Lowell Derived Data Product Collection Data Abstract ============= We obtained images of the (65803) Didymos system and supporting calibration images with the Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) through a VR filter. These images were taken in order to determine the orbit period of Dimorphos, the satellite of Didymos. This collection consists of the photometry summary tables, which are a PDS4 derived product. Data Set Overview ================= The photometry of Didymos is measured using the open source PHOTOMETRYPIPELINE package (Momert, M., 2017. PHOTOMETRYPIPELINE: An automated pipeline for calibrated photometry. Astronomy and Computing, 18, pp.47–53). This pipeline astrometrically registers images based on the measured position of Gaia DR2 stars in the field, photometrically calibrates the zero point of the images based on the measured flux of field stars that have known catalog magnitudes (typically from the PanSTARRS catalog), and then using these astrometric and photometric solutions derives a calibrated magnitude for Didymos. The PNG files and photometry tables included in this dataset are outputs of this pipeline. The pipeline is built upon the tools SExtractor and SCAMP (E. Bertin and S. Arnouts. SExtractor: Software for source extraction. A&AS, 117:393–404, June 1996. doi:10.1051/aas:1996164). The photometry summary table is named according to the following convention: ldt__didymos_photometry.dat where: ldt – refers to the Lowell Discovery Telescope is the year, month, day of the observing session in UTC. Ex. ldt_20201215_didymos_photometry.dat Photometry data are stored as a PDS4 ASCII fixed-width table according to the following format. file: file name of the calibrated image where data were measured julian date: Julian date of the exposure midtime mag: Calibrated PanSTARRS r-band apparent magnitude of Didymos sig: 1-sigma error on the apparent magnitude ZP: Calibrated zero point magnitude in PanSTARRS r-band ZP_sig: 1-sigma error on the zero point magnitude inst_mag: Instrumental magnitude of Didymos in_sig: 1-sigma error on the instrumental magnitude SExtractor_flag: Flags associated with the Source Extractor photometry measurements, see source_extractor_flags .txt in the documents folder for this archive for more detailed description. aprad: Radius in pixels of the aperture used for the photometry measurement. The binned image scale for the Large Monalithic Imager is 0.36 arcs/pixel. Data Quality ================= March 14, 2023 lightcurve data product: The lightcurve data product, LIDVID reference urn:nasa:pds:dart_teleobs:data_ldtddp:ldt_20230314_didymos_photometry::1.0, has a low data quality. Measurements from this data product are not being included in the set of lightcurves used for period change and orbit studies by the DART Investigation Team. This is due to the lack of a minimum useful duration of raw images and observations taken on a successive night. This data product is still included in the archive on the assumption that it may be useful in the future. References ================= Momert, M., 2017. PHOTOMETRYPIPELINE: An automated pipeline for calibrated photometry. Astronomy and Computing, 18, pp.47–53. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1702.00834 E. Bertin; S. Arnouts. SExtractor: Software for source extraction. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement, 117:393–404, June 1996. doi:10.1051/aas:1996164