PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2016-06-15 SwRI:BTCarcich New file " OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-06-15 NOTE = "The NH SDC Pluto encounter Calibrated VERSION 2.0 Data Archive Directory naming conventions " END_OBJECT = TEXT END Data directory naming convention ================================ All of the data files in this dataset are under, but not in, the top-level /DATA/ directory. Sub-directories, based on the MET (see above) of the top-level /DATA/ directory have been provided to increase the granularity of data storage locations which in turn keeps there from being too many data files in any one directory. The granularity implemented is one sub-directory per 10,000 counts of the MET (see Data Filenames and Product IDs section above). The subdirectory names on this volume reflect that granularity. These names are of the form YYYYMMDD_MET/ where MET is a grouping of the first six digits of the ten-digit MET count, and YYYY, MM, and DD are the year, month and day of the first possible MET corresponding to that six-digit MET prefix. Any data file will be located in a directory whose six-digit MET prefix matches that of the data file. Since each count represents about one second, there may be as many as nine six-digit MET prefixes with the same YYYYMMDD values. Also, since days will not start or end exactly on 10,000 count MET boundaries, directories with the naming convention may span day boundaries. That is, the YYYYMMDD value corresponding to the start of a 10,000 count MET range may not be the same as the YYYYMMDD that corresponds to the end of that range. Explanation of granularity -------------------------- The granularity of sub-directories under /DATA/ on this volume has been copied from that used on the Science Operations Center (SOC) where the data files were originally generated. On the SOC, the same granularity was implemented across all eight New Horizons instruments' directory structures. Because the mission instruments generate data files at varying rates, from one or more data files per second to one or more days per data file, a compromise granularity of 10,000 MET counts was chosen, and propagated to this volume.