PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-02-04 NOTE = "Description of the CALIB directory contents for the PTOLEMY level 5 archive volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END CALIB Directory Contents The CALIB directory contains files necessary for sensors and mass spectrometer calibration of level 2, 3 and 5 PTOLEMY data. For more details about calibration files, see the file PTOLEMY_CALIBRATION_DESC.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory. Contents of the CALIB subdirectory: CALINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. FRAGMENTATION_PATTERNS - directory containing the NIST fragmentation patterns for the common molecules considered in PTOLEMY data processing SCAN_FUNCTIONS_FSS.LBL SCAN_FUNCTIONS_FSS.TAB - Ptolemy mass spectrometer operations and their associated scan functions SNIFF_MODE_CONV_FACTORS.TAB - conversion factors needed for mass spectra calibration in sniff mode THERMOCOUPLE_CALIB_DATA.TAB - data tables of thermocouple emfs against temperature for type K and N thermocouples WGA2_CALIBRATION.TAB - WGA2 calibration related to WGA2 scan function WGA2_SCAN_FUNCTION.ASC - WGA2 scan function table WGA3_CALIBRATION.TAB - WGA3 calibration related to WGA3 scan function WGA3_SCAN_FUNCTION.ASC - WGA3 scan function table WGA4_CALIBRATION.TAB - WGA4 calibration related to WGA4 scan function WGA4_SCAN_FUNCTION.ASC - WGA4 scan function table WGA6_CALIBRATION.TAB - WGA6 calibration related to WGA6 scan function WGA6_SCAN_FUNCTION.ASC - WGA6 scan function table WGA7_CALIBRATION.TAB - WGA7 calibration related to WGA7 scan function WGA7_SCAN_FUNCTION.ASC - WGA7 scan function table