DICAL GUI README ------------------------------ This file described how to use the DICal_Gui routine to perform custom calibrations. CONTENTS ------------------------------ 1. Running DICal_Gui 2. Layout 3. Performing A Calibration 3.1 Opening The File 1. RUNNING DICAL_GUI ------------------------------ To run DICal_Gui, you must first be in an IDL session in IDL 5.4 or greater. Then, simply run the DICal_Gui routine. 2. LAYOUT ------------------------------ The GUI consists of 5 main areas: Menu Bar, Module Selection, Module Options, Text Viewer and Image Preview Windows. 3. PERFORMING A CALIBRATION ------------------------------ This section outlines the process needed to perform a custom calibration. 3.1 OPENING A FILE ------------------------------ There are two modes for the calibration, single and batch. To calibrate a single image, simply click File->Open from the menu bar and select the .fit file to calibrate. To calibrate a batch of images, once again, just click File->Open from the menu bar, only this time select a text file containing a list of files to calibrate. These files must be specified one per line and must be relative to the current directory.