PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = "ASCII" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-12-31 NOTE = "DOCUMENT directory contents" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents All documentation for this data set is located on the Deep Impact documentation volume, DIDOC_0001. However, the Deep Impact local data dictionary, used to generate and validate PDS data labels, is duplicated here for convenience. DOCINFO.TXT - This file. PDSDD_DI.FUL - Local data dictionary for Deep Impact data sets PDSDD_DI.IDX - Index file for the Deep Impact local data dictionary PDSDD_DI.LBL - PDS label for the PDSDD_DI.FUL and PDSDD_DI.IDX; All currently known Deep Impact data sets that require the local dictionary are listed in the label NEW_KEYWORDS.TXT - Defines new keywords submitted to PDS Engineering Node for inclusion in the Planetary Science Data Dictionary