PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-06-13 NOTE = "AAREADME File for re-organized IHW data set" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Re-organized International Halley Watch (IHW) Data Sets ======================================================= The original IHW volume HAL_1001 contained three data sets (in addition to others) that were considered addenda to data sets in the original HAL_0001-HAL_0026 volume set, but were assigned new DATA_SET_IDs for one reason or another. As part of an effort to reorganize physical volume-based into the contemporary, single-data-set-per-volume format, these data sets have reorganized into the present format. Supporting documents from HAL_1001 that were relevant to these data have been included in each data set. - A.C.Raugh, 2011-06-13