PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-08-10 /* Label Last Generated */ NOTE = "Description of the contents of the document directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END document Directory Contents The document directory contains documentation files, where available, for the data set in this volume. All document files will have an accompanying label file to describe content and structure. Label files have the same name as the main document file, with an extension of ".lbl". docinfo.txt - The file you are reading. ads.txt - The file sent to Abstract Data Service (ADS) ads.lbl - The label for ads.txt glossary.txt - "FITS header glossary", Short descriptions of the more important keywords in the FITS headers. Most of the keywords are not important in the context of the purpose for these observations, so no attempt was made to describe them. Of the remaining ones, descriptions are provided for those keywords lacking one in the header itself. glossary.lbl - The label file for the document "FITS header glossary" described above.