PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = " This file describes the content of the DOCUMENT directory." PUBLICATION_DATE = 2003-10-30 /* Peer Review Date */ END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCINFO.TXT This file giving the contents of this directory. PHOT/EXP_SUPP_PHOT.* This is the Explanatory Supplement to the IRAS Photometry for Tempel 1 produced by Carey Lisse. It describes the process Lisse used to generate the photometry from the Additional Observations and Sky Survey Scans, reprocessed by Russell Walker and available in the PDS data set DI/IRAS-C-FPA-5-9P-IMAGES-V1.0. Identical versions of the document are provided in MS-WORD, PDF, and ASCII text formats. PHOT/FIGURE*.JPG JPEG figures for the ASCII text version of the Explanatory Supplement ONLABELS.TXT Definitions of PDS keywords used in the data labels AICD/*DOC The Achive Interface Control Document