FORWARD_FUNCTION dical_config_closing, dical_config_event, dical_Config ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; PURPOSE: ;; Runs a GUI to help modify the configuration file for the calibration ;; pipeline. This is the configuration of where to get calibration files, ;; not actual calibration options. ;; ;; CALLING SEQUENCE: ;; dical_Config ;; ;; REQUIRED INPUTS: ;; none ;; ;; OUTPUTS: ;; none ;; ;; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ;; ;; EXAMPLE: ;; IDL> DICal_Config ;; ;; PROCEDURES USED (i.e. called directly!): ;; freeLinkedList, dialog_strEntry, setDICalConfig, getDICalConfig, ;; sqlServerList2HostArr, ;; ;; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;; 2004-08-13 M. Desnoyer - Created ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;--------------------- ;; Kill Event Handler ;;--------------------- PRO DICal_config_closing, top ;; Find out if the user has modified anything widget_control, top, get_uvalue=val IF val.modified THEN BEGIN IF dialog_message('Do you want to save before quitting?', /Question, $ title='Save?', dialog_parent=top) EQ 'Yes' THEN $ setDicalConfig, val.config ENDIF ;; Free all of the data freeLinkedList, val.config.sqlServers ;; Destroy the widget widget_control, top, /destroy END ;;--------------------- ;; Event Handler ;;--------------------- PRO dical_config_event, ev ;; Get the options widget_control, ev.TOP, get_uvalue=val ;; Get the list widget dblist = widget_info(ev.TOP, find_by_uname='dblist') CASE widget_info(ev.ID, /uname) OF ;; Local directory selction 'locdir': BEGIN val.config.calibDir = ev.value val.modified = 1 END ;; Enable using local directory 'locdirena': BEGIN dirWid = widget_info(ev.TOP, find_by_uname='locdir') IF EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ;; Enable using the local directory widget_control, dirWid, get_value=dir val.config.calibDir = dir widget_control, dirWid, sensitive=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN;; Disable local directory val.config.calibDir = '' widget_control, dirWid, sensitive=0 ENDELSE val.modified = 1 END ;; Save button 'savebut': BEGIN setDicalConfig, val.config val.modified = 0 END ;; Close button 'closebut': BEGIN widget_control, ev.TOP, /destroy RETURN END ;; Add Servers button 'addbut': BEGIN ;; Query the user usrEntry = dialog_strEntry(ev.TOP, ['Host:', 'User:', 'Password:'], $ title='Add New Server', isPassword=[0,0,1]) ;; User didn't enter a value so skip IF usrEntry[0] EQ '' THEN BREAK ;; Create the new server object newServ = ptr_new({sqlServer, host:usrEntry[0], usr:usrEntry[1], $ pass:usrEntry[2], next:ptr_new()},/NO_COPY) ;; Add the new server to the list cur = val.config.sqlServers IF NOT ptr_valid(cur) THEN val.config.sqlServers = newServ $ ELSE BEGIN WHILE ptr_valid((*cur).next) DO cur=(*cur).next (*cur).next = newServ ENDELSE val.modified=1 ;; Refresh the list widget_control, dblist, $ set_value=sqlServerList2HostArr(val.config.sqlServers) END ;; Edit Servers button 'editbut': BEGIN cur = val.config.sqlServers ;; Find out which server is selected idx = widget_info(dblist, /list_select) IF idx[0] EQ -1 OR (NOT ptr_valid(cur)) THEN BREAK ;; Go to the entry to change in the list FOR i=0, idx[0]-1 DO cur = (*cur).next ;; Query user for changes usrEntry = dialog_strEntry(ev.TOP, ['Host:', 'Usr:', 'Password:'], $ title='Edit Server', isPassword=[0,0,1], $ value=[(*cur).host,(*cur).usr,(*cur).pass]) IF usrEntry[0] EQ '' THEN BREAK ;; Save the changes (*cur).host = usrEntry[0] (*cur).usr = usrEntry[1] (*cur).pass = usrEntry[2] val.modified = 1 ;; Refresh the list widget_control, dblist, $ set_value=sqlServerList2HostArr(val.config.sqlServers) END ;; Delete Servers button 'delbut': BEGIN cur = val.config.sqlServers ;; Find out which server is selected idx = widget_info(dblist, /list_select) IF idx[0] EQ -1 OR (NOT ptr_valid(cur)) THEN BREAK ;; Remove the server from the list IF idx[0] EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ;; Special case for the first item val.config.sqlServers = (*cur).next ptr_free, cur ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; Go to the server right before the one being deleted FOR i=0, idx[0]-2 DO cur = (*cur).next ;; Remove the server from the list and delete from memory toDie = (*cur).next (*cur).next = (*toDie).next ptr_free, toDie ENDELSE ;; Refresh the list widget_control, dblist, $ set_value=sqlServerList2HostArr(val.config.sqlServers) ;; Update the data structure val.modified=1 END ELSE:BREAK ENDCASE widget_control, ev.TOP, set_uval=val, /no_copy END ;;--------------------- ;; Main procedure ;;--------------------- PRO dical_Config ;; Open the current configuration config = getDICalConfig() ;; Build the GUI base = widget_base(title='DICal Configuration Editor', mbar=menu, $ uvalue={config:config,modified:0}, /column, uname='main') filemenu = widget_button(menu, value='File', /Menu) saveBut = widget_button(filemenu, value='Save', uname='savebut') closeBut = widget_button(filemenu, value='Close', uname='closebut') ;; Add the local directory chooser locdirena = cw_bgroup(base, ['Use Local Directory For Calibration Files'], $ /nonexclusive, set_value=[config.calibdir NE ''], $ uname='locdirena') locdir = dicw_fnfinder(base, value=config.calibdir, $ title='Please Choose a Directory that is the Root of the Calibration Files', $ sensitive=config.calibdir NE '', uname='locdir', /align_center) ;; Add the list of databases temp = widget_label(base, value='Hosts to Query for Calibration Files', $ /align_left) dbbase = widget_base(base, /row, /align_center) dblist = widget_list(dbbase, uname='dblist', xsize=15, ysize=5, $ value=sqlServerList2HostArr(config.sqlServers)) ;; Add the buttons to modify the list of databases butbase = widget_base(dbbase, /column) addbut = widget_button(butbase, value='Add', uname='addbut') editbut = widget_button(butbase, value='Edit', uname='editbut') delbut = widget_button(butbase, value='Delete', uname='delbut') ;; Show the gui widget_control, base, /realize ;; Register the event handler widget_control, base, kill_notify='dical_config_closing' xmanager, 'dical_config', base, event_handler='dical_config_event', /no_block END