PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2016-06-15 SwRI:BTCarcich New file " OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-06-15 NOTE = "The NH SWAP Pluto encounter Raw VERSION 2.0 Data Archive Filename convention " END_OBJECT = TEXT END Data Filenames and Product IDs ============================== The filenames of data files and the Product IDs of observations adhere to a common convention e.g. SWA_0123456789_0X584_ENG.FIT ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^\__/ | | | | ^^ | | | | | | | | | +--File type (includes dot) | | | | - .FIT for FITS file | | | | - .LBL for PDS label | | | | - not part of Product ID | | | | | | | +--ENG for Raw data | | | SCI for Calibrated data | | | Older NH data sets may have a version | | | appended e.g. _ENG_1.FIT, _SCI_9.FIT | | | (see Note FN1) | | | | | +--Application ID (ApID) of the telemetry data | | packet from which the data come (see Note FN2) | | | +--MET (Mission Event Time) i.e. Spacecraft Clock | +--Instrument/detector designator prefix (see Note FN2) Note FN1: Version numbers are SOC-internal values; when looking for a calibrated version of a raw data file, the Instrument, MET and ApID portion of the filenames will be the same between the raw and calibrated versions of the same observation, but the version numbers may differ. Note FN2: ApIDs may define the type of data taken by the instrument (e.g. mode) and the path taken by the data from the instrument to the ground (e.g. compression). The filename prefix may provide additional information about the instrument detector. Refer to the data set catalog, CATALOG/DATASET.CAT, and the SOC Instrument ICD for definitions of the ApIDs and prefixes that may be present in this data set. ApIDs are case-insensitive; the prefix 0X (or 0x) implies that the three characters that follow may be interpreted as hexadecimal digits. Note that, depending on the observation, the MET in the data filename and in the Product ID may be similar to the Mission Event Time (MET) of the actual observation acquisition, but should not be used as an analog for the acquisition time. The MET is, in some cases, the time that the data are transferred from the instrument to spacecraft memory and is therefore not a reliable indicator of the actual observation time. The PDS label and the index tables are better sources to use for the actual timing of any observation. The specific keywords and index table column names for which to look are * START_TIME * STOP_TIME * SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT * SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT