INTRODUCTION This file describes the organization and content of the Galileo SSI flight label for REDR and EDR images. This label is based on the Video Image Communication and Retrieval (VICAR) image processing label standard. Label items, their meanings and values, are described in this document. ACRONYMS ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CD Compact Disc EDR Experiment Data Record GLL Galileo Project ICAT MIPS Galileo SSI Image Catalog MIPS Multimission Image Processing Subsystem REDR Raw Experiment Data Record RTS MIPS Realtime system SPICE MIPS Navigation software based on NAIF SPICE kernels SSI Solid State Imaging camera VICAR Video Image Communication and Retrieval VICAR LABEL STRUCTURE The VICAR label is a string of ASCII characters consisting of free-field items of the form "keyword = value" separated by spaces. It contains data set description system information regarding the dimensions, organization and data format. This information is written to the label with the following keywords: LBLSIZE Size of the label in bytes FORMAT Data format (byte, halfword, real, fullword, etc.) TYPE Data set type (image, parameter, histogram, plot, etc.) BUFSIZ Internal blocksize VICAR will use during input/output DIM Data set dimension EOL End-of-dataset label RECSIZE Data set record size ORG Data set organization: BSQ - Band Sequential BIL - Band Interleaved by Line BIP - Band Interleaved by Pixel NL Number of lines or records NS Number of samples or record length NB Number of bands or number of data planes NBB Number of binary prefix bytes NLB Number of binary header records N1 Equal to NS N2 Equal to NL for BSQ, NB for BIL and NS for BIP N3 Equal to NB for BSQ, or NL for BIL and BIP N4 Not used HOST Type of computer used to generate the image. INTFMT The format used to represent integers in the file. REALFMT The format used to represent floating numbers. BHOST Type of computer used to generate the binary information. BINTFMT The format used to represent binary integers in the file. BREALFMT The format used to represent binary floating numbers. BLTYPE The binary label type. Currently not implemented. The VICAR label also contains processing history information on the file describing the application programs or procedures which have processed the data set, the user parameters of the respective programs or procedures, the user identification and processing date and time. The following VICAR label items are used to describe history information for each program or procedure executed: TASK Program or procedure that has processed the data set USER User identification DAT_TIM Processing date and time opt. items VICAR label items added by application program or procedure listed under the respective task GALILEO SSI FLIGHT LABEL The following is the latest memorandum describing the SSI VICAR label. The memorandum describes both the SSI Ground-Calibration label and the Flight label. PDS labels contained in this CD-ROM data set are flight labels. JET PROPULSION LABORATORY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM MSD:384-90-131 7 June 1990 To: Distribution From: Gary Yagi Subject: Galileo SSI Picture Label, Revision 4 References: 1) "Preliminary Mask Definition for Galileo SSI Systematic Color Hardcopy Products", Ken Klaasen and Jim Anderson, 13 October 1987. 2) "Designing the Galileo VICAR image label", Doug Alexander, IOM, 18 April 1988. INTRODUCTION: This memo documents the format and contents of the Galileo SSI ground-calibration label and flight image label. The purpose of these labels and requirements for label maintenance are also addressed. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT LABEL: All digital images stored in standard VICAR format are preceded by a picture label. The label consists of picture descriptors and processing history information stored in ASCII. Flight projects have traditionally designed special label formats to identify the mission, spacecraft, instrument, target, and frame, and to include various camera and image geometry information pertinent to the interpretation of the image. The project labels are attached to each new image received via the real-time system, or from EDR or ground-calibration tapes. Consequently, these labels normally precede all other labels. This memo is concerned specifically with these project labels, and does not address other labels added by VICAR or application programs during process- ing. During systematic and science processing, individual programs may extract and use various image identifiers and camera parameters stored in the label. The image geometry information included in the label is ignored during processing, since more accurate information is available in the project SEDR or SPICE files. As each new version of an image is produced, the VICAR system will automatically copy the picture label and add the program name, user name, and date to the processing history. In addition, individual programs may add processing information to the label. The image label may be printed by executing LABLIST or LABEL-LIST on the image. Unless a rigid file-name nomenclature is adhered to, this image label is the only means of identifying an image stored on disk. GALILEO SSI GROUND-CALIBRATION LABEL: The ground-calibration picture label is generated by program VGLLOG, which reads tapes generated by the Galileo Sensor Test Set (STS) and converts the file to standard VICAR image format. LAB01=GLL/SSI S/N=F29 LEVEL=SUBSYSTEM 10:59:15 MAY 19, 1985 FRAME61 C LAB02=TEST=LIGHT TRANSFER C TARGET=TUNG L SOURCE=LC 70VR FR.RATE=8 2/3 C LAB03=EXP=0 MSEC(***) GAIN=1(400K) PNI= BPM=OFF FILTER=0(CLR) C LAB04=BARC=OUT(RAT) SUM=OFF EXPAND=OFF IN=GL0353/61 OUT=GC1109/61 C LAB05= CCDTF=119 CCDTC=50 INN=** +50VDC=** +15VDC=** C LAB06=-15VDC=** +10VDC=** +5VDC=** -5VDC=** CCDHEV=** BLSCV=** C LAB07=ADCRFV=** VDD=** VREF=** VCC=** VEF=** ROPT=** C LAB08=DESCRIPTOR=DARK FRAME, 8 C, 8 2/3 SEC, 100K, INVERTED L NLABS=8 Appendix 1 presents a brief description of each label item. The ground- calibration label follows a convention used to support old label formats originally used on the IBM (before 1984). The project labels are stored as label items LAB01, LAB02, LAB03, etc. Each LABXX item consists of a 72-character ASCII strings. The 71st character is a label type flag used by some programs (e.g. MASKV) to control which labels are displayed or printed. The last character in each string is a 'C' (for continue) or 'L' (for last). However, note that the additional label item NLABS should be used to indicate how many project labels are present. GALILEO SSI FLIGHT LABEL: The flight label is in free format, with each label item stored in the form "keyword=value". A brief description of each label item is provided in Appendix 2. Summation-mode frames can be identified by their 2 1/3 frame rate. The majority of the label items are generated by the Real-Time subsystem's Image-Builder program. Label items DC, CAL, SO, BLM, IOF, CNV, and UBWC are added by GALSOS. If the image is read from an EDR tape, label items EDRTAPE and EDRFILE are added by GEDREAD. When an image is map-projected, the following label items relating to image geometry must be updated (by MAP2): SUNAZ, SMRAZ, SCAZ, NORAZ, SMR, LAT, LON, HSCL, VSCL. A special program will have to be written to list the label items in a standard format at the terminal or on hardcopy. The following is the proposed format: GLL/SSI PICNO=12A0001 FILTER=3(VIO) TLMFMT=XXX TARGET=CALLISTO RIM=16777215:90:9:7 EXP=51200.00 FIBE=1001 TCA=-003 23:13:00 SCET=95.123 12:23:56 GAIN=1(400K) BARC=RC TRUNC BITS/PXL=2.34 PA=NNIOOOOOO#MMSSSSXXXX RATE=60 2/3 ENTRPY=2.23 TRUNC PXLS/LNE=123 INA= 89.12 TWST=359.99 SUNAZ=359.99 BOOM=NO HSCL=1.2345E5 M/PXL EMA=180.00 CONE=179.99 SMRAZ=359.99 SMEAR=99.99 VSCL=1.2345E5 M/PXL PHA=179.33 RA=359.99 S/CAZ=359.99 LAT=-90.00 PLANETRNG=123456789 HRA=130.31 DEC=-90.00 NORAZ=359.99 LON=359.99 SLANT RNG=123456789 CAL=RADIOMETRIC-FILENAME IOF=1.0000E-3 UBWC=YES SOLAR RNG=123456789 DC=DARKCURRENT-FILENAME CNV=3.5135E-2 BLM=BLEMISH-FILENAME SO=SHUT-OFFSET-FILENAME EDR=GLL6622/066 APPLICATION PROGRAM/LABEL INTERFACES: Label items may be stored, retrieved, or deleted via subroutines XLADD, XLGET, or XLDEL, respectively. Subroutine VIC1LAB may be used to retrieve all ground-calibration labels. The subroutine ABLE86 will extract specific information from either flight or ground- calibration labels and return the results in an array (e.g. filter position). The help file for ABLE86 is included as APPENDIX 3. Note that programs that support more than one mission (e.g. Voyager and Galileo) should not call ABLE86 directly, but use GETLABCON instead. APPENDIX 1: DESCRIPTION OF GLL SSI GROUND-CALIBRATION LABEL ITEMS LABEL ITEM DESCRIPTION ---------- ----------- S/N=F29 CCD identifier (F29=flight unit) LEVEL=SUBSYSTEM Test level: component or subsystem FRAME61 Frame number (0-99) TEST=LIGHT TRANSFER C Test name (16 characters) TARGET=TUNG Target name (6 characters) SOURCE=LC 70VR Light source/veeder-root FR.RATE=60 2/3 Frame rate (sec) EXP=51200.00 MSEC(EXT) Exposure time (msec), extended or normal GAIN=1(400K) Gain state (1-4) PNI=NOR Parallel clock (INV=inverted, NOR=normal) BPM=OFF Blem-protect (ON or OFF) FILTER=3(VIO) Filter position: 0(CLR), 1(GRN), 2(RED), 3(VLT), 4(756), 5(968), 6(727), 7(889) BARC=OUT(RAT) Data compressor ON or OUT, (RAT=rate control, IP=information preserving, OFF=compressor off) SUM=OFF Summation-mode (ON or OFF) EXPAND=OFF (obsolete field) IN=GL0353/61 Input STS tape/fileno OUT=GC1109/61 VICAR output tape/fileno CCDTF=119 ???? CCDTC=50 ???? DESCRIPTOR=... Frame descriptor NOTE: The remaining fields were never implemented. APPENDIX 2: DESCRIPTION OF GLL SSI FLIGHT LABEL ITEMS LABEL ITEM DESCRIPTION SOURCE ---------- ----------- ------ MISSION=string Mission ID (GLL) SENSOR=string Sensor ID (SSI) PICNO=string Picture number (7 characters) ICAT PARTITION=integer Count of number of times RIM is reset RTS RIM=integer RIM RTS MOD91=integer MOD91 RTS MOD10=integer MOD10 RTS MOD8=integer MOD8 RTS PA=string Profile Activity (20 characters) ICAT TCA=string Time from closest approach (13 characters) ICAT TARGET=string Target-body name (12 characters) ICAT SCETYEAR=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time year ICAT SCETDAY=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time day-of-year ICAT SCETHOUR=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time hour-of-day ICAT SCETMIN=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time minute-of-hour ICAT SCETSEC=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time second-of-minute ICAT SCETMSEC=integer Spacecraft-Event-Time millisecond-of-second ICAT FILTER=integer Filter position (0-7) RTS EXP=real Exposure time (msec) RTS GAIN=integer Gain state code (1-4) RTS RATE=integer Frame rate code (1=2 1/3 sec, 2=8 2/3, 3=30 1/3, 4=60 2/3) RTS TLMFMT=string Telemetry format (3 characters) RTS BOOM=string Boom obscuration (P=possible, N=not possible, RTS V=presence verified) FIBE=string Camera flags (4 characters) F=light flood (1=on, 0=off) RTS I=clock (1=inverted, 0=non-inverted) RTS B=blemish protect (1=on, 0=off) RTS E=extended-exposure (1=extended, 0=normal) RTS BARC=string Data compression mode (3 characters) RTS RC=rate control IP=information preserving OFF=off ENTROPY=real Average entropy level (bits/pixel) GALSOS TBPPXL=real Mean number of truncated bits/pixel RTS TPPLNE=integer Mean number of truncated pixels/line RTS INA=real Incidence angle (0-180) SPICE EMA=real Emission angle (0-180) SPICE PHA=real Phase angle (0-180) SPICE HRA=real Hour angle (0-360) SPICE TWIST=real Twist angle (0-360) RTS CONE=real Cone angle (0-180) RTS RA=real Right-ascension of pointing vector RTS DEC=real Declination of pointing vector RTS SUNAZ=real Sun azimuth (0-360) SPICE NORAZ=real North azimuth (0-360) SPICE SCAZ=real Spacecraft azimuth (0-360) SPICE SMRAZ=real Smear azimuth (0-360) SPICE SMEAR=real Smear magnitude (pixels). SPICE HSCL=real Horizontal picture scale (m/pixel) SPICE VSCL=real Vertical picture scale (m/pixel) SPICE LAT=real Latitude of center of frame (-90-+90) SPICE LON=real Longitude of center of frame (0-360) SPICE RAD=real Ring radius of center of frame (km) SPICE PLRANGE=real Distance from S/C to planet (km) SPICE SLRANGE=real S/C-to-target slant range (km) SPICE SOLRANGE=real Distance from sun to target-body (km) SPICE IOF=real Conversion factor from DN to reflectance GALSOS CNV=real Conversion factor from DN to radiance GALSOS UBWC=string Uneven-bit-weighting correction (ON or OFF) GALSOS DC=string Calibration dark-current file name GALSOS CAL=string Calibration slope file name GALSOS BLM=string Blemish file name GALSOS SO=string Shutter-offset file name GALSOS EDRTAPE=string EDR tape ID (7 characters) EDRFILE=integer EDR file number Notes: 1) PARTITION starts with 1 (=0 if unavailable). 2) The MOD10 and SCET refer to the first line of the image. 3) If the target is the ring-plane of Jupiter, label items LAT and LON are replaced by RAD and LON. SAMPLE OF GALILEO SSI VICAR LABEL Below is a listing of a sample SSI flight label of an REDR with a spacecraft clock value of 165192000. MIPS VICAR program LABEL was used to produce this formatted version of the VICAR label. ************************************************************ ************ File S0165192000.1 ************ 3 dimensional IMAGE file File organization is BSQ Pixels are in BYTE format from a VAX-VMS host 1 bands 800 lines per band 800 samples per line 2 lines of binary header 200 bytes of binary prefix per line ---- Task: CATLABEL -- User: XXX999 -- Wed Mar 31 12:07:34 1993 ---- MISSION='GALILEO' SENSOR='SSI' PICNO='E2W0914' PA='E2WSZOOMMV01-000WDTL' PARTITION=0 RIM=1651920 MOD91=0 MOD10=1 MOD8=0 TCA='731T10:38:28Z' TARGET='EARTH' SCETYEAR=1992 SCETDAY=344 SCETHOUR=7 SCETMIN=13 SCETSEC=1 SCETMSEC=11 FILTER=3 EXP=8.333 GAIN=3 RATE=3 TLMFMT='HCM' BOOM='P' FIBE='1000' BARC='RC' TBPPXL=0.0 TPPLNE=0.0 INA=60.3112 EMA=19.7927 PHA=80.1038 HRA=-999.0 TWIST=113.394 CONE=0.0 RA=-5.05283 DEC=5.47921 SUNAZ=178.903 NORAZ=66.6094 SCAZ=27.3903 SMRAZ=0.0 SMEAR=-999.0 HSCL=5666.0 VSCL=5332.76 LAT=-12.3842 LON=352.885 RAD=0.0 PLRANGE=531069.0 SLRANGE=525184.0 SOLRANGE=1.473261e+08 ************************************************************