DSPE_1001 ========= ========= o Why is this volume 1001 and not 0001? [root] ====== aareadme.txt This file needs to be carefully proofed. Here's what I noted in a light reading... - line 76: Commas are not white space. - line 77: Are numeric columns really right-justified, or are they decimal-aligned? - line 132: Is this statement about PPI maintaining an on-line errata list for this data set true? - line 141: This statement indicates there can be more than one volume called DSPE_1001. This is not, in fact, possible. - line 154: I'm pretty sure you want support and feedback FROM the users, not "of" the users, or perhaps you're missing a definite article before "support and feedback". - line 183: Caveats do not exist "in the data". Caveats are 'with respect to' the data. - line 222: "Aware of about" is not proper grammar. - line 223: None of these commas is correct. - line 249: The qualifier "in particular" can only be used when a general class is also mentioned. Either another qualifier is missing (i.e., "The PDS in general and PPI in particular") or the existing qualifier is not being used properly and should be removed. calib ===== cal_info.txt - This is not the correct name for the required info.txt file (calinfo.txt). - If there are no actual calibration data, this directory should be omitted. - This information belongs either in the data set catalog file, the instrument catalog file, or in a properly labelled document in the document directory which is then referenced by the data set and instrument catalog files. In an info.txt file with a minimal label it is untracable in the PDS archives. - This is substantial text. There should be an attribution to the author. catalog ======= - Where is the target catalog file? I think we have one around the SBN, if needed. catinfo.txt - Not all of the files listed in this file are included in the catalog directory. Specifically, the INSTHOST.CAT and MISSION.CAT files are missing. - This directory does not contain "catalog templates" - it contains catalog FILES. Templates are blank. pepe_borrelly_ds.cat - DATA_SET_TARGET and DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION may not be used more than once. They should be multiple-valued. - SYNTAX ERROR: line 85 - double quotes within double quotes. - This TARGET_NAME does not follow small body standards. - The description contains substantial text that is not attributed. The author should be identified. - This text needs to be carefully proofed. On light reading I found: line 47ff: PDS REFERENCE_KEY_ID values are not satisfactory substitutes for actual citations. line 68: is "time" the right word here? If so, is another word missing? line 71: This comma and the first comma in the following line are not grammatical and should be removed. line 82ff: These are not sentences and should not end in periods. line 350ff: Not sentences, should not end in periods. line 407-8: Are these acronyms defined prior to their use here? line 426-7: Two journals are not "several". line 431: This comma is inappropriate. line 435: Why is this "Table M" when previous tables have been numbered sequentially? line 476ff: This sentence doesn't make sense to me. Is there a subject/verb number agreement problem? - None of the REFERENCE_KEY_ID values listed here are in the pepe_ref.cat file. pepe_inst.cat - Missing PDS_VERSION_ID and LABEL_REVISION_NOTE - SYNTAX ERRORS: line 135 - double quotes in double quotes line 309 - double quotes in double quotes line 317 - double quotes in double quotes line 331 - double quotes in double quotes line 813 - ampersand in unquoted string line 823 - ampersand in unquoted string missing END statement - INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO may not be repeated - it must be multi-valued. - "YOUNGETINPRESS" is not a valid REFERENCE_KEY_ID. - INSTRUMENT_DESC must begin with "Instrument Overview". - The description text needs to be carefully proofed and updated. For example: Future perfect tense is used about events which clearly must have passed. The name of comet Wilson-Harrington is misspelled. The plural of "coma" is "comae". There is a reference to "Figure 1," which does not seem to exist. There are alignment problems in Table 2. - There is substantial text in the description field. Further, it reads as though it was prepared for publication in a print journal. The author should be cited, at the very least. Who owns the copyright on this text? pepe_person.cat - RECORD_TYPE and RECORD_BYTES do not belong in catalog files. - SYNTAX ERRORS: Missing END_OBJECT for second PERSONNEL object. Missing PERSONNEL_ELECTRONIC_MAIL for second PERSONNEL object. Missing INSTITUTION_NAME for second PERSONNEL object. pepe_ref.cat - This file is clearly in the midst of being edited. No attempt to validate or verify. data ==== elc*_a.lbl, elc*_b.lbl - PRODUCT_TYPE = DATA is not valid. The value should at least follow the pattern of current PRODUCT_TYPE values. Note that new standard values for this keyword require full PDS review and approval. - START/STOP_TIME = NULL is probably not right. "NULL" indicates a value will be supplied. If that were true, why is it not here now? - PRODUCT_VERSION_ID is an AMMOS keyword, and the value given here does not follow the formation given in the definition. Why is it here? - I find it difficult to believe that every product in this directory was created at either exactly noon or exactly 6pm. I suspect that PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME has not been trimmed to an appropriate set of significant figures. - Why is incremental day number used in START/STOP_TIME while the description gives it in YYYY-MM-DD format? If readability is the issue, START/STOP_TIME should be more readable. - The description of column 2 says the time is given "in one of the ISO standard time formats," but then lists only one format. If there is only one possible format, this should be re-worded to eliminate the implication that there is more than one format in the file. - Columns 7-10: The azimuth number - angle range correspondence should be stated in each description instead of listing all in the first description and none in the others. - Column descriptions in ASCII TABLES *MUST* have FORMAT keywords. ion*_a.lbl, ion*_b.lbl - All of the above - The ASCII_TABLE pointers all have values of "FILE_NAME.DAT" log*_a.lbl, log*_b.lbl - All of the above mq*_a.lbl, mq*_b.lbl - All of the above tof*_a.lbl, tof*_b.lbl - All of the above document ======== data_product_def_030113.lbl - Does this file name really need to be this long? - SYNTAX ERRORS: line 18 - Missing end quote - PRODUCT_TYPE - not an appropriate value given current standard values - "MSWORD" is not a valid DOCUMENT_FORMAT. Neither is "PDF" or "PDF-ADOBE-1.2". The appropriate values are "MICROSOFT WORD" and "ADOBE PDF".