Lucy L'LORRI Data Dinkinesh Raw Collection Data Set Overview =============================================================================== This collection contains raw panchromatic (350 - 850 nm) images acquired by the L'LORRI instrument during the Lucy Mission Dinkinesh Encounter. Data acquisition is described in Levison, H.F., Marchi, S., Noll, K.S. et al. A contact binary satellite of the asteroid (152830) Dinkinesh. Nature 629, 1015–1020 (2024). doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07378-0. A summary of the observations from the above mentioned publication is as follows: "L'LORRI was used in three distinct observational modes during the encounter. (1) Reconstruction Optical Navigation images were obtained to precisely determine the trajectory of Lucy. During the encounter phase (tCA = -4 to +4 days), these images were taken daily from tCA = -4 to -1 days and +1 to +4 days and every 15 minutes between tCA = -2 hours to +2 hours (with the exception of +15, +30, and +45 minute images which are covered by high-resolution imaging during closest approach). (2) High resolution imaging during closest approach were taken every 15 seconds between tCA = -10 minutes to +9 minutes, then every minute between tCA = +10 to +55 minutes. (3) Post-encounter light-curve photometry imaging was acquired in sets of 3 images every hour between tCA = +8 to +96 hours when the Dinkinesh- Selam system was unresolved. These data were taken in 4x4 mode, which bins the data into 4 pixel x 4 pixel groups during the CCD readout. Prior to the Encounter phase, L'LORRI Optical Navigation images were taken from tCA = -59 to -5 days. Between tCA = -59 to -45 days, both 1x1 and 4x4 OpNav images are obtained every other day. Between tCA = -44 to -5 days 1x1 OpNav images are obtained at a daily cadence." Data Products =============================================================================== Products contained within this collection are .FITS images described in the L'LORRI SIS document. Raw images are not radiometrically calibrated, and instrument artifacts have not been removed. Image data units are in Digital Number (DN). Last Revision 2024-08-20