***** File INDXERRS.TXT This file contains information about errors in index files (*.IDX) and associated headers (*.HDR) and labels (*.LBL) that have been detected in CD-ROM Volumes 19-22 (HAL_0019--HAL_0022). The specific indices are QUIK_0nn.* (the so-called "Quick Look indices", where nn=19-22), and CDSTRUCT.*. The errors in the QUIK_0nn indices have been corrected in the /SUMMARY/INDEX subdirectory of this CD-ROM. There are several kinds of errors: 1.) The number of table rows listed in the FITS header and PDS label files were not always correct; the relevant parameters were NAXIS2 (header) and RECORDS_FILE and ROWS (label). There were 4 such errors as shown below. file correct FITS PDS name value header label ________________________________________________________ quik_019 10932 10932 10902 quik_020 8885 8885 25313 CDSTRUCT (19) 32001 32001 31523 CDSTRUCT (20) 25718 25716 25718 ________________________________________________________ 2.) The second kind of error pertains to the CDSTRUCT.IDX files. Several of the files have the wrong subdirectories listed for the file CDSTRUCT.IDX. The correct value for the subdirectory of CDSTRUCT.IDX is INDEX. 3.) On HAL_0020 through HAL_0022, the value of NAXIS3 in QUIK_0nn.IDX is incorrectly given as the value of NAXIS2 (for the same file) whenever NAXIS=2; NAXIS3 should, of course, be zero in these instances. Moreover, for FITS tables (extension =.TAB) the values of NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 are frequently zero, or else they are non-zero and the value of NAXIS2 is repeated in the NAXIS3 column. 4.) On HAL_0019 the QUIK_019.IDX file has NAXIS=2 for FITS tables, all other problems mentioned in 3.) above being absent. The "policy" we have adopted for FITS tables in the corrected versions of QUIK_0nn.IDX on this final mixed disc (in the /SUMMARY/INDEX directory) is as follows: NAXIS = 0 (keyword value in primary header) NAXIS1 = value in secondary header NAXIS2 = value in secondary header We have adopted this "hybrid" approach in order to differentiate the FITS tables from, say, 2-dimensional images (NAXIS=2), while at the same time giving some indicator, via NAXIS1 and NAXIS2, of how much information is contained in the table. Additional indication that a file is a FITS table is provided in QUIK_0nn.IDX via the filename extension; for a table it is .TAB.