PDS_VERSION_ID        = PDS3                                                  
RECORD_TYPE           = STREAM                                                
OBJECT                = TEXT                                                  
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT    = ASCII                                               
  PUBLICATION_DATE      = 2019-07-28                                          
  NOTE                  = "Description of the contents of the calib dir."     
END_OBJECT            = TEXT                                                  
### N.B. A description of the calibration procedure is in the                 
###      SOC Instrument Interface Control Document in the                     
###      /DOCUMENT/ directory of this archive                                 
[calib] Directory containing calibration files for SWAP data.                 
  | - background_009_dac.tab: background file used during                     
  |     commissioning (launch phase) for plan 3 data                          
  | - background_009_dac_jup.tab: background file used during the             
  |     Jupiter phase and later for plan 0 data                               
  | - list_energy_files.tab: list of energy calibration files                 
  |   (esa_rpa_vNN_energy_binsf*.*; see next group) and when to apply them.   
  | - esa_rpa_v16_energy_binsf_new.lbl                                        
  | - esa_rpa_v18_energy_binsf_new.lbl                                        
  | - esa_rpa_v19_energy_binsf_new2.lbl                                       
  |   - Energy calibration files                                              
  |   - Precalculated energies for energy bins based on voltages in voltage   
  |     tables uplinked to spacecraft throughout the mission.                 
  | - esa_shape.tab: the shape of the ESA response curve                      
  | - fov_mask_2d.tab: field of view map with the RPA off;                    
  |     angle-angle response function normalized to 0 degrees azimuth and -6  
  |     degrees roll                                                          
  | - rpa_shape.tab: the shape of the RPA response curve                      
  | - calinfo.txt : This file