***** File VOLINFO.TXT                                                        
                         IHW Comet Halley Archive:                            
                 Volume Description for Volumes 19-23, and a                  
               Brief History of the Generation of IHW CD-ROMs                 
                              assembled by                                    
                E. Grayzeck, Jr. and M. B. Niedner, Jr.                       
[NOTE:  To a certain extent,                                                  
this file represents a combining                                              
of text files found elsewhere                                                 
in the DOCUMENT directory of                                                  
this disc.]                                                                   
        0. Acknowledgements                                                   
        1. Introduction                                                       
        2. The Comet Giacobini-Zinner Test Disc                               
        3. Production of Large-Scale Phenomena (L-SP) Compressed Image CD-ROMs
             (Volumes 1-18)                                                   
        4. Production of the Mixed-Data Discs (Volumes 19-23)                 
            A. Depositing the Data on the NASA/GSFC Mass Storage System       
            B. Quality Assurance Programme and Test Mixed Disc                
            C. Filenaming Conventions                                         
            D. Directory Structure and Size                                   
            E. Time Ranges of Discs, Datafile and Directory Counts            
            F. Contents of Supplemental (non-data) Directories                
         5. Data Descriptions                                                 
            A. PDS Data Objects used in the IHW Archive                       
         6. Some Techniques in the use of Volumes 19-23                       
         7. Suggested References                                              
         SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION                                             
         I. Ephemeris                                                         
         II. Subsampled Browse Images for the Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline
         III. Calibration Data for three IHW Disciplines                      
            A. Infrared Studies Discipline                                    
            B. Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline                               
            C. Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline                  
         APPENDIX:  Data Formats                                              
            A. FITS Format Information                                        
            B. PDS Labels                                                     
               1. Keyword Definitions                                         
0.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (A Brief History of the Generation of IHW CD-ROMs)       
     By now the story of the International Halley Watch (IHW) is well enough  
known that I need not attempt any recounting of its entire history as far as  
acknowledgements are concerned. Besides, that is not my place:  Ray L. Newburn
and Juergen Rahe, the IHW Co-Leaders, have already described in print (the    
so-called "IHW Summary Volume") much of what has transpired since the         
late-1970s and early-1980s in the world of IHW.                               
     These Acknowledgements are concerned with the final steps of CD-ROM      
preparation and production, steps which were largely taken by a handful of    
individuals at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, working in collaboration 
with the IHW Lead Center (LC) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).  Let    
those who are considering the assembly of a CD-ROM archive of this size (20+  
volumes of data) be aware of this truth, which we have learned empirically:   
depending on the nature of the data and on the diversity of data types, the   
"job"--defined here as all efforts leading to the shipment of pre-mastered    
tapes to a CD-ROM mastering vendor--may not be close to completion once all   
the data have been received from the outside world.  That was certainly the   
case in our situation.                                                        
     The simple truth is that if the goal is to create a useful archive, one  
that is replete with searchable indices, tables of interest, software, and    
lucid documentation, and, moreover, one which possesses a useful and efficient
directory layout (or "CD tree"), then a very large amount of effort is        
required.  It probably comes as no surprise to the reader that many revisions 
of plan are encountered along the way, as a scheme which once seemed promising
now looks like the course NOT to follow.                                      
    A point which cannot be emphasized enough is that for CD-ROMs, like IHW's,
which contain a very large number of files and whose directories contain many 
types of data originally resident on so many different magnetic tapes, the    
data need to reside on a "mass storage system" immediately prior to ingestion 
into the "pre-mastering workstation" (a device which converts data and files  
to a format which a CD-ROM mastering vendor can use).  In other words:        
transfer the original tapes into mass storage and organize the data there,    
either writing output tapes or streaming the data directly to the workstation 
by electronic means.  One advantage of this approach is that it is readily    
adaptable to new technologies, such as 8mm exabyte tape and FTP file transfer.
The other approach of creating multiply-interleaved magnetic tapes directly   
from many input tapes (i.e., without intermediate storage) is not only        
excessively time-consuming, but it is more error prone and less adaptable to  
repeat attempts if something goes wrong the first time.                       
     That NASA/GSFC became so involved in these last steps of IHW archive     
production came about as a direct result of the points raised in the last two 
paragraphs.  The brief history is this.  During 1986-89, the IHW Large-Scale  
Phenomena (L-SP) Discipline, the digital data portion of which resided at     
NASA/GSFC, was engaged in sending standardized, FITS-formatted data to the JPL
LC (as were all the IHW Discipline Teams).  However, because of the enormous  
disparity between the average file size for L-SP data (approx. 15 Mb) and     
those of the other IHW Disciplines, it was decided in late-1987 that L-SP's   
contribution to the IHW CD-ROM archive would reside on dedicated discs, and,  
further, that in order to reduce the number of discs required the L-SP data   
would be compressed by a factor of not less than two-to-one.  As a result of  
follow-on studies conducted by Archibald ("Archie") Warnock III and Barbara B.
Pfarr, both of STX Corp. and serving, respectively, as Senior Software        
Specialist and Archive Manager for the L-SP Discipline Specialist Team, it was
decided that "previous pixel compression" was not only conceptually simple to 
end users but would yield 2:1 compression.  It became the technique of choice.
     A development parallel to these decisions about L-SP data was one        
concerning the manner in which the IHW data were to be pre-mastered for       
CD-ROM. Specifically, an agreement was reached between the IHW and NASA/GSFC's
National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) which allowed IHW's use of the     
NSSDC's pre-mastering workstation for the entire set of CD-ROMs.  There were  
several factors at work here, among them the obvious desirability from a      
management/cost viewpoint of having a government facility (NASA/GSFC-NSSDC)   
directly involved in the pre-mastering.  Not the least of the factors,        
however, was the desire to continue Dr. Edwin J. Grayzeck's (then of          
Interferometrics, Inc., and under contract to the NSSDC) connection with the  
IHW CD-ROMs.  Ed had, for several years, been on my L-SP Discipline Specialist
Team, and with time he had "branched out" into the larger arena of IHW CD-ROM 
production.  The IHW, to which Ed had served as a consultant for CD-ROM work, 
knew of his worth to project.  Indeed, many of us in the Discipline Specialist
community received our "CD-ROM education" from Ed as a result of talks he gave
at IHW meetings (Archie Warnock also possessed and communicated valuable      
CD-ROM expertise to the IHW).                                                 
     Returning to the subject of the L-SP data, it was felt that, due to the  
very unique nature of those data, the compression should take place at        
NASA/GSFC following the completion of the microdensitometry effort.  In other 
words, this very discipline-specific task should be done at the discipline    
level.  We felt that this was "one more thing" that should NOT be added to    
Mikael Aronsson (JPL/LC) and the LC's burden.  Besides, our manner of data    
shipment to Mikael was one (uncompressed) image per magnetic tape, which had  
resulted in over 1,500 tapes shipped between 1986 and 1989.  To ask Mikael,   
who did not have access to a mass storage platform, to run our compression    
code on files contained on 1,500 separate tapes, seemed "cruel and unusual."  
We offered to do the job at GSFC and to do whatever was necessary to get the  
files to Ed Grayzeck at NSSDC's pre-mastering workstation.                    
     It was at this point--the end of 1988 and the first half of 1989--that   
NASA/GSFC/L-SP's Dr. Daniel A. Klinglesmith III, working closely with John M. 
Bogert III (also of NASA/GSFC), made unique contributions to the L-SP effort  
which were to have great value later on with the entire IHW dataset.  Dan and 
John transferred the entire set of uncompressed L-SP imagery to NASA/GSFC's   
IBM/3081 mass storage system (over 20 gigabytes of data), compressed the data 
there, then wrote the compressed datafiles to magnetic output tapes in        
chronological order (of observation date/time) and shipped them across GSFC to
Ed.  In the process of setting up this "system," John and Dan also created    
software which generated a set of on-line catalogs listing:  every datafile, a
subset of the more important FITS keywords associated with each, and the      
location of each file within the IBM "disk farm."                             
     At this point in the second half of 1989 we were, theoretically, ready to
pre-master all 18 volumes of L-SP compressed images, but it was important to  
create a "test disc" to ascertain, not only if the data preparation, disc     
layout, and pre-mastering had been done correctly and intelligently, but also 
what type of CD-ROM "performance" could be expected of a high-quality         
mastering vendor. Toward this end, we (Ed, Dan, John, Archie, and I) created a
"Halley Armada Test Disc" containing 80 compressed L-SP images spanning 1986  
March 6-14 (Armada Week). The mastering vendor for this "one shot" venture was
known to be at the top of the CD-ROM profession, and extensive testing of the 
resulting disc by us and an outside testing company confirmed the disc's high 
quality (low block linear error rates, etc.).  As important, we liked the     
layout of the disc and decided to go forward with most of its features for the
full set of 18 L-SP discs.  ["Armada" was actually the second IHW test disc:  
the first one had been a disc containing IHW data on comet P/Giacobini-Zinner.
The G-Z test disc--its history and purpose--is discussed more fully in Section
2 below].                                                                     
     [Something of an aside, perhaps, but I should nonetheless state that the 
drawing-up of technical specifications, the writing of a "Request for         
Proposal" (RFP), the actual selection of a CD-ROM mastering vendor, and the   
writing of the Contract, were all aspects of the IHW CD-ROM work which        
occurred at NASA/GSFC.  By agreement between Ray Newburn and me, I was in     
charge of performing these tasks, including the judging of proposals and the  
awarding of the Contract (out of funds shipped from JPL to NASA/GSFC).  My    
primary interaction in all of this was with the NASA/GSFC Procurement Office, 
and it is a pleasure to thank Ms. Cindy Tart; she was very patient with me    
(explaining the vagaries of government procurement) and was as interested as  
the IHW in securing the services of an excellent CD-ROM vendor.  We were      
strongly guided by the high performance characteristics of the Armada Test    
     Production of the 18 L-SP compressed image discs followed in fairly      
routine order, Ed Grayzeck and an assistant doing the actual pre-mastering    
from tapes created by Dan Klinglesmith and John Bogert.                       
     In the meantime, Mikael Aronsson at the JPL LC was working on the myriad 
of tasks required for preparing the datafiles of the other IHW Disciplines,   
datafiles which would reside on a shorter series of 5 "mixed discs."  The idea
was that Ed Grayzeck would receive from Mikael chronologically-sorted magnetic
tapes on which six of the IHW Disciplines' data would reside interleaved; this
would include uncompressed, subsampled "browse versions" of the L-SP images   
which we had shipped Mikael.  Three of the IHW Disciplines were to have their 
data deposited on CD-ROM in different directory levels, and they could be     
separately treated.  The tricky question was:  how does one interleave over   
16,000 datafiles from 6 sets of input tapes (one set per Discipline) without  
some form of mass storage?  The answer, of course, is that if enough tape     
drives are available and if enough human intervention time is committed (for  
tape mounts, monitoring/correction of media errors, tape drive breakdowns,    
etc.), it can be done.                                                        
     At NASA/GSFC, we were concerned about the huge number of tasks which     
confronted the JPL LC (especially Mikael).  The largest of these, undoubtedly,
was the creation of interleaved datatapes in a many-tapes-to-tape operation   
involving about 100 input tapes.  As a result of our L-SP work, which included
all the tasks from initial archiving to actual disc production, we knew that  
the mass storage techniques developed by Dan and John were very powerful when 
applied to datasets like IHW's.  I made an appeal to Ray Newburn, which was   
accepted, to have Mikael ship us the ENTIRE set of IHW data for ingestion into
the NASA/GSFC IBM/3081 "mass store."  In other words, the final steps of data 
preparation would take place at NASA/GSFC.  It is important to state, however,
that this transfer allowed Mikael to concentrate on many other tasks such as  
index construction, standardizing and re-formatting of Discipline Appendix    
files, etc.                                                                   
     Once the entire IHW dataset had been transferred and was on-line at      
NASA/GSFC, a tripartite decision was made in late-1990--by NASA/GSFC, JPL, and
the Small Bodies Node (SBN) of the Planetary Data System (PDS)--to create a   
third IHW test disc, this one containing data from the entire IHW in much the 
same structure as envisioned for the so-called "mixed discs" [Michael F.      
A'Hearn is Node Manager of the SBN/PDS, and was a Discipline Specialist for   
IHW].  The emphasis here was not at all on testing mastering quality (the     
Contract having already been awarded), but on scrutinizing the characteristics
of disc design and layout, these being, in contrast to the L-SP discs,        
extremely complicated discs.  Further, there was the hope that any systematic 
problems with subsets of data might surface in disc review and be correctable 
before the final discs were made.  In addition (and finally), this disc would 
test our ability to transfer files electronically to the pre-mastering        
workstation via FTP (the Armada Disc was assembled from output tapes written  
off the IBM mass storage device).  The plan was not just to examine the disc  
ourselves, but to distribute copies to a handful (5-10) of outside reviewers. 
Also sent out for review was the earlier L-SP "Armada Week" test disc.        
     Due to the exigencies of time, it was not possible to fabricate the "IHW 
Test Disc" exactly according to the mixed disc design.  For example, PDS      
labels were not included in this second test disc, and the documentation and  
index tables were far from complete.  Although our reviewers did point out    
these deficiencies to us, and had, in some cases, complaints about our        
decision to split off FITS headers from the data, they generally were quite   
favorable in their remarks about the test discs.  It is a pleasure now to     
thank the following individuals, our "outside peer review panel":  Drs. Anita 
Cochran (Univ. of Texas-Austin), Mike DiSanti and Susan Hoban (NASA/GSFC),    
Michel Festou (Observatoire de Besancon), Barry Lutz and David Schleicher     
(Lowell Observatory), Karen Meech (Univ. of Hawaii), and Al Schultz and Wayne 
Kinzel (Space Telescope Inst.).  Disc reviews within the IHW community were   
performed by M. A'Hearn, M. Aronsson, E. Grayzeck, D. Klinglesmith, R.        
Newburn, M. Niedner, and A. Warnock.                                          
     This brings the story nearly up-to-date (i.e., October 1991).  In the    
last 12 months a great deal of work has been expended at NASA/GSFC (in        
collaboration with the JPL LC) in:                                            
   o managing an IBM on-line archive consisting of (approx. 3x) 37,700        
      datafiles (the FITS headers and PDS labels are distinct files separate  
      from the data; "approx. 3x" because some files are "dataless",          
      consisting of only headers and labels);                                 
   o reviewing and revising the layout, or "CD tree," of the mixed discs;     
   o writing software to analyze the temporal distribution of files across    
      IHW disciplines, and creating CD-ROM data subdirectories of time widths 
      which satisfy our chosen maximum number of files per directory, 256;    
   o creating an intermediate "staging area" out of disk space on the         
      Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics' (LASP) VAX cluster, in order
      to build the contents of individual CD-ROMs (in other words, the        
      electronic data flow was:  IBM--VAX--workstation);                      
   o responding to calls by the Discipline Specialists for error correction of
      headers and data (hundreds of files across several of the disciplines), 
      made possible by the headers/data being "on-line";                      
   o creating searchable, delimited tables and indices from on-line headers   
      and data;                                                               
   o generating PDS labels for all datafiles;                                 
   o writing/editing of documentation to allow the archive user to understand 
      the disc contents and layout; and                                       
   o frequent checking of procedures and products.                            
     The above should be considered a partial list of the activities which    
occurred even after the IHW data were deposited on the IBM mass store in the  
late-summer of 1990.  If it is appropriate to single out a particular         
individual within the last 8-12 months, then that person surely is Dan        
Klinglesmith, who has been extremely active in all phases of the work.  This  
is not to diminish anyone else, however:  we've all been very busy and are    
eager to move on to other things!  I have truly lost track of the number of   
IHW "planning sessions" attended by Dan, Ed, Archie, and me, and I'm equally  
hazy about the number of e-mail messages swapped back and forth (it's LARGE,  
and includes those sent by Mikael Aronsson, Ray Newburn, and Mike A'Hearn). On
it goes....                                                                   
     We are nearing the end now, however.  Pre-mastering of the mixed discs   
will start in earnest in a matter of weeks at most, and should be completed in
several months.  Data preparation for the third series of IHW CD-ROMs, that of
the "Space Data", is getting underway at the SBN/PDS, University of Maryland, 
under the direction of Ed Grayzeck and Mike A'Hearn.                          
Malcolm B. Niedner, Jr.                                                       
IHW Discipline Specialist for                                                 
  Large-Scale Phenomena                                                       
Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics                                    
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center                                              
Greenbelt, MD 20771   USA                                                     
October 2, 1991                                                               
1. INTRODUCTION                                                               
     The International Halley Watch (IHW) Archive of comet P/Halley contains  
tens of thousands of observations obtained by many international astronomers  
and scientists during the years 1981-89.  The Archive's several components    
reflect the diversity of ways in which data and information may be            
disseminated to the scientific community, but of these the largest and most   
important is the set of approximately 25 compact discs (CD-ROMs) containing   
digital Halley data obtained from the ground, earth orbit, and in situ.       
The body of work required to produce these discs has very much been the core  
effort of IHW personnel, from the Discipline Specialists and their teams to   
the Lead Centers (LC) at JPL and, more recently, NASA/Goddard Space Flight    
     The IHW compact discs come in four subsets:                              
   o Compressed images from the Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline (Vols. 1-18) 
   o Data from all "ground-based" IHW Disciplines (Vols. 19-23)               
   o IHW "Trial Runs" on comets P/Crommelin & P/Giacobini-Zinner (Vol. 24)    
   o In situ Halley data (Vols. 25-26)                                        
While the major purpose of this text file is to describe the contents of      
Volumes 19-23, which have sometimes been called the "mixed discs" due to their
multi-Disciplinary nature, an additional purpose is to present a short history
of the effort devoted to producing the entire set of IHW CD-ROMs.  It is worth
naming here the nine IHW Disciplines:  Astrometry, Infrared Studies,          
Large-Scale Phenomena, Meteor Studies, Near Nucleus Studies, Photometry and   
Polarimetry, Radio Studies, Spectrometry and Spectrophotometry, and Amateur   
     As the International Halley Watch (IHW) became a reality during 1980-81, 
it became obvious that distribution of images in any digital form would be a  
problem because of the enormous amount of data involved.   Since the IHW was  
producing an archive, there was no need to use a medium that the could be     
overwritten.  What was needed were longevity, accuracy, speedy access, and a  
standardized format for which inexpensive playback equipment was readily      
available.  Cost and ease of production were clearly factors.                 
     Commercial laser discs were tested by the Planetary Data System (PDS) for
storage, as was the compact disc being promoted for the audio market.  In the 
production of audio CDs, Philips and SONY reached an agreement on the physical
structure of discs.  The so-called Red Book described the size of the disc,   
placement of center hole, useable area, and encoding of the data.  SONY and   
Philips also realized the potential for this medium to store other digital    
data for distribution if the error correction could be improved.  Using a     
layered EDC/ECC scheme to improve upon the standard error correction code     
called CIRC (Cross Interleaved Reed-Solomon Correction) by 10000 times meant  
that character, tabular, and image data could be archived on CD-ROM.          
Eventually, a Yellow Book was generated which described the physical encoding 
of these data in the same structure as audio CDs, i.e., 2048 byte blocks with 
304 bytes for housekeeping.  Typical error rates indicate only one lost bit   
per 2000 discs.                                                               
     The use of the constant linear velocity (CLV) recording format provides  
maximum data packing but has the disadvantage of slow access times when       
compared to other media using the constant angular velocity (CAV) approach.   
Access time usually includes the changing speed for the disc, the radial      
movement of the laser diode which requires a settling time, and the location  
procedure that often demands a full rotation of the disc.  Current players    
have reduced the access times to under 400 msec, or a factor of 4 slower than 
typical magnetic hard disks.  Coupled with the low transfer rates set by the  
audio requirements (150 KB/s of useful data), this means that the placement of
data on the CD-ROM requires a strategy for efficient use.  However, these     
disadvantages are outweighed by the low cost of this medium and its longevity 
as an archiving tool.                                                         
     When the CD-ROM technique became accepted as a digital storage medium, a 
number of vendors attempted to write application software, primarily for PCs. 
This resulted in proprietary formats which quickly became non-standard.   At  
about this time, Microsoft organized an informal working group that developed 
a logical structure then called the High Sierra proposal. Eventually, this    
resolution was modified and has been documented as the International Standards
Organization 9660 format.   At this writing, even those vendors with          
proprietary formats such as UNIFILE (DEC) and HFS (APPLE) have announced their
support of that standard.  In the PC market, Microsoft has supported an       
extension to MS-DOS which is supplied in its 4.0 operating system.            
     The main advantage of this logical structure is that there are well      
defined rules for volume descriptors, placement of files, and record          
structures.  Descriptors in the data area identify the volume, establish a    
character set, locate the path table, and indicate the presence of boot       
records.  Data are located by logical sectors (2048 byte blocks) or a finer   
division into logical blocks (minimum 512 bytes).  The path table provides a  
quick means to point at data since the structure is hierarchical as in MS-DOS.
Finally, Extended Attribute Records (XARs) can be used to carry associated    
information about the record structure, key dates, global permission, and     
hidden files.  The key to this standard is its three levels of interchange    
which span various machines and operating systems.  In the lowest level 1, a  
file is a continuous byte stream spanning only one sector.  Directory and file
names are restricted to 8 characters with a 3 character file extension        
allowed.  This level is designed for PC style machines but must be acceptable 
to drivers for higher levels.                                                 
     The advent of these standards has proved to be a major advantage to      
archivists.  The low cost of the media and CD players, and the existence of   
widespread applications software insures that the data can be widely          
distributed.  The longevity for optical media is considerably greater than    
more volatile magnetic storage and could rival such media as photographic     
plates.  But the main disadvantage to this approach is that the CD-ROM is     
really a "publishing" medium.  In the data preparation phase, an archivist has
complete control over integrity and structure.  In order to produce the       
CD-ROM, the data need to be shipped to a commercial vendor for actual         
mastering and replication.  To insure that the organization of the data       
follows scientific standards, the "pre-mastering" phase is done by the        
archivist.  In this way, the directories, path table, and layout of the disc, 
as well as customized application programs, can be tested on the complete data
set.  Once the integrity of the data is secure then final tapes in the ISO    
format are sent to a mastering facility.  There the actual EDC/ECC is         
supplied, along with synch information to complete the pre-mastering phase.   
     Creation of the IHW Archive has required several advances in data        
formatting and handling.  Astronomical data transfer began to be standardized 
with acceptance by the International Astronomical Union of a system called    
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System).  The IHW adopted this format,         
including an extension to FITS tailored for tabular material.  The IHW had    
proposed and is using a further extension for compressed data; a standard     
similar to the IHW approach is under review by the FITS Working Group for     
Astronomical Software (WGAS).  Meanwhile, the PDS has developed an independent
system of formatting data which has some advantages over FITS.  The IHW has   
included in the Archive detached PDS labels in order that the data can be     
accessed via readers for either format.  The techniques for indexing CD-ROMs  
were developed by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) and IHW for  
the IHW Archive, which includes data not only of comet P/Halley but also of   
comets P/Crommelin and P/Giacobini-Zinner.  The software required to read     
CD-ROM data has been continuously developed by the PDS and has been made      
available to the IHW and the NSSDC.                                           
2. THE GIACOBINI-ZINNER TEST DISC                                             
     The IHW instituted a "trial run" on comet P/Giacobini-Zinner (G-Z),      
centered around the time of the International Cometary Explorer (ICE)         
encounter with the comet on 1985 September 11.  The exercise's dual purposes  
were to support the ICE mission and to test the data flow paths and internal  
organization of the IHW.  With the goal of making a test CD-ROM, in 1989 the  
data from the IHW G-Z Archive were brought to NSSDC and ported to the CD      
Publisher (at NSSDC) via 9-track magnetic tape.  The directory structure      
originally envisioned for the Halley "mixed discs" was modified to include ICE
data and Large-Scale Phenomena compressed and (subsampled) browse images.  The
actual pre-mastering process, i.e., the building of a CD-ROM "image" on the CD
Publisher (also known as a pre-mastering workstation), was carried out in the 
batch mode in order that the disc could be iteratively tailored to a          
convenient layout.  The premastered tapes were sent to Disctronics, a vendor  
chosen by IHW-LC.                                                             
     The official release of the discs and accompanying software by the IHW-LC
took place in May, 1989.  In addition to the CD-ROM, a floppy disk with       
modified IMDISP code and a user SHELL were included in the Beta release.   A  
guide, which could be printed as ASCII text, was added to the floppy disk.    
The user SHELL was designed to be flexible, i.e., make use of existing        
astronomy software packages.                                                  
     The evaluation of the G-Z Test Disc (GZ_0001) was conducted by           
questionnaire, at meetings, and at a CD-ROM Workshop.  Initially, a report    
form was designed and included with the CD-ROM distribution.  As a follow-up, 
a poster presentation at the American Astronomical Society meeting in June    
1989 was used to demonstrate the search capability of Database Management     
System (DBMS) indices.  As part of this process, a CD-ROM Workshop was held at
NSSDC later that same month.                                                  
    The CD-ROM Workshop focused on the premastering workstation at NSSDC.     
Through a series of talks, the entire process was outlined and procedures for 
its use were proposed.  In addition, the general topic of ISO format          
guidelines and even label art was discussed.  The summary document from this  
first CD-ROM Workshop in the NASA environment could be used as a set of       
guidelines for other technical and government agencies involved in CD-ROM     
     Finally, the participants were able to share experiences from many       
different projects involving data types and formats that would be used in the 
future.  It became clear that the contents of the G-Z Test Disc must be       
modified for the Halley Archive to include NSSDC guidelines.  A subsequent    
meeting attended only by IHW participants took place immediately after the    
CD-ROM Workshop.  The Minutes from that session have formed the guidelines for
the current design of the full Comet Halley Archive, which included some      
additional background steps leading up to the eventual premastering of the    
compressed image discs.  An important change involved the choice of new       
filenames to reflect the Discipline and sub-Discipline, and to keep a         
chronological running count of the number of files throughout the Archive.    
     The G-Z data have been included as part of the Comet Halley Archive on a 
separate disc (HAL_0024) using the new filenames and directory design.  In    
other words, Volume 24 is a "remake" of the initial G-Z Test Disc, done       
according to the new design guidelines established by IHW.  Also included on  
Volume 24 are IHW observations of comet P/Crommelin.                          
      (VOLUMES 1-18)                                                          
     The next phase in IHW CD-ROM production addressed the voluminous set of  
Large-Scale Phenomena digital imagery which, even in compressed form, was     
projected to occupy 18 discs.  Because the decision had been made to deposit  
the L-SP images on dedicated discs (separate from the other Disciplines'      
data), and also because their homogeneity permitted a relatively simple       
directory structure, it was felt that building the L-SP compressed image discs
would be considerably more straightforward than the same exercise applied to  
the so-called "mixed discs."  Moreover, the L-SP Discipline Specialist Center 
was at NASA-GSFC, and proximity to the NSSDC (also at GSFC) was a distinct    
advantage from the standpoint of data transport.                              
     Initial work included definition of the method for producing the IHW     
CD-ROM set for a wide array of platforms.  Expertise was developed using the  
SUN, MicroVAX, MAC, and PC to access CD-ROM data.  A large number of players  
(SCSI,Q-bus,PC-bus) were swapped among machines to develop a working knowledge
of ISO constraints and a testbed of systems for evaluating the first CD-ROM.  
An immediate concern was the current implementation of Extended Attribute     
Records (XARs) to describe variable length files in the DEC environment, a    
problem that still exists.  It was concluded that for the IHW CD-ROMs, no XARs
would be included, but that the text and data would be presented in fixed     
length format with instructions on the conversion procedure for a VMS system. 
     In designing the L-SP compressed image CD-ROMs, much effort went into    
visualizing the characteristics and disc structure for the entire set of IHW  
CD-ROMs, and making the L-SP discs consistent with that total set in terms of 
filenaming conventions, directory layout, documentation and software provided,
etc.  For example, with the exception of calibration data, the numerical      
portion of filenames was set to be rigorously chronological (by time of       
observation), beginning at 0001; calibration data are also (internally)       
chronological, but their numerical filenames start at 4001.  Although, in     
terms of imagery, the L-SP dedicated discs were to contain only digital       
datafiles (and associated headers and PDS labels), it was decided that the    
filenaming would also reflect those images which the L-SP Team had received   
but not digitized.  So, for example, the "first" digital L-SP image is not    
LSPN0001, but LSPN0059.                                                       
     The initial real test of these guidelines and techniques took place when 
a second test disc was fabricated which contained a set of selected L-SP      
images from the time period 1986 March 6-14, when comet Halley was encountered
by an "armada" of spacecraft.  Unlike the first test disc which showcased the 
"design", this project was meant to streamline the process of both            
reformatting the data (on the pre-mastering workstation) and describing them  
by adequate metadata.  A number of critical discoveries were made as part of  
the review process.  First, the building of a CD-ROM "image" on the           
workstation's MS-DOS partition was not needed if the input tapes were         
thoroughly verified.  Second, it was realized that if care was not exercised  
in choosing the disc-to-disc "splits" for the full series of L-SP CDs, it     
would be quite possible to split (unintentionally) the final image on a disc, 
if that image had been digitized in two or more segments.  Third, it was found
that the pre-mastering environment is not the place to be modifying metadata, 
and that such changes on the workstation should be kept to an absolute        
     This second test disc, known informally as the "Armada Disc", did have   
some errors in labels and text files; such problems were deemed both          
acceptable for a test disc and instructive for the future.  With an eye toward
optimizing the pre-mastering process for the full run of 18 L-SP discs, there 
was from this point on a conscious move to organize the incoming data on      
magnetic tapes on a per-disc basis, and to minimize the number of             
documentation changes which needed to be made from one disc to the next.      
Specifically, the text files that did not change were held on a master floppy 
disk; only three were updated (AAREADME, CDTREE, and VOLUME) from a master    
table composed in the IHW log.  Similarly, the PDS labels were made as a set, 
corrected, and held on floppy disks for each CD-ROM volume.  Only those index 
files specific to each volume changed (CDSTRUCT, EPHEM, NETLARGE, PATHTABL);  
care was taken to correctly reflect these changes in the FITS headers         
accompanying those files.                                                     
     A production schedule was instituted that called for composing about two 
discs per week of scheduled pre-mastering workstation time.  This was begun   
immediately after the test run of selected images for the Armada Week were    
reformatted.  Each disc was checked in three steps: the display of all BROWSE 
images, and a random check of compressed comet as well as calibration images. 
A file count for each disc was kept and verified before the output tapes were 
written.  A set of structure files, called CDSTRUCT, were composed to provide 
a listing of physical locations of each data file.  These files were          
constrcuted at the very end and inserted into the CD-ROM "image."  The output 
was essential to providing the path and filenames for the SFDU inventory file 
termed VOLDESC.SFD, which is described later.                                 
     The set of 18 compressed L-SP data discs was pre-mastered at NSSDC by    
July, 1990, and one disc was mastered that October.  A new technique which    
emerged during this production was the splitting of workstation disk space    
into separate ISO partitions to increase speed.  One of the more important new
ideas was to utilize as much of the extra storage space on the last volume    
(Vol. 18) as possible, by depositing the full run of 1,612 subsampled browse  
images into 18 separate "volume subdirectories" (path=\SUMMARY\BROWSE\        
HAL_00nn, where HAL_00nn is the volume number).  In addition, a full PATHTABL 
index was generated which included each datafile in the entire set of 18      
discs, and an ERRATA directory was set up in which errors grouped by volume   
(HAL_00nn) were enumerated (and replacement header or label files presented). 
It was felt that this type of "summary use" of any extra disc space on the    
last volume of a subset of discs might also be possible with Volume 23 (last  
of the "mixed discs").                                                        
     As the project progressed, software was developed to construct various   
levels of metadata, beginning with PDS labels and including SFDU pointers to  
specific reference documentation.  Following guidelines provided by PDS and   
CCSDS, a VOLDESC.SFD inventory file was created for each disc including the   
final summary volume.  Working with NSDSSO, a procedure had been developed to 
design reference files to self-document the disc and then provide an inventory
of pointer files for the data.  The original code was developed under C on a  
mainframe, and ported to the pre-mastering workstation.  After a number of    
iterations and modifications, a series of steps to provide this inventory was 
streamlined into a software package now available at NSDSSO.                  
     The entire set of L-SP discs (HAL_0001-HAL_0018) was premastered         
according to standards proposed by NSSDC for disc structure (including        
subdirectories), conformance to the ISO 9660 standard (Volume Descriptor      
table), and disc art, e.g., full VOLUME identification.  Many of these        
guidelines were introduced at the CD-ROM Workshop in June of 1989, and        
follow-up discussions took place which addressed unresolved questions.  At the
subsequent meetings, CD-ROM manufacturing processes were scrutinized as was   
the longevity of this archive medium.  During the CD-ROM testing phases of the
IHW project, we defined and implemented procedures to evaluate the quality of 
test discs.  This included not only full-disc "read checks" on the assortment 
of CD-players resident at NASA/GSFC and the NSSDC, but also a sophisticated   
set of electronic tests conducted under contract at an off-site facility.     
4.  PRODUCTION OF THE MIXED-DATA DISCS (VOLUMES 19-23)                        
A.  Depositing the Data on the NASA/GSFC Mass Storage System                  
     As described in the Acknowledgements (Section 0. & ACKNWLDG.TXT),        
production of the L-SP test disc, as well as Volumes 1-18, had shown the value
of mass storage techniques for the creation even of relatively straightforward
discs.  In the so-called "mixed discs" (Volumes 19-23), the IHW was facing a  
rather different matter.  Whereas the L-SP disc series contained 1,612        
independent datafiles on 18 discs, the mixed discs were projected to hold     
> 37,000 datafiles on only 5 discs.  Given the IHW decision to create a "main 
data directory level" which would contain interleaved observations from six of
the professional Disciplines (and all their subdisciplines), the task of      
organizing split data, header, and PDS label files into the proper directories
was at the very least a daunting one.  The total set of IHW data, which had   
originally been shipped by the Discipline Specialists to the JPL Lead Center, 
and which had been so carefully checked there by Mikael Aronsson, was         
therefore sent to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center to reside on code 930's    
IBM3081 Mass Storage System, where they would be organized, verified, and     
ultimately transported to the NSSDC's pre-mastering workstation (also at      
     At a glance, the Disciplines and subdisciplines whose data came together 
on the "main level" on these mixed-data CD-ROMs are as follows:               
          Infrared Studies Subdisciplines:                                    
          2.1. Infrared Photometry.                                           
          2.2. Infrared Polarimetry.                                          
          2.3. Infrared Spectroscopy.                                         
          2.4. Infrared Imaging.                                              
          3.0  Large-Scale Phenomena Discipline                               
               (browse images & dataless headers)                             
          4.0  Near Nucleus Studies Discipline                                
          Photometry and Polarimetry Subdisciplines:                          
          5.1. Broadband Photometry.                                          
          5.2. Narrowband Photometry.                                         
          5.3. Polarimetry.                                                   
          5.4  Stokes Parameters.                                             
          Radio Studies Subdisciplines:                                       
          6.1. Hydroxyl Feature at 18 cm.                                     
          6.2. Spectral Line.                                                 
          6.3. Continuum.                                                     
          6.4. Occultation.                                                   
          6.5  Radar.                                                         
          7.0  Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline                  
     The data from the Astrometry Discipline and the Amateur Observations     
Discipline (4 subdisciplines) were deposited one level lower (and off the main
level), and data from the Meteor Studies Discipline was placed in a dedicated 
directory on Volume 23.  More details on the overall organization of data on  
these mixed discs are to be found in Section 3. of the file HALGUIDE.TXT.     
     Transfer of all IHW datafiles to the IBM3081 involved the creation of,   
among other things, a series of on-line catalogs which contained some of the  
more important FITS keywords associated with each file (such as date, time,   
filenumber, system code, and filename).  The catalogs also listed the IBM     
"partitioned data set" for each file, which gave the location of the file on  
the IBM "disk farm."  These preliminary steps were crucial to the organization
of the data:  the catalogs would be the basis for creating a time-ordered     
stream of (multi-Discipline) datafiles to the pre-mastering workstation.      
B.  Quality Assurance Programme and Test Mixed Disc                           
     In the process of depositing the data in the Mass Storage System, an     
initial check was performed on the size of each datafile.  It was found that  
in 101 cases, the file size did not agree with that expected on the basis of  
the FITS keywords NAXISn and BITPIX.  While this was not considered a high    
failure rate, it did stimulate a broader effort at Quality Assurance.         
     The steps taken, described briefly, were these:                          
     Across all Disciplines:                                                  
       - datafile size agrees with header axis information                    
           (naxisn x bitpix/8)?                                               
       - duplicate keyword values for FILE-NUM?                               
       - check for completeness of FITS header, look for Keyword = END        
    For the individual Disciplines:                                           
       - consistency of independent variable (naxis1)                         
       - consistency of additional variable (e.g., naxis2, naxis3, naxis6)    
       - consistency of dependent variable (BUNIT) description                
       - consistency of DAT-TYPE with INSTRUME                                
       - consistency of SYSTEM with OBSVTORY                                  
       - consistency of TIME-OBS with other time parameters, e.g., EXPOSURE   
     A relatively small number of errors were found as a result of these      
checks, and the procedure was to inform the appropriate Discipline Specialist 
of the problem (or of our questions) and then take corrective action.  In some
cases, once the IHW Discipline Specialist community became fully aware of the 
file-editing ability afforded by the data being on-line at NASA/GSFC, changes 
were made in data and/or header files at the Discipline Specialist's          
     The IHW Team at NASA/GSFC felt that, while its own efforts at Quality    
Assurance and Disc Concept Review were productive, it was important to have a 
a sample of potential end users of the IHW Archive examine a fraction of the  
data, deposited on a third test disc in more or less the structure and layout 
envisioned for the full set of "mixed discs."  This final test disc exercise  
resulted in a disc which spanned the period 1986 February 9--April 15.  The   
test disc was "partial" in the sense that the documentation and indices were  
quite fragmentary, and PDS labels were not included.  Several reviewers       
found errors in datasets he or she had submitted to the IHW years before, and 
corrections were made to those.  It is to be noted that this third and last   
IHW test disc was the first one we generated which utilized FTP electronic    
file transfer from the Mass Storage System to the pre-mastering workstation.  
Further comments on the results of this test disc are to be found in the      
Acknowledgements section.                                                     
C.  Filenaming Conventions                                                    
     Filenaming has been described elsewhere in the DOCUMENT directory (cf.   
Section 5 of HALGUIDE.TXT and FITSFORM.TXT).  Briefly here, however, it should
be said that filenames have three parts:  a 3-5 character string identifying  
the Discipline/Subdiscipline, a running number which is chronologically       
ordered within Discipline/Subdiscipline, and a file extension.  The number    
portion of the filename begins at 0001 for Halley observations and at 4001 for
calibration object datafiles.  A table linking the character codes with the   
actual subdiscipline names is given in Section 5 of HALGUIDE.TXT.             
D.  Directory Structure and Size                                              
     We have restricted directories to a reasonable number of files while     
allowing enough information for useful browsing; 256 was adopted as the       
desired maximum number, which includes datafiles, headers, and PDS labels.    
Given the large variation of the temporal density of IHW observations         
throughout the apparition, the "reasonable N" < 256 criterion resulted in     
directories widely divergent in duration, as is discussed below.              
     For the "main data levels" described earlier (containing data from 6 of  
the professional Disciplines:  Infrared, Large-Scale Phenomena, Near Nucleus, 
Photometry, Radio Science, and Spectroscopy), the naming scheme for the lowest
level directories is as follows:                                              
               Y19xx\Myy\Dzz\Haa\NETNfile.ext      ,                          
where   xx ranges between 81 and 89                                           
        yy ranges between 01 and 12                                           
        zz ranges between 01 and 31                                           
        aa ranges between 00 and 21, in increment of 03H                      
     For times during the apparition when the density of observations was     
relatively low, data are placed in directories whose names do not contain the 
full assortment of time parameters.  For example, all observations for 1983   
were deposited in one directory (name:  Y1983), whereas for 1986 April there  
were many days which required directories only 3 hours wide (sample directory 
name: Y1986\M04\D10\H18).  The smallest hourly subdivision is, in fact, 3     
hours (03,06,09,....hours UT).  No subdirectory was created for days on which 
data were not submitted.  Across the entire set of ground-based data discs    
(Volumes 19-23), the typical file count in a directory is 50, and the average 
byte count is 1.0 Mbyte.                                                      
    There are four additional sets of Halley data, which are located          
elsewhere.  Astrometry observations from the 1985-86 apparition, and Amateur  
Observations, are placed one level below the "main data level."  Generic      
directories are as follows (all Amateur subdisciplines shown):                
The other two sets of Halley data are for Meteor Studies, whose data are      
located in a dedicated directory on Volume 23; and Astrometry, "historical    
data" from 1835 and 1910 being placed in the AST_HIST directory on all 5 mixed
     Finally, it should be noted that some Disciplines submitted supplemental 
(mostly calibration) data which include filter tables, non-comet images, flat 
fields, and laboratory spectra.  These are in the CALIB or IR_FILTR           
subdirectories of Volume 23.  As mentioned earlier, the numeric portion of all
calibration filenames begin at a higher number (4001) than those of the Halley
datafiles (0001).                                                             
     A listing of the entire directory structure of this disc is given in the 
document CDTREE.TXT although, for brevity, the data directories have been     
highly abridged and are only meant to be representative.  If the Archive user 
wishes to see the entire data directory structure, he or she should examine   
the text file DATATREE.TXT.                                                   
E.  Time Ranges of Discs, Datafile and Directory Counts                       
     The table below shows, for Volumes 19-23, the important entities named in
the title of this section.  Perhaps the table is as good an indication as any,
both of the enormous size of the IHW Archive (by file count as well as        
Megabytes) and of the high data density afforded by compact discs (> 10,000   
datafiles on one disc alone).                                                 
                        Basic Properties of Volumes 19-23                     
                            |        Number of          |                     
Volume  Start               |                           |                     
        Stop                | MB      files   dirs      |                     
  19  \Y1981\               |                           |                     
      \Y1985\M12\D08        | 440    10,902    679      |                     
                            |                           |                     
  20  \Y1985\M12\D09\       |                           |                     
      \Y1986\M02\D09\       | 410     8,885    452      |                     
                            |                           |                     
  21  \Y1986\M02\D10\       |                           |                     
      \Y1986\M04\D13\       | 540     8,820    470      |                     
                            |                           |                     
  22  \Y1986\M04\D14\       |                           |                     
      \Y1987\M04\D03\       | 560     8,416    624      |                     
                            |                           |                     
  23  \Y1987\M04\D04\       |                           |                     
      \Y1989\M04\           | 440       692     87      |                     
     The actual number of files will be about 3 times larger because the table
does not include the header and pds label files when digital data are present.
There are 5,468 dataless headers in the Archive, so a true count of the total 
number of split data, header, and label files for P/Halley is given by        
(2*5,468 + 3*32,247) = 107,677.  The directory files themselves are not       
included in the above totals, nor are 59 Meteor Studies datafiles on Volume   
23, which are not placed with the other types of IHW data but rather in their 
own dedicated directory.                                                      
     By Discipline, the number of datafiles breaks down as follows:           
                NUMBER OF FILES FOR EACH IHW DISCIPLINE                       
                   Discipline           Number                                
                   Astrometry            6477                                 
                   Infrared Studies       498                                 
                   Large Scale           3383                                 
                   Meteor                  59                                 
                   Near Nucleus          3523                                 
                   Photometry            3436                                 
                   Radio Studies         1950                                 
                   Amateur              15150                                 
                   Spectroscopy          3368                                 
     The above file counts include 68 calibration files as well as the 1835   
and 1910 Astrometry tables (one file each); this explains why 37,844 is not   
equal to the sum of the individual disc file counts (in the first table) + 59.
The reader is referred to the file VOLSET.TXT, which gives a breakdown of the 
number of files contributed by each IHW Discipline on each of the mixed discs.
F.  Contents of Supplemental (non-data) Directories                           
     There are four directories (DOCUMENT, EPHEM, INDEX and SOFTWARE) on this 
disc that contain supplementary files.  The DOCUMENT directory contains text  
files that give the background to this CD-ROM project, present a general guide
to its use, and detail experience with previous CD-ROM products, including a  
test disc of comet Giacobini-Zinner data (also archived by the IHW) and two   
test discs of Halley data.  A discussion of the FITS and PDS formats and the  
metadata used specifically for the Halley data is located in the files        
is meant to serve as general overviews of the discs and their contents.       
Documents in the APPENDIX subdirectory, written by the IHW Discipline         
Specialists, contain information on data collection, subsequent processing    
steps, and archiving techniques, at the Discipline level.                     
     Although we have tried both to keep the documents to a reasonable number 
and to minimize duplication of information, we are aware that the number of   
text files is large and there is some overlap between files.  Our attitude has
been that the Archive user should not have to hunt endlessly to find          
information, and that it might therefore be advantageous to have some key     
pieces of information repeated in several places.                             
     In the INDEX directory, tables of useful information have been indexed in
various forms in order to allow automated searching of the data. The QUIK.IDX 
index contains a selected set of mandatory FITS keywords from all Disciplines.
On each of Volumes 19-23, QUIK.IDX includes only the observations on that     
disc.  Volume 23 has an additional, "summary quick index", QUIK_SUM.IDX, which
includes all observations contained in Volumes 19-23; the last field in       
QUIK_SUM.IDX includes the Volume number. A set of tables in the subdirectory  
NETABLES contains the metadata/data from the proposed printed archive,        
organized by network and subnetwork and chronologically ordered in each index.
In this subdirectory, also, are more complete indices of FITS keywords for    
five of the IHW Disciplines.  The filenames (Disciplines) are:  NETAMATV.IDX  
(Amateur Observations), NETLARGE.IDX (Large-Scale Phenomena), NETMETR.IDX and 
NETMETV.IDX (Meteor Studies), NETRADIO.IDX (Radio Science), and NETSPECT.IDX  
(Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry).  We constructed a separate index called 
PATHTABL.IDX to specify the full path to each datafile; these are organized by
disc, and a summary version is contained on Volume 23.  We attempted to make  
all index tables transportable to relational DBMS by delimiting the tables and
providing structure (.STR) and dBASE-compatible (.DBF) files. Further         
information about IHW indices is contained in the file INDXINFO.TXT.          
     The SOFTWARE directory contains source code and executables for display  
of imaging and spectral data, interpolation of ephemeris tables, reading of   
FITS tables, and manipulation of metadata.  To be specific, IMDISP.EXE        
contains various utilities for manipulating visual data on image display      
devices; IMDISP was originally developed by the Planetary Data System (PDS) at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and has been augmented and improved by   
them and by outside users.  The interpolation software is meant to be used on 
the EPHEM.TAB file in the EPHEM directory; the algorithm uses values of       
ephemeris data for 7 consecutive integral days to perform the interpolation.  
The Fortran source code is called OBSNTERP.FOR, which we have compiled and    
linked on VAX and PC computers; the resulting executables for VAX/VMS and     
MS-DOS operating systems are VAXNTERP.EXE and PCNTERP.EXE, respectively.  Also
provided on these discs is a "FITS Table Browser" called FTB.EXE, which was   
developed by the Astronomical Data Center (ADC) of the National Space Science 
Data Center (NSSDC).  Several other support programs for manipulating the     
metadata--FITSUTIL, FITSXTND, FITS2TXT, and TXT2FITS--are also provided.  The 
archive user should take note of the fact that on the L-SP compressed image   
discs (Volumes 1-18), additional source code and executables exist for        
compression and decompression of the large image files contained on those     
5.  DATA DESCRIPTIONS                                                         
     The International Halley Watch agreed early in the project that all data 
would be submitted from the individual Disciplines to the Lead Center using   
the FITS format (Wells et al., 1981).  When the decision was made to          
distribute this information on CD-ROM, it was determined that the data had to 
have even broader accessibility.  For this reason the original FITS files,    
with contiguous headers and data, were split into separate files              
distinguishable by their filename extensions (.HDR for headers).  The file    
sizes were preserved as multiples of 2880 bytes, allowing the original FITS   
byte stream to be recovered by concatenating the appropriate header and       
datafile.  PDS labels were constructed to allow definition of the datafiles   
for the Planetary Data System.   For each datafile there must always be an    
associated FITS header. In cases where no digital data had been supplied the  
.HDR file carries information about upper limits, values reported by          
observers, references gleaned from the literature, or the characteristics of  
data in analog form. The table below identifies these "dataless" files and    
provides the correspondence between file extension and types of data so that a
concatenated file (.FIT) can be reconstructed.                                
     The convention for naming files on the IHW CD-ROMs was proposed by the   
Lead Center and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) personnel to include a
unique data qualifier for the data.  Specifically, a set of letter codes was  
established to enable identification of the IHW Discipline/subdiscipline from 
the filename itself.  A CD-ROM running number and file extension complete the 
filename (example:  LSPN0059.IBG).  A short list of this convention by        
Discipline and subnet (or experiment) is given below:                         
  PDS Object              FITS  Discipline      Subnet     File Extensions    
 (description)         NAXIS =                   Code                         
text                       1    Astrometry       ASTR      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0    IR Studies       IRSP            .hdr  .lbl   
table (filter)             0,2        "          IRFT      .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (photometry)         0,2        "          IRPH      .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (polarimetry)        0,2        "          IRPOL     .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (filter)          2          "          IRFC      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum                   2          "          IRSP      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
image                      2          "          IRIM      .img  .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0    Large Scale Phen LSPN            .hdr  .lbl   
image(browse)              2          "          LSPN      .ibg  .hdr  .lbl   
image                      2    Near Nucleus     NNSN      .img  .hdr  .lbl   
table (narrow band)        0,2  Photometry Polar PFLX      .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (broad band)         0,2        "          PMAG      .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (polarization)       0,2        "          PPOL      .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (Stokes parameters)  0,2        "          PSTOKE    .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0    Radio Studies    RSCN            .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0          "          RSSL            .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum                   1          "          RSSL      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (multiple)     1 or 2        "          RSOH      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (multiple)        2          "          RSRDR     .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
image                      2          "          RSCN      .img  .hdr  .lbl   
image(multiple)            3          "          RSOC      .img  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (visibility)      6          "          RSCN      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (visibility)      6          "          RSOH      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum (visibility)      6          "          RSSL      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectrum                   1    Spectroscopy     SPEC      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
spectral image qube        2          "          SPEC      .dat  .hdr  .lbl   
image (spectrum)           2          "          SPEC      .img  .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0    Amateur Studies  AMDR            .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0        "            AMPG            .hdr  .lbl   
fits_label (no data)       0        "            AMSP            .hdr  .lbl   
table (magnitude)          0,2      "            AMV       .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (radar)              0,2  Meteor Studies   MSNRDR    .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
table (visual)             0,2      "            MSNVIS    .tab  .hdr  .lbl   
A table linking the letter codes above and the subdiscipline names is given in
Section 5 ('Filenaming Conventions') of the file HALGUIDE.TXT. Concerning the 
numeric portion of filenames, calibration files for IRIM, IRSP, LSPN, and SPEC
begin at 4001, whereas the Halley data themselves for all disciplines and     
subdisciplines start at 0001.                                                 
     The above listing corresponds to unique datasets (called subnets by the  
IHW) except in two cases: visibility data in the Radio Science Network, and   
both Meteor Studies Subnetworks. In the former instance, interferometric data 
was submitted that covers three Radio subnets (OH, continuum, spectral line)  
but actually corresponds to one type of data called "UV Visibility."  In the  
PDS formulation, these are grouped as "UV" observations.  In the second case, 
the Meteor Studies Subnetworks (radar, visual) actually record the data on an 
event (meteor shower) related to Comet Halley but do not directly observe the 
comet.  Each meteor stream is identified in the PDS formulation.              
     The file extensions follow suggestions by the Planetary Data System      
(SPIDS v1.1; Martin et al., 1988) for tabular and image data.  In addition,   
for IHW FITS, the original headers and data were split into separate files,   
with filename extensions as listed below.                                     
                 .DAT - other non-image and non-tabular data                  
                 .FIT - original FITS file                                    
                 .HDR - FITS header records                                   
                 .IBG - data records for subsampled browse image              
                 .IMG - image data records                                    
                 .LBL - detached PDS stream format                            
                 .TAB - table data records as ASCII                           
     There are five PDS objects in this archive: FITS_LABEL (header), IMAGE,  
TABLE, TEXT, and SPECTRUM; a LABEL occurs for each datafile.  Files that      
remain in the original FITS form (extension=.FIT) do not have a PDS label.  On
Volumes 19-23, the only .FIT files are in the \DOCUMENT\APPENDIX\SOL_ATLS     
directory (3 files).                                                          
    These PDS labels are metadata (as headers describing data submitted to    
the archive).  There has been no effort to duplicate the documentation        
contained in the full FITS headers because the PDS and FITS headers for a     
given datafile differ only in the filename extension.  Instead we have        
attempted to use the power of the PDS label syntax to fully describe the data 
structures and thus gain access to software by that group. "Standards for the 
Preparation and Interchange of Data Sets", document version 1.1 (by Martin, T.
Z., et al, Document D-4683, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA), was the primary reference to the Object Description
Language (ODL) necessary to create the PDS labels.  (We acknowledge R. Borgen 
and M. Martin, PDS-CN, JPL, for assisting the IHW through version 2.0 of the  
ODL implementation for SPECTRUM.)  The basic PDS descriptors such as          
SPIDS document. The RECORD_TYPE for all data files is FIXED_LENGTH.  The PDS  
labels have been formed as fixed length (78 byte) plus an embedded CR and LF. 
A.  PDS Data Objects used in the IHW Archive                                  
     We have conformed with the PDS definition of a specific keyword to       
indicate the presence of a FITS header (the keyword TYPE = FITS) when the     
"data" object is a foreign label (FITS_LABEL).   In FITS, if NAXIS=0, then no 
data records need follow, as in the case of an upper limit.   The "dataless"  
headers can be recognized by the NAXIS value or the IHW keyword DAT-FORM =    
NODATA in the FITS header.   The PDS label (with same filename but differing  
extension) points at the "header" file as its data object.  As shown in the   
above table, the "dataless" header can occur for different types of data:     
images (LSPNNNN or IRIMNNNN), and spectra which can be ordered groups         
(IRSPNNNN) or standard (RSSLNNNN), and existing but not present data as for   
AMDRNNNN, AMPGNNNN, AMSPNNNN.                                                 
     In the case of images, we have included a new keyword describing the byte
ordering of the data (MSB_INTEGER) required by FITS.  In PDS, images (.IMG,   
.IMQ, .IBG) are in terms of LINES (FITS keyword NAXIS2) and SAMPLES (FITS     
keyword NAXIS1), given knowledge of the SAMPLE_BYTES (FITS keyword BITPIX),   
and are easy for the split files.  The final form of the label for compressed 
images under v2.0 is under discussion.  Unlike previous PDS efforts with      
compressed images, we chose not to compress the header (or label) and thus    
have included a keyword to describe the type of compression (ENCODING_TYPE =  
"PREVIOUS_PIXEL") used.  The label for compressed images also contains        
information to permit software to skip over the data if the decoding algorithm
is unknown (ITEMS, ITEM_TYPE, and ITEM_BITS).  We use ODL to indicate various 
subclass structures for the data objects.  An example of this is the          
DIFFERENCE modifier applied to IMAGE, yielding the keyword DIFFERENCE_IMAGE,  
which indicates that a processing step was applied to the original image.     
   In creating the TABLE descriptions we have found a good correspondence     
between the FITS and PDS syntax.  For tables, the value of NAXIS2= ROWS,      
TFIELDS=COLUMNS, and NAXIS1=ROW_BYTES; in both cases, the default FORMAT is   
ASCII.  We have attempted to describe the values in each column as a direct   
translation of the FITS header file; the data itself follows the FITS record  
format, i.e., ASCII characters with no delimiters and padded to multiples of  
2880 bytes.  The FITS data structures are currently supported by public domain
software that will be distributed with the Archive.                           
    The TEXT object (which is used for the Astrometry Discipline's data with  
extension .DAT) is an 80-byte fixed length record that contains only ASCII    
values.  In the FITS formulation, the 80-byte records are strung together,    
typically as 4 or 5 "card" images with no delimiters and padded to fill the   
2880 byte record structure.  It can be recognized in the FITS formulation by  
the NAXIS=1 statement, which indicates that a byte stream follows usually     
carrying "text" description.                                                  
     The SPECTRUM class description was refined in v2.0 by working closely    
with the PDS group to ensure definition of data groups that included both     
uniformly spaced data (as a single array) as well as ordered groups of        
observations.  From guidelines for dealing with the SPECTRUM data structure,  
we consider the spectra as tabular data (COLUMN, NAME, DATA_TYPE, START_BYTE, 
BYTES) which are binary. The independent variable (e.g., WAVELENGTH) is       
cases for Radio or IR data using Doppler VELOCITY, FREQUENCY, or              
FREQUENCY_OFFSET.)  Another case is a table from the Infrared Studies Network 
of ordered sets of data, in which we interpreted the column of signal/noise or
ratios as an associated ERROR.  A NOTE about this nonstandard use is included 
in the labels for the appropriate datasets.  We have also attempted to use the
NOTE keyword to identify the contributing IHW discipline, subnet, and generic 
comments about the data.   As in the situation for multiple images, we have   
subclasses for the spectra indicated by a modifier, e.g.,                     
     A special effort was made to describe 2-dimensional spectra by working   
with the PDS to establish a SPECTRAL_IMAGE_QUBE object.  The data are reduced 
measurements that have the slit oriented either along the tail or             
perpendicular to the tail of the comet.  To capture the positional            
information, a vectorial notation was adopted for the SPECTRAL_IMAGE_QUBE that
could allow for such observational selection.  In cases where the derived     
units were non-standard, a text DESCRIPTION is embedded in the label.         
    There was one case of a binary table that was used to describe the UVFITS 
data.  A hybrid description (VISIBILITY_SPECTRUM), incorporating both the     
ordered sets and uniformly spaced data, describes this intermediate processing
step in data reduction; the integer values are Complex numbers, not currently 
supported under PDS.                                                          
6.  SOME TECHNIQUES IN THE USE OF VOLUMES 19-23                               
     There are multiple access routes to the data on these discs, but perhaps 
the best approach in answering scientific questions is to:                    
   o search the various indices, some of which contain a large fraction       
     of the total set of FITS keywords for a given IHW Discipline,            
   o generate a list of filenames satisfying the search criteria,             
   o browse the data using software such as IMDISP (which might eliminate     
     some files from further interest), and                                   
   o perform subsequent data analysis as needed using sophisticated           
     astronomical data packages such as IRAF, AIPS, MIDAS, etc.               
     Although it was not in the IHW "charter" to provide a complete set of    
software for manipulating the data on these compact discs, some software has  
nonetheless been provided which will be of use to the Archive user.  On       
the Large-Scale Phenomena (L-SP) compressed image discs (Volumes 1-18), for   
example, a code called PCDECLSP (written in C) has been provided which will   
decompress the images on MS-DOS machines (PCs), writing an abridged FITS      
header and the decompressed image to a full FITS file.  An important general  
point is that the software provided on these discs was written for a DOS      
environment since that is the operating system of the pre-mastering           
     On Volumes 19-23, which includes this disc, the IMDISP package (v. 7.7,  
executable and documentation) will allow users working with PCs to display and
manipulate some types of IHW data.  It is envisioned that use of IMDISP will  
perform the "browse" function in the bulleted activities above.  Many IHW     
datafiles are in the form of table (.TAB) files, which have been split from   
their headers (.HDR).  Concatenation of headers and tables into full FITS     
files using the provided utility FITSUTIL will allow the use of a FITS table  
software package called FTB (for "FITS Table Browser"), which has also been   
included on these discs.                                                      
     These discs are replete with a wide assortment of index (.IDX) files, all
of which are cast in the form of delimited tables.  The reader is referred to 
the file INDXINFO.TXT in the INDEX directory, and to NETINFO.TXT in the       
INDEX\NETABLES directory, for further details on the types of indices         
provided.  Each index is provided in a delimited form for import to DataBase  
Management Systems (DBMS) such as dBase; both dBIII+ and dBIV were, in fact,  
used to check and verify the various index files.  We attempted to maximize   
the use of the index tables by including an associated FITS header (.HDR) for 
each which, in effect, records where the delimiters are in the .IDX byte      
stream.  This feature of the headers allows the use of the FTB package on the 
concatenated .HDR + (delimited) .IDX file; note, however, that the .IDX file  
must first be padded before concatenation is performed.                       
     Experience with dBase packages indicates that the following steps would  
be generally useful in an index search:                                       
1. First, set up for the index you wish to use.  At this point, view the      
   structure so that you can see the column headings.                         
2. Get the provided .IDX file and place it into the provided "dummy" dbase    
   file of the same name (.DBF).                                              
3. Use of the List (or equivalent) command gives columns of interest for      
   conditions that depend on the range and type of search.                    
     The typical Sort function will permit choosing ranges by Boolean         
conditions. There are similar commands for other databse packages once the    
data have been imported using the structure file (or FITS header or PDS label)
to correctly recognize the fixed width format of the fields.                  
     Once the search has been performed and a "report" is generated containing
a list of filenames (with extensions such as .DAT, .TAB, .IMG, .IBG), it is   
time to choose the manipulation program.  The simplest case is for 8- and     
16-bit 2-d data (.IMG, .IBG), for which IMDISP is fully implemented both in   
the FITS and PDS options (see IMDISP.DOC file). You should use the Browse set 
of commands if the data are appropriate, i.e., can be quickly displayed.  For 
the L-SP Discipline, a set of subsampled images has been constructed with this
purpose in mind.  This command can be used on 2-d data, but files larger than 
the L-SP browse images (maximum 256x256, 1 byte) will cost in display time    
(typically 20 s for a 512x512, 1 byte image). There are also Radio Science    
data that contain multiple images which can simply be displayed by pointing at
the PDS label.  In all cases, the display time is dramatically improved if the
PDS label is used rather than the FITS option, which requires the original    
(embedded) data structure.                                                    
     If the datafile has the extension .DAT, then the choice within IMDISP can
be to display the data using "plot", which is described in the on-line help.  
The detached PDS objects may read spectral_image_qube (a 2-d spectrum),       
spectrum (ordered values or multiple column matrix), and spectrum with        
qualifier (LHP_POLARIZATION_SPECTRUM).  The FITS option requires that the data
be in the original form, i.e., embedded headers with data.  Consequently,     
FITSUTIL was developed to concatenate files in an MS-DOS environment (as well 
as split data for assembling the compact disc).  Therefore at this point,     
branch to FITSUTIL and work on those files you chose to save on hard disk.    
The program (FITSUTIL) does not overwrite data, so you can check for          
consistency; however, this means that storage space will quickly get used as  
file copies appear.  First use a full scale plot.  Since the normal data range
can be very large, a zoom query is allowed to pick a restricted range; use the
normal cursor commands in IMDISP.  Multiple spectra can also be plotted.      
      All descriptive "textual" information can be displayed on the screen    
using various commands within IMDISP like LABEL.  For example, use of the     
LABEL command on an ASCII file such as a header (.HDR) would simply type the  
text to the screen.  Although the Astrometry data are identified by the PDS   
object TEXT, it is a continuous byte stream (as demanded by FITS) without the 
normal end of line characters (carriage retrun, line feed, or both).  These   
data could be broken out as 80-byte chunks (card images) for further use, if  
     The FITS data loaded in the extended "tables" format can be accessed in a
manner similar to the Astrometry data.  FTB (for "FITS Table Browser"), one of
the software modules supplied on this disc and discussed earlier, was written 
by the Astronomical Data Center at NASA/GSFC.  FTB parses the table file      
(.TAB) "byte stream" of ASCII characters into a "tabular display."  To run    
this program, however, the file must be concatenated to the original form,    
i.e., .HDR and .TAB file must be combined into a .FIT file while preserving   
the 2880-byte record format.                                                  
     A basic flow pattern for searching for interesting data, then browsing   
them, is given in the following diagram:                                      
                              Choose data for Display                         
Search Index by DBMS: <---------------|                                       
       |                              |                                       
  - Create Structure                  |                                       
       |                           Inspection                                 
  - Load  *.IDX                    via operating system                       
       |                              |                                       
  - Isolate fields                    |                                       
       |                              |                                       
  - Save results in "report"          |                                       
       |                              |                                       
                             check system setup                               
                           choose display function                            
                      |                        |                   |          
    FITSUTIL(.IMG,.IBG,.DAT,.HDR,.TAB)         |                   |          
             concatenate,split                 |                   |          
                      |                        |                   |          
                      |                        |                   |          
                      |                        |                   |          
                      |                        |                   |          
                      |                        |                   |          
                      |      IMDISP(.FIT,.HDR,.IMG,.IBG,.DAT,.LBL) |          
                      |          Display, Browse, Plot             |          
                      |                                            |          
                      |                                            |          
                      |                                            |          
7.  SUGGESTED REFERENCES                                                      
King, J.H. and Grayzeck, E.J. "Minutes of the CD-ROM Workshop", June          
19-20, 1989, NSSDC 89-11.                                                     
Martin, T., Martin, M., Braun, M., Johnson, T., Davis, R., and Mehlman, R.,   
SPIDS v1.1: Standards for the Preparation and Interchange of Data Sets, JPL   
D-4683: October 3, 1988.                                                      
E. Grayzeck, Jr.                        D. Klinglesmith III                   
Small Bodies Node of                    IHW Large-Scale Phenomena             
  Planetary Data System                   Discipline                          
Astronomy Program                       Laboratory for Astronomy              
Dept of Physics and Astronomy           and Solar Physics                     
University of Maryland                  NASA/GSFC, Code 684                   
College Park, MD 20742                  Greenbelt, MD 20771                   
                     M. B. Niedner, Jr.                                       
                     IHW Discipline Specialist for                            
                        Large-Scale Phenomena                                 
                     Laboratory for Astronomy                                 
                     and Solar Physics                                        
                     NASA/GSFC, Code 684                                      
                     Greenbelt, MD 20771                                      
                          SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION                            
I. EPHEMERIS                                                                  
     The geocentric ephemeris for 0h UT each day has been calculated by the   
Astrometry Network from the following set of osculating orbital elements      
(Astrometry Network orbit no. 61).  The orbital solution was fit to 7469      
astrometric observations over the interval from 1835 August 21 to 1989 January
9 with a weighted rms residual = 1.2 arcsec. Full planetary and               
nongravitational perturbations have been taken into account at each time step 
in the ephemeris computations.  The angular elements are referred to the      
ecliptic plane and the equinox of 1950.                                       
Epoch of Osculation              1986 Feb. 19.0 TDT (ET)                      
Time of Perihelion Passage       1986 Feb.  9.45895 TDT (ET)                  
Perihelion Distance              0.5871036 AU                                 
Eccentricity                     0.9672769                                    
Argument of Perihelion           111.84656 deg.                               
Longitude of Ascending Node       58.14339 deg.                               
Inclination                      162.23925 deg.                               
     Nongravitational Parameters and center-of-light/center-of-mass offset:   
  Radial component, A1          +3.883 E-10 AU/(day)**2                       
  Transverse component, A2      +1.554 E-10 AU/(day)**2                       
  So (see explanation below)     851 km                                       
     The nongravitational acceleration model (Style II) is described in the   
following reference:                                                          
  Marsden, B.G., Sekanina, Z., and Yeomans, D.K.  Comets and                  
  nongravitational forces. V.  In Astronomical journal, v. 78, 1973,          
  p. 211 - 225.                                                               
     Because of rather systematic trends in comet Halley's orbit residuals    
during March - April 1986, it was necessary to model an observation bias to   
obtain solutions that fit the observations to the level of the data noise     
itself.  However, it is not entirely clear whether the effect is instrumental 
or an actual displacement of the comet's photometric center from its center of
mass.  The comet's center of mass was assumed to be offset a distance (S)     
radially toward the Sun from the observed center of light.  This measurement  
bias, S, varies as the inverse square of the heliocentric distance (r) and the
expression was normalized to a heliocentric distance of one AU (i.e. at r= 1  
AU, S = So).                                                                  
          S = So/r2                                                           
     This measurement bias was assumed operative during all three apparitions 
included in the orbit solution.  The value of the parameter So resulting from 
solution No. 61 is 851 km.                                                    
     The following osculating orbital elements are consistent with orbit No.  
61 for comet Halley.  Using these orbital elements and the export version of  
the Astrometry Network's Two-Body Ephemeris Generation program, users can     
generate their own ephemeris information.  If care is taken to use the set of 
orbital elements with the epoch of osculation closest to the desired ephemeris
dates, the Two-Body program can generate ephemeris information that is        
equivalent to corresponding information in the perturbed ephemeris (to        
approximately the one arc second level of accuracy).  Each set of orbital     
elements is in the same order as the elements listed above - the only         
differences being that the epochs of osculation and dates of perihelion       
passage time are given as Julian dates rather than calendar dates.  The second
line of each element set contains the calendar date corresponding to the epoch
directly above it on the first line.                                          
                 *** P/HALLEY TWO-BODY ELEMENTS ***                           
2445200.5 2446470.32863 0.5852278 0.9675859 111.82385 58.10886 162.25637      
1982 AUG 19.0                                                                 
2445310.5 2446470.45296 0.5858829 0.9675453 111.80417 58.10083 162.25872      
1982 DEC 7.0                                                                  
2445430.5 2446470.57072 0.5864306 0.9675064 111.79191 58.09832 162.25950      
1983 APR 6.0                                                                  
2445540.5 2446470.69050 0.5869451 0.9674637 111.78220 58.09763 162.25970      
1983 JUL 25.0                                                                 
2445680.5 2446470.79138 0.5872224 0.9674243 111.78673 58.10574 162.25698      
1983 DEC 12.0                                                                 
2445840.5 2446470.88815 0.5874794 0.9673746 111.79348 58.11507 162.25353      
1984 MAY 20.0                                                                 
2445990.5 2446470.94022 0.5874862 0.9673322 111.80837 58.12618 162.24895      
1984 OCT 17.0                                                                 
2446070.5 2446470.95080 0.5873858 0.9673142 111.82000 58.13272 162.24593      
1985 JAN 5.0                                                                  
2446190.5 2446470.96022 0.5872995 0.9672880 111.83062 58.13796 162.24307      
1985 MAY 5.0                                                                  
2446185.5 2446470.95983 0.5873038 0.9672895 111.83011 58.13774 162.24321      
1985 APR 30.0                                                                 
2446275.5 2446470.96216 0.5871911 0.9672652 111.84044 58.14134 162.24063      
1985 JUL 29.0                                                                 
2446330.5 2446470.96064 0.5871307 0.9672605 111.84482 58.14232 162.23958      
1985 SEP 22.0                                                                 
2446375.5 2446470.95982 0.5871094 0.9672624 111.84616 58.14247 162.23925      
1985 NOV 6.0                                                                  
2446420.5 2446470.95925 0.5871015 0.9672710 111.84644 58.14247 162.23920      
1985 DEC 21.0                                                                 
2446515.5 2446470.95901 0.5871055 0.9672780 111.84688 58.14343 162.23928      
1986 MAR 26.0                                                                 
2446625.5 2446470.95965 0.5871410 0.9672928 111.85290 58.14647 162.24019      
1986 JUL 14.0                                                                 
2446730.5 2446470.96823 0.5871630 0.9673312 111.86639 58.15668 162.24171      
1986 OCT 27.0                                                                 
2446820.5 2446470.98321 0.5870762 0.9673555 111.87354 58.16592 162.24268      
1987 JAN 25.0                                                                 
2446935.5 2446471.01007 0.5869611 0.9673842 111.88703 58.18176 162.24389      
1987 MAY 20.0                                                                 
2447040.5 2446471.05245 0.5866979 0.9674136 111.89612 58.19769 162.24481      
1987 SEP 2.0                                                                  
2447145.5 2446471.10491 0.5863577 0.9674421 111.90371 58.21398 162.24552      
1987 DEC 16.0                                                                 
2447220.5 2446471.15008 0.5859881 0.9674632 111.90348 58.22335 162.24584      
1988 FEB 29.0                                                                 
2447325.5 2446471.19641 0.5855362 0.9674834 111.89906 58.23058 162.24603      
1988 JUN 13.0                                                                 
2447435.5 2446471.27010 0.5849150 0.9675144 111.89678 58.24318 162.24627      
1988 OCT 1.0                                                                  
2447525.5 2446471.30900 0.5843262 0.9675342 111.88097 58.24162 162.24626      
1988 DEC 30.0                                                                 
2447640.5 2446471.34163 0.5836317 0.9675556 111.86132 58.23841 162.24624      
1989 APR 24.0                                                                 
2447765.5 2446471.33194 0.5829334 0.9675705 111.83024 58.22380 162.24622      
1989 AUG 27.0                                                                 
D.K. Yeomans                                                                  
Discipline Specialist for Astrometry                                          
Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                     
4800 Oak Grove Dr.                                                            
Pasadena, CA 91109                                                            
     Effective use of the 1,612 images contained in the IHW/Large-Scale       
Phenomena (L-SP) compressed image CD-ROMs requires that the user of the discs 
be able to "browse through the data" quickly to find those images and         
intervals which are of high scientific interest.  Because of the long         
decompression and transfer times of the full-resolution images with current   
image display hardware, the goal of efficient browsing of the data can be met 
only if the images are placed on the discs at least a second time, in either  
subsampled or filtered form, and uncompressed.                                
     The browse images are actually stored in three places within the total   
set of IHW CD-ROMs.  In addition to the subset of images stored in the BROWSE 
directory of each IHW/L-SP compressed image CD-ROM (HAL_0001 - HAL_0018), the 
entire set of 1,612 digital images exists on the last of the IHW/L-SP         
dedicated discs (HAL_0018) in the "volume subdirectories" of the BROWSE       
subdirectory of SUMMARY (sample path is SUMMARY\BROWSE\HAL_0006). The browse  
images are also interleaved with data from the other IHW disciplines in the   
daily data subdirectories on these "mixed data" CD-ROMs (HAL_0019 - HAL_0023).
     A "browsed image" is one that has been generated from the original       
uncompressed image. It has been subsampled and is no larger than 256 pixels in
either dimension.  In addition, the digital data have been scaled into a      
numerical range of 0 to 255 (one byte per pixel; the precision for most of the
original images is 10 bits, requiring two bytes per pixel).  The BROWSE       
directory of each L-SP compressed image CD-ROM contain datafiles, FITS        
headers, and PDS labels for the compressed images on that CD-ROM;  this       
includes both images of Comet Halley and of calibration objects.  Note that   
the 1,612 total L-SP digital images (1,439 of the comet, 173 of calibration   
objects) are deposited on multiple CD-ROMs "dedicated" to the L-SP imagery.   
     The browse data were obtained by taking the "n"th row and column for the 
original image starting at row "n/2" and column "n/2".  The value for "n" was 
determined from the larger of the two axes such that the quantity (original   
length / n) was less than or equal to 256.  For the images which were         
digitized at GSFC, the original densitometer values ranged between 0 and 1023.
The density values in the images were divided by 4 in order to convert the    
density to a single byte.  For those images digitized elsewhere, the density  
scaling factor was chosen so that the density in the browse image was less    
than or equal to 255.                                                         
     The FITS header records for the browse images have had their astrometric 
information adjusted to reflect the change both in pixel spacing and image    
origin.  Thus, should the user wish, (crude) astrometry can be performed with 
the browse images.  In addition, HISTORY keywords have been inserted to       
document the linear scale and density scale changes.  The creation of the     
browse images was accomplished using the program MIDGET, which can be found as
MIDGET.FOR in the SOFTWARE directory of this CD-ROM.                          
     The filename extension for the files of the browse data (.IBG = image,   
.HDR = header, .LBL = PDS label) follow the IHW filename conventions.  To     
reconstruct the original FITS byte stream, the .HDR and .IBG files for the    
appropriate observation should be concatenated.                               
D. Klinglesmith III                          M. B. Niedner, Jr.               
IHW Large-Scale Phenonema Network (LSPN)     IHW Discipline Specialist for    
Laboratory for Astronomy                       Large-Scale Phenomena          
  and Solar Physics                          Laboratory for Astronomy         
NASA/GSFC Code 684                             and Solar Physics              
Greenbelt, MD 20771                          NASA/GSFC, Code 684              
                                             Greenbelt, MD 20771              
    Supplemental (calibration) data from three IHW Disciplines were submitted 
to the IHW Archive as described in the subsections below.  The calibration    
datafiles have been placed twice on these "mixed discs" (Volumes 19-23):  once
in the daily data subdirectories of the 5 discs, and once in a dedicated CALIB
directory on Volume 23.  Also in the CALIB directory are flat ASCII tables    
listing various parameters for the calibration datafiles, such as date, time, 
system code, and the Halley datafile(s) with which the specific calibration   
file is associated.  These tables are also to be found on Volume 23 in        
delimited index form, in the INDEX directory.  The calibration datafiles      
themselves are easily distinguished from P/Halley data by the numerical       
portion of the filename:  it is > 4000.                                       
     Finally, the L-SP Discipline calibration files resident on these mixed   
discs are, like the P/Halley images, subsampled browse images.  The full      
calibration datafiles for L-SP are contained on the compressed images discs   
(Volumes 1-18) in compressed form, in the CALIB directories of those discs.   
For the most part, the write-up on the L-SP calibration data below (section   
B.) describes the situation on the L-SP compressed image discs.               
A.  INFRARED STUDIES DISCIPLINE                                               
     The columns of the calibration table and associated index are as follows:
(1) Calibration filename, in ascending order, first for Infrared images       
    (filenames of calibration data = IRIM4*.*), followed by Infrared spectra  
    (filenames of calibration data = IRSP4*.*).                               
(2) System Code of observatory/instrument/location combination; refer to      
    OBSCODES.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory for a listing of Observatories,    
    etc., or to the IRS_OBSR.TXT file in the DOCUMENT/OBSERVER directory.     
(3) Calibration Object.  Names of sky objects are self-explanatory.           
(4) Date is in UT for the date of the calibration file.                       
(5) Time is in UT day fraction of the middle of observation of the calibration
(6) NAXIS1 specifies the number of values (e.g. pixels or columns) along the  
    most rapidly varying axis.                                                
(7) NAXIS2 specifies the number of values (e.g. pixels or rows) along the     
    second-most rapidly varying axis.                                         
(8) Associated Halley Filename is the filename of the Halley file for which   
    the calibration was made.  There is not a one-to-one correspondence as    
    some calibration files applies to several Halley files and vice versa.    
B.  LARGE-SCALE PHENOMENA DISCIPLINE                                          
     Most of the plates and films of P/Halley submitted by LSPN observers to  
the Discipline Specialist were uncalibrated.  However, those which were       
calibrated were done so in a variety of ways, and this reflects our different 
treatment of those data.                                                      
      Some observers provided calibration as sensitometer spots or step wedges
on photographic plates distinct from the Halley plates they calibrate.  As a  
rule we did not digitize these due to extreme demands on microdensitometer    
time, concerns about differing background density levels between the          
calibration and associated Halley plates, and microdensitometer zero-level    
drift between scans. However, in all such cases the existence of calibration  
has been noted in the FITS header of the Halley image in the keyword CALAVL   
(=T), as well as in the index table NETLARGE.IDX.                             
     Other calibrated plates had sensitometer spots and strips on the same    
plate as the comet, and these calibration data were regularly digitized by the
L-SP Team.  Most of the time, due to the (large) plate size or the location of
calibration data on the plate, the calibration area was scanned separately    
from the comet; every effort was made to minimize microdensitometer drift and 
elapsed time between scans of the calibration and the comet.  On the compact  
discs, such calibration scans have been placed in the CALIB directory, in     
separate files named LSPN4*.*, with the FITS keyword OBJECT='CALIBRAT' in the 
header (.HDR) file.  The calibration tables and indices serve to link the     
calibration datafiles with the associated P/Halley image files.               
     In some cases the calibration area on the plate was physically close     
enough to the comet to include it in the Halley scan.  In these situations    
there is only one datafile and it follows the naming convention for Halley    
data (filename=LSPNnnnn.* with nnnn<4000).  There are 46 occurrences of this  
type and they are listed in the section following Table 3 of the file         
CALIB.TXT on the compressed image discs (or CALIB_LS.TXT in the CALIB/LSPN    
directory on Volume 23).                                                      
     Finally, a small number of observers provided comet and calibration data 
to the L-SP Team already in digital form, and in separate files.  In these    
situations the calibrating object is either spots and wedges on plates        
(OBJECT='PHOTOMET') or a sky object (e.g., OBJECT='NGC1817').  We have        
deposited these calibration data on compact disc as separate files            
(filename=LSPN4*.*), and hence the L-SP calibration tables and indices should 
be used to link them with Halley data.                                        
     For all calibration data in the L-SP portion of the archive, the known   
information about intensity ratios for step wedges, exposure times, etc., is  
contained in the FITS headers associated with the calibration datafiles.      
     The columns of the L-SP calibration indices are described below:         
(1) Calibration filename, in ascending order; compressed calibration data     
    reside in the CALIB subdirectory.  Uncompressed, sometimes subsampled     
    calibration data reside in the BROWSE subdirectory along with subsampled  
    Halley imagery (filenames of calibration data = LSPN4*.*).                
(2) System Code of observatory/instrument/location combination; refer to      
    LSPNOBS.TXT in the DOCUMENT subdirectory for a listing of Observatories,  
    Instruments, and System Codes, or to the delimited index LSPNOBS.IDX in   
    the INDEX subdirectory.                                                   
(3) Calibration Object.  "CALIBRAT" and "PHOTOMET" refer to sensitometer spots
    or wedges on the Halley plates.  Names of sky objects are self-           
(4) Date is in UT for the date of the calibration plate.                      
(5) Time is in UT day fraction of mid-exposure of the calibration plate.      
(6) NAXIS1 is the number of samples per line for the uncompressed calibration 
(7) NAXIS2 is the number of lines in the uncompressed calibration image.      
(8) Associated Halley Filename is the filename of the Halley image for which  
    the calibration was made.  There is not a one-to-one correspondence as    
    some large Halley plates with calibration were scanned (by the L-SP Team) 
    in two segments, resulting in two files.  Moreover, calibrating sky       
    objects were frequently photographed once for several Halley images.      
    'UNKNOWN' is used for a few situations in which both calibration and      
    Halley data were submitted to L-SP in digital form, and the calibration/  
    Halley associations were not specifically stated by the observers.        
    Nonetheless, we chose to include these calibration data in the archive.   
    The Halley digital data reside in the BROWSE AND Cyymmmdd subdirectories. 
Malcolm B. Niedner, Jr.                                                       
IHW Discipline Specialist for                                                 
  Large-Scale Phenomena                                                       
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center                                              
Greenbelt, MD 20771                                                           
     Since spectroscopic observations require a variety of different types    
of calibrations, such as flux standards, flat fields, arcs, etc., most of     
which are specific to individual observations, the calibration files for the  
Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry Discipline have been intermingled with the 
data.  To find which observations correspond to which data, the user must     
search for the proper calibration files.  Generally this requires searching   
for a type of calibration file, by the same observers on the same instrument  
at a time as close to the observations as is possible.  This search may be    
accomplished by either searching the (FITS) header files directly, or by using
the meta-databases provided.                                                  
     Note that most users submitted fully reduced digital spectra, as was     
preferred.  These files would have no calibration files.  In some instances,  
the observers did not submit all the calibration files which a user of the    
archive might wish.  This might be due to an oversight on the part of the     
submitter, or, more likely, they didn't feel that that calibration was        
necessary.  For instance, with extremely high resolution spectra, flux        
calibration is often impossible, and not particularly necessary.              
     The data in this Archive are deposited into directories whose temporal   
widths vary widely.  Calibrations, in general, will have been taken on the    
same date as the P/Halley observations.  However, at times when the IHW data  
density is very high, the data directories are divided at intervals of 3-hour 
multiples; the result is that a calibration file may be in a directory        
adjacent to that containing the P/Halley observation.  Calibration for        
spectroscopy have filenames of the type SPECT4xxx (where xxx is a number      
between 000 and 999).  The calibration files and the observation files should 
have matching DIS-CODE keyword values (except for the last digit, which is a  
measure of quality).  This may be used to search for the correct calibration  
E. Grayzeck, Jr.                                                              
Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System                                
Dept of Astronomy                                                             
University of Maryland                                                        
College Park, MD 20742                                                        
                       APPENDIX:  DATA FORMATS                                
A. FITS Format Information                                                    
    All data were submitted to the International Halley Watch Lead Center on  
magnetic tape, written in standard FITS format.  There are three primary      
references to basic FITS (Wells et al., 1981) and its extensions (Greisen and 
Harten, 1981, Harten et al., 1988).  Although commonly viewed as a magnetic   
tape format, the actual FITS specifications can be interpreted to describe a  
general byte stream.  As such, FITS files may be written on any storage       
medium, including CD-ROM.  Note that there is no inherent record structure    
called for in the FITS agreements, only a blocking structure for block        
oriented media such as magnetic tape.                                         
    The basic FITS agreements call for only a few required keywords (SIMPLE,  
BITPIX, NAXIS, and END must be present; EXTEND may appear; NAXIS1, ..., NAXISn
appear as defined by the value of NAXIS).  We have also followed recommended  
conventions for the representation of values of keywords (dates in the format 
'dd/mm/yy', SI units used where possible, etc.).  The IHW has defined an      
additional set of mandatory keywords for all submissions to the Lead Center.  
These are presented in the list below:                                        
    OBJECT   - Name of the object in the datafile, a text string.             
    FILE-NUM - Unique 6-digit number of the file submitted to the             
               Lead Center. The first digit identifies the network,           
               the other digits are assigned by the individual                
               Disciplines, but must uniquely identify the file.              
    DATE-OBS - UT Date of mid-observation, in the format 'dd/mm/yy'.          
    TIME-OBS - UT Time of mid-observation, expressed as fractional day.       
    DATE-REL - IHW internal data release date, a date string.                 
    DISCIPLN - Name of the network submitting the file, a text                
    LONG-OBS - Longitude of the submitting observatory, in the                
               format 'ddd/mm/ss', in degrees from 0 to 360,                  
               increasing in the eastward sense.                              
    LAT--OBS - Latitude of the submitting observatory, in the format          
    SYSTEM   - An 8-digit coded character string identifying the              
               Discipline, observatory and instrument which supplied          
               the data. The first character identifies the network           
               (1 = Astrometry, 2 = IR Studies, 3 = Large-Scale               
               Phenomena, 4 = Near Nucleus Studies, 5 = Photometry &          
               Polarimetry, 6 = Radio Studies, 7 = Spectroscopy &             
               Spectrophotometry, and 8 = Amateur Observation), the           
               next three identify the observatory (by IAU code               
               number, when one is assigned, 500 otherwise). The              
               next four digits either identify the telescope/in-             
               strument combination (if there is an IAU number for            
               the observatory) or the country and observatory (if no         
               IAU number). See the file OBSCODES.TXT for a listing           
               of the system codes used for P/Halley.                         
    OBSERVER - Name of the observer(s) who took the data, a text              
               string. The notation "ET AL." indicates that there             
               were more than two observers, and the names of the             
               additional observers are given in a COMMENT later in           
               the header, with the subkeyword "ADD. OBS."                    
    SUBMITTR - Name of the person submitting the data to the Lead             
               Center, a text string.                                         
    SPEC-EVT - A logical value indicating that the observation is             
               a special event.  Either T or F.                               
    DAT-FORM - A character string defining the form of the data,              
               e.g., 'ASCII', 'NODATA'.                                       
    The individual Disciplines have written appendices which describe the     
keywords used in addition to the mandatory ones.  Refer to the text files in  
the subdirectory APPENDIX below this one for more details on those keywords.  
    A more complete listing of keywords used, including their definitions, can
also be found in the file FITSHDRS on the CD-ROM discs.                       
Greisen, E. W. and Harten, R. H.: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser.,       
  44, 371.                                                                    
Harten, R. H., Grosbol, P., Greisen, E. W. and Wells, D. C.: 1988,            
  Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 73, 365.                                     
Wells, D. C., Greisen, E. W. and Harten, R. H.: 1981, Astron. Astrophys.      
  Suppl. Ser. 44, 363.                                                        
M. Aronsson                                                                   
International Halley Watch Lead Center                                        
Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                     
Mail Stop 169-237                                                             
4800 Oak Grove Dr                                                             
Pasadena, CA 91109                                                            
B. PDS LABELS                                                                 
     The International Halley Watch agreed early in the project that all data 
would be submitted from the individual disciplines to the Lead Center using   
the FITS format.  When the decision was made to distribute this information on
CD-ROM, it was determined that the data had to have even broader              
accessibility.  For this reason, the original FITS files, with contiguous     
headers and data, were split into separate files. The original FITS byte      
stream could then be recovered by concatenating the appropriate header and    
data files.                                                                   
     In addition, detached PDS labels were constructed to allow parallel      
definition of the datafiles for the Planetary Data System. The SPIDS          
(Standards for the Preparation and Interchange of Data Sets, Martin, T. Z., et
al, Document D-4683, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of       
Technology, Pasadena, CA) document version 1.1 was the primary reference to   
the Object Description Language (ODL) necessary to create the PDS labels.     
(We acknowledge R. Borgen and  M. Martin, PDS- JPL, for assisting the IHW     
through version 2.0 of the ODL that allows for description of FITS_LABEL,     
TEXT, and SPECTRUM.)                                                          
     There are five fundamental data objects in this archive: IMAGE, TABLE,   
TEXT, FITS_LABEL, and SPECTRUM.  Our aim was to construct a basic PDS label   
for each datafile on the CD-ROM. These PDS labels contain pointers to the     
actual datafiles (or to headers describing data submitted to the archive).    
There has been no effort to duplicate the documentation contained in the full 
FITS headers because the PDS and FITS headers for a given datafile differ only
in the filename extension.  Instead we have attempted to use the power of the 
PDS label syntax to fully describe the data structures and thus gain access to
the powerful software already supported by that group.   A more full          
explanation of each object is carried in text (.TXT) files HDRFORM, IMAGFORM, 
SPECFORM, TABLFORM, and TEXTFORM.   In addition, a further description of the 
PDS detached label is listed in file LBLFORM.TXT.   Each of these files was   
used as a reference for the SFDU pointers in the VOLDESC.SFD.                 
     Most keywords were already in the Planetary Science Data Dictionary but a
few dealing with the spectral_image_qube were introduced to specifically      
describe the IHW data.   A listing of these keywrods with definitions follow. 
1.  Keyword Definitions                                                       
     The definitions of the keywords used in the detached PDS labels on the   
International Halley Watch Archive CD-ROMs are given below.  Where applicable 
the definitions are taken from the draft PSDD (Planetary Science Data         
Dictionary 1990) or the PDS Standards for the Preparation and Interchange of  
Data Sets (SPIDS) document (Martin et al., 1988). There are some differences  
from the PDS data dictionary in the definitions used on this CD-ROM, since the
definitions of some keywords in the current PDS data dictionary do not        
describe comet data.  In addition, some keywords for processed (UVFITS) data  
do not exist in the current PDS data dictionary.                              
    The number of independent variables in a data array.                      
    The arrangement of data in a qube ordered by spectral bands.              
    The number of bytes contained in a data item.                             
    The number of items of information in each row of a data table.           
    The dependent variable expressed in a spectral_image_qube.                
    The number of elements along an independent axis.                         
    Identifying name for a variable along an independent axis.                
    A unique alphanumeric identifier for a dataset.  It is used as a          
    primary key in the PDS catalog.                                           
    The name of the physical parameter represented in an image.  Note         
    this definition differs from the PDS data dictionary definition.          
    The data type of a data item.  Valid values are INTEGER, FLOAT,           
    BINARY, and CHARACTER.                                                    
    The maximum value held in a data record.                                  
    The minimum value held in a data record.                                  
    Text describing an object.  Sometimes this is expressed as a pointer      
    to another file containing the descriptive text; e.g., FITS header.       
     Previous pixel compression of 16-bit data; also called first difference. 
    This keyword is used by ODL to indicate the end of a data object          
    The number of physical records in a data file.                            
    The Fortran 77 representation of the format statement needed to read      
    a data item.                                                              
    The data in an image file, expressed as a pointer to the record           
    where the data begins.  For example, ^IMAGE = ("filename",3)              
    indicates that image data begins in record 3 of file "filename".          
    The type of data stored in a data table, such as ASCII or BINARY.         
    Elements held in any arbitrary variable.                                  
    Number of bytes per item.                                                 
    The data type of an item.                                                 
    The number of lines in an image.                                          
    The number of samples contained in each image line.                       
    For the spectrum object, the first value along the fastest                
    varying axis.                                                             
    The name of a column in a table.                                          
    Descriptive text about a data file, referring to IHW Disciplines.         
    This keyword specifies the name of a data object.  It is used by ODL      
    to indicate the start of a data object definition.                        
    A time associated with the midpoint of the International Halley Watch     
    set of observations.                                                      
    A unique number held to identify each archived measurement gathered by    
    the International Halley Watch.                                           
    A shift in zero point required to properly calculate the reduced          
    value represented in a FITS data record.                                  
    The full name of those mainly responsible for production of               
    a data set.                                                               
    The number of records in the object being described; for example,         
    the number of records in a header object.                                 
    The number of bytes in each record of a data file.                        
    The record structure type of a data file.  Valid values are               
    FIXED_LENGTH, VARIABLE_LENGTH, and STREAM.  Images and data tables        
    usually have fixed-length records, whereas text files have stream         
    format records.                                                           
    The number of logical records in a data table.                            
    The number of bytes in each row (i.e., logical record) of a data          
    The number of bytes of data comprising one sample or pixel in an          
    image or element in other objects.                                        
    The data type of an image sample or pixel.  The table below lists         
    the values used on this CD-ROM:                                           
      UNSIGNED_INTEGER   An unsigned integer value.  Samples with a           
                         length of 16 bits are in most-significant-byte       
                         first order.                                         
      MSB_INTEGER        A signed integer with most-significant-byte          
                         leading as required by FITS format.                  
      COMPLEX_INTEGER    The value represented in a process step              
                         (UVFITS) for certain types of radio data.            
    Text explanation of independent variable.                                 
    Smallest uniform change of independent variable.                          
    Number of elements along independent axis.                                
    Name associated with independent variable.                                
    Unit associated with independent variable.                                
    The factor that must be applied to the FITS data record to scale          
    the values as described by UNIT.                                          
    The byte position of the beginning of a data item within a row of         
    The date and time of the beginning of an event, such as data              
    collection, in PDS standard (UTC) format.                                 
    The name of a planetary body, such as a planet or satellite.              
    The type of header in a data file, such as a VICAR2 label embedded        
    in the image file.                                                        
    The units of measure of a data item.                                      
Martin, T.Z., Martin, M.D., Braun, M., Johnson, T, Davis, R., and             
     Mehlman, R. (1988), "SPIDS v1.1: Standards for the Preparation           
     and Interchange of Data Sets", JPL D-4683, Pasadena, CA.                 
Planetary Data System Planetary Scinece Data Dictionary (draft Nov, 1990),    
     Cribbs, M.     Pasadena, CA.                                             
E. Grayzeck, Jr.                                                              
Small Bodies Node of the Planetary Data System                                
Dept of Astronomy                                                             
University of Maryland                                                        
College Park, MD 20742