PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-10-28 NOTE = "Description of the LABEL directory contents on ANCDR archive volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END LABEL Directory Contents The LABEL directory contains format files that are included in labels for Rosetta Lander ancillary data products. The following files are found in this directory. LABINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. LATT_EME2LDR.FMT - Describes the format of the Table object containing attitude quaternions for the transformation from EME J2000 to Lander coordinate systems. LORB_CFF.FMT - Describes the format of the Table objects containing the 6 proposed trajectories of the Lander in the CFF coordinate system (Comet Fixed Frame) for the RBD mission phase. LORB_CFF_SDL.FMT - Describes the format of the Table object containing the trajectory of the Lander in the CFF coordinate system (Comet Fixed Frame) for the SDL mission phase. LORB_EME2000.FMT - Describes the format of the Table object containing the trajectory of the Lander in the EME J2000 coordinate system for the RBD mission phases. LORB_EME2000_SDL.FMT - Describes the format of the Table object containing the trajectory of the Lander in the EME J2000 coordinate system for the SDL mission phase.