PDS_VERSION_ID                = PDS3                                          
RECORD_TYPE                   = STREAM                                        
LABEL_REVISION_NOTE           = "                                             
2016-06-15 SwRI:BTCarcich                                                     
  New file                                                                    
OBJECT                        = TEXT                                          
  PUBLICATION_DATE            = 2016-06-15                                    
  NOTE                        = "The NH SWAP Pluto encounter                  
                                 Calibrated VERSION 2.0                       
                                 Data Archive                                 
                                 Generic overview of NH PDS labels            
END_OBJECT                    = TEXT                                          
PDS label overview                                                            
  Under the DATA/ subdirectory of this data set, each PDS label file is a     
multi-record flat ASCII file describing the Data Units in a corresponding FITS
data file that represent a single observation or group of observations.       
  A FITS file is made up of one or more contiguous 2880-byte records.  Each   
Data Unit (DU) in a FITS data file comprises one or more records.  The data in
each DU starts at the first byte of the DU and is arranged as described in the
PDS label.  If the data in a DU do not end at a 2880-byte boundary, then that 
DU is padded out to the boundary.                                             
  Each record in a PDS label is 80 bytes long comprising 78 printable 7-bit   
ASCII characters and/or spaces and ending with a carriage return and a line   
feed.  Most records are of the form                                           
    KEYWORD = VALUE                                                           
  where KEYWORD is the name of a quantity, and VALUE represents the value of  
that quantity.  Spaces before, after, and between the keyword, the equals     
sign, and the value(s) are not significant.                                   
  String values may span multiple records, and are usually delimited by (i.e. 
enclosed in) double quotes.  Strings contain no double quotes.  Some string   
values, such as UTC times, are not enclosed in quotes.                        
  Most integer & floating point numeric values are displayed without quotes.  
  Multiple values for a single keyword are indicated by enclosing the values  
in parentheses or curly braces and separating the values with commas.         
  Comments are initiated by a contiguous forward-slash & asterisk pair (i.e.  
/*) on the left and continue to the end of a single record where they are     
usually terminated by a matching asterisk & forward-slash pair (*/).  Whether 
or not the terminating pair is present, the comment ends at the end of the    
record, and another initiating pair must be present on the next record if that
record is intended to continue the comment.                                   
  Blank lines may be inserted between other lines to enhance readability.     
  1) PDS pointers                                                             
     Pointers are special cases of keyword/value pairs in the PDS label, and  
define where each DU starts in the FITS file; pointers look like this:        
^HEADER               =  "XYZ.FIT"        /* Primary Header DU (HDU) */       
^IMAGE                = ("XYZ.FIT",11)    /* Primary DU              */       
^ERROR_HEADER         = ("XYZ.FIT",22)    /* Extension #1 HDU        */       
^ERROR_IMAGE          = ("XYZ.FIT",31)    /* Extension #1 DU         */       
^HOUSEKEEPING_HEADER  = ("XYZ.FIT",43)    /* Extension #2 HDU        */       
^HOUSEKEEPING_TABLE   = ("XYZ.FIT",44)    /* Extension #2 DU         */       
^THRUSTERS_HEADER     = ("XYZ.FIT",45)    /* Extension #3 HDU        */       
^THRUSTERS_TABLE      = ("XYZ.FIT",51)    /* Extension #3 DU         */       
     Pointer keywords HEADER and IMAGE refer to the Primary Header Data Unit  
(HDU) and Primary Data Unit, respectively.  Pointer keywords that end in      
_HEADER refer to Extension HDUs.  Pointer keywords that end in _IMAGE or      
_TABLE or _ARRAY or _HISTOGRAM refer to Extension DUs.                        
     The text after the equals sign in each pointer is usually enclosed by    
parentheses and comprises the filename of the file where the DU resides and   
the DU's location in that file.  The filename and the location are delimited  
by a comma.  The filename is a string enclosed in double quotes, and the DU   
location is a decimal integer value indicating the cardinal location in the   
file of the first 2880-byte record of the DU.                                 
     For example, the ^IMAGE DU above, with a location value of 11, starts at 
an offset of 28800 bytes (= [11-1]*2880) from the first byte of the file.     
     If only the filename is given, with neither the parentheses nor the comma
nor the location, then the DU starts at the beginning of the file i.e.  the   
location is implicitly set to one.                                            
  2) OBJECT stanzas                                                           
     Each pointer in a PDS label will have a corresponding OBJECT stanza.     
OBJECT stanzas comprise the lines between corresponding 'OBJECT=<object_name>'
& 'END_OBJECT=<object_name>' keyword lines.                                   
     OBJECT stanzas referring to TABLEs will contain one or more              
'OBJECT=COLUMN'/'END_OBJECT=COLUMN' stanzas.                                  
     See the comments (/* ... */) to the right of the keywords in the example 
below to understand the OBJECTs and keywords that describe binary tables.     
********** N.B.  This example does not describe every keyword **********      
**********       that will be present in each table, but only **********      
**********       those necessary to read and understand the   **********      
**********       arrangement of the data in the DU to which   **********      
**********       OBJECTs refer.  Refer to the PDS standards   **********      
**********       for more details.                            **********      
********** Example starts after the next line                 **********      
^S_TABLE      = ("XYZ.FIT",51)    /* EDU #3;  Data table    */                
OBJECT = S_TABLE  /* Start of object describing data of pointer ^S_TABLE */   
  INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY                                                 
  ROWS = 463                /* Table comprises 463 rows */                    
  COLUMNS = 97              /* Table comprises 97 columns */                  
  ROW_BYTES = 1080          /* Each row comprises 1080 bytes */               
  DESCRIPTION = "..."                                                         
  OBJECT = COLUMN           /* OBJECT describing column 1 */                  
    NAME = STATUSES         /* Column name */                                 
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 1       /* Column location within row */                  
    DATA TYPE = MSB_INTEGER /* Column data element type */                    
    ITEMS = 3               /* Number of data elements in column */           
    ITEM_BYTES = 2          /* Size of each data element in column */         
    START_BYTE = 1          /* Byte location in row of 1st byte of column */  
    BYTES = 6               /* Column width (bytes); <= ITEMS*ITEM_BYTES */   
    DESCRIPTION = "..."                                                       
  END_OBJECT = COLUMN                                                         
  OBJECT = COLUMN           /* OBJECT describing column 2 */                  
    NAME = TEMPERATURE      /* Column name */                                 
    COLUMN_NUMBER = 2       /* Column location within row */                  
    DATA TYPE = IEEE_REAL   /* Column data type */                            
    ITEM_BYTES = 4          /* Size of each data element in column */         
    START_BYTE = 7          /* Byte location in row of 1st byte of column */  
    BYTES = 4               /* Column width (bytes); <= ITEMS * ITEM_BYTES */ 
    DESCRIPTION = "..."                                                       
  END_OBJECT = COLUMN                                                         
END_OBJECT = S_TABLE  /* End of object S_TABLE */                             
********** Example ends before the previous line       *****************      
     In the example above:                                                    
     - the table S_TABLE starts at byte 144001 ((51-1)*2880 + 1)              
       of the file, and comprises 97 rows each of width 1080 bytes.           
     - the first column, named STATUSES, in each row starts at the            
       1st byte of that row and comprises three MSB-first 16-bit              
       integers using 6 bytes total on each row.                              
     - the second column, named TEMPERATURE, in each row starts at            
       the seventh byte of that row and comprises one IEEE 32-bit             
       floating point value using four bytes total on each row.               
       The ITEMS value defaults to 1 if the keyword is not present.           
     - Subsequent rows are offset 1080 bytes from the previous row.           
Generic PDS label details                                                     
  The PDS label has meta-data which describe the circumstances surrounding the
data in the FITS file.  These meta-data are in keyword and value pairs (e.g.  
the pointers above) and each of these keywords is described in the PDS Data   
Dictionary plus the New Horizons mission-specific local data dictionary       
supplemental items, both of which are available in this archive.              
  All FITS Header Data Units (HDUs) and Data Units are described in the PDS   
labels.  In some cases, no Data Unit will be described in the PDS label       
because there is nothing to describe i.e. it is not present in the FITS file. 
    PDS LABELS:  Column Descriptions in binary tables                         
    FITS extensions may contain data that are a subset of                     
    instrument and/or spacecraft housekeeping telemetry packets               
    formatted as binary tables.  Where possible, each column                  
    included in such extensions has a DESCRIPTION field something             
    like this:                                                                
      DESCRIPTION   = "                                                       
           Full Mnemonic:                                                     
           General Description:                                               
             A bit indicating the beginning of a 64-second cycle              
           Conversion:  STATES                                                
           - [lo:hi]=state description:                                       
           Subsystem:  SWAP                                                   
           Packet ApID:  0X584                                                
           Byte Offset within ApID packet:  10                                
           Bit Offset within Byte of ApID packet:  0                          
           Bit Length within ApID packet:  1                                  
           Type of value:  UNSIGNED                                           
           Units:  N/A                                                        
     The sub-fields used in these DESCRIPTION fields are as follows:          
     Full Mnemonic:  The complete mnemonic used in the definition             
                     of the packet.  The COLUMN name will typically           
                     be a subset of this mnemonic.                            
     General Description:  A description of the column                        
     Extended Description:  More information                                  
                            - this field is not always present                
     Conversion:  This item describes the conversion of the value             
                  found in the column to a meaningful quantity.               
                  It takes one of two forms:  STATES and polynomial.          
                  If the conversion form is STATES, then the bits of          
                  the column are combined into an integer and compared        
                  against the ranges list.  In the example above, if the      
                  value of the bit is zero, then the SWAP_RT.SEC64T           
                  column represents a continuing state.  If the value of      
                  the bit is 1, then the SWAP_RT_SEC64T column indicates      
                  that a new 64-second cycle has just begun.                  
                  If the conversion form is polynomial, then the bits of      
                  the column are combined into an integer and used as         
                  the independent value of the polynomial with the            
                  coefficients given.  For example, if the integer            
                  value of a column is 100,  and its conversion looks         
                  like this:                                                  
                    Conversion:  polynomial coefficients:                     
                      Order 0:  0.925                                         
                      Order 1:  0.979                                         
                   Then the derived value of this instrument is               
                      0.925 + (0.979 * 100) = 98.825                          
     Subsystem:  Which subsystem generated the packet                         
     Packet ApID:  The Application ID of the packet                           
     Byte & Bit Offsets & Bit Length:  the location of the column's           
                                       value in the packet, including         
                                       the 10-byte CCDS header.               
     Type of value:  For integer values, whether the value                    
                     is signed or unsigned                                    
     Units:  Nominal units of the derived column values