***** FIle VOLSET.TXT                                                         
This file contains a listing of the number of files and number of bytes for   
each of the types of data within the data directories.  The break down is     
by CD-ROM volume (HAL_0019 through HAL_0023) and letter code for the subnets. 
This count does not include the separate meteor, ancient astrometry,          
calibration, index, and other ancillary directories.                          
The net column gives the letter code of the CD-ROM file name.  There are      
three pairs of columns following the net column one pair for the counts of    
FITS header files, one pair for the counts of the PDS label files, and one    
pair for the dat files without regard to the kind of data.                    
      net      FITS HEADER        PDS LABEL            DATA                   
          files      bytes   files     bytes   files     bytes                
      AST  2916     8398080  2916     3965760  2916     8398080               
      IRI    47      210240    47       87360    47      446400               
      IRP    77      924480    77      967120    77      244800               
      IRP     6       69120     6       75840     6       17280               
      IRS    11       63360    11       35760    11       31680               
      LSP   490     3381120   490      792960   182     8922240               
      NNS   469     2701440   469      900480   469   217995840               
      PFL   488     4216320   488     5192320   488     1405440               
      PMA   334     2885760   334     3540160   334      964800               
      PPO    82      944640    82      984000    82      236160               
      PST     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSC    34      262080    34       59360    10     5267520               
      RSO     5       43200     5       17680     5     4481280               
      RSO   748     6635520   748     3179440   748    52280640               
      RSR     1        8640     1        4640     1        2880               
      RSS    66      561600    66      136000    32       92160               
      SPE  1008     6477120  1008     2650640  1008   131071680               
      AMD   420     1955520   420      604800     0           0               
      AMP   395     2260800   395      568800     0           0               
      AMS     2       11520     2        2880     0           0               
      AMV  3303    38062080  3303    37257840  3303     9512640               
  TOTALS  10902    80072640 10902    61023840  9719   441371520               
                                              31523   582468032               
      net      FITS HEADER        PDS LABEL            DATA                   
          files      bytes   files     bytes   files     bytes                
      AST  1597     4599360  1597     2171920  1597     4599360               
      IRI    27       89280    27       50000    27      308160               
      IRP    38      455040    38      477280    38      109440               
      IRP     2       23040     2       25280     2        5760               
      IRS    19       95040    19       48400    11       31680               
      LSP   708     5042880   708     1194320   370    14552640               
      NNS   600     3456000   600     1152000   600   225524160               
      PFL   144     1244160   144     1532160   144      414720               
      PMA   170     1468800   170     1807360   170      489600               
      PPO    32      368640    32      384000    32       92160               
      PST     1       11520     1       12320     1        2880               
      RSC     9       80640     9       38960     5     7787520               
      RSO     1        8640     1        2080     1      308160               
      RSO   353     3216960   353     1447200   353    35818560               
      RSR     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSS    54      446400    54      160640    28    39951360               
      SPE   897     6125760   897     2406080   897    58970880               
      AMD   425     2030400   425      612000     0           0               
      AMP   517     2963520   517      744480     0           0               
      AMS    24      138240    24       34560     0           0               
      AMV  3267    37638720  3267    36851760  3267     9408960               
  TOTALS   8885    69503040  8885    51152800  7543   398376000               
                                              25313   519031840               
      net      FITS HEADER        PDS LABEL            DATA                   
          files      bytes   files     bytes   files     bytes                
      AST   726     2090880   726      987360   726     2090880               
      IRI    11       63360    11       20640    11       43200               
      IRP    64      740160    64      803840    64      195840               
      IRP     2       23040     2       25280     2        5760               
      IRS    37      172800    37       99520    23       66240               
      LSP  1485    10863360  1485     2493680   742    33819840               
      NNS  1035     5961600  1035     1987200  1035   372159360               
      PFL  1110     9590400  1110    11810400  1110     3196800               
      PMA    21      181440    21      221760    21       60480               
      PPO    38      437760    38      456000    38      109440               
      PST     5       57600     5       61600     5       14400               
      RSC    49      423360    49       71040     1       34560               
      RSO     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSO   272     2520000   272     1067120   272      783360               
      RSR     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSS    49      411840    49      111520    32       92160               
      SPE   556     4639680   556     1476080   556   104935680               
      AMD   274     1134720   274      394560     0           0               
      AMP   864     4769280   864     1244160     0           0               
      AMS    13       74880    13       18720     0           0               
      AMV  2209    25450560  2209    24917520  2209     6361920               
  TOTALS   8820    69606720  8820    48268000  6847   523969920               
                                              24487   641844672               
      net      FITS HEADER        PDS LABEL            DATA                   
          files      bytes   files     bytes   files     bytes                
      AST  1163     3349440  1163     1581680  1163     3365960               
      IRI    10       51840    10       18640    10       77760               
      IRP    54      622080    54      678240    54      155520               
      IRP     4       46080     4       50560     4       11520               
      IRS    17       95040    17       50160    14       40320               
      LSP   695     4970880   695     1151920   315    15275520               
      NNS   951     5477760   951     1825920   951   372228480               
      PFL   758     6549120   758     8065120   758     2183040               
      PMA   194     1676160   194     2060800   194      558720               
      PPO    31      357120    31      372000    31       89280               
      PST     3       34560     3       36960     3        8640               
      RSC     5       40320     5        7200     0           0               
      RSO     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSO   284     2520000   284     1182080   284      817920               
      RSR     0           0     0           0     0           0               
      RSS    20      172800    20       48000    15       43200               
      SPE   894     6511680   894     2340320   894   151865280               
      AMD   175      734400   175      252000     0           0               
      AMP   391     2168640   391      563040     0           0               
      AMS     6       34560     6        8640     0           0               
      AMV  2761    31812480  2761    31144080  2761     7951680               
  TOTALS   8416    67224960  8416    51437360  7452   554672832               
                                              24284   673335168               
      net      FITS HEADER        PDS LABEL            DATA                   
          files      bytes   files     bytes   files     bytes                
    ASTR     73      210240    73       99280    73      210240               
    IRIM      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    IRPH      4       46080     4       50240     4       23040               
    IRPOL     0           0     0           0     0           0               
    IRSP      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    LSPN      5       43200     5        8400     3      196608               
    NNSN    468     2695680   468      898560   468   443183104               
    PFLX      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    PMAG     25      216000    25      266000    25      102400               
    PPOL      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    PSTOKE    0           0     0           0     0           0               
    RSCN      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    RSOC      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    RSOH      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    RSRDR     0           0     0           0     0           0               
    RSSL      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    SPEC     13       74880    13       34320    13       86400               
    AMDR      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    AMPG      3       17280     3        4320     0           0               
    AMSP      0           0     0           0     0           0               
    AMV     101     1163520   101     1139280   101      290880               
 TOTALS     692     4466880   692     2500400   687   444092672               
                                               2071   451059952               
The total file count and the total byte count for each disk as well as the    
grand totals are shown below:                                                 
   disk      files            bytes                 Date Ranges               
                                             from                   to        
 HAL_0019     31,523    582,468,032    December 02, 1981    December 08, 1985 
 HAL_0020     25,313    519,031,840    December 09, 1985    Feburary 09, 1986 
 HAL_0021     24,487    641,844,672    Feburary 10, 1986    April    13, 1986 
 HAL_0022     24,283    673,335,168    April    14, 1986    April    03, 1987 
 HAL_0023      2,071    451,059,952    April    04, 1987    April    12, 1989 
             107,677  2,867,739,664