***** File VOLUME.TXT This CD-ROM contains 57 compressed image files for Comet Halley (LSPN3077-LSPN3209) as well as 9 calibration data (LSPN4165-LSPN4173) in compressed form that span the dates from May 08, 1986 to Apr 25, 1987. In each case, a Browse image has been provided for easy viewing. ---------------------------------------- image type files total size ---------------------------------------- Comet Halley 57 299.8 Mbyte calibrations 9 2.5 Mbyte ---------------------------------------- total 66 302.3 Mbyte ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ UT date UT time Julian Date dd/mm/yy day fract ------------------------------------------------------------ first image time 08/05/86 0.01632 2446558.516320 last image time 25/04/87 0.65451 2446911.154502 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ In addition, the data received but not digitized in the corresponding catalog range (LSPN3077 to LSPN3210) are included as entries in the NETLARGE.IDX table in the INDEX directory. These data which were taken in the time span May 08, 1986 to Apr 25, 1987 are archived by "dataless headers" from which the information in NETLARGE.IDX is collected.