PRO gui_event, ev ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; PURPOSE: ;; Event handler for the DI calibration GUI ;; ;; CALLING SEQUENCE: ;; gui_event, ev ;; ;; REQUIRED INPUTS: ;; ev - Event structure ;; ;; OUTPUTS: ;; ;; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ;; ;; EXAMPLE: ;; IDL> gui_event, ev ;; ;; PROCEDURES USED (i.e. called directly!): ;; gui_updateOptPane - Updates the option pane ;; gui_openFile - Opens a FITS file for calibration ;; gui_calibrate - Calibrates a file ;; ;; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;; 2004-07-28 M. Desnoyer Created ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; The different widgets that could produce an event CASE widget_info(ev.ID, /UNAME) OF 'modlist': IF ev.clicks EQ 1 THEN gui_updateOptPane, ev.TOP 'openbut': gui_openFile, ev.TOP 'closebut': gui_closeFile, ev.TOP 'calbut': gui_calibrate, ev.TOP 'resetbut': BEGIN gui_reset, ev.TOP gui_updateoptpane, ev.TOP END 'exitbut': widget_control, ev.TOP, /DESTROY 'colchangebut': BEGIN ;; Get the program settings widget_control, ev.TOP, get_uvalue=data ;; Create the array of widgetIDs that need to be updated wnds = -1 IF data.previewWnd NE 0 THEN wnds = [wnds, data.previewWnd] IF data.calWnd[0] NE 0 THEN wnds = [wnds, data.calWnd[0]] IF data.calWnd[1] NE 0 THEN wnds = [wnds, data.calWnd[1]] IF max(wnds) EQ -1 THEN RETURN ;; No window to change color for wnds=wnds[1:*] ;; Open the xloadct dialog xloadct, group=ev.TOP, updatecallback='gui_refreshPreviews', $ updatecbdata=wnds END 'modhelp': gui_modHelp, ev.TOP, $ widget_info(widget_info(ev.TOP,find_by_uname='modlist'),/list_select) 'aboutbut': BEGIN nl = string(10B) trash = dialog_message('Deep Impact Image Calibration Utility'+nl+nl+$ 'Created for Deep Impact mission (NASA/JPL/UMD/BATC)'+nl+$ 'Copyright Cornell University 2004-2005'+nl+$ 'Author: Mark Desnoyer (', /information, $ title='About', dialog_parent=ev.TOP) END ENDCASE END