PDS_VERSION_ID       = PDS3                                                   
RECORD_TYPE          = FIXED_LENGTH                                           
RECORD_BYTES         = 2880                                                   
FILE_RECORDS         = 12                                                     
^HEADER = "SDC_0064561923_0X700_SCI.FIT"                                      
^EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_HEADER = ("SDC_0064561923_0X700_SCI.FIT", 10)          
^EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_TABLE = ("SDC_0064561923_0X700_SCI.FIT", 12)           
NOTE = "                                                                      
- Earth Mean Equator and Vernal Equinox of J2000 is the inertial              
  reference frame used to specify observational geometry. Geometric           
  parameters are based on best available data at time of product              
  creation. Refer to the SPICE archive for the most current                   
  observational geometry data.                                                
- All positions are relative to body centers                                  
- Sun wrt S/C                                                                 
  - Light time corrected for light originating from                           
    Sun and received by S/C at observation midpoint                           
- Earth wrt S/C                                                               
  - Light time corrected for light originating from                           
    Earth and received by S/C at observation midpoint                         
- Solar phase angle (relative to inverted boresight)                          
- No overlap with STIM CALIBRATION                                            
MISSION_NAME         = "NEW HORIZONS"                                         
DATA_SET_ID          = "NH-X-SDC-3-PLUTOCRUISE-V2.0"                          
PRODUCT_ID           = "SDC_0064561923_0X700_SCI"                             
PRODUCT_TYPE         = "RDR"                                                  
MISSION_PHASE_NAME   = "PLUTO CRUISE"                                         
NEWHORIZONS:SEQUENCE_ID = "                                                   
NEWHORIZONS:OBSERVATION_DESC  = "                                             
  POWER ON CHANNELS FOR SCIENCE COLLECTION                                    
TARGET_NAME          = "DUST"                                                 
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2016-10-31T00:00:00                                   
START_TIME           = 2008-02-03T09:52:11.497                                
STOP_TIME            = 2008-02-05T10:35:23.497                                
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_CNT_PARTITION = 1                                            
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT   = "0064338249:00000"                           
SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT    = "0064513640:49958"                           
INSTRUMENT_NAME="STUDENT DUST COUNTER"                                        
INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "NEW HORIZONS"                                         
INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID   = "NH"                                                   
INSTRUMENT_ID        = "SDC"                                                  
TELEMETRY_APPLICATION_ID = "0x700"                                            
EXPOSURE_DURATION    = 175392.000 <s>                                         
DETECTOR_TYPE        = "PVDF PLASTIC FILM"                                    
INST_CMPRS_TYPE      = "N/A"                                                  
SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR = (                                                 
, "N/A"                                                                       
, "N/A"                                                                       
TARGET_CENTER_DISTANCE      = "N/A"                                           
TARGET_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = (                                                
, "N/A"                                                                       
, "N/A"                                                                       
SOLAR_DISTANCE              = "N/A"                                           
SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR = (                                                    
  151093790.6032146 <km>                                                      
, 1215858838.4310961 <km>                                                     
, 494265587.7964474 <km>                                                      
SPACECRAFT_SOLAR_DISTANCE   = 1321151210.0549390 <km>                         
SC_EARTH_POSITION_VECTOR = (                                                  
  47182734.4293461 <km>                                                       
, 1311858860.0079279 <km>                                                     
, 535885179.7057711 <km>                                                      
SC_GEOCENTRIC_DISTANCE      = 1417876159.9088321 <km>                         
PHASE_ANGLE                 = "N/A"                                           
QUATERNION = (                                                                
, UNK                                                                         
, UNK                                                                         
, UNK                                                                         
QUATERNION_DESC = "QUAT_AXYZ_J2K_TO_INSTR.ASC"                                
SPICE_FILE_NAME      = { "nh_pred_20060119_20070401_od020.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20060119_20070101_od021.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20060119_20100601_od022.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20060119_20100101_od032.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20061001_20100101_od040.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070307_20100101_od041.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070321_20100101_od042.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20100101_od051.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20110101_od059.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20080710_20160101_od059.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20130101_od061.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20140101_od064.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20150101_od070.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20150501_od072.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20070319_20150901_od077.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20120501_20160913_od091.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20150801_20190301_od124.bsp"                
                       , "nh_pred_20150801_20190901_od126.bsp"                
                       , "ck_nh000_test.bc"                                   
                       , "nh_apf_20150404_20150420_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150420_20150504_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150504_20150513_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150513_20150528_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150528_20150611_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150611_20150623_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150623_20150703_001.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150703_20150707_002.bc"                    
                       , "nh_apf_20150707_20150718_002.bc"                    
                       , "naif0012.tls"                                       
                       , "new_horizons_1343.tsc"                              
                       , "nh_stars_kbo_centaur_ppinp.tpc"                     
                       , "pck00010.tpc"                                       
                       , "nh_v220.tf"                                         
                       , "nh_allinstruments_v002.ti"                          
                       , "nh_alice_v200.ti"                                   
                       , "nh_lorri_v201.ti"                                   
                       , "nh_pepssi_v110.ti"                                  
                       , "nh_ralph_v100.ti"                                   
                       , "nh_rex_v100.ti"                                     
                       , "nh_sdc_v101.ti"                                     
                       , "nh_swap_v200.ti"                                    
                       , "nh_soc_misc_v001.tf"                                
                       , "sb_2002jf56_2.bsp"                                  
                       , "jup260.bsp"                                         
                       , "kbo_centaur_horizons_20131129.bsp"                  
                       , "nh_extras.bsp"                                      
                       , "nh_stars.bsp"                                       
                       , "NavPE_de433_od123.bsp"                              
                       , "NavSE_plu047_od123.bsp"                             
                       , "nh_nep_ura_000.bsp"                                 
                       , "nh_recon_e2j_v1.bsp"                                
                       , "nh_recon_j2sep07_prelimv1.bsp"                      
                       , "nh_recon_pluto_od122_v01.bsp"                       
                       , "merged_nhpc_2006_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2007_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2008_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2009_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2010_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2011_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2012_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2013_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2014_v001.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2015_v039.bc"                           
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_01_v019.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_02_v018.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_03_v006.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_04_v021.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_05_v008.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_06_v009.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_07_v014.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_08_v011.bc"                        
                       , "merged_nhpc_2016_09_v015.bc"                        
                       , "nhpc_2016_275_01.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_277_01.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_280_03.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_283_02.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_286_03.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_288_01.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_291_02.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_292_01.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_293_02.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_294_01.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_295_03.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_296_03.bc"                                
                       , "nhpc_2016_299_01.bc"                                
OBJECT                          = HEADER                                      
  BYTES                           = 25920                                     
  HEADER_TYPE                     = "FITS"                                    
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT              = "BINARY"                                  
  RECORDS                         = 9                                         
  DESCRIPTION                     = "                                         
    FITS format defined in NASA/Science                                       
    Office Standards Technology 100-1.0                                       
By mutual agreement with PDS-SBN, FITS headers are the domain of the NH       
Project and were not part of the peer review beyond adherence to the          
FITS standard.  FITS header values, especially geometric conventions          
regarding phase angle, direction of supplied vectors and sense of light       
time and stellar aberration corrections, were chosen to serve                 
operational purposes and should be used with care.                            
END_OBJECT                      = HEADER                                      
OBJECT                          = EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_HEADER                
  BYTES                           = 5760                                      
  HEADER_TYPE                     = "FITS"                                    
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT              = "BINARY"                                  
  RECORDS                         = 2                                         
  DESCRIPTION                     = "                                         
    This is the FITS header for                                               
      FITS EDU number:  1                                                     
      FITS EDU name:                                                          
END_OBJECT                      = EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_HEADER                
OBJECT                          = EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_TABLE                 
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT              = "BINARY"                                  
  ROW_BYTES                       = 80                                        
  ROWS                            = 30                                        
  COLUMNS                         = 10                                        
  DESCRIPTION                     = "                                         
    FITS EDU number:  1                                                       
    FITS EDU name:                                                            
     SDC recorded events calibrated                                           
     to charge data as a table                                                
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "UTC_TIME"                                                
    BYTES         = 20                                                        
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 1                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "CHARACTER"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 1                                                         
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The UTC time corresponding to the the MET                               
      (Mission Elapsed Time) of this row                                      
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "MET"                                                     
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 2                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 21                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
            Mission Elapsed Time                                              
            Approximately equal to seconds past                               
              19.January, 2006 18:08:02 UTC                                   
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "CHANNEL"                                                 
    BYTES         = 2                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 3                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "MSB_INTEGER"                                             
    START_BYTE    = 29                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      Channel for a particular event                                          
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "CHARGE"                                                  
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 4                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 31                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The calibrated magnitude of the event in units                          
      of charge, expressed as equivalent number of                            
    UNIT          = "CHARGE-EQUIVALENT NUMBER OF ELECTRONS"                   
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "MASS"                                                    
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 5                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 39                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The calibrated magnitude of the event in units                          
      of grams                                                                
    UNIT          = "GRAM"                                                    
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "MASS_THRSH"                                              
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 6                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 47                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The threshold of the channel at the time                                
      of the event.  Note that it is rare, but                                
      possible, to get hits smaller than this                                 
      threshold.  It is expressed in grams.                                   
    UNIT          = "GRAM"                                                    
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "M_SIGPLUS"                                               
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 7                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 55                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The magnitude of the likely positive offset due                         
      to uncertainty in the measurement, expressed                            
      in grams.                                                               
      The Standard Deviation from the ground calibration                      
      is used as an analog for the 1-sigma combined                           
      uncertainty of the calibration charge pulse                             
      measurement and of the calibration and in-flight                        
      DN measurement.  See the SOC ICD for details.                           
    UNIT          = "GRAM"                                                    
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "M_SIGMINUS"                                              
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 8                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 63                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The magnitude of the likely negative offset due                         
      to uncertainty in the measurement, expressed                            
      in grams.                                                               
      The Standard Deviation from the ground calibration                      
      is used as an analog for the 1-sigma combined                           
      uncertainty of the calibration charge pulse                             
      measurement and of the calibration and in-flight                        
      DN measurement.  See the SOC ICD for details.                           
    UNIT          = "GRAM"                                                    
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "QUALITY_FLAG"                                            
    BYTES         = 2                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 9                                                         
    DATA_TYPE     = "CHARACTER"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 71                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
      The value in this column will be                                        
      the string `OK` unless there were                                       
      spacecraft thruster firings less than                                   
      two seconds before, or less than one                                    
      second after, the recorded event.                                       
      If there were such firings, the                                         
      initials `TF` (meaning Thrusters                                        
      Fired) will be the value this column.                                   
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
  OBJECT        = COLUMN                                                      
    NAME          = "IMP_VEL"                                                 
    BYTES         = 8                                                         
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 10                                                        
    DATA_TYPE     = "IEEE_REAL"                                               
    START_BYTE    = 73                                                        
    DESCRIPTION   = "                                                         
            Assumed dust impact speed, km/s; i.e. the                         
            spacecraft-relative speed of a theoretical                        
            dust particle.                                                    
            This speed is used to estimate the mass of a                      
            particle (COLUMN MASS above) that would generate                  
            the impact event for the corresponding ROW of                     
            this TABLE.                                                       
            This speed is calculated as the magnitude of a                    
            velocity vector that is the difference between                    
            Sun-relative velocity vectors of two objects:                     
            A) the New Horizons spacecraft                                    
            B) a theoretical dust particle velocity vector                    
            The Sun-relative spacecraft velocity comes from                   
            SPICE kernels used by the New Horizons Science                    
            Operations Center data processing pipeline.                       
            N.H. The kernels used by the operational                          
                 pipeline may differ slightly from those in                   
                 the PDS archive data set with DATA_SET_ID                    
            The theoretical dust particle is assumed to be                    
            1) at the same position as the New Horizons                       
               spacecraft, and                                                
            2) in a theoretical, stable, circular                             
               prograde, heliocentric keplerian orbit with                    
               an instantaneous Sun-relative velocity                         
               vector that has                                                
              2.1) a direction that is parallel to the                        
                   J2000 ecliptic plane [i.e. parallel to                     
                   the XY plane of NAIF/SPICE frame                           
                   ECLIPJ2000], and                                           
              2.2) a magnitude equal to the speed derived by                  
                   this formula:                                              
              SPEED = 1E-3 x SQRT(G x Msun x (1-beta) / R)                    
             SPEED = Norm of Sun-relative velocity, km/s                      
              1E-3 = Conversion from m/s to km/s                              
              SQRT = Square root function                                     
                 G = Gravitational constant = 6.67408E-11,                    
              Msun = Mass of the Sun, 1.9889E30, kg                           
              beta = 0 = correction for solar pressure                        
                 R = Heliocentric distance, m                                 
            Units are consistent with G (m**3 kg**-1 s**-2)                   
            N.B. This method is an update to the original                     
                 method of using the spacecraft Sun-relative                  
                 speed by itself as an estimate for the                       
                 impact speed, which was in the SDC                           
                 instrument paper, [HORANYIETAL2008].                         
                 Please consult with SDC team for details.                    
  END_OBJECT    = COLUMN                                                      
END_OBJECT                      = EXTENSION_CHARGE_DATA_TABLE