PRO guiOptions__define ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; PURPOSE: ;; Defines structure to describe which options have been selected in the ;; GUI ;; ;; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;; 2004-07-28 M. Desnoyer Created ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp = { guiOptions, $ mods:{activemodules}, $ ;; Which modules are chosen to be used outputs: {outputFiles}, $ ;; All the files to output infn:'', $ ;; Input filename doBatch:0B, $ ;; If a batch of files should be processed desmearalg:0B, $ ;; The desmear algorithm to use darkalg:0B, $ ;; Algorithm to determine dark to use (0=model, 1=interpolate, 2=file) darkfn:'', $ ;; Filename of the dark to use flatEna:0B, $ ;; If the user specifies a flat field flatfn:'', $ ;; Filename of the flat to use maxGapSize:0, $ ;; The maximum size of a gap in the data to fill compressfn:'', $ ;; Filename for decompression LUT compressEna:0B, $ ;; If the compression lut is user specified adcfn:'', $ ;; Filename for bit weighting LUT adcEna:0B, $ ;; If the bit weighting LUT is user specified lindnfn:'', $ ;; Filename for linearization polynomial lindnEna:0B, $ ;; If the linearization polynomial is user specified gainfn:'', $ ;; Filename for the gain gainEna:'', $ ;; If the gain is user specified badpixsfn:'', $ ;; Filename for bad pixel map badpixsEna:0B, $ ;; If the bad pixel map is user specified geomfn:'', $ ;; Filename for geometric tie points geomEna:0B, $ ;; If the geometri tie points are user specified mtffn:'', $ ;; Filename for convolution filter mtfEna:0B, $ ;; If the convlution filter is user specified visconstfn:'', $ ;; Filename for the VIS constant visconstEna:0B, $ If the visible constant is user specified specfn:'', $ ;; Filename for IR spectral map specEna:0B, $ ;;If the spectral map is user specified constmapfn:'', $ ;; Filename for the IR ST calibration constant map constmapEna:0B, $ ;; If the IR calibration constant map is specified hlambfn:'', $ ;; Filename for the Hlambda lookup table hlambEna:0B, $ ;; If a H lambda lookup table is specified spikeThresh:0.0, $ ;; Threshold for the despiking routine spikeIter:0B, $ ;; Number of iterations of the despiking routine to run spikeBox:0B, $ ;; How big a region of pixels to use for despiking spikeMed:0B, $ ;; Median is used for despiking. If not set, mean is used badPixsInterp:0B, $ ;; If bad pixels will be interpolated over missingInterp:0B, $ ;; If missing data will be interpolated over compressMeth:0B, $ ;; The decompression method to use mtfAlg:0B, $ ;; Algorithm for deconvolution mtfParam:0.0, $ ;; Parameter for deconvolution det:0, $ ;; Detector of the image to calibrate (none = -1) previewWnd:0L, $ ;; Widget ID of the preview window calWnd:lonarr(5) $ ;; Widget ID of the calibrated picture window } END