pro dhwaveiter, lucy_image, B, raw_image, gain, con_var, fft_psf, niter, chimin, $ threshold=threshold, ndamp=ndamp, speedup=speedup, init=init, dotv=dotv ;+ ; NAME: ; DHWAVEITER ; PURPOSE: ; Execute multiple iterations of Lucy's method with hfilter wavelet ; filtering of residuals to reduce noise amplification. This version ; solves for the model (lucy_image) on an oversampled grid. It also is ; modified to include the constant readout noise in the iteration ala ; Snyder. This version speeds convergence using a conjugate-gradient ; approach. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; dhwaveiter, lucy_image, B, raw_image, gain, con_var, fft_psf, niter $ ; [, chimin], [keywords...] ; INPUTS: ; LUCY_IMAGE Current version of image (will be changed by iterations) ; (at least B * raw image size) ; B Oversampling factor ; RAW_IMAGE Original image ; GAIN Gain in electrons per DN (7.5 for WFPC). This can be an array ; of the same size as the RAW_IMAGE if the gain is variable (e.g. ; due to a strongly variable flat-field or to different numbers of ; exposures. Bad pixels can be eliminated by setting gain=0 for those ; pixels. ; CON_VAR Readout noise factor ; = readout_noise^2/gain if readout_noise is in electrons, or ; = readout_noise^2*gain if readout_noise is in DN ; This can also be an array. If a sky (constant or image) has been ; subtracted, this should be = sky + con_var ; FFT_PSF Complex FFT of point spread function (same size as lucy_image) ; NITER Number of iterations to do ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; CHIMIN Minimum value of chi-square (0 by default, i.e. just do niter ; iterations. I rarely stop at chisq=1.) ; THRESHOLD Threshold for noise damping. Roughly corresponds to ; difference in sigma where damping turns on. Default value ; is 3 sigma. threshold=0 gives standard Lucy method. ; Note that this is sqrt(threshold) for the old ; NDAMP Determines how sharply damping sets in. Larger numbers ; produce flatter likelihood function (more damping). ; Default is ndamp=10. This parameter probably does not ; need to be changed. It only affects the acceleration. ; SPEEDUP Speedup method to use: ; speedup <= 0 -> no speedup (standard Lucy iteration) ; speedup = 1 -> line-search (Hook & Lucy acceleration) ; speedup >= 2 -> conjugate gradient (Turbo Lucy) ; Default is speedup = 2. ; INIT Set to non-zero value if this is first call. Performs ; extra initialization when speedup=2. ; DOTV If set, displays results of each iteration. Default is DOTV=1; ; use DOTV=0 to turn off display. ; OUTPUTS: ; LUCY_IMAGE is modified on output. ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None. ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ; RESTRICTIONS: ; LUCY_IMAGE and FFT_PSF must be the same size and must be at least B times ; bigger than RAW_IMAGE. To avoid wraparound edge effects due to the use of ; FFTs for convolution, they ought to be bigger than RAW_IMAGE by about the ; size of the non-zero extent of the PSF. For efficiency in the FFTs, their ; sizes should be products of powers of small primes (powers of 2 and 3 are best.) ; PROCEDURE: ; The standard Lucy iteration is performed, but the differences between the ; data and model are denoised using wavelet filtering (HFILTER) as suggested ; by Starck & Murtagh. This retains significant differences on all ; scales but discards noise, so it effectively stops the iterations in ; regions where the difference between the model and the data looks like ; the expected noise. The acceleration is performed using DAMPSPEEDIT ; from the damped Lucy iteration, which is not exactly correct but which ; works well and avoids noise amplification. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Created by R. White in 1996 ; This version updated with some better documentation, 2005 April 25 ;- on_error, 2 if n_elements(chimin) le 0 then chimin=0.0 if n_elements(speedup) le 0 then speedup=2 if n_elements(threshold) le 0 then threshold=3.0 if n_elements(ndamp) le 0 then ndamp=10 if n_elements(dotv) le 0 then dotv=1 if (ndamp LE 1) AND (threshold NE 0) then begin message,'Warning: damping is ignored for NDAMP='+string(ndamp),/inform threshold = 0.0 ndamp = 1 endif if speedup LE 0 then begin message,'Lucy iteration with wavelet noise damping, no acceleration',/inform endif else if speedup LE 1 then begin message,'Accelerated Lucy iteration with wavelet noise damping',/inform endif else begin message,'Turbo Lucy iteration with wavelet noise damping',/inform ; special initialization for Turbo speedup -- first 5 steps don't use ; CG acceleration if keyword_set(init) then begin cglucy_restart, -4 message,'Starting with 5 accelerated (non-turbo) steps',/inform endif endelse temp=size(raw_image) if temp[0] NE 2 then message,'RAW_IMAGE must be 2-D' x_raw=temp[1] y_raw=temp[2] nz = n_elements(raw_image) temp=size(lucy_image) if temp[0] NE 2 then message,'LUCY_IMAGE must be 2-D' x_size=temp[1] y_size=temp[2] if x_size LT B*x_raw OR y_size LT B*y_raw then $ message,'LUCY_IMAGE must be at least B times bigger than RAW_IMAGE' temp = size(fft_psf) if temp[0] NE 2 then message,'FFT_PSF must be 2-D' if temp[1] NE x_size OR temp[2] NE y_size then $ message,'FFT_PSF must be same size as LUCY_IMAGE' temp = size(gain) if temp[0] NE 0 then begin if temp[0] NE 2 then message,'GAIN must be a scalar or 2-D image' if temp[1] NE x_raw OR temp[2] NE y_raw then $ message,'GAIN must be same size as RAW_IMAGE' endif ratio = fltarr(x_size,y_size) ; get normalization factor if n_elements(gain) EQ 1 then begin ratio[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1] = gain endif else begin ratio[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1] = $ rebin(gain,B*x_raw,B*y_raw,/sample) endelse norm = float( fft( fft(ratio,-1) * conj(fft_psf), +1)) zero=where(norm lt 1.e-3*max(norm)) if zero[0] ge 0 then begin norm[zero] = 1.0 ; Zero lucy_image where norm is zero -- those pixels don't affect ; the image anyway, and this will help speedup get a fast start. lucy_image[zero] = 0.0 endif ; blur initial guess and calculate chi-square fft_conv = fft_psf*fft(lucy_image,-1) lucy_conv = B^2*rebin( $ (float(fft(temporary(fft_conv),+1)))[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1], $ x_raw,y_raw) chisq = total(gain*(lucy_conv - raw_image)^2/(lucy_conv + con_var))/(nz-1) print,'initial chi-sq per degree freedom=',chisq for i=1,niter do begin ; compute residuals and variance (in DN) and ; filter them by damping differences rrr = raw_image-lucy_conv if threshold GT 0 then begin rrr = hfilter(rrr, (lucy_conv+con_var)/gain, threshold, ndamp=ndamp) if max(abs(rrr)) eq 0 then begin print,'iteration ',i,': converged, filtered difference=0' return endif endif ; embed the ratio in a bigger array (same size as lucy_image) with zero padding ; expand ratio by pixel replication back to oversampled size ratio[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1] = rebin( $ gain*(1 + temporary(rrr) / (lucy_conv+con_var)) > 0, $ B*x_raw,B*y_raw,/sample) fft_srat = fft(ratio,-1) * conj(fft_psf) if speedup le 0 then begin ; no speedup lucy_image = lucy_image * float(fft(temporary(fft_srat),+1))/norm fft_conv = fft_psf*fft(lucy_image,-1) ; bin in BxB blocks to get convolved model on same grid as data lucy_conv = B^2*rebin( $ (float(fft(temporary(fft_conv),+1)))[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1], $ x_raw,y_raw) endif else begin ; Call dampspeedit to accelerate convergence ; It updates lucy_image and lucy_conv new_lucy = lucy_image * float(fft(temporary(fft_srat),+1))/norm dampspeedit,lucy_image,temporary(new_lucy),lucy_conv,B,fft_psf,raw_image, $ gain,con_var,threshold^2,ndamp,speedup=speedup endelse if keyword_set(dotv) then begin dtv,lucy_image[0:B*x_raw-1,0:B*y_raw-1]*B^2 xyouts,0.05,0.95,'Iter'+string(i,format='(i4)')+' of'+ $ string(niter,format='(i4)'),/normal endif ; calculate chi-square chisq = total(gain*(lucy_conv - raw_image)^2/(lucy_conv + con_var))/(nz-1) print,'iteration ',i,': chi-sq per degree freedom=',chisq if chisq LE chimin then begin print,'chi-sq <= ',chimin,', converged' return endif endfor end