FUNCTION getSunTgtDist, hdr ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; PURPOSE: ;; Determines the distance in AU from the Sun to the image's target ;; ;; CALLING SEQUENCE: ;; D = getSunTgtDist(time) ;; ;; REQUIRED INPUTS: ;; hdr - Header for the image. Must contain spice data ;; ;; OUTPUTS: ;; RETURN - the distance in AU from the sun to the target ;; ;; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ;; ;; EXAMPLE: ;; IDL> D = getSunTgtDist(hdr) ;; ;; PROCEDURES USED (i.e. called directly!): ;; ;; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ;; 2004-07-22 M. Desnoyer Created ;; 2005-02-22 M. Desnoyer Calculated distance from info in the header ;; 2005-06-02 M. Desnoyer Return 0 if the distance is unknown ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Get the info from the header dist = dblarr(3,/nozero) dist[0] = sxpar(hdr,'TARSUNRX',count=c1) dist[1] = sxpar(hdr,'TARSUNRY',count=c2) dist[2] = sxpar(hdr,'TARSUNRZ',count=c3) ;; If any of the distances are -999, then we should really return 0 because the distance ;; is unknown IF max(dist EQ -999) THEN return, 0 ;; Verify that data is ok IF (min([c1,c2,c3]) EQ 0) THEN message, 'Invalid SPICE Information in FITS Header' ;; Calculate the distance in au dist = norm(dist)/149597870.691d; RETURN, dist END