PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-12-10 NOTE = "Volume information for safed volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Volume PHB_1001c ================ This volume contains raw visual and IR images from the TERMOSKAN instrument flown aboard the Phobos 2 spacecraft. These data were part of a PDS1 "test disk" created as a proof-of-concept demonstration using sample data from the Soviet PHOBOS-2 spacecraft, c. 1989. They are being saved for historical reasons. In 2010, SBN personnel split the contents of the original test disk into separate data sets, added PDS3-standard catalog information as gleaned from the original files, and converted each dataset into a stand-alone virtual volume. All the documentation included in the original disk appears on these separate volumes; common information is repeated in each place. No attempt has been made to validate or upgrade any labels that might be present, or to add labels where none existed. These data have not been reviewed. They are not considered to be of archival quality in their present state. Anne Raugh Small Bodies Node University of Maryland