***** File CALINFO.TXT This file describes the contents of the CALIB directory for HAL_0023. The directory contains a copy of the calibration datasets from the Infrared Studies, Large-Scale Phenomena, and Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Disciplines. Along with their separate placement here on HAL_0023, the calibration data are also placed on all the "mixed discs" (HAL_00nn, nn=19-23), interspersed with the Halley data in the chronological data directories. Here, the data are stored in Discipline-specific subdirectories called IRSTUD, LSPN, and SPECTR. The subdirectory SPECTR is further broken down into the individual mixed discs: HAL_0019 through HAL_0023. As usual, the datasets are found in three parts--the PDS label, the FITS header, and the actual data.