***** File LS_PHEN.TXT A Listing of Errors in the Large-Scale Phenomena (L-SP) Portion of the IHW Archive Despite the best efforts made to create a perfect L-SP Discipline contribution to the IHW Archive, a small level of (mostly minor) errors has been detected during the final assembly of data, headers, tables, and indices. The purpose of this document is to enumerate the errors, specify where in the archive they are located, and indicate the correct values. There are no known errors in the L-SP data themselves, i.e., in the 2-D image arrays; rather, the occasional errors are in the metadata (the "data about the data"). Metadata exist in a number of forms for the L-SP Discipline, most importantly: individual FITS headers, the NETLARGE.IDX index, and the LS_PHEN.IDX index. [The latter index is colloquially referred to as the L-SP "Printed Archive index", because in its content and structure it is virtually identical to the L-SP contribution to the planned IHW Printed Archive] The L-SP portion of the IHW digital Archive is rather different from that of the other Disciplines in that the primary repository of data is a series of 18 discs dedicated to compressed L-SP imagery (Volumes 1-18). Even in compressed form, the 2-D image arrays are quite large (typically 8 Mb per file), a situation which demanded a location separate from that of the other Disciplines (characterized by much smaller files). The compressed image discs contain not only the large image arrays for the L-SP Discipline, but also smaller versions of the images for browsing purposes (the so-called "browse images"), and a full assortment of indices and documents, including the NETLARGE.IDX index, which contains nearly every FITS keyword for all 3383 L-SP images. Nonetheless, the so-called "mixed discs" (Volumes 19-23, containing the multi-discipline IHW data) do contain the L-SP browse images, deposited on CD-ROM a second time in order to facilitate inter-Discipline comparisons, as well as the NETLARGE.IDX and LS_PHEN.IDX indices. The following small table shows at a glance where some of the various L-SP data/metadata products reside on CD-ROM. Compressed Discs (1-18) Mixed Discs (19-23) _______________________ ___________________ Full-resolution Images (compressed), Headers X Browse Images + Headers X X "Dataless Headers" (Images archived, but X not in digital form) NETLARGE.IDX (chronological "pieces") X NETLARGE.IDX (full index) Vol. 18 X LS_PHEN.IDX (L-SP "Printed Archive index") X ____________________________________________________________________________________ A significant amount of time elapsed between the premastering of the L-SP compressed image discs and the mixed discs, which has permitted the correction of some L-SP errors in time for the latter set of discs. This goes beyond the mere mention of errors in this "errata file": specifically, 75 browse image headers were revised for their deposit on the mixed discs, and because the NETLARGE.IDX index is created from FITS headers, the mixed-disc version of it is correspondingly more correct than its predecessor on the compressed discs. In the table below the (known) errors are indicated, along with the locations where the errors occur. In some cases, errors beyond the 75 edited headers discussed above were discovered after the mixed disc premastering was well underway, and in these cases the errors were propagated into the mixed discs. It is regrettable that these could not be corrected, but in any case their existence is indicated here for the benefit of the IHW Archive user. The "Printed Archive index" (LS_PHEN.IDX) benefitted, in a sense, by being the last major repository of L-SP metadata to be edited and premastered. However, the IHW Archive user should be forewarned that there are many differences between the parameter values in the Printed Archive index and the keywords contained in FITS headers and NETLARGE.IDX. The reason is that due to field-width limitations, the Printed Archive entries often had to be "edited-down" (e.g., "Technical Pan 2415" became "TP2415" in the Emulsion column). The user is, therefore, warned against using Printed Archive values as "search strings" in the NETLARGE.IDX index (for example). A summary word is perhaps in order. Every effort was made to make the L-SP contribution to the IHW archive as error-free as possible. Realistically, however, a task this large cannot be carried out in the complete absence of mistakes. One can only hope that the errors are relatively few in number, and in any case are not very serious. It is my hope that the table below may be seen to satisfy both criteria. Malcolm B. Niedner, Jr. IHW Discipline Specialist for Large-Scale Phenomena NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA May 5, 1992 METADATA ERRORS IN THE LARGE-SCALE PHENOMENA (L-SP) PORTION OF THE IHW ARCHIVE I. GENERAL (SYSTEMATIC) ERRORS The observatory longitude for all images obtained at the Tahiti station of the L-SP Discipline's so-called "Island Network" is incorrectly given in the FITS headers as LONG-OBS = 149/34/00 deg/min/arcsec. The correct value is 210/26/00 (360 degrees minus original value). The SYSTEM Code for these observations is 35006101; all the images are provided as "dataless headers." K. Sivaraman was listed as the OBSERVER for all L-SP imagery taken at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics/Kavalur Station (SYSTEM Code 35000503), and at the [same Institute's] Kodaikanal Station (SYSTEM Code 35000504). In fact, Dr. Sivaraman was the submitter of these plates to the L-SP Discipline, not the sole observer. The platelogs from these facilities did not record observers, and we apologize to those whose efforts at the corresponding telescopes were not recognized. II. SPECIFIC ERRORS The following table details the nature of these errors, as well as providing correct values for the problematic keyword(s). The column headings are felt to be self-explanatory and not in need of further comments. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | CD-ROM | Filenum | Parameter/Incorrect Value | Correct Value | Where Incorrect in Archive | Note(s) Filename | | | | ("C"=compressed; "M"=mixed) | __________|_________|____________________________|___________________________|_______________________________|____________________ LSPN0123 300899 OBSERVER/Harlan,G Harlan,E NETLARGE.IDX(C) LSPN0324 301880 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Lizunkova,I NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN0546 301906 OBSERVER/Ikilitsky,V Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C) /Sikilitsky,V Kiselev,N NETLARGE(M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0548 301907 OBSERVER/ Sikilitsky,V NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN0651 302423 HISTORY OBSLOG/AY-9824- AY-9824-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN0731 301685 FILTER/ None NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN0833 301888 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0859 301889 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0904 301919 OBSERVER/Taraspv,K Tarasov,K NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN0906 301890 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0922 301891 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Borisov,J NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0945 301892 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN0956 301688 FILTER/ None NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN0996 301893 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN1022 302632 HISTORY OBSLOG/AB-9832- AB-9832-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN1028 301894 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN1087 301726 EXPOSURE/0.0 8. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1088 301727 EXPOSURE/0.0 20. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1089 301728 EXPOSURE/0.0 8. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1090 301729 EXPOSURE/0.0 20. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1091 301730 EXPOSURE/0.0 15. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1092 301731 EXPOSURE/0.0 60. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1093 301732 EXPOSURE/0.0 180. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1094 301733 EXPOSURE/0.0 8. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1095 301734 EXPOSURE/0.0 30. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1096 301860 EXPOSURE/0.0 8. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1097 301736 EXPOSURE/0.0 25. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1098 301737 EXPOSURE/0.0 60. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1099 301738 EXPOSURE/0.0 300. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1100 301739 EXPOSURE/0.0 300. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1101 301740 EXPOSURE/0.1 600. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1102 301741 EXPOSURE/0.0 300. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1103 301742 EXPOSURE/0.0 30. NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN1135 302684 HISTORY OBSLOG/AB-9838- AB-9838-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN1188 300368 HISTORY OBSLOG/AB-9844- AB-9844-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN1301 302777 OBSERVER/ Douglass,G NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN1325 302786 HISTORY OBSLOG/AY-9845- AY-9845-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN1477 302842 DATE-OBS/15/03/86 16/03/86 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M),LS_PHEN.IDX LSPN1532 302848 HISTORY OBSLOG/AY-9847- AY-9847-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN1715 302905 HISTORY OBSLOG/AY-9848- AY-9848-1 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN2076 303140 OBSERVER/Wenger,N/O Wenger,N/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2078 303142 OBSERVER/Wenger,N/O Wenger,N/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2109 301815 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2111 301816 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2113 301817 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2115 301818 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2117 301819 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2119 301828 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2120 301820 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2121 301829 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2123 301821 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2124 301830 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2125 301822 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2128 301823 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2129 301831 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2130 301824 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2132 301832 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2133 301825 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2139 301826 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2141 301833 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2142 301827 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2145 301834 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2238 303252 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2291 300994 HISTORY OBSLOG/R11014T B11014T NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) LSPN2360 301773 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2363 301845 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2364 301835 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2368 301846 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2369 301836 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2371 301847 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2374 301837 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2375 301848 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2377 301838 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2379 301849 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2383 300099 HISTORY OBSLOG/ 30057 NETLARGE.IDX(C) LSPN2385 301850 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2389 301851 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2390 301839 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2392 301852 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2393 301840 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2395 301853 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2397 301841 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2403 301842 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2404 301854 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2406 301843 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2407 301855 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2409 301844 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2410 301856 LONG-OBS/'289/16/0 289/16/06 NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 4 LSPN2437 301774 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2479 303395 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2533 303426 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2576 303428 DATE-OBS/14/04/86 13/04/86 NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M),LS_PHEN.IDX LSPN2580 301775 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2626 303484 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2627 303485 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2629 303486 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2630 303487 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2631 303488 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2632 303489 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2634 303490 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2635 303491 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2636 303492 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2637 303493 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2638 303494 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2639 303495 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2640 303496 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2641 303497 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2642 303498 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2644 303499 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2645 303500 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2646 303501 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2647 303502 OBSERVER/Nicholson,J/O Nicholson,J/O'Brien,T NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 3 LSPN2694 301895 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Masumi,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN2868 301724 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2914 301725 OBSERVER/O'Donoghue,D ODonoghue,D NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) NOTE 5 LSPN2933 301756 SYSTEM/25001402 35001402 NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN2959 301757 SYSTEM/25001402 35001402 NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN2982 301758 SYSTEM/25001402 35001402 NETLARGE.IDX(C),HEADERS(C) LSPN3107 301902 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Pushnin,P NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN4004 301800 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Borngen,F/Ludwig,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4005 301801 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Meusinger,H/Mau,K NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4010 301802 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Ziener,R/Mau,K NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4011 301803 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Ziener,R/Mau,K NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4014 301804 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Borngen,F/Ludwig,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4028 301993 EXPOSURE/0. 300.(max) NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN4030 301998 EXPOSURE/0. 300.(max) NETLARGE.IDX(C) NOTE 2 LSPN4033 301805 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Borngen,F/Ludwig,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4036 301870 OBSERVER/Gerasimenko,S Kiselev,N NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(M) NOTE 1 LSPN4037 301806 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Borngen,F/Ludwig,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4038 301807 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Borngen,F/Ludwig,F NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 LSPN4164 301808 OBSERVER/Borngen,F Ziener,R/Mau,K NETLARGE.IDX(C,M),HEADERS(C,M) NOTE 6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE 1: Ironically, some eleven headers are correct in the Observer keyword on the compressed discs, and are actually incorrect on the mixed set. The reason for this is that those compressed-disc headers were manually-corrected on the CD-ROM "premastering workstation", and we forgot to incorporate the changes in the archived set of 3383 headers (which would be used later in the construction of the mixed discs). NOTE 2: for LSPN1087-1103 inclusive, the EXPOSURE keyword value was numerically correct, but was shifted right one column in the compressed-disc headers, causing problems in the construction of the NETLARGE.IDX index on those discs. NOTE 3: The apostrophe in O'Brien's name resulted in a truncation in the OBSERVER field in NETLARGE.IDX(C). The mixed-disc headers have not been edited to remove the apostrophe, and the NETLARGE.IDX(M) has therefore been hand-edited. NOTE 4: In the compressed-disc headers for LSPN2109-2145 [non-inclusive] above, the LONG-OBS keyword was numerically correct, but was shifted right one column, causing an error in that keyword in the NETLARGE.IDX(C) index. NOTE 5: Apostrophe was removed in mixed-disc headers for the benefit of proper keyword extraction using FITS readers. NOTE 6: These observer errors are for SYSTEM=30330100 calibration files. The associated Halley data files are correct.