WILD2_KECK ========== - Missing voldesc.cat catalog/ -------- dataset.cat - MISSION_NAME is not allowed in DATA_SET objects. (You cannot add or omit keywords to SPECIFIC_OBJECTs like DATA_SET and most other catalog objects.) - CURATING_NODE_ID is not an allowed keyword. - The phrase "so-called" is generally considered derogatory and should not appear in the DATA_SET_DESC. If the filter is an Ellis R filter, then just say so. If it is not, then just describe it. i0039inst.cat - INSTRUMENT_TYPE value is not appropriate (it appears to me multi-valued, which would be aproblem to begin with, except it's not in the correct syntactical format for a multi-valued keyword), and it's not clear to me what was intended. - This text is extensive and looks like it was cut from a previously published source (and sloppily - there are blank spaces were the unit symbols didn't translate). Who is the author and do we have permission to republish? obs378t2host.cat - The LABEL_REVISION_NOTE seems somewhat opaque. calibration_none.cat & calibration_sky.cat - These two files both have the exact same TARGET_NAME. TARGET_NAME must be unique across the PDS. How are these distinguished in the data? And why? PG*.CAT & SA*.CAT - Is this the appropriate approach for stellar calibration targets? 81Pwild_2.cat - This is a different TARGET object than others submitted for this object, and it contains less information. It should NOT be the one submitted to CN. data/ ----- fits_param_table.lbl - All of the keywords that have "N/A" as a value ARE applicable and should have values, except for ABSTRACT_DESC, which should not be here at all. - PRODUCT_ID is not usually a particularly helpful thing to users for locating files. In this case, it is partly useful, in that at least it corresponds to the file name (a fact which is not mentioned). However, since the data are devided by observation date, this is only half the information needed to find the file. - Also, it looks like the PRODUCT_IDs listed in the table file do not actually correspond to the PRODUCT_IDs in the data file labels. - The DATE_OBS column has inappropriate units and data type. - Declination must be given as four separate columns, not a single column. - Right ascension must be given as three separate columns. - Why is this table delimited? */*.lbl - I'm not sure OFFSET makes sense and SCALING_FACTOR should be omitted if it is 1.0. - These IMAGES need to have the following keywords included with correct values: AXIS_ORDER_TYPE LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION */processed/*.lbl - OFFSET and SCALING_FACTOR should be omitted if they are zero and one, respectively. - These IMAGES need to have the following keywords included with correct values: AXIS_ORDER_TYPE LINE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION index/ ------ index.tab - The FILE_SPECIFICATION_FIELD contains file names with mixed case. This is forbidden, and doesn't appear to correspond to the actual case in the data set anyway. - Many of the paths in the FILE_SPECIFIATION_FIELD are invalid. - Why is the CITATION_DESC value in this file? This is really annoying.