DIF-L-HRII-3/4-EPOXI-LUNAR-CALS-V1.0 Review Result: Certified. Symbol Key: o = Lien open x = Lien resolved or closed ! = Lien rejected or declined + = Comments (by SMcLaughlin unless otherwise indicated) Catalog ======= ! In the dataset.cat file description, please add full citations to the Calibration papers (i.e., as footnotes in the text in addition to the REFERENCE objects that also exist). + Rejected by PI and archive lead. The correct and full citations are already in ref.cat. x In dataset.cat. the CITATION_DESC year must be '2014' since this is when the data were reviewed and released to the public. + Done. x In dataset.cat, the DESCRIPTION is lacking the usual summary of why the data were taken in the first place. A sentence or two should be added to address this. + Rejected. There are at least 3 instances in dataset.cat that state these data were taken **for in-flight instrument calibrations**: DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC, ABSTRACT_DESC, and DATA_SET_DESC. The dataset overview also lists the intent of each set of lunar IR cals, such as "HRII Lunar Flats&Radiometry" and "HRII Lunar S.Pole Radiometry". x The EPOXI mission.cat description misstates the wavelength coverage range of the HRII instrument. This should be corrected. + Done. x Voldesc.cat references "EARTH.CAT", which is not in the data set. The reference should be removed from voldesc.cat. + Done. Documents ========= x Ensure these data sets have the latest versions of these document files: day_of_year_calendar.lbl epoxi_cal_pipeline_summ.lbl epoxi_sis.lbl instruments_hampton.lbl pdsdd_epoxi.lbl quaternion_desc.lbl + Done. x In epoxi_sis.pdf: x This document says labels for HRIV, MRI, and ITS level 3/4 data, PDS keyword PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT contain FLAT_PRO= FLATCONS= FLATTEMP= CALWINDW= CALWINPY= but the sample labels in the SIS's and do not. x p. 27: "DIF-L-HRII-3_4-EPOXI-LUNAR-CALS-V1.0" should have a / not a _ i.e. "DIF-L-HRII-3/4-EPOXI-LUNAR-CALS-V1.0" x epoxy_sis.pdf pages 47-9 the figures are misaligned with the text. This needs to be corrected in every copy of the document in all data sets. + Done, except for the item about PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT. That PDS keyword will contain different processing keywords because the calibration pipeline performs different steps for the VIS HRIV, MRI, and ITS CCDs and the IR spectrometer. For example, the FITS header keywords FLAT_PRO, FLATCONS, FLATTEMP, CALWINDW, & CALWINPY only apply to IR calibration, so those values are never included in PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT. However, we noted this difference in the description of PROCESSING_HISTORY_TEXT in the SIS. For last item, had to print the Word file as a Postscript to force alignment of figure pieces with text, then distilled the Postscript to PDF/A. x There are summary files with names like hriv_3_4_epoxi_garrad.lbl. In at least some of these labels in some data sets, the Julian Date field is described as being in the form YYYYMMDD. This needs to be fixed if it applies to this data set. + Done. x In places that describe the file naming convention, there needs to be a clear indication of which time (beginning, middle, end) is used for creating the file name. + Not applicable. Mid-obs is used in the filenames and for grouping products into DOY directories, and this is already called out in the EPOXI SIS and dataset.cat files. x Need more description of "spectral scanning mode". Could be in the dataset.cat DESCRIPTION, if it's short, or in a separate document that can be referenced as needed. + Already provided in document/epoch_mars_obs.pdf. Scan rates, starting points, and scan directions are provided for each of the different types of lunar cals. This document is called out specifically in the Required Reading section of dataset.cat. x AAREADME.TXT mentions a non-existent EXTRAS/ directory. + Done. Removed entry. x AAREADME.TXT should point users to the essential, point-of-entry type documentation. [n.b., sam added this lien.] + Done. Directed reader to DATASET.CAT in CATALOG. CALIB/ ====== x In /abscalir/hriir_071004_1_4_999.lbl, typo: Line 1: wPDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 + Done. x In flat/hriir_050112_8_0_0.lbl: Missing PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 (required first line) + Done. x In lindn/*.lbl: AXIS_NAME = ("LINE_SAMPLES", "LINES", "PER_PIXEL_LINEARITY_COEFFS") is legal, but "SAMPLE" and "LINE" (singular) are much more common. + Done. DATA/ ===== x One reviewer (Lucas Paganini) showed a sample of stacked RAD data that show an interference pattern caused by the beam splitter that would not be expected in calibrated data. This needs investigating and explaining. Example file: 2009-352, exposure 100000 image 2. (Tony Farnham will investigate.) + Done. T.Farnham investigated; his finding was added to the Limitations section in dataset.cat ! One reviewer requested separating the data by frame size, which corresponds to science/calibration objectives. + Declined. Project does not have resources to do this. Frame size is determined by the image mode which is specified in the PDS labels, FITS headers, and the image parameter table in DOCUMENT/.