PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-04-22 NOTE = "DOCUMENT/TRAJ/ directory contents This file contains a very brief summary of the NH SWAP trajectory documents delivered with this data set. " END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT/TRAJ/ Directory Contents The DOCUMENT/TRAJ/ directory includes ASCII TABLEs and corresponding PDS labels. The data in the files provides a New Horizons spacecraft trajectory in several reference frames and centered on several bodies. Refer to the PDS labels for more information. DOCUMENT/ | +->TRAJ/ | +->TRAJ_2006_2021_1D.TAB NH Trajectory tables, 1 day intervals, from +->TRAJ_2006_2021_1D.LBL launch through 2021, and label for same | +->TRAJINFO.TXT This file