New Horizons Alice Calibration Reference Files - Overview ======================================================== Content ------- This collection contains ancillary files used in the calibration of data from the Alice Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph instrument for all phases of the New Horizons primary and extended missions. These files are not the result of Alice observations. They consist of a set of ancillary files (dark, effective area, wavelength, flat). Some products appear in multiple versions as a result of improvements in calibration algorithms and pipeline processing over the course of the missions. For these product lines, the calibrated data will reference the specific version of the product in this collection that was used in its production. So while some of these files were "superseded" in terms of what was used in later versions of the pipeline, they are not "superseded" in an archival sense because they are applicable to the data produced using them. The files were presumably collected by the Alice team, but no attribution was provided in the PDS3 data. The PDS4 migration was performed by SBN personnel, who are credited as editor of this collection. PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Notes ---------------------------- The PDS3 versions of these calibration files were duplicated cumulatively in every Alice PDS3 dataset archived. For the migrated PDS4 archive, only a single instance of each version of each file was retained. The PDS3 labels, which contained minimal metadata beyond data structure, were not retained in the migrated PDS4 archive but are accessible in archival copies of the PDS3 datasets retained in the NSSDCA deep archive. 2024-05-23, A. Gicquel