FS S/W                                                                        
Revision 1.0                                                                  
Prepared by                                                                   
Bjoern Fiethe                                                                 
{{{Document Change Record}}}                                                  
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Rev. !!Date !!Pages !!Description !                                          
|1.0 ||19.04.02 ||All  ||FS Issue                                             
{{1. Applicable Documentation                                                 
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Document Name !!Document Number !!Revision !                                 
|ESA ROSETTA EID/A ||RO-EST-RS-3001/EID A ||2                                 
|ESA ROSINA EID/B ||RO-EST-RS-3013/EID B ||1                                  
|ESA ROSETTA EID/C ||RO-EST-RS-3001/EID C ||1                                 
|ROSINA RSDB Input ||- ||19.04.2002                                           
{{2. Reference Documentation                                                  
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Document Name !!Document Number !!Revision !                                 
|DPU Hardware Description || ROS-TUB-ID-03/1.0 ||07.06.2000                   
|Rosina EID-B 2.8 || RO-EST-RS-3013/EIDB ||13.07.2001                         
|DPU Housekeeping Reports || ROS-TUB-SP-02/3.0 ||19.04.2002                   
|DPU Science Data Packets || ROS-TUB-SP-03/2.0 ||19.04.2002                   
|S/C - DPU Command Packets || ROS-TUB-SP-04/2.4 ||19.04.2002                  
|DPU Event Packets || ROS-TUB-SP-05/2.3 ||04.07.2001                          
|DPU Memory Management Services || ROS-TUB-SP-06/1.4 ||30.11.2001             
|DPU Context Transfer Service ||ROS-TUB-SP-07/1.1 ||19.04.2002                
|DPU Boot Sequence ||ROS-TUB-SP-08/1.1 ||04.04.2002                           
|Rosina Mode Change Commands ||ROS-TUB-MA-05/2.4 ||17.04.2002                 
{{{3. Introduction}}}                                                         
{{3.1 General}}                                                               
The ROSINA FS instrument is a delicate instrument requiring great precautions 
with respect to handling, cleanliness, and operation. Whereas the DPU is a    
normal electronics box containing neither high voltages nor pyros and can     
therefore be handled by standard rules, all three sensors have to be handled  
with exceptional care, see RO-ROS-MAN-1006 for details. That means there are  
many restrictions on FS operations during normal S/C tests. The Cover Opening 
Mechanism is not operable at all. All high voltages, gas calibration units,   
filaments, ion source, and heaters can only be tested during SPT! However, the
DPU and the digital electronics of the sensors can be fully tested, as the    
data flow from and to the sensors can be simulated even if the sensors        
themselves have a very limited configuration. All different major operation   
modes and data transmission profiles can be tested with the DPU.              
{{3.2 Documentation}}                                                         
The ROSINA reference document RD[1] gives a short overview of the DPU         
The ROSINA reference documents RD[3] .. RD[9] describe all telecommand and    
telemetry packets of the S/C interface and were used to fill in the ROSINA    
RSDB templates and for software implementation.                               
The different major operation modes are listed in RD[2] chapter      
{{{4. Operation Modes}}}                                                      
{{4.1 Mode Definitions}}                                                      
Table 4.1 shows the major operation mode definitions for the instrument, the  
state of the different units, the average power consumption, and the mode     
command parameter.                                                            
{| TABLE                                                                      
!No. !!Experiment Mode !!DPU !!DFMS !!RTOF !!COPS !!Power Usage (W) !!Command 
Parameter (hex) !                                                             
|0 ||Instrument Off ||Off ||Off ||Off ||Off ||0 ||-                           
|D1 ||DPU Booting ||On ||Off ||Off ||Off ||6 ||-                              
|D2 ||DPU Standby ||On ||Off ||Off ||Off ||4.5 ||0x80d2                       
|D3 ||DPU Emergency ||On ||Off ||Off ||Off ||4.5 ||0x80d3                     
|D4 ||DPU Ground Test ||On ||Off ||Off ||Off ||6 ||0x80d4                     
|D5 ||DPU S/W Patch ||On ||Off ||Off ||Off ||6 ||0x80d5                       
|S1 ||RTOF Standby ||On ||Off ||Stby ||Micro ||22 ||0x80a1                    
|S1T ||RTOF Standby Test ||On ||Off ||Stby ||Off ||18 ||0x80b1                
|E1 ||RTOF Emergency ||On ||Off ||On ||Micro ||22 ||0x80e1                    
|G1 ||RTOF Ground Test ||On ||Off ||Stby ||Off ||18 ||0x80f1                  
|1L ||RTOF Low Power (Gas) ||On ||Off ||On ||Micro ||22 ||0x8101              
|1G ||RTOF Gas ||On ||Off ||On ||Micro ||28 ||0x8201                          
|1I ||RTOF Ion ||On ||Off ||On ||Micro ||23 ||0x8301                          
|1 ||RTOF Full (Gas + Ion) ||On ||Off ||On ||Micro ||40 ||0x8001              
|S2 ||DFMS Standby ||On ||Stby ||Off ||Micro ||28 ||0x80a2                    
|S2T ||DFMS Standby Test ||On ||Stby ||Off ||Off ||24 ||0x80b2                
|E2 ||DFMS Emergency ||On ||On ||Off ||Micro ||28 ||0x80e2                    
|G2 ||DFMS Ground Test ||On ||Stby ||Off ||Off ||24 ||0x80f2                  
|2 ||DFMS Normal ||On ||On ||Off ||Micro ||28 ||0x8002                        
|3 ||DFMS Narrow ||On ||On ||Off ||Full ||33 ||0x8003                         
|S4 ||RTOF+DFMS Standby ||On ||Stby ||Stby ||Micro ||43 ||0x80a4              
|E4 ||RTOF+DFMS Emergency ||On ||On ||On ||Micro ||48 ||0x80e4                
|G4 ||RTOF+DFMS Gr. Test ||On ||Stby ||Stby ||Stby ||32 ||0x80f4              
|4 ||RTOF+DFMS Single ||On ||On ||On ||Full ||54 ||0x8004                     
|S5 ||COPS Standby ||On ||Off ||Off ||Stby ||8 ||0x80a5                       
|E5 ||COPS Emergency ||On ||Off ||Off ||On ||8 ||0x80e5                       
|G5 ||COPS Ground Test ||On ||Off ||Off ||Stby ||8 ||0x80f5                   
|5M ||COPS Microtips ||On ||Off ||Off ||Micro ||10 ||0x8105                   
|5 ||COPS Full  ||On ||Off ||Off ||Full ||11 ||0x8005                         
Table 4.1: Major Operation Modes                                              
The operation mode number can be classified using the following scheme (x =   
DPU mode, y = Sensor mode, z = Sub-mode):                                     
0:      All Off                                                               
Dx:     DPU only modes                                                        
y1z:    RTOF modes (incl. COPS)                                               
y2z:    DFMS modes (incl. COPS)                                               
y3z:    DFMS special mode (incl. COPS)                                        
y4z:    RTOF, DFMS + COPS modes                                               
y5z:    COPS only modes                                                       
The operation mode of the instrument can be changed by issuing the DPU command
P50 (RD[5]) 'Set Operation Mode' with the first command parameter set to the  
value showed in table 4.1 and the other 4 parameters set to 0 (for ground     
testing only!).                                                               
(Database: ZRNP4001 with        PRNGP401 = Table 4.1,                         
        PRNGP402 = 0,                                                         
        PRNGP403 = 0,                                                         
        PRNGP404 = 0,                                                         
        PRNGP405 = 0)                                                         
{{4.2 Mode Transition}}                                                       
Mode changes are only possible between:                                       
- DPU only modes (Dx) and Sensor standby / ground test modes (S1z.. S5z, F1 ..
F5), or v.v.                                                                  
- Sensor standby modes (S1z .. S5z) and other sensor operation modes (y1z ..  
y5z), or v.v.                                                                 
After each mode change command an operation mode change event report (EID     
44005) should be  generated by the DPU (Database: YRNG3005).                  
For details see Rosina Mode Change Commands document RD[10].                  
{{4.3 Mode Display}}                                                          
The main instrument mode (low-byte value of command parameter in table 4.1) is
shown in the standard DPU housekeeping report (Database: NRNDP116).           
{{{5. Power Switching}}}                                                      
{{5.1 Switch On Procedure}}                                                   
The following procedure should be used for nominal ROSINA switch on:          
Test Step|Nominal value                                                       
{| TABLE                                                                      
!1 !!Power on ROSINA through the LCL !!ON, I < 0.35A !                        
|2 ||Send time update command between 20s and 60s after power on ||           
|3 ||Wait for default HK generation ||                                        
|4 ||Verify that POST event report (EID 44001) is generated (YRNG3001)        
Event report                                                                  
|5 ||Verify that default HK report (SID 1) is generated (YRNP1001) ||OK       
|6 ||Verify that DPU Mode is D4 ||NRNAP10B = 0xD400                           
In the time frame between switch on and 10s after switch on the DPU is in     
booting mode, where only memory management command packets for software       
updates are allowed and no TM packet is generated. A time update command is   
ignored, any other command packet will produce a not acknowledge TM packet. If
NO command packet is received within 10s after the last packet, the booting   
mode is canceled and the DPU will try to boot from EEPROM.                    
To simplify testing, the mode of the FS DPU after switch on is the 'DPU Ground
Test' mode and housekeeping data will be generated every 2 seconds. Normal HK 
generation (once a minute) can be achieved by switching to 'DPU Standby' mode.
{{5.2 Switch Off Procedure}}                                                  
The following procedure should be used for nominal ROSINA switch off:         
Test Step|Nominal value                                                       
{| TABLE                                                                      
!1 !!Send "D2 DPU Standby" command                                            
(ZRNP4001 with  PRNGP401 = 0x80D2,                                            
        PRNGP402 = 0x01,                                                      
        PRNGP403 = 0,                                                         
        PRNGP404 = 0,                                                         
        PRNGP405 = 0)  !! !                                                   
|2 ||Verify that command was accepted and executed ||Passed:                  
Acceptance & Execution Report                                                 
|3 ||Verify that switch off ready event report (EID 44301) was generated      
(YRNG300D) ||Passed:                                                          
|4 ||Power off ROSINA through the LCL ||OFF, 0 A                              
The Shut down command provides a safe step-by-step switch off of the sensor   
electronics (if any was powered). However, in case of emergency, ROSINA can be
switched off immediately at any time.                                         
{{{6. Telemetry}}}                                                            
{{6.1 Housekeeping Packets}}                                                  
Table 6.1 shows all major operation modes and the generated housekeeping      
reports. The detailed description is in RD[3].                                
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Mode No. !!Average Data Rate (bits/s) !!Peak Data Rate (bits/s) !!Polling    
Period (s) !!Packet Size (words) !!SID !!Description !                        
|D2 ||7 ||35 ||16 ||24                                                        
35 ||1                                                                        
17 ||Std. DPU HK every 1 min                                                  
Ext. DPU HK every 5 min                                                       
|D3 ||140 ||140 ||4 ||35 ||17 ||Ext. DPU HK every 4 s                         
|D4 ||280 ||560 ||1 ||35 ||17 ||Ext. DPU HK every 2 s                         
|D5 ||140 ||140 ||4 ||35 ||17 ||Ext. DPU HK every 4 s                         
|S1T ||35 ||184 ||16 ||123                                                    
190 ||5                                                                       
21 ||Std. RTOF HK every 1 min                                                 
Ext. RTOF HK every 5 min                                                      
1 ||43 ||220 ||16 ||152                                                       
226 ||13                                                                      
29 ||Std. RTOF+COPS HK                                                        
 every 1 min                                                                  
Ext. RTOF+COPS HK                                                             
 every 5 min                                                                  
|E1 ||880 ||880 ||4 ||226 ||29 ||Ext. RTOF+C HK every 4 s                     
|G1 ||1472 ||3520 ||1 ||190 ||21 ||Ext. RTOF HK every 2 s                     
|S2T ||34 ||180 ||16 ||114                                                    
180 ||3                                                                       
19 ||Std. DFMS HK every 1 min                                                 
Ext. DFMS HK every 5 min                                                      
 ||42 ||216 ||16 ||143                                                        
216 ||11                                                                      
27 ||Std. DFMS+COPS HK                                                        
 every 1 min                                                                  
Ext. DFMS+COPS HK                                                             
 every 5 min                                                                  
|E2 ||864 ||864 ||4 ||216 ||27 ||Ext. DFMS+C HK every 4 s                     
|G2 ||1440 ||2880 ||1 ||180 ||19 ||Ext. DFMS HK every 2 s                     
4 ||70 ||365 ||16 ||242                                                       
371 ||15                                                                      
31 ||Std. D+R+C HK every 1 min                                                
Ext. D+R+C HK every 5 min                                                     
|E4 ||1460 ||1460 ||4 ||371 ||31 ||Ext. D+R+C HK every 4 s                    
|G4 ||2920 ||5840 ||1 ||371 ||31 ||Ext. D+R+C HK every 2 s                    
5 ||15 ||71 ||16 ||53                                                         
71 ||9                                                                        
25 ||Std. COPS HK every 1 min                                                 
Ext. COPS HK every 5 min                                                      
|E5 ||284 ||284 ||4 ||71 ||25 ||Ext. COPS HK every 4 s                        
|G5 ||568 ||1136 ||1 ||71 ||25 ||Ext. COPS HK every 2 s                       
Note:   Gx Modes are for Ground Test only!                                    
        Max. average HK data rate during normal operation is 70 bits/s (mode  
        Max. average HK data rate in emergency situation is 1460 bits/s (mode 
        Monitoring packet SID 32 is sent with every std. or ext. HK packet    
(every 2/4s or 1min.)!                                                        
Table 6.1: Housekeeping Reports                                               
{{6.2 Event Packets}}                                                         
Table 6.2 shows all normal and anomalous event packets. The detailed          
description is in RD[6].                                                      
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Sub Type !!EID !!RSDB !!Packet Size (words) !!Description !                  
|1 ||44001 ||YRNG3001 ||9 ||Power-On self test report                         
|1 ||44002 ||YRNG3002 ||10 ||Program memory test report                       
|1 ||44003 ||YRNG3003 ||10 ||Data memory test report                          
|1 ||44004 ||YRNG3004 ||10 ||EEPROM test report (ground test only)            
|1 ||44005 ||YRNG3005 ||12 ||Operation mode change report                     
|1 ||44006 ||YRNG3006 ||17 ||Sensor switch-on report                          
|1 ||44007 ||YRNG3010 ||10 ||Progress report                                  
|1 ||44008 ||YRNG3011 ||28 ||Table Setting report                             
| || || || ||                                                                 
|2 ||44100 ||YRNG3007 ||7 ||DPU latch-up report                               
|2 ||44101 ||YRNG3008 ||13 ||DPU memory error report                          
|2 ||44102 ||YRNG3009 ||11 ||DPU general error report                         
|2 ||44103 ||YRNG300A ||14 ||Sensor I/F error report                          
|2 ||44104 ||YRNG300B ||11 ||Sensor error report                              
| || || || ||                                                                 
|3 ||44200 || || ||                                                           
| || || || ||                                                                 
|4 ||44300 ||YRNG300C ||3 ||COPS Pressure Alert                               
|4 ||44301 ||YRNG300D ||2 ||Switch-Off Ready Alert                            
| || || || ||                                                                 
Table 6.2: Event Reports                                                      
The normal event packets are generated after the following events:            
{| TABLE                                                                      
!EID !!Generated After !                                                      
|44001 ||Power-On self test of DPU (20s after switch on)                      
|44002 ||Only on error during program memory test                             
|44003 ||Only on error during data memory test                                
|44004 ||Only on error during EEPROM test                                     
|44005 ||After operation mode change executed                                 
|44006 ||After Sensor power switch-on                                         
|44007 ||After major function progress (e.g. cover operation)                 
|44008 ||After 'GetTableSetting' command                                      
The anomalous event packets can be generated for test purposes by the DPU     
command P3                                                                    
(Database: ZRNP1003 with        PRNGP103 = 0x8400                             
PRNGP104 = First 4 parameter bytes of report (e.g. pressure                   
and gradient for COPS pressure alert event).                                  
                                        PRNGP105 = EID).                      
Since the COPS sensor can be operated during TV test only, the pressure will  
not be available for data distribution. For testing the pressure can be       
simulated by sending the DPU command P3.                                      
(Database: ZRNP1003 with        PRNGP103 = 0x8400                             
PRNGP104 = 0x0000xxyy with xx = pressure, yy = gradient                       
                                        PRNGP105 = 0x00).                     
{{6.3 Science Data Packets}}                                                  
The detailed description of science data packets is in RD[4]. During the FS   
tests only the worst case packets for each sensor are generated as listed in  
table 6.3. Since the FS is not fully operable during S/C tests, only          
background noise is read out as science data (except for SPT where real       
spectrum data is generated).                                                  
{| TABLE                                                                      
!Type No. !!Type                                                              
Ident. !!Name !!Length !!Packet Count !!Usage !!Description !                 
|D1 ||0x81 ||MCP Dual Raw  ||2062 ||2 ||Test + Calibration ||8 HK + 2050 LEDA 
|D6 ||0x86 ||MCP Full Raw High ||103302 ||51 ||Full spectrum high ||100 * (8 +
|D40 ||0x40 ||CEM Full Raw High ||Max. 32834 ||Max. 17 ||Full or single       
spectrum ||X * (8 HK + 4 * Y CEM)                                             
|D42 ||0x42 ||FAR Full Raw High ||Max. 8810 ||Max. 5 ||Full or single spectrum
||X * (8 HK + 2 * Y FAR)                                                      
|R20 ||0x14 ||ETS Full Raw ||Max.                                             
393740 ||Max. 193 ||Test + Calibration ||123 HK + (X + 5) * 3  ETS            
|R21 ||0x15 ||ETSL Full Raw ||Max.                                            
393740 ||Max. 193 ||Test + Calibration ||123 HK + (X + 5) * 3  ETSL           
|R22 ||0x16 ||ETS Select Raw ||16354 ||8 ||300 mass * 18 points ||123 HK +    
16215 ETS                                                                     
Table 6.3: Science Data during FS tests                                       
{{{7. Telecommand}}}                                                          
All general command packets are supported as described in the RSDB.           
{{7.1 Private Commands}}                                                      
The detailed description of DPU command packets is in RD[5]. For the FS all   
commands are accepted and executed (service 1 reports), and have internal     
Table 7.1 lists the most critical direct commands for the cover opening       
mechanism, gas calibration units, filaments, ion source, and heaters, which   
must not be send during the FS tests (except SPT)!!                           
{| TABLE                                                                      
!S/C pyro commands !!All commands related to the covers must not be activated 
|Cover cmds                                                                   
(ZRND2003 with PRNGG206 = 8,                                                  
ZRNR2003 with PRNGG206 = 8) ||All commands related to the covers must not be  
|DFMS/RTOF filament cmds                                                      
(ZRND2002 with PRNGG205 = 1..11,                                              
ZRNR2003 with PRNGG206 = 5) ||All commands related to filaments must not be   
activated except during SPT's                                                 
|COPS filament cmds                                                           
(ZRNC2002 with PRNGG205 = 1..3,                                               
ZRNC2003 with PRNGG206 = 3..4) ||All commands related to filaments or         
microtips for COPS must not be activated except in a vacuum below 10-6 mbar   
|COPS voltage cmds                                                            
(ZRNC2003 with PRNGG206 = 1) ||No voltages for the COPS ram gauge must be set 
except in a vacuum below 10-6 mbar                                            
|Heater cmds                                                                  
(ZRND2002 with PRNGG205 = 4..5) ||Ion source and RDP heaters must not be      
activated during ground operation except during SPT's                         
|GCU cmds                                                                     
(ZRNP2002 with PRNGP202 = 1) ||All commands related to GCU must not be        
activated except during SPT's                                                 
Table 7.1: FS Critical Commands                                               
{{7.2 Memory Management Commands}}                                            
The detailed description of memory management command packets is in RD[7]. For
a memory load command test only the IDs and address ranges listed in table 7.2
are allowed.                                                                  
{| TABLE                                                                      
!ID !!Word                                                                    
Width (bits) !!Address Range !!Description !                                  
|120 ||48 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|121 ||48 ||0x0007E000 .. 0x0007FFFF ||Program Memory test                    
|122 ||48 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|123 ||48 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|124 ||32 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|125 ||32 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|126 ||32 ||0x000FE000 .. 0x000FFFFF ||Data 1 Memory test                     
|127 ||32 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
|128 ||16 ||- ||Not allowed                                                   
Table 7.2: Allowed Memory Load Commands