PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-02-17 NOTE = "Description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The latest version and other formats (e.g. ASCII text) of all documents for the Deep Impact and EPOXI missions are available in the Deep Impact and EPOXI documentation dataset, DI-C-HRII/HRIV/MRI/ITS-6-DOC-SET-V3.0, available online at http://pds.nasa.gov. However, several of the most useful documents are duplicated here in PDF/A format for convenience. Please note these may be an older version. Each specific document will have an accompanying label file to describe content and structure. Label files have the same name as the main document file but with an extension of ".LBL". The following files are found in this directory: DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading. DAY_OF_YEAR_CALENDAR.PDF DAY_OF_YEAR_CALENDAR.LBL - "Day of Year Calendar" document, for perpetual and leap years, and a label file. INSTRUMENTS_HAMPTON.PDF INSTRUMENTS_HAMPTON.LBL - "An Overview of the Instrument Suite for the Deep Impact Mission" draft document and a label file. IR_TEMPS_IN_CAL_PIPELINE.PDF IR_TEMPS_IN_CAL_PIPELINE.DOC IR_TEMPS_IN_CAL_PIPELINE.LBL - "Deep Impact/EPOXI: Influences of the IR Temperature Measurements on the Calibration Pipeline" document and a label file. THERMAL_SENSOR_ATLAS.PDF THERMAL_SENSOR_ATLAS.LBL - "The Pictorial Atlas of Deep Impact and EPOXI Thermal Telemetry Points" document and a label file. PIPELINE_AMMOS_TEMP_COEFFS.ASC PIPELINE_AMMOS_TEMP_COEFFS.LBL - Deep Impact/EPOXI: Two Domains of Polynomial Coefficients Used To Convert Raw Thermal Measurements To Temperatures document and a label file