PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2016-06-15 SwRI:BTCarcich New file " OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-06-15 NOTE = "The NH SDC Pluto encounter Calibrated VERSION 2.0 Data Archive Required Reading list " END_OBJECT = TEXT END Required Reading ================ Almost all of the New Horizons instruments have complex modes of operation and complex, multi-part data products; users who want to properly understand these data should expect to spend a significant effort (at least a day per instrument) reading about and researching the instrument, the data and the PDS product formats. To support that, the data producer has provided the following Required Reading list. Required Reading Summary List (see Details below for suggested priority) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this file or in this directory (files): Details (next subsection) Data Filenames and Product IDs (E_FILENAMES.TXT) Data directory naming convention (F_DIRECTORY.TXT) Explanation of granularity (F_DIRECTORY.TXT) Suggested FITS & PDS software (G_SOFTWARE.TXT) PDS labels (H_PDS_LABELS.TXT; Under the /DOCUMENT/ subdirectory: SOC_INST_ICD.* Science Operations Center Interface Control Document SDC_SSR.* Space Science Review (SSR) Instrument paper PAYLOAD_SSR.* Space Science Review (SSR) Payload paper DOCINFO.TXT Summary of /DOCUMENT/ subdirectory NH_MISSION_TRAJECTORY.* NH Trajectory table for mission NH_TRAJECTORY.* NH Trajectory table for Jupiter Encounter SEQ_SDC_PLUTO.* Sequence list for this data set Under the /CATALOG/ subdirectory: DATASET.CAT NH Data Set Catalog objects NH.CAT NH Mission Catalog objects NHSC.CAT NH SpaceCraft catalog objects SDC.CAT NH Instrument catalog objects REF.CAT References to other documents CATINFO.TXT Summary of /CATALOG/ subdirectory Under the /CALIB/ subdirectory (if present): CALINFO.TXT Summary of calibration files in /CALIB/ subdirectory Details ------- The information contained in all documents included with, and referenced in, this archive, is an integral part of this archive. Specifically, the information contained in the SOC Instrument Interface Control Document (ICD), and in the documents submitted for publication in Space Science Reviews in 2007, is crucial to understanding the data in this archive. As such, the producers of this archive have included the best possible version of these documents with this archive. * SOC Instrument Interface Control Document (AKA the ICD) The ICD specifies the interfaces between the New Horizons Science Operations Center (SOC) and the instrument pipeline, which process data from raw to calibrated units. The ICD's purpose is to define the various aspects of the interfaces in sufficient detail to establish a clear understanding between the SOC and the instrument team to allow for a parallel pipeline development. This file is located in the /DOCUMENT/ directory of this data set and its filename is SOC_INST_ICD.PDF. Other versions of this file in different formats may be listed in SOC_INST_ICD.LBL. In addition to mission-wide information (approximately six pages), the ICD contains an entire section devoted to the details of the SDC instrument (~9 pages). The most important aids provided to the user of this archive by the ICD are * Descriptions of the data files that comprise the data portion of this archive. * Descriptions of the calibration methodology of the SDC instrument data. * Overview descriptions of the SDC instrument theory and operations. * References to more detailed documentation. * SDC Space Science Reviews documents (AKA SSR paper(s)) Scientific papers describing the New Horizons mission, spacecraft, mission design, payload and instruments were submitted to the publication Space Science Reviews in 2007 after the Jupiter encounter; refer to the references catalog for full citations. These files are located in the /DOCUMENT/ directory of this data set. The filename of the instrument SSR paper is SDC_SSR.PDF; other versions of this file are listed in SDC_SSR.LBL. The filename of the payload SSR paper is PAYLOAD_SSR.PDF; other versions of this file are listed in PAYLOAD_SSR.LBL. The SDC instrument and payload overview SSR papers: Horanyi, M., et al., 2008 [HORANYIETAL2008] and Weaver, H.A., et al., 2008 [WEAVERETAL2008], provide details of the SDC theory, design, ground testing and calibration, operational considerations, and post-launch checkout results. Because of time and copyright restrictions, the SSR papers could not be included in this archive in their peer-reviewed and published form. However, Space Science Reviews did agree to allowing the submitted versions of these papers to be included in this archive. This has been done with the initial version of this archive as a convenience to the user of this archive. However, it should be noted that: There were changes made to the submitted papers before they were published. Where any differences exist between the submitted versions of these documents in this archive and the final published versions, the final published versions are considered authoritative, and it is up to the user of this archive to assess if any such differences will affect their use of this archive. Other important documents are available in the following files: NH Heliocentric Trajectory table for mission /DOCUMENT/NH_MISSION_TRAJECTORY.* NH Trajectory table through Jupiter Encounter: /DOCUMENT/NH_TRAJECTORY.* - Includes Jupiter-centric ephemeris in Jupiter frame - Not present in non-Jupiter data sets - Not present in REX instrument data sets SDC Field Of View definitions: /DOCUMENT/NH_FOV.* /DOCUMENT/NH_SDC_V###_TI.TXT Further pointers to important documents for this data set are available in the following files: /CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT /CATALOG/REF.CAT /CALIB/CALINFO.TXT /DOCUMENT/DOCINFO.TXT All reasonable efforts have been made to include the documents in multiple formats in the document portion of this archive. Where such inclusion was not possible due to copyright restrictions, references to the documents have been included in this archive, and it is up to the user of this archive to obtain a copy of such documents. The original format of the ICD was MSWORD, and the original format of the SSR papers was PDF, as noted above. All other formats may show some loss in quality, especially in images, so the user is encouraged to get the best possible version of these documents.