PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-12-03 /*Label Generated*/ NOTE = "Description of the contents of the catalog directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This directory contains the PDS catalog files for this data set. catalog Directory Contents catinfo.txt - The file you are reading. dataset.cat - The catalog file for the data set "IRTF Near-IR Imaging of Comet 9P-Tempel 1 V1.0". spex.cat - The catalog file for the instrument "SpeX". obs376t3.cat - The catalog file for the instrument host "Mauna Kea Observatory 3.2-m NASA infrared Cassegrain equat. reflector (IRTF)". support_archives.cat - The catalog file for the mission "Support Archives" and deep_impact.cat - The catalog file for the "Deep Impact" mission. ref.cat - A listing of all publications referenced in the data set. This is analogous to a bibliography for the data set. 9p_tempel_1_1867_g1.cat - Catalog files for the names appearing in calibration TARGET_NAME keywords in data labels