration change   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  68 | 
|          flag|      |flag.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Changed                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Unchanged              |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal_corr_ |  180 |Station calibration          | UI-1 |N/A|  0-4 |     | 
|          flag|      |correction flag.             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Indicates results of         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |validation of the station    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |calibration value.           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unable to correct      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        uplink               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        downlink             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => validated, changed both|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        uplink and downlink  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_chan_num  |  181 |Ranging channel number.  Only| UI-1 |N/A|  1-2 |     | 
|              |      |provided by 26m antennas.    |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |  182 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Angle CHDO (Data Type 8)                                           
     The Angle CHDO is defined in Table 3-18.  The Angle CHDO applies only to 
the 26m antennas.                                                             
|               Table 3-18. Angle CHDO (Data Type 8) Definitions            | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the angle  | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO.  CHDO contains    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |binary data.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the angle| UI-2 | B |   34 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|source_type   |    4 |Source type.                 | UI-1 |N/A|  0,2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => MPA (26m), or MTA      |      |   |      |     | 
|ang_type      |    5 |Angles Type.                 | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Azimuth/Elevation      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Hour angle/Declination |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => X/Y (where +X is East) |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => X/Y (where +X is South)|      |   |      |     | 
|ang_vld_flag  |    6 |Angles validity flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  57 | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|ang_mode      |    7 |Angle Mode.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-4 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Auto Track             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Manual Aided           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Computer               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => Sidereal               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => Brake                  |      |   |      |     | 
|conscan_mode  |    8 |Conscan Mode.                | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Conscan off            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Closed loop            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Open loop              |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    9 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|ang1          |   10 |Angle 1. Azimuth, hour angle,| RE-4 |Deg|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |or X.                        |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Deg|  90.0|     | 
|ang2          |   14 |Angle 2.  Elevation,         | RE-4 |Deg|-90.0 |     | 
|              |      |declination, or Y.           |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Deg|  90.0|     | 
|ang1_pseudo_  |   18 |Angle 1 pseudo-residual.     | RE-4 |Deg|-90.0 |     | 
|         resid|      |Actual minus predicted.      |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Deg|  90.0|     | 
|ang2_pseudo_  |   22 |Angle 2 pseudo-residual.     | RE-4 |Deg|-90.0 |     | 
|         resid|      |Actual minus predicted.      |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Deg|  90.0|     | 
|reserve4      |   26 |Reserved.  Four bytes.       | RE-4 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|reserve8      |   30 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                      DRVID CHDO (Data Type 11)                                           
     The DRVID CHDO is generated for sequential and PN ranging (not tone      
ranging) from UPL-DTT antennas and is defined in Table 3-19.                  
|              Table 3-19. DRVID CHDO (Data Type 11) Definitions            | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the DRVID  | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO.  CHDO contains    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |binary data.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the DRVID| UI-2 | B |   38 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_type    |    4 |DRVID type.                  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Sequential             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => PN                     |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_pts     |    5 |DRVID points.                | UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|drvid         |    6 |DRVID measurement.           | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|              |      |                             |      |.01|  to  |  30 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|  79 | 
|prn0          |   14 |Pr/N0.                       | RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|  90.0|     | 
|drvid_noise   |   18 |DRVID noise.  Invalid        | RE-4 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |.01| 0 to |  44 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|drvid_tol_    |   22 |DRVID tolerance value.  Value| RE-4 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         value|      |used for setting DRVID       |      |.01|  to  |  64 | 
|              |      |tolerance flag.  Provided by |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |customer.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |   26 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     | RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |  65 | 
|     tol_value|      |value. Value used for setting|      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     |      |dBH|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |flag.  Provided by customer. |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |   30 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|drvid_tol_flag|   31 |DRVID tolerance flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  64 | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of Tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |   32 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  65 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_noise_  |   33 |DRVID noise points. Number of| UI-1 |N/A| 0-200|     | 
|           pts|      |points used in DRVID noise   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |computation.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |   34 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       PN Range CHDO (Data Type 14)                                       
     The PN Range CHDO is defined in Table 3-20.                              
|            Table 3-19.  PN Range CHDO (Data Type 14) Definitions          | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the PN     | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |range data CHDO.  CHDO       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the PN   | UI-2 | B |  160 |     | 
|              |      |range data CHDO value field. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Number of bytes after this   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|ul_stn_cal    |    4 |Uplink station calibration   | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |value.  Invalid indicated by |      |.01| 0 to |  40 | 
|              |      |value of -1.0.               |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|dl_stn_cal    |   12 |Downlink station calibration | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |value.  Invalid indicated by |      |.01| 0 to |  41 | 
|              |      |value of -1.0.               |      | RU| 1.8E5|     | 
|meas_rng      |   20 |Measured range value.  Does  | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |not include compensation for |      |.01| 0 to |  45 | 
|              |      |station calibration and other|      | RU|   230|  46 | 
|              |      |adjustments. Invalid is      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_obs_dl    |   28 |Downlink range observable.   | RE-8 |RU/|-1.0, |  24 | 
|              |      |Includes measurement         |      |.01| 0 to |  76 | 
|              |      |adjustments (station         |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |calibration, spacecraft      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |delay, and Z-height). Invalid|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is indicated by value of -1.0|      |   |      |     | 
|figure_merit  |   36 |Figure of Merit.  Rating of  | RE-4 |Pct| 0.0  |  28 | 
|              |      |the measured range value.    |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct| 100. |     | 
|drvid         |   40 |DRVID.  DRVID measured using | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  30 | 
|              |      |doppler data from carrier    |      |.01|  to  |  24 | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|  79 | 
|rtlt          |   48 |Round trip light time.       | RE-4 | s/| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |Predicted value.             |      |.1s| 86400|     | 
|prn0          |   52 |Pr/N0. Ranging power to noise| RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |     | 
|              |      |spectral density ratio.      |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBH|  90.0|     | 
|transmit_pwr  |   56 |Transmitter power.           | RE-4 | W/| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |.1W|  500K|     | 
|invert        |   60 |Invert. Inverted implies that| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  52 | 
|              |      |the polarity of the          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |correlation reference is the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |invert of what was           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |transmitted.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not inverted           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => inverted               |      |   |      |     | 
|correl_type   |   61 |Correlation type.            | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|clk_divider   |   62 |Clock divider.  Value that   | UI-1 |N/A| 1-64 |  20 | 
|              |      |ranging reference frequency  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is divided by to get chip    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rate.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq1      |   63 |Sequence #1 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D|  0-8 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq2      |   64 |Sequence #2 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq3      |   65 |Sequence #3 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-16 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq4      |   66 |Sequence #4 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq5      |   67 |Sequence #5 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|len_seq6      |   68 |Sequence #6 length.  A value | UI-1 |N&D| 0-32 |  21 | 
|              |      |of 0 implies no sequence.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Chips at 1 chip precision.   |      |   |      |     | 
|def_seq1      |   69 |Sequence #1 component value. | UI-1 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   | 2^8-1|     | 
|def_seq2      |   70 |Sequence #2 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq3      |   72 |Sequence #3 component value. | UI-2 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^16-1|     | 
|def_seq4      |   74 |Sequence #4 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq5      |   78 |Sequence #5 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|def_seq6      |   82 |Sequence #6 component value. | UI-4 |N/A| 0 to |  21 | 
|              |      |Definition of the sequence.  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|pn_code_length|   86 |PN Code Length.  PN chips.   | UI-4 |N&D| 2 to |  22 | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |   11M|     | 
|transmit_     |   90 |Transmit In-phase time.      | RE-4 | s |-86400|  59 | 
|    inphs_time|      |Offset from time tag of time |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |of zero phase on uplink range|      | 1 | 86400|     | 
|              |      |signal generation.           |      | s |      |     | 
|rcv_inphs_time|   94 |Receive In-phase time. Offset| RE-4 | s |-86400|  59 | 
|              |      |from time tag of time of zero|      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |phase on downlink range      |      | 1 | 86400|     | 
|              |      |signal correlation.          |      | s |      |     | 
|carr_sup_rng_ |   98 |Carrier suppression by       | RE-4 |dB/|-15.0 |     | 
|         modul|      |ranging modulation.          |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |Reduction in carrier power   |      | dB|  0.0 |     | 
|              |      |due to ranging modulation.   |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_num|  102 |Exciter Scalar Numerator.    | UI-1 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Numerator of multiplier that |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |is used to generate ranging  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |reference signal from uplink |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |sky frequency.               |      |   |      |     | 
|exc_scalar_den|  106 |Exciter Scalar Denominator.  | UI-4 |N/A| 1 to |  17 | 
|              |      |Denominator of multiplier    |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |that is used to generate     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |ranging reference signal from|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |uplink sky frequency.        |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_cycle_time|  110 |Range cycle time.  Time, in  | RE-8 |RU/| 0 to |  23 | 
|              |      |Range Units, of one complete |      |.01| 1.0E9|  24 | 
|              |      |cycle of the ranging signal. |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_modulo    |  118 |Range modulo value.  Range   | UI-4 |RU/| 0 to |  45 | 
|              |      |measurement modulo           |      | 1 |   230|     | 
|              |      |(ambiguity).                 |      | RU|      |     | 
|rng_noise     |  122 |Range noise.  Invalid        | RE-4 |RU/|-1.0, |  43 | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      |.01| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | RU|   230|     | 
|rng_dl_prefit_|  126 |Downlink range pre-fit       | RE-8 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         resid|      |residual.  Observed range    |      |.01|  to  |  29 | 
|              |      |minus predicted range.       |      | RU|   230|  86 | 
|rng_dl_prefit_|  134 |Downlink range pre-fit       | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
|resid_vld_flag|      |residual validity indicator. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          residual data      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |          residual data      |      |   |      |     | 
|clock_waveform|  135 |Uplink clock waveform type.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => squarewave             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => sinewave               |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  136 |Range residual tolerance     | RE-4 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         value|      |value. Value used for setting|      |.01|  to  |  63 | 
|              |      |Range residual tolerance     |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |flag.  Provided by customer. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Applies to                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid; not     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |applicable if                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid_vld_flag |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is 0.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_    |  140 |DRVID tolerance value.  Value| RE-4 |RU/|-230  |  24 | 
|         value|      |used for setting DRVID       |      |.01|  to  |  64 | 
|              |      |tolerance flag.  Provided by |      | RU|   230|     | 
|              |      |customer.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  144 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     | RE-4 |dBH|-10.0 |  65 | 
|     tol_value|      |value. Value used for setting|      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |Pr/N0 residual tolerance     |      |dBH|  90.0|     | 
|              |      |flag.  Provided by customer. |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_sigma_tol_|  148 |Range sigma tolerance value. | RE-4 |RU/| 0 to |  43 | 
|         value|      |Value used for setting Range |      |.01|   230|  66 | 
|              |      |sigma tolerance flag.        |      | RU|      |     | 
|              |      |Provided by customer.  Not   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |applicable if rng_noise is   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |set to -1.0.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|fom_tol_value |  152 |Figure of Merit tolerance    | RE-4 |Pct|  0.  |  28 | 
|              |      |value. Value used in setting |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |      |of Range Validity flag.      |      |0.1| 100. |     | 
|              |      |Provided by customer.        |      |Pct|      |     | 
|rng_resid_tol_|  156 |Range residual tolerance     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  63 | 
|          flag|      |flag.  Not applicable if     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |rng_dl_prefit_resid_vld_flag |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is 0.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|drvid_tol_flag|  157 |DRVID tolerance flag.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  64 | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|prn0_resid_   |  158 |Pr/N0 residual tolerance flag| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  65 | 
|      tol_flag|      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_sigma_tol_|  159 |Range sigma tolerance flag.  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  66 | 
|          flag|      |Not applicable if rng_noise  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |is set to -1.0.              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Out of  tolerance      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_vld_flag  |  160 |Range validity flag.         | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  67 | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid                  |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_config_   |  161 |Range configuration change   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  68 | 
|          flag|      |flag.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Changed                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Unchanged              |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal_corr_ |  162 |Station calibration          | UI-1 |N/A|  0-4 |     | 
|          flag|      |correction flag.  Indicates  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |results of validation of the |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | station calibration value.  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unable to correct      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => validated, no change   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       uplink                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |       downlink              |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => validated, changed     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |     both uplink and downlink|      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1b     |  163 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                      Tone Range CHDO (Data Type 15)                                      
     The Tone Range CHDO is defined in Table 3-21.  The Tone Range CHDO       
applies only to the non-UPL-DTT antennas.                                     
|           Table 3-21. Tone Range CHDO (Data Type 15) Definitions          | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the tone   | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |range data CHDO.  CHDO       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |contains binary data.        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the tone | UI-2 | B |   50 |     | 
|              |      |range data CHDO value field. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Number of bytes after this   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |item.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|source_type   |    4 |Source type.                 | UI-1 |N/A|  0,2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => MPA (26m), MTA         |      |   |      |     | 
|mjr_tone_freq |    5 |Major tone frequency.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-3 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Not used               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => 20 kHz                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => 100 kHz                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => 500 kHz                |      |   |      |     | 
|mnr_tone_freq |    6 |Minor tone frequency.        | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => not used               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => 10 Hz                  |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    7 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|meas_rng      |    8 |Measured range value.  Range | RE-8 |N&D| 0 to |  72 | 
|              |      |as reported by the station;  |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |includes corrections for     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Z-height and station         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |calibration. Given in nsec,  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32 at a precision of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |0.1 nsec.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|rng_obs       |   16 |Range observable.  Includes  | RE-8 |N&D| 0 to |  72 | 
|              |      |measurement adjustments      |      |   |2^32-1|     | 
|              |      |(station calibration,        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |spacecraft delay, and        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Z-height).  Given in nsec,   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32 at a precision of|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |0.1 nsec.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|stn_cal       |   24 |Station calibration.  Not    | RE-8 |ns/| 0 to |  72 | 
|              |      |currently reported by        |      |0.1| 1.8E5|     | 
|              |      |station; value set to 0.0.   |      | ns|      |     | 
|carr_pwr      |   32 |Carrier power.               | RE-4 |dBm|-185.0|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |dBm| -85.0|     | 
|rng_prefit_   |   36 |Tone Range pre-fit residual. | RE-8 |ns/|-227  |  86 | 
|         resid|      |Observed range minus         |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |predicted range.             |      | ns|   227|     | 
|rng_prefit_   |   44 |Tone range pre-fit residual  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
|resid_vld_flag|      |validity indicator.          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1a     |   45 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|reserve8      |   46 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                      Carrier Frequency Observable CHDO (Data Type 16)                    
     The Carrier Frequency Observable CHDO is defined in Table 3-22.          
| Table 3-22. Carrier Frequency Observables CHDO (Data Type 16) Definitions | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the Carrier| UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |Frequency Observables data   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.  CHDO contains binary  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B | 38 + |     | 
|              |      |Carrier Frequency Observables|      |   |  18*N|     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|ref_rcv_type  |    4 |Reference receiver type.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => DTT                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => MFR                    |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    5 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|carr_prefit_  |    6 |Received carrier pre-fit     | RE-4 |Hz/|-1.0E6|  62 | 
|   resid_tol_ |      |residual tolerance value.    |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|         value|      |Value used for setting       |      |mHz| 1.0E6|     | 
|              |      |received carrier pre-fit     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |residual tolerance flag.     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Provided by customer.        |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve2      |   10 |Reserved.  Two bytes.        | UI-2 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|dop_noise     |   12 |Doppler noise.  Invalid      | RE-4 |Hz/|-1.0, |  26 | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      | 1 | 0 to |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|  1000|     | 
|delta_ff      |   16 |Delta-f/f.                   | RE-8 |N/A|-1.0  |  32 | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |to 1.0|     | 
|rcv_sig_lvl   |   24 |Received signal level.       | RE-4 |dBm|-300.,|  58 | 
|              |      |Carrier power or data power  |      | / |-190. |     | 
|              |      |(if suppressed carrier       |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |tracking).  (-300.0 if not   |      |dBm| -45.0|     | 
|              |      |valid.)                      |      |   |      |     | 
|num_obs       |   28 |Number of Observable         | UI-2 |N/A| 1 to |  33 | 
|              |      |measurements.                |      |   |  100 |     | 
|obs_cnt_time  |   30 |Observable count time.       | RE-4 | s/| 0.1  |  33 | 
|              |      |Integration time of the      |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |observables.                 |      | s | 3600.|     | 
|rcv_carr_obs  |34,   |Received Carrier observable. | RE-8 |N&D| ds8* |  35 | 
|              | 52, .|This measurement is part of a|      |   |      |     | 
|              |  .., |set of measurements that are |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 16 + |repeated N=num_obs times. Sky|      |   |      |     | 
|              |  18*N|level Hz at 1 mHz precision. |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_prefit_  |42,   |Received carrier pre-fit     | RE-4 | Hz|-1.0E6|  86 | 
|         resid| 60,  |residual.  Observed minus    |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |  ...,|predicted.                   |      | 1 | 1.0E6|     | 
|              | 24 + |                             |      |mHz|      |     | 
|              |  18*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_prefit_  |46,   |Received carrier pre-fit     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
|resid_vld_flag| 64,  |residual validity indicator. |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  ...,| 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 28 + |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  18*N| 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|carr_prefit_  |47,   |Received carrier pre-fit     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  62 | 
|resid_tol_flag| 65,  |residual tolerance flag.     |      |   |      |  86 | 
|              |  ...,| 0 => Out of tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  29 +| 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  18*N| 2 => Not applicable         |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve4      |48,   |Reserved.  Four bytes.       | UI-4 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              | 66,  |                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  ...,|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  30 +|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  18*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |34 +  |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |  18*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Total Count Phase Observable CHDO (Data Type 17)                   
     The Total Count Phase Observable CHDO is defined in Table 3-23.          
|  Table 3-23. Total Count Phase Observable CHDO (Data Type 17) Definitions | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the Total  | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |Count Phase Observables data |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO.  CHDO contains binary  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |data.                        |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the Total| UI-2 | B |50 +  |     | 
|              |      |Count Phase Observables data |      |   |  22*N|     | 
|              |      |CHDO value field.  Number of |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |bytes after this item.       |      |   |      |     | 
|ref_rcv_type  |    4 |Reference receiver type.     | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => DTT                    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => MFR                    |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve1      |    5 |Reserved.  One byte.         | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|    6 |Total Count Phase pre-fit    | RE-4 | Hz|-1.0E6|  62 | 
| prefit_resid_|      |residual tolerance value.    |      | / |  to  |     | 
|     tol_value|      |Value used for setting total |      |mHz| 1.0E6|     | 
|              |      |count phase pre-fit residual |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |tolerance flag.  Provided by |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |customer.                    |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve2      |   10 |Reserved.  Two bytes.        | UI-2 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|dop_noise     |   12 |Doppler noise.  Invalid      | RE-4 |Hz/|-1.0, |  26 | 
|              |      |indicated by value of -1.0.  |      | 1 | 0 to |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|  1000|     | 
|delta_ff      |   16 |Delta-f/f.                   | RE-8 |N/A| -1.0 |  32 | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |   |   1.0|     | 
|rcv_sig_lvl   |   24 |Received signal level.       | RE-4 |dBm|-300.,|  58 | 
|              |      |Carrier power or data power  |      | / |-190. |     | 
|              |      |(if suppressed carrier       |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |tracking). (-300.0 if not    |      |dBm|  -45.|     | 
|              |      |valid.)                      |      |   |      |     | 
|num_obs       |   28 |Number of Observable         | UI-2 |N/A| 1 to |  33 | 
|              |      |measurements.                |      |   |   100|     | 
|obs_cnt_time  |   30 |Observable count time.       | RE-4 | s/|0.1   |  33 | 
|              |      |Integration time of the      |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |observables.                 |      | s | 3600.|     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|   34 |Total Count Phase observable | UI-2 |N/A| 1900-|  36 | 
|       st_year|      |start time year.             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|   36 |Total Count Phase observable | UI-2 |N/A| 1-366|  36 | 
|        st_doy|      |start time day of year.      |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|   38 |Total Count Phase observable | RE-8 | s/| ds9* |   1 | 
|        st_sec|      |start time seconds.          |      |.01|      |  36 | 
|              |      |                             |      | s |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|46,   |Negative of Total Count Phase| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        obs_hi| 68,  |observable - High part phase |      |   |2^32-1|  36 | 
|              |  ...,|data whole cycles.  This     |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 24 + |measurement is part of a set |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N|of measurements that are     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |repeated N=num_obs times.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |divided by 2^32.             |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|50,   |Negative of Total Count Phase| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|        obs_lo| 72,  |observable - Low part phase  |      |   |2^32-1|  36 | 
|              |  ...,|data whole cycles.  This     |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 28 + |measurement is part of a set |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N|of measurements that are     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |repeated N=num_obs times.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Total integer phase cycles   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |modulo 2^32.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|54,   |Negative of Total Count Phase| UI-4 |N&D| 0 to |   8 | 
|      obs_frac| 76,  |observable - Fractional part |      |   |2^32-1|  36 | 
|              |  ...,|phase data cycles.  This     |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 32 + |measurement is part of a set |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N|of measurements that are     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |repeated N=num_obs times.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |Fractional phase cycles      |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |multiplied by 2^32.          |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|58,   |Total Count Phase pre-fit    | RE-4 | Hz|-1.0E6|  86 | 
|  prefit_resid| 80,  |residual.  Observed minus    |      | / |  to  |     | 
|              |  ...,|predicted.                   |      |mHz| 1.0E6|     | 
|              | 36 + |                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|62,   |Total Count Phase pre-fit    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  86 | 
| prefit_resid_| 84,  |residual validity indicator. |      |   |      |     | 
|      vld_flag|  ...,| 0 => Invalid pre-fit        |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 40 + |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N| 1 => Valid pre-fit          |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        residual data        |      |   |      |     | 
|total_cnt_phs_|63,   |Total Count Phase pre-fit    | UI-1 |N/A|  0-2 |  62 | 
| prefit_resid_| 85,  |residual tolerance flag.     |      |   |      |  86 | 
|      tol_flag|  ...,| 0 => Out of tolerance       |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 41 + | 1 => In tolerance           |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N| 2 => Not applicable         |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve4      |64,   |Reserved.  Four bytes.       | UI-4 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              | 86,  |                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  ...,|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              | 64 + |                             |      |   |      |     | 
|              |  22*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |46 +  |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
|              |  22*N|                             |      |   |      |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Interferometric Data CHDOs                                           
     There is one interferometric data CHDO: VLBI (data type 10).  Its format 
and contents are specified in section                              
                                                                       VLBI CHDO (Data Type 10)                                           
     The VLBI CHDO is defined in Table 3-24.                                  
|              Table 3-24. VLBI CHDO (Data Type 10) Definitions             | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the VLBI   | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO.  CHDO contains    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |binary data.                 |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the VLBI | UI-2 | B |   96 |     | 
|              |      |data CHDO value field. Number|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |of bytes after this item.    |      |   |      |     | 
|clk_off_epoch_|    4 |Clock offset epoch year.     | UI-2 | Y | 1958-|  78 | 
|          year|      |                             |      |   |  3000|     | 
|clk_off_epoch_|    6 |Clock offset epoch DOY.      | UI-2 |Day| 1-366|  78 | 
|           doy|      |                             |      |   |      |     | 
|clk_off_epoch_|    8 |Clock offset epoch seconds.  | RE-8 | s/| ds4* |   1 | 
|           sec|      |                             |      |0.1|      |  78 | 
|              |      |                             |      | ms|      |     | 
|clk_off_1     |   16 |Clock offset at first        |  I-4 |ns/|-2^31 |     | 
|              |      |receiving antenna for scan.  |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |(UTC-station time)           |      | ns|2^31-1|     | 
|clk_off_2     |   20 |Clock offset at second       |  I-4 |ns/|-2^31 |     | 
|              |      |receiving antenna for scan.  |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |(UTC-station time)           |      | ns|2^31-1|     | 
|phs_cal_flag  |   24 |Phase calibration flag.      | UI-1 |N/A|  0-5 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => unknown                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => no calibration         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => default calibration    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => quasar calibration only|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 4 => spacecraft calibration |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        only                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 5 => spacecraft and quasar  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |        calibration          |      |   |      |     | 
|chan_sampl_   |   25 |Channel sampling flag.       | UI-1 |N/A|  1-3 |     | 
|          flag|      | 1 => multiplexed            |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => dual-frequency combined|      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 3 => 4 parallel channels    |      |   |      |     | 
|quasar_id     |   26 |Quasar ID.  Name of quasar   | A-12 |N/A| ASCII|     | 
|              |      |used.                        |      |   |string|     | 
|quasar_id_num |   38 |Quasar ID numeric.  Number   | UI-2 |N/A|0-1024|     | 
|              |      |assigned to the quasar used. |      |   |      |     | 
|data_qual_flag|   40 |Data quality flag.           | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => good                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => poor                   |      |   |      |     | 
|chan_num      |   41 |Channel number. Valid only if| UI-1 |N/A| 0-255|     | 
|              |      |rec_type is 71 or 72.        |      |   |      |     | 
|mode_id       |   42 |Mode identifier.  Valid only | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |if rec_type is 73; equals 0  |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |otherwise.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => one-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => two-way                |      |   |      |     | 
|modulo_flag   |   43 |Modulo flag.  Valid only if  | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |     | 
|              |      |rec_type is 73 or 74.        |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => modded                 |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => unmodded               |      |   |      |     | 
|ref_freq      |   44 |Reference frequency.         | RE-8 |Hz/|2.0E9 |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|34.7E9|     | 
|modulus       |   52 |Modulus.  Valid only if      | RE-8 |ns/| 0 to |     | 
|              |      |rec_type is 73 or 74.        |      |100|  100K|     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ps|      |     | 
|cnt_time_nar_ |   60 |Count time for narrow-band   | RE-4 | s/| 1 to |     | 
|      band_phs|      |phase mode observable.       |      |1 s|  100K|     | 
|nar_band_phs  |   64 |Narrow-band phase mode       | RE-8 |N&D|-4E12 |     | 
|              |      |observable. Cycles at 1      |      |   |  to  |     | 
|              |      |millicycle precision.        |      |   |  4E12|     | 
|cnt_time_nar_ |   72 |Count time for narrow-band   | RE-4 | s/| 1 to |     | 
|      band_dop|      |Doppler mode observable.     |      |1 s|  100K|     | 
|nar_band_dop  |   76 |Narrow-band Doppler mode     | RE-8 |Hz/|-1E6  |     | 
|              |      |observable.                  |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |mHz|   1E6|     | 
|wide_band_obs |   84 |Wide-band observable.        | RE-8 |ns/|-4E12 |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | ns|  4E12|     | 
|reserve8      |   92 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Filtered Data CHDOs                                                  
     There are two filtered data CHDOs: Smoothed Noise (data type 12) and     
Allan Deviation (data type 13).  Their formats and contents are specified in  
sections to                                              
                                                                       Smoothed Noise CHDO (Data Type 12)                                 
     The Smoothed Noise CHDO is generated for UPL-DTT antennas only and is    
defined in Table 3-25.  Not generated if predicted frequencies are not        
|          Table 3-25. Smoothed Noise CHDO (Data Type 12) Definitions       | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the        | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |smoothed noise data CHDO.    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO contains binary data.   |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the      | UI-2 | B |   46 |     | 
|              |      |smoothed noise data CHDO     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |value field. Number of bytes |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |after this item.             |      |   |      |     | 
|01sec_sm_noise|    4 |0.1-second smoothed noise    | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|              |      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|1sec_sm_noise |    8 |1-second smoothed noise      | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|              |      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|10sec_sm_noise|   12 |10-second smoothed noise     | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|              |      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|100sec_sm_    |   16 |100-second smoothed noise    | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|         noise|      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|200sec_sm_    |   20 |200-second smoothed noise    | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|         noise|      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|600sec_sm_    |   24 |600-second smoothed noise    | RE-4 |Hz/| 0    |  47 | 
|         noise|      |measurement.                 |      |0.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      | Hz| 1000.|     | 
|int_time      |   28 |Integration time.  Total     | UI-4 | s/| 1    |     | 
|              |      |integration time of          |      | 1 |  to  |     | 
|              |      |measurements.                |      | s | 10800|     | 
|percent_data_ |   32 |Percent of data used.        | RE-4 |Pct| 0 to |  50 | 
|          used|      |                             |      |/.1|   100|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct|      |     | 
|new_01sec     |   36 |0.1-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_1sec      |   37 |1-second measurement is new. | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_10sec     |   38 |10-second measurement is new.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_100sec    |   39 |100-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_200sec    |   40 |200-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_600sec    |   41 |600-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  48 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |   42 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-1 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
                                                                       Allan Deviation CHDO (Data Type 13)                                
     The Allan Deviation CHDO is generated for UPL-DTT antennas only and is   
defined in Table 3-26.  Not generated if predicted frequencies are not        
|         Table 3-26. Allan Deviation CHDO (Data Type 13) Definitions       | 
|  Identifier  | Byte |  Item Name and Description  |Format|U/P| Range|Notes| 
|              |Offset|                             |  (1) |(2)|  (3) |     | 
|chdo_type     |    0 |Type attribute of the Allan  | UI-2 |N/A|   10 |     | 
|              |      |Deviation data CHDO.         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |CHDO contains binary data.   |      |   |      |     | 
|chdo_length   |    2 |Length attribute of the Allan| UI-2 | B |   42 |     | 
|              |      |Deviation data CHDO value    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |field. Number of bytes after |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      |this item.                   |      |   |      |     | 
|01sec_allan_  |    4 |0.1-second Allan Deviation   | RE-4 | U |0.0 to|  49 | 
|           dev|      |measurement.                 |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|1sec_allan_dev|    8 |1-second Allan Deviation     | RE-4 | U |0.0 to|  49 | 
|              |      |measurement.                 |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|10sec_allan_  |   12 |10-second Allan Deviation    | RE-4 | U |0.0 to|  49 | 
|           dev|      |measurement.                 |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|1000sec_allan_|   20 |1000-second Allan Deviation  | RE-4 | U |0.0 to|  49 | 
|           dev|      |measurement.                 |      |   |  1.0 |     | 
|int_time      |   24 |Integration time.            | UI-4 | s/| 1-106|     | 
|              |      |                             |      |1 s|      |     | 
|percent_data_ |   28 |Percent of data used.        | RE-4 |Pct| 0    |  50 | 
|          used|      |                             |      |/.1|  to  |     | 
|              |      |                             |      |Pct|   100|     | 
|rpt_cause     |   32 |Cause of report generation.  | UI-2 |N/A|  0-2 |     | 
|              |      | 0 => 1000 second report     |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => Doppler mode change    |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 2 => Idle mode              |      |   |      |     | 
|new_01sec     |   33 |0.1-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  51 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_1sec      |   34 |1-second measurement is new. | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  51 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_10sec     |   35 |10-second measurement is new.| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  51 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_100sec    |   36 |100-second measurement is new| UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  51 | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|new_1000sec   |   37 |1000-second measurement is   | UI-1 |N/A|  0-1 |  51 | 
|              |      |new.                         |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 0 => Old data               |      |   |      |     | 
|              |      | 1 => New data               |      |   |      |     | 
|reserve8      |   38 |Reserved.  Eight bytes.      | UI-8 |N/A|    0 |     | 
  (1) Abbreviated values in the Format column are:                            
         A-8:  ASCII string, 8 bytes                                          
         A-12: ASCII string, 12 bytes                                         
         I-4:  Integer, 4 bytes                                               
         UI-1: Unsigned integer, 1 byte                                       
         UI-2: Unsigned integer, 2 bytes                                      
         UI-4: Unsigned integer, 4 bytes                                      
         UI-8: Unsigned integer, 8 bytes                                      
         RE-4: IEEE single precision (4 bytes)                                
         RE-8: IEEE double precision (8 bytes)                                
  (2) The 'U' column contains values of 'units/precision'.  Abbreviated       
      values include:                                                         
         B:    Bytes                                                          
         dBH:  dB-Hz                                                          
         K:    (degrees) kelvin                                               
         ms:   milliseconds                                                   
         N&D:  See Item Name and Description column for details               
         N/A:  Not applicable                                                 
         ns:   nanoseconds                                                    
         Pct:  Percentage/percent                                             
         ps:   picoseconds                                                    
         s:    seconds                                                        
         S6:   seconds at precision 1 microsecond                             
         U:    unitless (none)                                                
         W:    watts                                                          
         Y:    years                                                          
  (3) The 'Range' column includes possible values.                            
         ds1*  0.01 to 86400.99                                               
         ds2*  0 to 2^16 - 1                                                  
         ds3*  0 to 86400999                                                  
         ds4*  0.00 to 86400.9999                                             
         ds5*  -31,536,000.0 to 31,536,000.0                                  
         ds6*  0.000000 to 86400.999999                                       
         ds7*  4.0 to 504,536.0                                               
         ds8*  -32.3e9 to -2.0e9                                              
         ds9*  0.00 to 86400.99                                               
         N     num_obs                                                        
3.2 Dependencies                                                              
     None identified.                                                         
Appendix A                                                                    
1. Seconds to HH:MM:SS (UTC) format:                                          
          0.0     =>   00:00:00                                               
          86399.0 =>   23:59:59                                               
          86400.0 =>   Leap second                                            
2. This offset (transmit_time_tag_delay) should be added to the time tag.  It 
is used to compensate for differences in the time tag point and the antenna   
radiation point.                                                              
3. This offset (rcv_time_tag_delay) should be subtracted from the time tag.   
It is used to compensate for differences in the time tag point and the antenna
radiation point.                                                              
4. Array delay (array_delay) is included in the station calibration value     
(stn_cal) measurement and should be subtracted from the time tag.             
5. Spacecraft transponder lock (scft_transpd_lock), spacecraft transponder    
number (scft_transpd_num), spacecraft two-way non-coherent (TWNC) status      
(scft_twnc_stat), and spacecraft oscillator type (scft_osc_type) are obtained 
from spacecraft engineering data, which may not be available.                 
6. Spacecraft oscillator frequency (scft_osc_freq) is obtained from spacecraft
project supplied data.                                                        
7. Spacecraft transponder delay (scft_transpd_delay) is based on spacecraft   
and configuration data supplied from spacecraft project.  In the future, it   
may be based on engineering data from the spacecraft.  This is the delay the  
ranging signal experiences through the spacecraft.                            
8. PHASE = HI * 232 + LO + FRAC * 2-32 ,                                      
     HI   = ul_hi_phs_cycles, or phs_hi_x (with x = 0 through 9), phs_hi_avg, 
            or dop_cnt_hi, or total_cnt_phs_ob_hi                             
     LO   = ul_lo_phs_cycles, or phs_lo_x (with x = 0 through 9), or          
            phs_lo_avg, or dop_cnt_lo, or total_cnt_phs_obs_lo                
     FRAC = ul_frac_phs_cycles, or phs_frac_x (with x = 0 through 9), or      
            phs_frac_avg, or dop_cnt_frac, or total_cnt_phs_obs_frac          
9. Not applicable.                                                            
10. If hardware at station allows splitting the uplink and downlink ranging   
delays, the value will be included here.  Otherwise, it is set to 0.0.        
11. Measured code value (ul_rng_phs) and measured range value (dl_rng_phs) are
the phase of the ranging signal at the time tag.                              
12. T1 setting (t1) is the length of time that the first component (the clock)
is transmitted.                                                               
13. T2 setting (t2) is the length of time that each subsequent component is   
14. T3 setting (t3) is the length of time that the clock is transmitted for   
each DRVID measurement.                                                       
15. Component frequency is F_EXC * 2-(n+2), where n is the component number   
and F_EXC is the exciter reference signal (see note 17).                      
16. Chopping modulates the ranging signal with a subcarrier at the chop       
component frequency (chop_comp_num), for all components after and including   
the chop start component (chop_start_num).  For example, if the chop start    
component value is 6 and the chop component is 5, all components from 6 on    
will be modulated with component 5.  If the chop value is zero, all components
starting with 15 and larger are chopped with the clock component.             
17. The exciter reference frequency (F_EXC) is defined as follows:            
     F_EXC = FRQ_UP * (exc_scalar_num/exc_scalar_den)                         
where FRQ_UP is the uplink carrier frequency.                                 
18. Sequential ranging cycle time is defined as follows:                      
     rng_cycle_time = (t1 + 2) + (last_comp_num - first_comp_num) * (t2 + 1) +
                      num_drvid * (t3 + 2) + 1                                
19. The PN ranging code is a combination of multiple sequences logically      
combined.  The code state is the particular bit (or chip) in the sequence,    
plus the phase of that chip at the time tag.  For a component length L, and a 
subsequence state S, the code state C is related to L and S by:               
     S = C mod L                                                              
20. PN chip rate = F_EXC / clk_divider                                        
21. The first "n" bits (where n is the length specified in len_seqj) define   
the PN subsequence, e.g., a value of 46 for def_seq4 gives the following      
sequence: 0101110, which will have a value of 7 in len_seq4.                  
22. Code length (pn_code_length) equals the result of multiplying the lengths 
of all of the subsequences together.                                          
23. PN cycle time is 16 * clk_divider * pn_code_length.                       
24. One Range Unit (RU) is defined as:                                        
     1 RU = (exc_scalar_den / exc_scalar_num) / (16 * FRQ_UP)                 
where FRQ_UP is the uplink carrier frequency.   Range is measured in RU to    
give a stable reference measurement when the uplink is being ramped.          
25. If carrier is suppressed (carr_resid_wt = 0.0), then the data power is    
used for the carrier tracking.                                                
26. Doppler noise (dop_noise) is the standard deviation of the detrended      
downlink frequency residuals.  The detrending is the removal of the least     
squares linear fit of the frequency residuals over the sample period.  For the
Downlink Carrier Phase data type (data type 1) and Doppler data type (data    
type 6), the sample period is 1 second.  For the Carrier observable data type 
(data type 16), the sample period is sample integration time (obs_cnt_time)   
times the number of samples (num_obs).  The equation for the Doppler noise is:
     dop_noise = sqrt((1 / N) * sum{F(I * t) - FL(I * t)}^2 -                 
                     [(1 / N) * sum{F(I * t) - FL(I * t)}]^2)                 
   F is the frequency residual,                                               
   FL is the linear least squares fit of F,                                   
   t is the spacing between points, and                                       
   the sums are taken over I = 1 to N.                                        
27. carr_resid_wt is the weight value applied to residual phase error in      
carrier tracking; suppressed carrier weight is 1.0 minus this value, e.g.,    
     phi_err = carr_resid_wt * phi_err_resid +                                
               (1 - carr_resid_wt) * phi_err_suppressed                       
28. Figure of Merit (FOM) (figure_merit) is the estimate of the probability of
successfully acquiring all of the lower components (other than the clock      
component).  It is expressed as a percentage (0.0 to 100.0).  For sequential  
ranging, it is defined as:                                                    
     figure_merit = [1 + Erf{-sqrt(prn0 * t2)] ^ (rng_comp2 - rng_comp1) /    
                        2 ^ (rng_comp2 - rng_comp1)                           
  where Erf(*) is the error function.                                         
For PN ranging, it is defined as:                                             
     figure_merit = prod((1 / sqrt(pi)) * integral{exp(-x ^ 2) *              
                      [[{1 + Erf (x + (Cmax - Cmin) * sqrt(int_time * prn0))} 
                        / 2 ] ^ [len(i) - 1]] * dx})                          
     Cmin and Cmax are the minimum and maximum correlation values for         
          each subsequence,                                                   
     len(i) is the length of the ith subsequence (2, 7, 11, 15, 19, and 23),  
     prod is taken over i = 1 to 6, and                                       
     integral is taken over minus infinity to plus infinity.                  
29. Range residual accuracy depends on the accuracy of the predicts and is    
rarely better than 1 microsec (1000 RU).                                      
30. DRVID (drvid) stands for Differenced Range Versus Integrated Doppler.  It 
is a measurement of the difference between the group and phase delay of the   
media.  The measurement (at time tag TT) is the difference between two        
consecutive measured range points (i.e., points separated by the cycle time)  
minus the scaled difference in the uplink and downlink carrier phases over the
same time period.  The measurement is defined below:                          
D_RNG = (meas_rng(TT) - meas_rng(TT - rng_cycle_time)), mod rng_modulo        
I_DOP = {(phi_T(TT) - phi_T(TT - rng_cycle_time)) -                           
(scft_transpd_turn_den / scft_transpd_turn_num) *                             
(phi_R(TT) - phi_R(TT - rng_cycle_time))}                                     
drvid = D_RNG - [16 * (exc_scalar_num / exc_scalar_den) * I_DOP mod           
This has previously been called pseudo-DRVID, since the measurement does not  
require increasing the cycle time by adding additional clock transmissions    
during the measurement.  The method of using additional clock cycles does not 
measure the carrier phase over the same period of time as the range           
measurement; this is why the pseudo-DRVID implementation was selected.        
31. Slipped cycles (slipped_cycles) are estimated by processing the frequency 
residuals in a software-simulated, digital phase-locked loop and comparing the
phase error with slip conditions.  This estimate is subject to degradation    
during high noise conditions.  The slipped cycles value is the number of cycle
slips (both positive and negative) detected in this manner, for the sample    
32. Delta Frequency/Frequency (delta_ff) is the change in downlink frequency  
since the last sample, divided by the downlink frequency at this time tag.    
33. A set of measurements is provided in the Received Carrier and Total Count 
Phase Observables data types (data types 16 and 17).  For each set, a number  
of measurements (num_obs) and a time interval (obs_cnt_time) are provided.    
The first measurement is at the time tag reported in the header; the ith      
measurement (i = 1 to number of measurements) is at the time tag (TT) plus    
(i-1) * obs_cnt_time.  The interval of time covered by the measurements is    
TT - obs_cnt_time to TT + (number of measurements - 1)* obs_cnt_time.         
34. The Doppler Count is defined as difference in the uplink carrier phase    
(generated by integrating ul_freq), scaled by the spacecraft transponder turn 
around ratio, minus the downlink carrier phase plus a bias term (generated by 
integrating dop_cnt_bias_freq).  The bias term is used to keep the Doppler    
Count a positive value.  For UPL-DTT antennas, the ul_freq value is determined
by the downlink frequency; for other antennas, it depends on the equipment    
configuration.  The time tag of the ith measurement (i equals 1 to 10) is     
TT + (i  - 1) * 0.1.  The time tag is the end of the Doppler Count interval.  
Doppler Count = - (phi_R,i) +                                                 
                 ((scft_transpd_turn_num/scft_transpd_turn_den) * ul_freq +   
                  dop_cnt_bias_freq )* (TimeI - Timestart)                    
35. The Received Carrier Frequency Observable is defined as the negative of   
the difference in the downlink phase at the end of the interval and the       
downlink phase at the start of the interval, divided by the interval time.    
The time tag point of the difference is the middle point of the count time    
interval (note that this means that the time tag may be on the half second).  
The time tag of the ith measurement (i equals 1 to num_obs) is TT + (i - 1.0) 
* obs_cnt_time.                                                               
              Observable = - (phi_i - phi_i-1) / obs_cnt_time                 
36. The Total Count Phase Observable is the difference between the downlink   
carrier phase at the measurement time tag and the downlink carrier phase at a 
starting point (a running integration).  The time of the starting point is    
given by total_cnt_phs_st_year, total_cnt_phs_st_doy, and                     
total_cnt_phs_st_sec.  The starting point changes whenever something causes   
the carrier lock to be broken, such as spacecraft mode changes or downlink    
loss of lock.  The time tag of the ith measurement (i equals 1 to num_obs) is 
TT + (i  - 1) * obs_cnt_time.                                                 
              Observable = - (phi_i - phi_start)                              
The value reported is the negative of the observable, e.g.:                   
Reported Observable  = (phi_i - phi_start)                                    
37. Sequential ranging ambiguity (rng_modulo) in Range Units is defined as    
38. Sequential measured range (meas_rng) is the difference between the uplink 
ranging phase (ul_rng_phs) and the downlink ranging phase (dl_rng_phs) (for   
UPL-DTT antennas).  For non-UPL-DTT antennas, the Sequential Ranging Assembly 
range value is used.  The difference is the positive modulo of rng_modulo     
value.  This measurement is not corrected for any calibration issues.         
39. Range Observable is defined as the measured range (meas_rng) minus the    
calibration correction.  This observable is valid for both UPL-DTT and non-   
UPL-DTT antennas and is supplied to maintain compatibility between the two.   
The calibration correction is defined as:                                     
Correction = (ul_stn_cal - transmit_time_tag_delay) + ul_zheight_corr  +      
scft_transpd_delay + (dl_stn_cal - rcv_time_tag_delay - array_delay) +        
40. If the measured uplink calibration value (ul_stn_cal) as reported in the  
uplink range SFDUs is non-zero, then the uplink calibration value (ul_stn_cal)
in the derived SFDUs for sequential and PN range is this value.  Otherwise, it
is one-half of the station calibration value (stn_cal).  If the value is      
invalid, the parameter is set to -1.0.                                        
41. If the measured downlink calibration value (dl_stn_cal) as reported in the
downlink ranging SFDUs is non-zero, then the downlink calibration value       
(dl_stn_cal) in the derived SFDUs for sequential and PN range is this value.  
Otherwise, it is one-half of the station calibration value (stn_cal). ).  If  
the value is invalid, the parameter is set to -1.0.                           
42. The uplink frequency (ul_freq) is provided for computing the Range Unit   
definition for those antennas that do not support ramped uplinks (i.e., no    
Data Type 9).                                                                 
43. Range noise (rng_noise) is the standard deviation of up to the last 100   
(i.e., if more than 100 data points exist, only the last 100 are used) range  
residuals, detrended by removing the least squares linear fit of the data.    
The equation for the Range noise is (R is the range residual, RL is the linear
least squares fit of R, N is the number of points (up to 100), and t is the   
spacing between points):                                                      
      rng_noise = sqrt((1/N) * sum{R(I*t) - RL(I*t)}^2 -                      
                      {(1/N) * sum[R(I*t) - RL(I*t)]}^2)                      
where the sums are computed over I=(1,N).                                     
44. DRVID noise (drvid_noise) is the standard deviation of up to the last 200 
(i.e., if more than 200 data points exist, only the last 200 are used) DRVID  
values.  The equation for the DRVID noise is (D is the DRVID residual, N is   
the number of points (up to 200), and t is the spacing between points):       
       drvid_noise = sqrt((1/N) * sum{D(I*t)}^2 - {(1/N) * sum{D(I*t)}}^2)    
where the sums are computed over I=(1,N).                                     
45. PN ranging ambiguity (modulo value) is defined as:                        
       rng_modulo = 16 * clk_divider * pn_code_length                         
46. PN measured range value (meas_rng)  is the difference between the uplink  
ranging phase (ul_rng_phs) and the downlink ranging phase (dl_rng_phs).  It is
only available from the UPL-DTT antennas.  The difference is the positive     
modulo of the rng_modulo value.  This measurement is not corrected for any    
calibration issues.                                                           
47. Smoothed noise is the standard deviation of the detrended downlink        
frequency residuals.  The detrending is the removal of the least squares      
linear fit of the frequency residuals over the sample period.  Estimates are  
computed for 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 200, and 600-second intervals.  The minimum     
sample period is 180 seconds, the maximum is 10,800.  The standard deviation  
is computed over 18 points; if the number of points in the reporting period is
more than 18 (e.g., 0.1-second and 1.0-second), the 18-sample standard        
deviations are averaged.  The equation for the Smoothed noise is (F is the    
frequency residual, FL is the linear least squares fit of F, and t is the time
spacing between points):                                                      
      NOISE = sqrt((1/18) * sum{F(I*t) - FL(I*t)}^2 -                         
                  {(1/18) * sum{F(I*t)-FL(I*t)}}^2)                           
48. Since the record is generated every 180 seconds and each integration needs
18 points, the longer integrations will not be updated every time.  The       
new_xxx flags are used to indicate which integrations have been updated.      
49. Allan deviation is computed for interval (TAU) values of 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 
and 1000 seconds.  The record is nominally output once every 1000 seconds.    
The frequency residuals are used for the computation (to remove the known     
motion effects, such as earth rotation).  The result is normalized to DSN     
channel 14 (2295 MHz for S-band, 8415 MHz for X-band, and 31.977 GHz for Ka-  
band); this value is referred to as F0.  The number of points, N, is equal to 
the integration time, INT_TIME, divided by TAU.                               
     delta_F_TAU / F = sqrt((1/2N) * sum{F(TAU*I) - F(TAU*(I-1))}^2) / F0     
50. percent_data_used indicates if some data in the integration period was not
used (e.g., carrier was out of lock).                                         
51. If a record is generated due to a change in system status (e.g., receiver 
mode change), the report time will be short of the normal 1000 seconds, so the
longer integrations may not have a new point computed.  The new_xxx flags are 
used to indicate which integrations have been updated.                        
52. Some hardware (ground or spacecraft) may invert the ranging modulation.   
invert allows these inversions to be corrected on the uplink or downlink      
53. Loop Type (carr_loop_type) is the number of poles in the carrier phase    
locked loop transfer function.  The number poles (or order) of the loop filter
is the Loop Type minus one.  For each increment in the Loop Type, one higher  
order derivative of Doppler is tracked out to zero (Type 1 tracks out phase   
offsets, Type 2 tracks out frequency errors, Type 3 tracks out frequency rate 
54. The time offset (prdx_time_offset) is a value added to the current time   
when generating the predicted frequency from the frequency predicts (F(t)).   
Thus, the predicted frequency (F_PRED), at time t, used by the tracking loop  
       F_PRED = F(t + prdx_time_offset)                                       
55. The frequency offset (prdx_freq_offset) is a value added to the frequency 
value generated from the frequency predicts (F(t)).  Thus, the predicted      
frequency (F_PRED), at time t, used by the tracking loop is:                  
       F_PRED = F(t) + prdx_freq_offset                                       
56. Correlation validity (correl_vld_flag)  is reported by the downlink       
ranging equipment.  It is an estimate of whether or not the clock component is
properly aligned with the received ranging signal (it measures the power in   
the inphase and quadrature signals when correlating the lower components - if 
the clock is properly aligned, the power in the inphase signal is much greater
than the quadrature signal).                                                  
57. The Angles Validity Flag (ang_vld_flag)  is set by the tracking equipment 
to indicate whether or not the angle data is valid.                           
58. The signal level (rcv_sig_lvl) is either provided by the tracking station 
(non-UPL-DTT antennas), or derived from other parameters (UPL-DTT antennas).  
For the 34m and 70m antennas, the derivation is as follows:                   
Signal Level = P_N0 - (K_DB + 10 * log10(system_noise_temp))                  
Where K_DB is Boltzmann's constant (-198.6 dBm/Hz/k), system_noise_temp is the
system noise temperature, and P_N0 is either pcn0 (car_resid_wt > 0.0) or pdn0
(car_resid_wt = 0.0).                                                         
59. The In Phase Time (transmit_inphs_time or rcv_inphs_time) is the time     
point that the ranging modulation reference was initialized to zero phase.  It
is used for three-way ranging cases.  It is seconds of day offset from the    
block time tag.                                                               
60. Distance (in time) to the phase center of the antenna that is not included
in the station calibration.  Included in this value is the delay to and from  
the test translator, the delay inside the test translator, the delay from the 
range calibration coupler to the phase center of the antenna, and the delay   
between the main antenna dish and the subreflector.  Z-height is expressed in 
seconds, so it must be converted to Range Units before it is included in the  
Range Observables.  The uplink part of this compensation (which is the delay  
from the point that the test translator taps off of the uplink path to the    
phase center) is provided in ul_zheight_corr and the downlink part (which is  
the delay from the phase center to the point where the test translator joins  
the downlink path, minus the delay of the test translator path) is in         
61. When downlink carrier data is received, it reports the configuration      
that was used at the tracking station for the source of the downlink (e.g.,   
three-way with DSS 65).  However, that may not be the actual spacecraft mode  
(for example, the spacecraft may have been locked to an uplink from DSS 54,   
but the receiving station did not have any three-way predicts for DSS 54, so  
the predicts for DSS 65 were used instead).  A validation is done to determine
the actual spacecraft mode and is reported in the validated uplink station    
(vld_ul_stn) and validated doppler mode (vld_dop_mode) fields of the downlink 
data secondary CHDO.                                                          
62. The Carrier and Total Phase Count Pre-fit Residual Tolerance flags        
(carr_prefit_resid_tol_flag and total_phs_cnt_prefit_resid_tol_flag) indicate 
whether or not the pre-fit residuals are within the tolerance                 
(carr_prefit_resid_tol_value and total_phs_cnt_prefit_resid_tol_value) set by 
the spacecraft project.  The prefit residual flags (carr_prefit_resid_tol_flag
and total_phs_cnt_prefit_resid_tol_flag) are set to Not Applicable if the     
prefit residual validity flags (carr_prefit_resid_vld_flag and                
total_phs_cnt_prefit_resid_vld_flag) indicate invalid.                        
63. The Range Residual Tolerance flag (rng_resid_tol_flag) indicates whether  
or not the range residual is within the tolerance (rng_resid_tol_value) set by
the spacecraft project.                                                       
64. The DRVID Tolerance flag (drvid_tol_flag) indicates whether or not the    
DRVID value is within the tolerance (drvid_tol_value) set by the spacecraft   
65. The Pr/N0 Residual Tolerance flag (prn0_resid_tol_flag) indicates whether 
or not the Pr/N0 residual is within the tolerance (prn0_resid_tol_value) set  
by the spacecraft project.                                                    
66. The Range Sigma Tolerance flag (rng_sigma_tol_flag) indicates whether or  
not the range sigma (noise) is within the tolerance (rng_sigma_tol_value) set 
by the spacecraft project.                                                    
67. The Range Validity flag (rng_vld_flag) indicates that the range data is   
valid if the receiver is in-lock, if the Correlation Validity flag            
(correl_vld_flag) indicates valid data, and the FOM (figure_merit) is above   
its tolerance value (fom_tol_value).                                          
68. The Range Configuration Change flag (rng_config_flag) is set whenever the 
system determines the microwave configuration has changed since the ranging   
calibration was done.                                                         
69. Note 69 has been deleted.                                                 
70. The Metrics Validity flag (metrics_vld_flag) indicates whether or not the 
downlink ranging equipment was able to process the ranging data to get a      
measurement of range and DRVID (for example, the pass may have been three-way 
and the uplink data was not available).                                       
71. Note 71 has been deleted.                                                 
72. Currently, the equipment that performs the tone range measurement includes
the corrections for the calibration and the Z-height correction in the        
reported range; however, these values are not reported by the station.  Thus, 
stn_cal, ul_zheight_corr, dl_zheight_corr are set to 0.0.  The range          
observable (rng_obs) is equal to meas_rng minus the spacecraft transponder    
delay scft_transpd_delay.  If the equipment at the station is corrected, the  
values will be non-zero.                                                      
73. The Modification Time items (day and msec) are set to 0 when the block is 
first created.  If any data in the block is changed, the items are set to the 
time of the modification.  The time is expressed as the time (UTC) since the  
epoch of January 1, 1958.  The time is represented as days since the epoch and
milliseconds of the day.                                                      
74. The record creation time is the time when the data processing task first  
creates the record.  It is expressed as the time (UTC) since the epoch of     
January 1, 1958.  The time is represented as days since the epoch and milli-  
seconds of the day.                                                           
75. The In Phase Time (transmit_inphs_time_xxx or rcv_inphs_time_xxx, where   
xxx is year, doy, or sec) is the time point (UTC) that the ranging modulation 
reference was initialized to zero phase.  It is used for three-way ranging    
cases.  When reported from the DSN stations, it is reported as an absolute    
time (see note 59 regarding its other format).                                
76. The Downlink Range Observable (rng_obs_dl) is defined as the calibration  
correction minus the downlink ranging phase.  It is only valid for UPL-DTT    
antennas.  The calibration correction is defined as:                          
Correction = (ul_stn_cal - transmit_time_tag_delay) + ul_zheight_corr +       
scft_transpd_delay + (dl_stn_cal - rcv_time_tag_delay - array_delay) +        
77. Downlink range observable validity flag (rng_obs_dl_vld_flag) indicates   
whether or not the Downlink range observable item (rng_obs_dl) is valid.  It  
will be invalid if the data is for a non-UPL-DTT antenna.                     
78. The Clock Offset Epoch Time (clk_off_epoch_year, clk_off_epoch_doy, and   
clk_off_epoch_sec) is the time (UTC) that the two clock offsets (clk_off_1 and
clk_off_2) where measured .                                                   
79. The uplink data is only valid if the validated spacecraft coherency       
(vld_scft_coh) indicates an uplink (value of 1 or 3).                         
80. The DRVID computation is done by the data processing task in AMMOS.       
81. This computation is done at the station.  The metrics validity flag       
(metrics_vld_flag) indicates its validity.                                    
82. For DTT data, the downlink band is assumed to be correct.  For non-DTT    
data, a validation is done.  In the case of 26m stations, which use the two   
acquisition aid antennas (for both S- and X-band), if the downlink band cannot
be definitively determined, the value gets set to "S or X".                   
83. The carrier lock status (carr_lock_stat) for non-DTT antennas is inferred 
from other values.                                                            
84. The count time (interval), Tc, that is used to form an observable is      
constrained by the sample interval.                                           
85. A set of measurements is provided in the Doppler Count data type (data    
type 6).  For each set, a number of measurements (10 or 1) and a time interval
(sampl_time) are provided.  The first measurement is at the time tag reported 
in the header; if there are 10 measurements, the ith measurement (i = 1 to    
number of measurements) is at the time tag (TT) plus (i-1) * 0.1.  The        
interval of time covered by the measurements is TT to TT + (number of         
measurements - 1)* 0.1.                                                       
86. Until prefit residual values (rng_dl_prefit_resid, rng_prefit_resid, and  
carr_prefit_resid) are delivered, they will be indicated as invalid by setting
their residual flags (rng_dl_prefit_resid_vld_flag, rng_prefit_resid_vld_flag,
and carr_prefit_resid_vld_flag, respectively) to a value of 0.                
87. Arraying is done using the Full Spectrum Processor (FSP).  There are two  
FSPs per complex.                                                             
88. This field only pertains to the Doppler (Data Type 6), the Received       
Carrier Frequency Observables (Data Type 16) and the Total-Count Phase        
Observables (Data Type 17) data CHDOs.  Otherwise, when not applicable, the   
field is set to 0.  In the case of Data Types 16 and 17, this field describes 
the compression interval, which ranges from 0.1 through 3600.0 seconds.  In   
the case of Data Type 6, this field describes the sample interval.  26m       
stations are capable of producing tracking data at sample intervals of 0.1, 1,
10, or 60 seconds.  UPL/DTT stations produce tracking data at a 0.1 second    
Appendix B                                                                    
File Format                                                                   
B.1 LVO Structure of Files                                                    
     When the data defined by this document are stored in a file, the file is 
wrapped with an attached header.  The file consists of nested LVOs, including 
a catalog LVO (known as the K-object LVO) and a data LVO (known as the I-     
object LVO).  The catalog LVO contains the meta-data needed to catalog the    
actual tracking data.  The data LVO consists of CHDO SFDUs defined in Section 
3.  The LVO structure of a file is depicted in Figure B-1. Further details on 
the contents of the label and value fields of each LVO are provided in the    
following subsections.                                                        
           L|  Primary SFDU Label                         |                   
            +-+  +---------------------------------------+|                   
              | L|  K-Object Label                       ||                   
              |  +-+                                      |                   
              |   V|  Catalog Information                ||                   
              |    |  End Marker                         ||                   
             V|  +---------------------------------------||                   
              | L|  I-Object Label                       ||                   
              |  +-+                                     ||                   
              |   V|  CHDO SFDUs                         ||                   
              |    |                                     ||                   
              .    .                                     ..                   
              .    .                                     ..                   
              .    .                                     ..                   
              |    |  EOF                                ||                   
                L = label field         V = value field                       
Figure B-1.  LVO Structure of Files                                           
B.2 Physical Layout of Files                                                  
The physical layout of the TRK-2-34 file is shown in Figure B-2.  The length  
in bytes is 88+M+L, where M is the length of the catalog field and L is the   
length of the CHDO SFDUs.  The structure is divided into three main parts:    
* primary label of the entire SFDU (Table B-1 describes the primary label.)   
* K-header.  The K-header (or K-object) consists of the K-header SFDU label   
(or K-object SFDU label), catalog information, and an end marker.  The catalog
information consists of meta-data for cataloging the SFDU file.  The meta-data
are in the form of keyword-value pairs (hence, the "K" for keyword).  (Tables 
B-2 and B-3 describe the K-header.)                                           
* I-object.  The I-object (where "I" stands for information) contains the CHDO
SFDUs defined by Section 3, preceded by an I-object SFDU label. (Table B-4    
describes the I-object SFDU label.)                                           
                |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |             
          BYTE 0|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...              PRIMARY SFDU LABEL             ...           
                ...                  (20 BYTES)                 ...           
                +-                                             -|             
              18|                                               |             
              20|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...             K-OBJECT SFDU LABEL             ...           
                ...                  (20 BYTES)                 ...           
                +-                                             -|             
              38|                                               |             
              40|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...            CATALOG INFORMATION              ...           
                ...                                             ...           
                +-                                             -|             
            38+M|                                               |             
            40+M|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...             K-OBJECT END MARKER             ...           
                ...                  (20 BYTES)                 ...           
                +-                                             -|             
            58+M|                                               |             
            60+M|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...            I-OBJECT SFDU LABEL              ...           
                ...                  (20 BYTES)                 ...           
                +-                                             -|             
            78+M|                                               |             
             80+M|                                               |            
                +-                                             -|             
                ...              BINARY DATA OBJECT             ...           
                ...                                             ...           
                +-                                             -|             
          78+M+L|                                               |             
          80+M+L|                                               |             
                +-                                             -|             
                ...             END OF FILE MARKER              ...           
                ...                  (8 BYTES)                  ...           
                +-                                             -|             
          86+M+L|                                               |             
                |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |             
                 M is length of Catalog Information                           
            L is length of Tracking SFDUs                                     
                           Figure B-2.  File Layout                           
See Figure B-3 for a sample header of a TRK-2-34 file.                        
PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3                                                         
RECORD_TYPE = UNDEFINED                                                       
MISSION_NAME = CASSINI                                                        
SPACECRAFT_NAME = CASSINI                                                     
SPACECRAFT_ID = 82                                                            
MISSION_ID = 7                                                                
DATA_SET_ID =  "RO-C-RSI-1/2/3-ESC3-0897-V1.0"
FILE_NAME = 20013610115SC82.234                                               
PRODUCER_ID = TDDS                                                            
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =  2017-10-04T09:52:11.000
START_TIME = 2001-361T01:15:10                                                
STOP_TIME = 2001-361T12:30:30                                                 
INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY                                                   
NOTE = "Carrier lock status in DT1 changed by Jane Doe."                      
Figure B-3.  Sample Header of File                                            
B.2.1  Primary SFDU Label                                                     
Bytes 0 through 19 of the tracking SFDU file contain the primary SFDU label   
field for the files.  The format and content of the label are defined in Table
|                       Table B-1.  Primary SFDU Label                      | 
| Byte |       Data Item - Description and Units      |  Format  |   Range  | 
|  0-3 |Control authority identifier (CAID). This CAID|Restricted|  'CCSD'  | 
|      |field indicates that the data description     |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |information (referred to in bytes 8 to 11) for|          |          | 
|      |this SFDU is maintained and disseminated by   |          |          | 
|      |the CCSDS control authority. Control authority|          |          | 
|      |identifiers are assigned by the CCSDS.  Refer |          |          | 
|      |to AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's       |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;  PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                  |          |          | 
|   4  |SFDU version identifier.  This version field  |Restricted|    '3'   | 
|      |indicates how this primary SFDU label is      |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |delimited.  The value of '3' indicates that   |          |          | 
|      |this LVO can be delimited by marker, EOF (end |          |          | 
|      |of file), or length.    Refer to AnyCatalog,  |          |          | 
|      |p.4-12,4-13;  MGDS User's Guide/Working with  |          |          | 
|      |File Data (JPL D-6060), Ch.2;  PDS Stds Ref,  |          |          | 
|      |p.16-5.                                       |          |          | 
|   5  |SFDU class identifier.  This class identifier |Restricted|    'Z'   | 
|      |field gives a high-level classification of the|  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |content of the value field of this LVO (i.e., |          |          | 
|      |this TRK-2-34 LVO that contains the K-header  |          |          | 
|      |LVO and the I-object LVO).  The value of 'Z'  |          |          | 
|      |indicates that the value (V) field of this LVO|          |          | 
|      |contains a JPL LVO with a CCSD CAID. Refer to |          |          | 
|      |AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's          |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;  PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                  |          |          | 
|   6  |Delimiter identifier.  This delimitation      |Restricted|    'F'   | 
|      |identifier indicates the type of delimiter    |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |this primary SFDU label uses for its last     |          |          | 
|      |eight bytes.  A value of 'F' indicates this   |          |          | 
|      |label ends with '00000001', as specified in   |          |          | 
|      |bytes 12 to 19, which implies that the entire |          |          | 
|      |SFDU is closed with an EOF marker.  Refer to  |          |          | 
|      |AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's          |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;   PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                 |          |          | 
|   7  |Reserved. This byte is a spare field. Refer to|Restricted|    '0'   | 
|      |AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's          |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;   PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                 |          |          | 
| 8-11 |Data description package identifier. This     |Restricted|  '0001'  | 
|      |field uniquely identifies (for the specified  |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |Control Authority, i.e., CCSDS, per bytes 0 to|          |          | 
|      |3) the package that contains the definition of|          |          | 
|      |the data object [or value (V) field of this   |          |          | 
|      |LVO].  The value shown here is registered with|          |          | 
|      |the specified control authority. Refer to     |          |          | 
|      |AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's          |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;   PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                 |          |          | 
| 12-19|Length attribute of the SFDU.  This field is  | Standard |'00000001'| 
|      |designated the "length" field because data are|  ASCII-8 |          | 
|      |delimited by length for stream data.  However,|          |          | 
|      |since this SFDU is considered to be a file    |          |          | 
|      |SFDU, rather than a stream SFDU, the end of   |          |          | 
|      |the TRK-2-34 LVO (SFDU) is designated by an   |          |          | 
|      |EOF marker.  The EOF marker is specified in   |          |          | 
|      |this primary SFDU label as '00000001.' Refer  |          |          | 
|      |to AnyCatalog, p.4-12,4-13; MGDS User's       |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2;   PDS Stds Ref, p.16-5.                 |          |          | 
B.2.2  K-Header (or K-Object)                                                 
     Bytes 20 to 59+M are the K-header (or K-Object) for the file (M is the   
length of the catalog information, which is variable length).  The three      
components of the K-header are described below.                               
B.2.2.1  K-Header  SFDU Label                                                 
     Bytes 20 to 39 are the label field for the K-Header SFDU (or Catalog LVO)
for the files.  The 20 bytes of the label field are defined below in Table    
|               Table B-2.  K-Header (or K-Object) SFDU Label               | 
| Byte |       Data Item - Description and Units      |  Format  |   Range  | 
|  0-3 |Control authority identifier (CAID). This CAID|Restricted|  'NJPL'  | 
|      |field indicates that the data description     |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |information (referred to in bytes 8 to 11) for|          |          | 
|      |this SFDU is maintained and disseminated by   |          |          | 
|      |the NASA/JPL control authority.               |          |          | 
|   4  |SFDU version identifier.  This version field  |Restricted|    '3'   | 
|      |indicates how this K-header SFDU label is     |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |delimited.  The value of '3' indicates that   |          |          | 
|      |this LVO can be delimited by marker, EOF (end |          |          | 
|      |of file), or length.  In this case, the actual|          |          | 
|      |delimiter is by marker, as indicated by byte  |          |          | 
|      |6. The value of '3' is required per           |          |          | 
|      |<Any Catalog>, p.4-3, and in PDS Stds Ref.,   |          |          | 
|      |p.16-6.  Also refer to MGDS User's            |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch. 2.                                        |          |          | 
|   5  |SFDU class identifier.  This class identifier |Restricted|    'K'   | 
|      |field gives a high-level classification of the|  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |content of the value field of this LVO (i.e., |          |          | 
|      |the K-header LVO).  The value of 'K' indicates|          |          | 
|      |that the value (V) field of this LVO contains |          |          | 
|      |a K-header.  [The K-header contains metadata  |          |          | 
|      |that describes the I-object LVO (information  |          |          | 
|      |or data object) that follows it.] The value of|          |          | 
|      |'K' is required per <Any Catalog>, p.4-3, and |          |          | 
|      |in PDS Stds Ref., p.16-6. Also refer to MGDS  |          |          | 
|      |User's Guide/Working with File Data           |          |          | 
|      |(JPL D-6060), Ch. 2.                          |          |          | 
|   6  |Delimiter identifier.  This delimitation      |Restricted|    'S'   | 
|      |identifier indicates the type of delimiter    |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |this K-header SFDU label uses for its last    |          |          | 
|      |eight bytes.  A value of 'S' indicates that   |          |          | 
|      |this label ends with a marker, i.e., a start  |          |          | 
|      |marker (signifying the start of the value     |          |          | 
|      |field).  [The value (V) field of the K-header |          |          | 
|      |LVO is the Catalog information.  It is        |          |          | 
|      |delimited by a start marker at the end of this|          |          | 
|      |K-header SFDU label, and then by a matching   |          |          | 
|      |end marker at the end of the value (V) field.]|          |          | 
|      |The marker is specified in the 'Length        |          |          | 
|      |attribute' field of this label at bytes 12 to |          |          | 
|      |19. The value of 'S' is required per PDS Stds |          |          | 
|      |Ref., p.16-6. Also refer to MGDS User's       |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch. 2.                                        |          |          | 
|   7  |Reserved.  This byte is a spare field.        |Restricted|    '0'   | 
|      |                                              |  ASCII-1 |          | 
| 8-11 |Data description package identifier.  This    |Restricted|  'PDSX'  | 
|      |field uniquely identifies (for the specified  |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |Control Authority, i.e., NJPL, per bytes 0 to |          |          | 
|      |3) the data object [or value (V) field of this|          |          | 
|      |LVO].  The value shown here is registered with|          |          | 
|      |the specified control authority.  The value of|          |          | 
|      |'PDSX' is required per <Any Catalog>, p.4-3,  |          |          | 
|      |and in PDS Stds Ref., p.16-6. Also refer to   |          |          | 
|      |MGDS User's Guide/Working with File Data (JPL |          |          | 
|      |D-6060), Ch. 2.                               |          |          | 
| 12-19|Length attribute of the SFDU.  The Catalog    | Standard |'$T-2-34$'| 
|      |information is delimited with a start and end |  ASCII-8 |          | 
|      |marker.                                       |          |          | 
B.2.2.2  Catalog Information                                                  
     The catalog information for the files starts at byte 40 and is defined   
below in Table B-3.  This value field of the LVO contains the set of          
parameters and values, in <keyword/parameter>=<value> format, of attributes   
that are pertinent to the file data.  Each line is terminated with a carriage 
return (ASCII decimal code 13, written as <CR> or Ctrl-M), and a line feed    
(ASCII decimal code 10, written as <LF> or Ctrl-J).  The values must conform  
to the standard ASCII character set (32 through 127 decimal).  In addition,   
the values should be in upper case, except for the NOTE field.                
|        Table B-3. Catalog Information (Value Field of the K-Object)       | 
| Ref# |              Keyword-Value Pairs               |  Range for Value  | 
|      |             Description and Units              |                   | 
|   1  |PDS_VERSION_ID = <value><CR><LF>                |       'PDS3'      | 
|      |Represents the version number of the standards  |                   | 
|      |document that is valid when the label is        |                   | 
|      |created.                                        |                   | 
|   2  |RECORD_TYPE = <value><CR><LF>                   |    'UNDEFINED'    | 
|      |The record format of this file.                 |                   | 
|   3  |MISSION_NAME = <value><CR><LF>                  |       Varies      | 
|      |The name of the mission or project that is      |                   | 
|      |associated with the data contained in the       |                   | 
|      |I-object.  Must be upper case.                  |                   | 
|   4  |SPACECRAFT_NAME = <value><CR><LF>               |       Varies      | 
|      |The full, unabbreviated name of the spacecraft  |                   | 
|      |that is associated with the data contained in   |                   | 
|      |the I-object.  Must be upper case.              |                   | 
|   5  |SPACECRAFT_ID = <value><CR><LF>                 |   '0' thru '255'  | 
|      |The decimal representation of the applicable DSN|                   | 
|      |spacecraft number as defined in Reference [3a]. |                   | 
|   6  |MISSION_ID = <value><CR><LF>                    |   '0' thru '255'  | 
|      |The decimal representation of the applicable DSN|                   | 
|      |mission number per Reference [3a].              |                   | 
|   7  |DATA_SET_ID =  "RO-C-RSI-1/2/3-ESC3-0897-V1.0"
|      |The unique identifier for this data type.       |                   | 
|   8  |FILE_NAME = <value><CR><LF>                     |       Varies      | 
|      |The unique file name, without a directory path  |                   | 
|      |specified, for this SFDU file. The file name    |                   | 
|      |shall be of the form: yyyydddhhmmSCsssss.234,   |                   | 
|      |where,                                          |                   | 
|      |  yyyy is the four-digit year                   |                   | 
|      |  ddd is the three-digit day-of-year            |                   | 
|      |       (001 thru 366)                           |                   | 
|      |  hh is the two-digit hour into the day         |                   | 
|      |       (00 thru 23)                             |                   | 
|      |  mm is minutes into the hour (00 thru 59)      |                   | 
|      |  SC is fixed, and denotes that the spacecraft  |                   | 
|      |       ID is to follow:                         |                   | 
|      |  sssss is the spacecraft ID (per Reference     |                   | 
|      |       [3a], with leading zeros omitted)        |                   | 
|      |  . 234 is a fixed suffix, and identifies the   |                   | 
|      |       file as being a TRK-2-34 file.           |                   | 
|      |The time reflects the time of the earliest      |                   | 
|      |tracking sample contained in the file.          |                   | 
|   9  |PRODUCER_ID = <value><CR><LF>                   |       Varies      | 
|      |A short name or acronym for the producer or     |                   | 
|      |producing team/group (e.g., TDDS) of this file. |                   | 
|      |An ASCII character string, limited to 20        |                   | 
|      |characters (must be upper case).                |                   | 
|  10  |PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME =  2017-10-04T09:52:11.000
|      |This attribute indicates the UTC time at which  |                   | 
|      |this file was created.  The value is specified  |                   | 
|      |in the following time format:                   |                   | 
|      |          yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss                     |                   | 
|      |where,                                          |                   | 
|      |    yyyy    four-digit year                     |                   | 
|      |    ddd     day-of-year (001 thru 366)          |                   | 
|      |    T       ASCII literal field (i.e., "T")     |                   | 
|      |    hh      hours of the day (00 thru 23)       |                   | 
|      |    mm      minutes of the hour (00 thru 59)    |                   | 
|      |    ss      seconds of the minute (00 thru 60), |                   | 
|      |              allows for leap second            |                   | 
|  11  |START_TIME = <value><CR><LF>                    |   any valid UTC   | 
|      |This attribute identifies the earliest time tag |                   | 
|      |(in UTC) reported across all SFDU secondary     |                   | 
|      |CHDOs included in the data object.  The value is|                   | 
|      |specified in the following time format:         |                   | 
|      |          yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss                     |                   | 
|      |where,                                          |                   | 
|      |    yyyy    four-digit year                     |                   | 
|      |    ddd     day-of-year (001 thru 366)          |                   | 
|      |    T       ASCII literal field (i.e., "T")     |                   | 
|      |    hh      hours of the day (00 thru 23)       |                   | 
|      |    mm      minutes of the hour (00 thru 59)    |                   | 
|      |    ss      seconds of the minute (00 thru 60), |                   | 
|      |              allows for leap second            |                   | 
|  12  |STOP_TIME = <value><CR><LF>                     |   any valid UTC   | 
|      |This attribute identifies the latest time tag   |                   | 
|      |(in UTC) reported across all SFDU secondary     |                   | 
|      |CHDOs included in the data object.  The value is|                   | 
|      |specified in the following time format:         |                   | 
|      |          yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss                     |                   | 
|      |where,                                          |                   | 
|      |    yyyy    four-digit year                     |                   | 
|      |    ddd     day-of-year (001 thru 366)          |                   | 
|      |    T       ASCII literal field (i.e., "T")     |                   | 
|      |    hh      hours of the day (00 thru 23)       |                   | 
|      |    mm      minutes of the hour (00 thru 59)    |                   | 
|      |    ss      seconds of the minute (00 thru 60), |                   | 
|      |              allows for leap second            |                   | 
|  13  |INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = <value><CR><LF>            |      'BINARY'     | 
|      |Identifies the way the data object is stored.   |                   | 
|  14  |NOTE = "<value>"<CR><LF>                        |       Varies      | 
|      |Description of changes made to the data in this |                   | 
|      |TRK-2-34 file as a result of manual editing (may|                   | 
|      |be upper or lower case).                        |                   | 
B. 2.2.3  K-Object End Marker                                                 
     After the catalog information, starting at byte 40+M (M being the length 
of the catalog field), is the marker field.  The marker field delimits the end
of the catalog LVO.  The 20 byte field is the following ASCII string:         
B.2.3   I-Object SFDU Label                                                   
     Bytes 60+M to 79+M are the label field for the I-Object SFDU.  The 20    
bytes are  defined below in Table B-4.                                        
|                      Table B-4.  I-Object SFDU Label                      | 
| Byte |       Data Item - Description and Units      |  Format  |   Range  | 
|  0-3 |Control authority identifier (CAID). This CAID|Restricted|  'NJPL'  | 
|      |field indicates that the data description     |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |information (referred to at bytes 8 to 11) for|          |          | 
|      |this SFDU is maintained and disseminated by   |          |          | 
|      |the NASA/JPL control authority.               |          |          | 
|   4  |SFDU version identifier.  This version field  |Restricted|    '3'   | 
|      |indicates how this I-object SFDU label is     |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |delimited.  The value of '3' indicates that   |          |          | 
|      |this LVO can be delimited by marker, EOF (end |          |          | 
|      |of file), or length.  In this case, the actual|          |          | 
|      |delimiter is by EOF, as indicated by byte 6.  |          |          | 
|      |The value of '3' is required per PDS Stds     |          |          | 
|      |Ref., p.16-7. Also refer to MGDS User's       |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2; AnyCatalog, p.4-12 to 4-13.             |          |          | 
|   5  |SFDU class identifier.  This class identifier |Restricted|    'I'   | 
|      |field gives a high-level classification of the|  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |content of the value field of this LVO (i.e., |          |          | 
|      |the I-object LVO).  The value of 'I' indicates|          |          | 
|      |that the value (V) field of this LVO contains |          |          | 
|      |an I-object (or information object.)  The     |          |          | 
|      |value of 'I' is required per PDS Stds Ref.,   |          |          | 
|      |p.16-7. Also refer to MGDS User's             |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2; AnyCatalog, p.4-12 to 4-13.             |          |          | 
|   6  |Delimiter identifier.  This delimitation      |Restricted|    'F'   | 
|      |this I-object SFDU label uses for its last    |  ASCII-1 |          | 
|      |eight bytes.  A value of 'F' indicates that   |          |          | 
|      |this label ends with the value specified in   |          |          | 
|      |bytes 12 to 19, which implies that the        |          |          | 
|      |I-object ends with an EOF marker.  The value  |          |          | 
|      |of 'F' is required per PDS Stds Ref., p.16-7. |          |          | 
|      |Also refer to MGDS User's Guide/Working with  |          |          | 
|      |File Data (JPL D-6060), Ch.2; AnyCatalog,     |          |          | 
|      |p.4-12 to 4-13.                               |          |          | 
|   7  |Reserved.  This byte is a spare field.        |Restricted|    '0'   | 
|      |                                              |  ASCII-1 |          | 
| 8-11 |Data description package identifier.  This    |Restricted|  'T234'  | 
|      |field uniquely identifies (for the specified  |  ASCII-4 |          | 
|      |Control Authority, i.e., NJPL, per bytes 0 to |          |          | 
|      |3) the data object [or value (V) field of this|          |          | 
|      |LVO].                                         |          |          | 
| 12-19|Length attribute of the SFDU.  The end of this| Standard |'00000001'| 
|      |LVO is designated by marker - in this case, an|  ASCII-8 |          | 
|      |EOF marker.  The EOF marker is specified in   |          |          | 
|      |this I-object SFDU label as '00000001.'  Note |          |          | 
|      |that the EOF marker terminating the I-object  |          |          | 
|      |serves a dual purpose in that it also         |          |          | 
|      |terminates the entire file, per bytes 12 to 19|          |          | 
|      |of the primary SFDU label.  The value of      |          |          | 
|      |'00000001' is required per PDS Stds Ref.,     |          |          | 
|      |p.16-7. Also refer to MGDS User's             |          |          | 
|      |Guide/Working with File Data (JPL D-6060),    |          |          | 
|      |Ch.2; AnyCatalog, p.4-12 to 4-13.             |          |          | 
B.2.4   Binary Data Object                                                    
     Starting at byte 80+M (M being the length of the catalog field) is the   
binary data object.  The binary data object of the file contains a series of  
CHDO SFDUs in time-sorted order.  That is, given a file containing different  
data types, all the data types are interleaved based on time.  The CHDOs are  
defined in Section 3.  The total length of the binary data object is L bytes. 
B.2.5  End of File (EOF)                                                      
     Starting at byte 80+M+L (M being the length of the catalog field and L   
being the length of the binary data object) is the end of the file (EOF)      
marker.  This 8 byte marker is defined in the Primary Label field, bytes 12 to
19.  The value of the EOF marker is '00000001'.