PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2008-06-13 /* Review Date */ END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The following documenation is included with this data set: DOCINFO.TXT - This file NAV_IMAGES_REPORT.* - The Deep Impact Navigation Images Report, describes how the navigation images were processed and is provided in ASCII text and PDF formats NAV_IMAGES_REPORT.LBL - PDS label for the Deep Impact Navigation Images Report PHOTOMETRY_REPORT.* - The Deep Impact MRI Photometry Report desribes the analysis and process used to create the photometry tables and is provided in ASCII text and PDF formats PHOTOMETRY_REPORT.LBL - PDS label for the Deep Impact MRI Photometry Report SCI_IMAGES_CALIB.* - The Deep Impact Calibration Pipeline Summary describes how the science images were calibrated and is provided in ASCII text and PDF formats SCI_IMAGES_CALIB*JPG - Graphics for the Deep Impact Calibration Pipeline Summary SCI_IMAGES_CALIB.LBL - PDS label for the Calibration Pipeline