FORWARD_FUNCTION dicw_fnfinder, dicw_fnfinder_event, dicw_fnfinder_setval, $ dicw_fnfinder_getval, filedialog_opts__define ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; PURPOSE: ;; Creates a compound widget that contains a text box and a browse button ;; to identify a filename ;; ;; CALLING SEQUENCE: ;; ID = dicw_fnfinder(parent, UNAME=uname, UVALUE=uvalue, VALUE=value, $ ;; /SENSITIVE, FILTER=filter, /READ, /WRITE, TITLE=title, $ ;; /ALIGN_BOTTOM, /ALIGN_CENTER, /ALIGN_TOP, /ALIGN_RIGHT, $ ;; /ALIGN_LEFT, LABEL=label, XSIZE=xsize) ;; ;; REQUIRED INPUTS: ;; parent - the parent of this widget ;; ;; OUTPUTS: ;; The widget ID of the compound widget ;; ;; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ;; UNAME - User name ;; UVALUE - User value ;; VALUE - Initial value of the widget ;; SENSITIVE - If the widget is sensitive to user input ;; FILTER - scalar or array of strings for the types of files to display ;; in the file seclection dialog ;; READ - causes the file selection dialog to have the title ;; 'Select File to Read' ;; WRITE - causes the file selction dialog to have the title ;; 'Select File to Write'. This must be set in order to specify ;; a file that does not exist on a Mac ;; TITLE - the title of the file selection dialog ;; ALIGN_* - Align the widget in the appropriate way with respect to its ;; parent ;; LABEL - A label to display above the file choose dialog ;; XSIZE - The size in characters of the text box ;; ;; EVENTS PRODUCED: ;; Whenever the chosen filename changes, the following event is created ;; {DICW_FNFINDER, ID:0, TOP:0, HANDLER:0, VALUE:''} ;; ;; EXAMPLE: ;; IDL> dicw_fnfinder, base, 'This is a test' ;; ;; PROCEDURES USED (i.e. called directly!): ;; ;; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;; 2004-07-29 M. Desnoyer Created ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;----------------------------------- ;; Structure specifying options for the file selection dialog ;;----------------------------------- PRO filedialog_opts__define tmp = {filedialog_opts, filter:'', read:0B, write:0B, title:''} END ;;----------------------------------- ;; Event handler for compound widget ;;----------------------------------- FUNCTION dicw_fnfinder_event, ev IF tag_names(ev, /structure_name) EQ 'WIDGET_BUTTON' THEN BEGIN ;; Get the options for the file dialog widget_control, ev.ID, get_uvalue=opts ;; Get the path of the currently chosen file widget_control, widget_info(ev.HANDLER, find_by_uname='fnbox'), $ get_value=fn fn=fn[0] IF fn NE '' THEN BEGIN pos = strpos(fn, path_sep(), /reverse_search) IF pos NE -1 THEN path = strmid(fn, 0, pos) ENDIF ;; Query the user for the filename fn = dialog_pickfile(filter=opts.filter,, $ write=opts.write, title=opts.title, file=fn, path=path, $ dialog_parent=ev.TOP) ;; Update the text box IF fn NE '' THEN BEGIN txt = widget_info(ev.handler, find_by_uname='fnbox') widget_control, txt, set_value=fn ENDIF ELSE RETURN, 0 ENDIF ELSE IF strcmp(tag_names(ev, /structure_name),'WIDGET_TEXT',11) THEN BEGIN ;; Don't report a selection changet IF ev.type EQ 3 THEN RETURN, 0 $ ELSE widget_control, ev.ID, get_value=fn ENDIF ELSE message, 'Invalid event' ;; Put together the event to send on RETURN, {DICW_FNFINDER, ID:ev.handler,, HANDLER:ev.handler, $ VALUE:fn[0]} END ;;----------------------------------- ;; Set value handler ;;----------------------------------- PRO dicw_fnfinder_setval, id, value ON_ERROR, 2 txt = widget_info(id, find_by_uname='fnbox') IF txt EQ 0 THEN message, 'Widget is broken' widget_control, txt, set_value=value END ;;----------------------------------- ;; Get value handler ;;----------------------------------- FUNCTION dicw_fnfinder_getval, id ON_ERROR, 2 txt = widget_info(id, find_by_uname='fnbox') IF txt EQ 0 THEN message, 'Widget is broken' widget_control, txt, get_value=value RETURN, value END ;;----------------------------------- ;; Widget creation function ;;----------------------------------- FUNCTION DIcw_fnfinder, parent, UNAME=uname, UVALUE=uvalue, VALUE=value, $ SENSITIVE=sensitive, FILTER=filter, READ=read, WRITE=write, $ TITLE=title, ALIGN_BOTTOM=align_bottom, ALIGN_CENTER=align_center, $ ALIGN_TOP=align_top, ALIGN_LEFT=align_left, ALIGN_RIGHT=align_right, $ LABEL=label, XSIZE=xsize ON_ERROR, 2 ;; Default the keywords IF NOT keyword_set(uname) THEN uname = 'DICW_FNFINDER' IF NOT keyword_set(uvalue) THEN uvalue = 0 IF NOT keyword_set(value) THEN value = '' IF NOT keyword_set(filter) THEN filter='*' IF NOT keyword_set(read) THEN read = 0 IF NOT keyword_set(write) THEN write = 0 IF NOT keyword_set(title) THEN title = '' ;; Check to make sure the value is a string tmp = size(value, /type) IF tmp NE 7 THEN message, 'String expression required for VALUE' ;; Create the container base = widget_base(parent, /column, uname=uname, uvalue=uvalue, $ pro_set_value='dicw_fnfinder_setval', $ func_get_val='dicw_fnfinder_getval', $ event_func='dicw_fnfinder_event', sensitive=sensitive, $ align_top=align_top, align_bottom=align_bottom, $ align_center=align_center, align_left=align_left, $ align_right=align_right) ;; Insert the label IF keyword_set(label) THEN $ lbl = widget_label(base, /align_left, value=label) fnBase = widget_base(base, /row) ;; Create the structure containing the options for the file dialog fOpts = {filedialog_opts} fOpts.filter = filter = read fOpts.write = write fOpts.title = title ;; Add the text box and browse buttons fnBox = widget_text(fnbase, /editable, /all_events, value=value, $ uname='fnbox', xsize=xsize) browse = widget_button(fnbase, value='Browse', uvalue=fOpts) RETURN, base END