PRO imgcleane,ima,jma,header=header ; this code restores the edges of DI VIS images ; after the work of 'imgclean' (written by E. Deutsch) ; which deletes CRs (and most of pixels at the edges of a DI VIS image) ; ima is the input image, and jma is the output image ; to get ima use ima=readfits('',header) ; to run this code use imgcleane,ima,jma,header ; to get the final file use fits_write,'',jma,header ; to get deleted pixels use del =ima ne jma ; fits_write,'',del,header ; The correction of the edges was made by Sergei Ipatov ; ( on Dec. 6, 2005. ; We add letter 'e' to 'imgclean' to show that the code restores 'edges'. ; ; We recommend 'imgclean' for automatic consideration of a large ; number of MRI or HRI images (RADREV or RAD, not raw images), ; because it is a reliable (it always normally comes to the end for ; all DI images, in contrast e.g. to crfind) and fast code. ; For specific images other codes can give better results. ; Imgclean deletes too many pixels which are not cosmic rays ; from the edge of the comet when the image of the comet is large ; (and sometimes the brightness of pixels deleted near the coma ; is replaced by a wrong brightness which spoils the image, so ; after such replacement the image begins to look like as some material ; was ejected from the comet). ; In this case it may be better to use images for which cosmic rays ; are not deleted or try to use other codes for individual images. ; We do not know such code for recognition of cosmic rays which ; always give good results for images with a coma and/or a comet. ; ; Besides, also is used by imgcleane. ; If it is needed, you add new key words in the header here. ; We do not change the header. imgmode=sxpar(header,'imgmode') nx=sxpar(header,'naxis1')-1 ny=sxpar(header,'naxis2')-1 ; size of the image [0:ny] jma=ima ; jma will be changed by imgclean jmae=ima ; we use jmae to restore the edges imgclean,jma ; jma is changed by imgclean ; running imgclean === ; ; We find the sizes of the edges based on imgmode. ; Notes: The number of restored raws and lines in the edges is ; greater than that in Table IV on page 71 in Space Science ; Reviews, v. 117, Nos. 1-2, 2005 (e.g. 8 for mode=1), ; because e.g. for mode=1 9th row and 9th line are bright, ; 10th row and 10th line can have a lot of bright pixels, ; and 11th line can have some bright pixels which are not cosmic rays. ; The values of iy presented below were suggested ; by Dennis Wellnitz. Dennis suggested to use ix=iy-1, ; but for mode=3 I found that the 6th column also can contain a lot of ; deleted pixels. So below the values of ix were taken to be ; equal to iy suggested by Dennis. Probably for some modes ; the values of ix can be the same as it was suggested to Dennis, ; but as there are some examples which give larger edges, I took ix=iy. ; I will be glad to get any comments about the sizes of the edges ; which must be restored in order to find true values. ; For what modes can we take ix=iy-1? ; Depending on one's problem, one can consider other values of ix and iy. ix=0 ; iy=0 if imgmode eq 1 or imgmode eq 9 then begin ix=11 ;10 ;8 ; number of restored pixels from the edge in 'x' direction iy=11 ;8 endif if imgmode eq 2 or imgmode eq 3 or imgmode eq 4 then begin ix=6 ;5 ;4 ; iy=6 ;4 endif if imgmode eq 5 or imgmode eq 6 then begin ix=4 ;3 ;2 ; iy=4 ;2 endif if imgmode eq 7 then begin ix=2 ;1 ;0 ; iy=2 ;1 endif if imgmode eq 8 then begin ix=1 ;0 ; 0 iy=1 ; 0 endif ix1=ix-1 iy1=iy-1 ; ; now restore the edges if ix ne 0 then begin jma(0:ix1,0:ny)=jmae(0:ix1,0:ny) jma(nx-ix1:nx,0:ny)=jmae(nx-ix1:nx,0:ny) endif if iy ne 0 then begin jma(0:nx,0:iy1)=jmae(0:nx,0:iy1) jma(0:nx,ny-iy1:ny)=jmae(0:nx,ny-iy1:ny) endif return end